• Published 6th Dec 2013
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Vinyl and Octavia: Ponyville Duet - generalsnaz

After seeing an astounding performance by the charismatic Vinyl Scratch at the royal wedding, Octavia Melody travels to Ponyville to learn more about the DJ and her music. However Octavia ends up starting a life and a relationship she never expected.

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Chapter 22: An Even Less Expected Visit and the Great Revelation

Chapter 22: An Even Less Expected Visit and the Great Revelation

Octavia had to proofread Vinyl's apologetic letter to Frederick many times before finally sending it on its way. The rest of their evening together was relatively uneventful. Though Octavia lay awake contemplating the rumors about her family and her intense kisses with Vinyl, she eventually floated off into a dream. (Yes. You read that right: another dream.)

----{{{{Vinyl's home was filled with photographs on the wall. Octavia sat and cried in the middle. All the photographs were of her mother. They were all upset. Upstairs Octavia heard the sounds of two ponies kissing. Her heart pounded. She knew who was up there with Vinyl, so she turned and ran outside. She heard the pony come down the stairs. Their steps were quick and heavy. The clattering scared Octavia as she ran. The pony behind her was chasing her. Down the street was Octavia's Canterlot home. The door opened and Frederick was inside. The photographs of her mother in there were smiling. The clattering grew louder. Octavia tried to run to her home, but a voice screamed, "You're going the wrong way!" So, she turned and ran back towards Vinyl's home. The pony behind her was closer. "You are going the wrong way," the voice screamed. She turned and ran towards her own home. "You're going the wrong way!" She turned to Vinyl's. "You are going the wrong way." "You're going the wrong way!" "You are going the wrong way." The clattering from behind became so loud she could not hear the voice. The pony was upon her. She hit the ground with force. She felt the pony slam her face again and again and again and again and again into the pavement. She saw blood. It was her own.}}}}----

Octavia awoke, rolled over in a sweat. While her face still hurt from the beating it received in the dream, she placed a hoof to her cheek. It was not sore: she wasn't actually in any real pain. Quickly hopping out of bed, she hobbled downstairs to the bathroom. She splashed her face in the sink to try to refresh herself. After a couple of breaths, Octavia stared at her troubled face in the mirror again. She still didn't recognize the pony in the reflection.

'I was for certain I was through with these nightmares...' contemplated Octavia. She had been plagued with horrible dreams, fueled by her stress, since discovering Vinyl's sexuality. But she gave Vinyl a chance and for a straight week, she was free of them. However, the two of them had begun to kiss regularly at Vinyl's behest... and doubt began to cloud Octavia's heart and mind again. 'Everypony has nightmares. There is no deeper meaning here,' she tried to reason. 'It is not because I am hesitating going further with Vinyl... these are just randomly occurring dreams,'

'But maybe you should have gone further anyway,' a tiny thought in her head teased her.

Octavia didn't know how to respond to her own pestering thoughts. She wanted to reject it like she had for years, silence its annoying mockery of her. But she yearned to listen to it. All it ever told her was what she really wanted to hear. It was right. It always was. And it wasn't even a voice, really. It was just her own head, simply telling herself what she truly wanted. But it was so aggravating. What she wanted to do. What she needed to do. How could she choose? But she did make a choice. For years, she separated the thoughts from her rationale, but lately those thoughts had been winning.

Octavia came out of the washroom and looked around Vinyl's quiet, tiny house. It was so much smaller than her own in Canterlot, but... it was starting to feel like... 'My home? Can I truly change my life and move here to Ponyville? Should I? I have never thought I would live anywhere else but Canterlot... If that is not my intention, how long should I stay here?' Octavia worried. 'Father and Mother... should I return? ...If I see them and tell them what has been happening... will they ask me to stay in Canterlot? ...If I continue to live with Vinyl, I... may end up doing certain things for her... well, with her.' Octavia nervously rubbed her foreleg. She thought about what Vinyl wanted from her. It wasn't just going on dates or kissing. Vinyl would eventually want more. Octavia was afraid of going that far, but the concept itself didn't make her uneasy, which terrified her even more. 'I mean, I'm not... I can't be... Right? This is for Vinyl's sake... This is all for Vinyl's sake. I want to make her happy, so I'm... doing these things...'

Octavia shook herself. It was stifling, all these worries. "I need some air..." she mumbled when she had had enough. Exiting the house as quietly as she could, she stepped into the chilly night air. There was little light aside from some street lanterns, but the chirping of crickets and nightlife washed over her thoughts, which, for a moment, gave her some peace. Enjoying the cool breeze, Octavia strolled carefully in the dark for a short moment before noticing that Twilight Sparkle's tree/house/library was still well lit from the inside. No other home in Ponyville had any lights on this late. Octavia was simply going to make a mental note of the detail and move on, but she was struck by a curious and lucky thought.

'...Twilight completely changed her life when she moved here from Canterlot. Perhaps I can ask her for some advice,' Octavia realized. Perhaps talking about her relocation might give Octavia some clarity on issues, at least she hoped. 'Oh, but the hour is very late. I should not bother her... ...Then again, Vinyl mentioned that Twilight is a "night owl," so perhaps she would not mind the company...' Octavia uneasily concluded that it wouldn't hurt to at least see if she answered the door. Trotting up to the large oak tree in the darkness, she noticed that the door was slightly ajar, releasing a thin vertical line of light from within. Puzzled, she knocked and carefully opened it. "Miss Twilight?" she asked softly. The home was just as quiet as Vinyl's.

Unsure what to do, she looked around at the dark surrounding the house before calling a bit louder inside, "Twilight!?" No response. A heavy pit formed in Octavia's stomach. 'Did something happen to her? What if the ponies that broke into Vinyl's house came here!?!? What should I do? Should I call for help!? ...Maybe I should confirm the situation first...' Casting aside her doubt and fear, she stepped into the home and started looking around frantically. All seemed to be in its proper place on the ground floor, so she carefully tread up the stairs to Twilight's study. She found it empty and still very well-organized, save for the balcony window that was open. That chilling breeze of the night slipped in through it. Significantly more puzzled, Octavia decided to recheck the downstairs. Before she could make her move however, she heard a fluttering near the window and the thud! of something heavy landing. The sudden noise from behind her caused her heart to race and all her hair to stand on end. Her chest tensed up and her breath halted. Bracing herself for conflict, she turned to the direction of the noise and screamed, "WHO'S THERE!?!?"

Turns out she was screaming at Princess Luna.

The dark blue alicorn, Princess Luna, stood with imposing superiority before Octavia. Her mane shimmered and waved with stars mimicking the dark night behind her. Her mighty wings flapped gently before resting at her sides. She wore a crest of darkness with a crescent moon on her chest and a black crown atop her flowing mane. Though her expression was of surprise at the outburst, it quickly turned to concern. The Princess looked Octavia over for several moments before holding one shimmery, chrome studded hoof to her chest and answering royally, "I am Princess Luna, Princess of the Night." She turned her hoof to point to Octavia and demanded, "Who are YOU that intrudes on Twilight Sparkle's home and challenges ME?" Princess Luna opened her wings wide, making her point even more imposing.

"P-P-P-P-PRINCESS!!! I- I- I- I- I-" Octavia stuttered in baffled fear, confusing shock and complete, unhindered, excruciating awe.

"It appears my sister's pupil is not present," Princess Luna noticed as she looked around the room after Octavia could not muster a response. "And neither is her dragon."

"I- I- I- I- I- I-" Octavia continued to sputter, unable to form one single thought.

"And yet YOU, who can only speak the letter 'I,' is slinking around as though you have something to hide. Have you done something to Twilight Sparkle!?" Luna asked aggressively. "The punishment for such a thing would be most dire!"

"NO! NO! No, I- I- I- I-" Octavia continued (uselessly.) 'Why is Princess Luna here! I haven't done anything! Why is she being so mean!?' Tears began to form as Octavia began to sink to the floor in submission, which did not go unnoticed by the Princess.

Luna's expression softened as she retracted her wings and exclaimed, "Wait, child! Calm yourself! It was only a jest! A joke! I am joking!"

"...W-what!?" Octavia cried out, still befuddled and afraid.

"Oh, that Rainbow Dash!" Luna cursed to herself. "She assured me everypony enjoys being pranked in modern Equestria." Returning her attention to the cellist, she apologized. "I did not mean to scare you, citizen. I apologize." Luna bowed a little to show her regret. Octavia was able to catch her breath and calm down at the revelation. "Are you alright?" Luna asked once she saw this.

"Yes, I think I'm fine," Octavia managed to reply, her voice dry.

"Good," Luna said with relief. "I was... trying something that I have not done in a millennium, that was recommended to me. It did not go as planned..." Luna chuckled.

"Heh heh heh..." Octavia laughed nervously. There was an awkward pause. Luna was unaffected by the silence and Octavia still hadn't processed exactly what had just occurred.

Princess Luna took another look around before saying, "Hmm... Ill-fated pranks aside, I sense Twilight Sparkle is not here. Do you know of her whereabouts?"

"No, I came in because I was worried about her too..." Octavia explained. Her heart was still racing and the gravity of who she was conversing with hadn't settled in yet.

"Hmm..." Luna pondered with concern as she walked about the room looking for clues. Her stride was graceful and Octavia was mesmerized by it. Luna came upon Twilight's desk and peered down at her current work. After a moment of realization, Luna looked back towards the window she came in through. Octavia hesitantly tried to follow her gaze but couldn't decipher what she was focused on. Luna smiled before saying, "Ah, I think I know where she has gone. Come here and see." She motioned to Octavia to step next to her.

Octavia silently approached Princess Luna, her head hung low. Her heart was beating no longer in fear, but racing with nervousness. It was Princess Luna! Oh, how Octavia admired her! Here she was, and she was beckoning Octavia to come closer. Her body was slender and exquisite and her beauty was beyond legendary. Octavia blushed as she stood next to Luna, carefully raising her head back up. She wasn't that much smaller compared to the mighty Princess, but she felt completely dwarfed. Luna lowered her neck to speak on Octavia's level as she pointed to the papers and research Twilight was doing.

"Look here," Luna revealed. "Twilight Sparkle was researching Firefly Frogs: a rare nocturnal species native to areas around the Everfree Forest." Her voice was no longer boisterous, but dignified, compassionate, and intelligent. Octavia's nervousness was beginning to transform into glee. Her idol was a mere griffin's feather away! Octavia's body felt hot and her legs twitched. This wasn't an unfamiliar feeling though. She had felt it recently. With Vinyl... "And look there," Luna continued, motioning towards the balcony. "Her telescope is pointing down towards one of Ponyville's ponds. It wouldn't be unreasonable to assume Twilight Sparkle spotted the flash of light Firefly Frogs sometimes exhibit and left in a hurry to examine them up close." Luna then motioned to a small basket of a bed with a blanket upturned beside it. They both were the perfect size for a tiny dragon. "And I believe she took her assistant with her," Luna chuckled.

"Oh- Oh, that's a relief," Octavia sighed, though her mind was now far from worried about Twilight.

"Indeed. Although, I believe Twilight would have been able to handle any dangerous situation that she might find herself in. She is quite capable, you know, and very special," Luna explained as she walked a few steps away to leave some personal space between her and the cellist, much to Octavia's disappointment.

"Yeah, I've heard a lot about all the stuff she's done," Octavia said before kicking herself mentally for the friendly way she was talking. "I mean- *ahem* There has been much talk about the exploits of Twilight and her friends. Their talents and dependable nature, specifically." Octavia paused before remembering to add, "Your Highness!"

Princess Luna laughed a little. "You needn't force yourself to speak so politely to me. I have since adjusted to this age of ponies and the casual manor they address each other, especially in Ponyville. It is the 'hip' thing to do," Luna explained, using air-quotes. "Rainbow Dash assured me of this. Although, now, I am beginning to question her advice..."

"No, no, I do not typically speak in such blunt sentences! Not like Vinyl!" Octavia insisted. "I am from Canterlot. My typical vernacular does not involve such inarticulate, uneducated and non-specific words or phrases! I do not use contractions in my speech; I attempt to enunciate and use proper descriptions as much as I am able--!!" Octavia didn't really know why she was trying to explain all this to Luna. Maybe she wasn't thinking straight. (Maybe her eyes were spinning in a comical fashion.) "--and it is my intention to show proper respect at all times! It is simply that being here in Ponyville, with Vinyl, I've started to... it's become second nature to..." Luna kept her attention on Octavia while she spoke, but her expression was of befuddlement. Octavia realized that she wasn't helping her case with this nonsense, strategically gave up and sighed, "...Perhaps I am starting to adjust to it as well..."

"Heh heh. It seems we both have been changed by the ponies in this town," Luna chuckled as she approached, placing one wing comfortingly on Octavia. "Perhaps that is not such a bad thing." Octavia blushed some more. Luna's wing was gracing her back with its touch. She looked longingly at Luna's face, closer than she had ever hoped to be. She felt like she might fall into those gorgeous eyes. She felt compelled to launch herself into Luna and smother her. She wanted Luna to take her body and... and... (Oh, boy. The consequences for that would be most dire.)

'Oh, no,' Octavia thought. 'This- this isn't... Why am I feeling this way!? She is beautiful, like Vinyl, but I'm not- I can't be-! No! No! No!'

Octavia backed away from Luna to separate herself from the instincts that were bubbling up in her. Such tempting, unfulfilled instincts.

"Hmm. It is a disappointment that Twilight is not present. I shall return to Canterlot and call upon her another evening," Princess Luna announced, opening her wings and preparing to launch out the window. Panic gripped Octavia with tiny stinging daggers! She didn't want Luna to leave. She didn't want to think of the princess with such lecherous thoughts, but she didn't want her to go either!

"Why are you here!? That's right: change the subject! Why did you need to see Twilight!?" Octavia shouted, forgetting to keep the middle part exclusively in her head.

Taken aback by the outburst, Luna hesitated before answering, "I... often visit Twilight Sparkle in these late hours. She has become a companion to me during my lonely vigil as she is one of the few ponies who stays awake and truly appreciates the calm, tranquility of the night." Her wings were still outstretched, ready for takeoff.

"I like the night too!" Octavia blurted. "Your moon is very beautiful."

Luna smiled and relaxed her wings, indicating she was willing to stay and converse with Octavia. "Thank you, though I would not claim it solely as my own. ...What is your name, citizen? And what is your relation to Twilight Sparkle?"

"Octavia Melody," Octavia said plainly, skipping her usual 'Canterlot Quartet' bit. "Twilight is just a friend. I was coming over to see if she could give me some advice."

"Oh? Perhaps I could be of help, if you would allow. What troubles you, Octavia Melody?" Luna offered generously.

"You-! No, no! There is no need for a Princess of your grand stature to lower yourself to help somepony like me..." Octavia looked away, embarrassed.

"...There was a time I too thought such a thing was beneath me," Princess Luna stated solemnly. She gingerly looked upwards through the open window to the moon. It was nowhere near full: a crescent moon, but it was appealing in its own memorable way. "There was a time I separated myself from my subjects with great distance. If you know the stories, then you know how that ended for me." Luna gave a halfhearted smile. Octavia didn't respond. Bringing up Luna's betrayal and banishment was not her intention. "So, if you would, I can use this as an opportunity to learn to bond with my subjects. Perhaps, in that way, we can help each other. Does that sound agreeable, Octavia Melody of Canterlot?"

"O-okay," Octavia said, convinced.

"Then tell your Princess: what troubles you?"

"Well..." Octavia didn't know how to start or what to say. She had come to ask Twilight about moving to Ponyville, but that wasn't her real problem. The logistics of transporting belongings wasn't of any real concern. She was troubled about something much more fundamental. And personal. It wasn't even about Vinyl. It was about herself. What she wanted. She had so much trouble defining it, even though it was right there, on the tip of her tongue. "I do not know how to talk about it..." Octavia admitted.

"Hmm..." Luna contemplated as Octavia stayed silent. "It this about your nightmares?"

"No," Octavia answered instinctively. "No, they are not that much of a concern to- Wait a moment... How do you know about my nightmares?"

Luna was completely blank for a moment, like a deer caught in lamplights. "Oh... perhaps I have said too much about my ancient secret," Luna said, covering her lips a bit in embarrassment. (Busted!)

"What do you mean? How do you know what I have been dreaming!?" Octavia pushed.

"...Well, I suppose there is no harm in telling you... You would not be the first to know..." Luna said slowly. "I am the Princess of the Night, the darkness of the world is my domain and the moon is my charge. But that is not my only purpose: I am also the Protector of Dreams. It is my duty to monitor the sleep of all the citizens of Equestria and safeguard their slumber from sinister magics and monsters that can negatively affect them while dreaming."

"...Really?" Octavia asked, stunned at this news.


"So... so you spy in on everypony's thoughts every night?" Octavia asked, more with disbelief than apprehension.

"---! What!? No! No-! No, I would not put it that way!" Luna insisted, displaying an uncharacteristic child-like demeanor at the accusation. "I do not observe the contents of any one pony's dream, unless there is a dangerous situation that requires it. It is more like... I feel if their slumber is pleasant or troubled as I check for magical disturbances. That is all!"

"...I see."

"Yes!" Luna pouted a little. "*Ahem!* As that is, I can sense that you have had an increased number of nightmares as of late. Nothing magical in nature, mind you."

"...I guess I have... but- that's not really what's bothering me..." Octavia said.

"Perhaps not directly, but your dreams and nightmares are deeply connected to your psyche and can often reveal much about you that you may not realize. If you are having nightmares, they may be rooted in your problems in the waking world."


"I... have the power to resurrect those troubled nightmares from your subconscious," Luna admitted, like she was talking about a stroll through the park. "You may not be able to verbalize what bothers you, but I could gleam much from experiencing your dreams. With your permission, of course."

"Um," Octavia hesitated. If the princess could really understand through her nightmares, did she really want to show her what was going on? To reveal her own soul in a way that she didn't even understand herself? It was all very private. But... Octavia hadn't been handling her relationship with Vinyl very well. (Putting it lightly.) If left to her own devices, she would mull it over and over and no conclusion would ever really be reached. It had taken the prodding of some very helpful ponies to allow Octavia to take major steps along her path. Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Rarity had all assisted her in their own little ways. Octavia was ashamed that she needed so much help, but accepted that she was having trouble. The least she could do is reach out to accept help, if it was offered. If anypony could assist her, surely this Princess, this goddess, before her could. "Alright," Octavia said with determination. "Princess Luna, if you would be so kind as to read my dreams."

"Hold still then," Luna said smiling, as her horn glowed with magic stronger than Octavia had ever seen. She lowered the horn close to Octavia's forehead and spoke, "You may re-experience the nightmares again. Remember: they are not real."

As Luna said the words, the horn touched Octavia's head, and she was instantly consumed in a flash of light that was also, somehow, the thickest darkness she could imagine. Her mind reconstructed the dreams that she had forgotten mere moments after waking up, days, weeks ago. They came back all at once. They rushed past like a flash of lightning, but the details lingered like the aftertaste of a foul meal. The emotions and horror they gave her slammed her mind tenfold. They weren't real, but OH CELESTIA it felt like they were. So much so, it hurt. Octavia bit her lower lip to distract her from the pain. Fortunately, the sensations did not last long as Luna released her. Octavia collapsed on the floor gasping for breath. Luna, on the other hoof, was sent flying across the room. The Princess slammed into a bookcase and the impact jostled some hardcovers free from the shelf. They shortly fell onto the floor or the dumbfounded princess.

"Ugh... Well, I was not expecting that to happen," Luna mumbled, sheepishly getting up, loose books falling off her. Octavia didn't rise to her hooves with her, but instead wiped away the new tears on her face. "Hmm..." Luna hummed, eyes closed. She levitated the books back to their shelves as she thought and Octavia sniffled.

"Well...?" Octavia asked timidly after a while. She had gotten up now and though she was aware Luna didn't see her start to cry, she was pretty sure she knew already. It was almost like they were connected for moment when they were sharing Octavia's dreams.

"Mmm... Pardon my arrogance, but from my perspective, looking from the outside, your problem seems clear," Luna diagnosed. "But I can tell there is much turmoil inside you that is blocking what should seem obvious. And I am not entirely sure just speaking the words will convince you of the truth."


"So, how best to disentangle it for you?" Luna pondered for quite some time. She gently tapped her hoof to her chin in thought. Her eyes closed, concentrating.

After many moments of nothing, Octavia offered, "If it is such a bother... You... do not have to trouble yourself-"

"NO! No! I can- I can do this!" Princess Luna protested defiantly. "I simply need... a- a change in strategy!" She walked up to Octavia with determination. "I believe I have a solution! If words fail us, perhaps a dream might reveal what cannot be said. If you would allow me to place you in a dream, I can show you things that may help you."

"Do you mean you will be controlling my dream? ...I suppose that is alright... if you believe that will help. However, I am not that tired right now..." Despite the late hour, Octavia's adrenaline was pumping.

"I can take care of that," Luna said slyly as her eyes glowed pure white. However Octavia was long gone before she finished that sentence. The cellist had instantly fallen asleep with just a touch of magic from Luna. She almost collapsed limp on the floor, but Luna used simple levitation to lift her to a comfortable position on Twilight's vacant bed. "Now then, shall we begin?" Luna posed, mostly to herself.


----{{{{Octavia found herself standing in a white void. It was startlingly odd and she instantly knew something was amiss. This couldn't possibly be the real world: the ground, horizon, and sky were all the same pure white. But, this felt off; she felt completely conscious and aware, unlike the fuzziness and abstractness of a normal dream.

'Hello?' she called out into the emptiness. Her voice echoed as if she was enclosed in an empty chamber, though her pale surroundings looked as if they were so clear, she could have seen for a hundred thousand miles.

'Octavia Melody,' Princess Luna's voice emerged from no particular point of origin and echoed about as well. 'Do you remember why you are here?'

'Princess Luna? You were going to show me something... ' Octavia recalled without difficulty. She looked in all directions, but could not see the princess.

'Tell me, child, what do you think of when you hear the word "perfect?"' Luna asked. Her voice was gentle, yet at the same time commanding.

'What I think of...?' Octavia asked aloud from her body inside the dream. But she did not need to contemplate any: colors began to splash upon the white canvas around her. They appeared as though they had been hurled against the pale emptiness before they splattered, but not a drop fell onto Octavia. She watched with awe as the colors began to run down and join together and separate as if an invisible force was forming them into recognizable shapes. Finally, the revealed painting was of Octavia herself, in a classroom as a filly. She was receiving perfect marks on all her subjects and being praised by her classmates and teacher.

Octavia took several steps back as more illustrations appeared, each displaying more information than a still image should. They were all of her, excelling at various activities. Concerts, competitions, socialization, baking, debate, fencing and every other thing she had ever done in her life. She was always succeeding and had the attention of those around her. The last vision she saw was of herself standing at an alter in a wedding dress next to a pale brown stallion in a suit. She needn't look at it long, just a glance was enough to last a lifetime.

Octavia looked away from all the images, ashamed. She bit her bottom lip tightly, though she could feel no pain in the dream. As she bit, a vibrant red 'X' defaced the first vision. The red melted into the painting, ruining it forever. One by one the images were crossed until only a singular vision remained: her at the alter. Octavia peeked back and saw what had happened. She knew why. She had failed. She wasn't the perfect student. She was just good enough. She wasn't the perfect musician. She was just good enough. She wasn't the perfect socialite. She was just good enough. Everything she had attempted, she failed to be perfect at. Everything she knew her mother wanted her to be, she failed to be perfect at. But there was one thing left. One last thing she hadn't even attempted. One last way to redeem herself for her mother.

But when Octavia looked at herself in the wedding gown, standing next to that stallion, a heavy sickness filled her.

'I have seen enough!!!' Octavia shouted, averting herself from the disfigured images. They were wiped clean instantly, once again surrounding her with white.

'Let us try an experiment,' Princess Luna spoke again. 'Show me, what would you consider a perfect Princess?'

'A perfect... Princess...?' Octavia considered. '...She would be graceful, regal...' As she spoke, the colors returned, forming a singular image behind her. 'Intelligent, well versed in history, art, politics... majestic, awe-inspiring, valiant at times.' She needn't truly say those things out loud; the illustration revealed more than it displayed in this dream. Octavia turned around and saw what her image had conceived. It looked very similar to Princess Luna, but there were subtle differences that she noticed, mainly her color, her mane and attire.

'So, this is a perfect Princess?' Luna's voice asked.

'...Yes,' Octavia admitted, hoping Luna didn't notice it had the same face as her.

'Interesting. Note, however, that this is only what you consider perfection to be.'

'What do you mean?' Octavia questioned as the image was wiped clean again. 'If something is perfect it has no flaws.'

'Based solely on what your values are. Your view of what a flaw means,' Luna pointed out. 'There is no absolute definition, at least not in regards to ponies. For example: let me describe to you a different vision of a perfect princess from a pony other than yourself.'

'Somepony else's vision?' Octavia hesitated.

A new vision of a Princess was pressed onto the white void: a silhouette of a blue alicorn with wings raised high. Luna's voice explained, 'This particular pony envisions a perfect princess, not by her regal demeanor or her intelligence, but by her actions. The choices she makes for her subjects.' The horn of the alicorn visage glowed as an explosion of velvety blue erupted from it. The blackness instantly surrounded Octavia's dream form, creating a different kind of void. 'She would give her subjects a gift: she would paint their world with colors that were beyond imagination, impossible to be created by any hoof other than her own. They would be blessed by the limitless serenity given to them.' Spots appeared above Octavia, slight specks of light punctured the dream's sky, each appearing softly and quietly, but quickly. Their numbers were endless, thousands upon thousands. Octavia stared up at the wondrous display. She had seen this view before, but never so close and intensely. Luna's voice continued, 'Mesmerizing lights would dot their horizon, incomprehensibly distant, but forever enchanting. Fathomless knowledge could be gleamed from their faint forms.' Octavia felt a dominating presence behind her. Looking over her dream form's shoulder, she became eclipsed by an enormous circle of light. She backed away as the moon's form rose higher and higher into the night sky. 'She would gift them with a guardian: an eternal silent watcher that safeguarded them from the darkness. Would that not be wonderful? Would that not be the perfect action of a perfect princess? To gift your subjects such a perfect time? A Perfect World?' There was a pause in Luna's voice before she continued, 'Of course, this perfect princess's subjects would love her unconditionally. Her gift would not be ignored. By the contrary, it would be celebrated.' As Luna spoke, the dream was dotted with ponies of all types dancing in the beautiful world, singing praises to the princess before them.

Though she was still mesmerized by the visuals Octavia felt a slow sinking in her stomach, even though her body was a figment of a dream. This all sounded very familiar. Luna's voice was becoming... troubling.

'However... suppose that those this princess worked so tirelessly for... did not respect her gift.' As Luna's voice began to tremble, the dancing ponies began to melt. 'Perhaps there was another princess who painted their world as well, and those subjects loved her world more.' The painting of the night was wiped away as a new vision spread into its place as another alicorn silhouette took the spot on the canvas. This white alicorn was surrounded by ponies, flocking in thousands to bow before her. Octavia didn't need to look at it. She knew who this was. She read the stories. She knew the tale. She was afraid now. Luna's voice was booming. 'What would a perfect princess do? Wouldn't she have no choice but to force her subjects to live in the perfect world for all eternity, to show them how wrong they were to disrespect it? Would that not be the perfect solution!? Would that not be the correct thing to do!?!?' Darkness once again enveloped the world, but this time it was cruel and unrelenting. The paintings of ponies were brutally shackled to it. A terrifying buzzing sensation filled Octavia's ears as she felt the void shake and the shackled ponies cry out. 'Wouldn't she have no choice but to remove any who threatened her perfect world!?!? TO DESTROY THEM, NO MATTER HOW MUCH IT HURT HER!?!?' Octavia didn't see the blue alicorn strike down the white one: she already knew what was happening, so she looked away, closed her eyes, and clinched her teeth.

The shaking stopped. So did the buzzing.

Slowly the darkness faded, pealing away, releasing the endless masses of ponies. Octavia carefully looked around to see order restored to the dream around her and the tremendous weight lift. '...But that might just be one interpretation of what it means to be a perfect princess...,' Luna continued, her disembodied voice soft now. 'To a princess's subjects, a perfect princess may be something else entirely.' As she said this, the vision of the blue alicorn spread its wings wide and surrounded the colorful ponies, sheltering them in a massive embrace. 'A princess who would protect and serve them above all else: for they are weak, and she is strong. A princess who would never use her power to harm them. A princess who places their worth, their very lives, above her own selfish desires: for she loves them and they love her, even if they cannot show it at all times.' The canvas faded into the white void again, peacefully.

One last vision appeared. The blue and white alicorns faced each other happily. 'And to another... a perfect princess may simply be a sister who does not foolishly feel jealously against the one she loves the most...'

As this last vision faded, Luna herself finally appeared from the colors and walked gracefully up to Octavia. The dreaming cellist hung her head in shame, like she had seen something she wasn't supposed to, though Luna had shown her willingly. 'What do you suppose all these interpretations mean for you?' Luna coaxed.

'...I... For me...' Octavia contemplated, though her inner thoughts were now spoken aloud in the dream. 'If... there can be more than one way to interpret perfection... then...' The void around Octavia began to fill again, but the colors were not still: they were a wash of visions, glimpses of Octavia's life. Her past, all swirling around like the turmoil she always felt. They were blurry, though easily distinguishable as they moved around the void in directions that were not possible. All her aspirations, determination, admiration, doubt, shame, guilt, and debt were on display. Every failure, every success. Every reckless rationalization. 'I want to be a perfect daughter for my mother,' Octavia finally admitted aloud. She didn't need to watch the visions go by, she already understood. 'No, I need to be because I love her and... owe her so much and she deserves it, but... I had always just assumed that meant I needed to live the way she had. To become the kind of pony she is. To excel at the kind of life she has.' Octavia hesitated, but for the last time. 'To... to marry a stallion... Have children... That is what I'm supposed to do...' The twisting canvas slowed down as it focused on memories of Octavia's mother. 'But... that was just my interpretation of what it means to be a perfect daughter. I never even hesitated to consider what kind of daughter mother really wanted... the daughter that would truly make her happy and proud...' Octavia looked around at the visions before her. Every moment she had ever spent with her mother was on display in her field of vision. She watched as her mom smiled, laughed, cried, and showed so much love.

'And what kind of daughter is that? What is your mother's perfect daughter?' Luna asked, intervening to give Octavia one last push, gently patting her shoulder.

'A happy one,' Octavia answered. The tears that came from her dream figment's eyes weren't real, though they fell just the same. 'My mother's perfect daughter is a happy daughter... That is it. That is the only thing she ever wanted out of me.' The truth was right in front of her. Her mother encouraged her to succeed, not for the success itself, but for the joy it gave Octavia when she accomplished the things she did. Though she later shunned it, the praise her mother gave her was solely to make Octavia happy. They weren't lies, like she had come to believe. Her mother smiled brightly as Octavia shined, and shared her grief when she was solemn. And though Octavia was so focused on fulfilling her life-long debt, she failed to see what it was she truly needed to do. 'It doesn't matter if I'm flawed... faulty... or even a failure!' Octavia said with blossoming enthusiasm. 'As long as I'm happy, mother will be too, and that's... that's all I need to do!' She began to laugh with more relief than she had ever experienced. 'I cannot believe I was so foolish as to not see something so simple!'

'I told you it was obvious,' Luna smirked as she whispered in Octavia's ear. As the soft hum of her voice filled the dream, Octavia awoke, through a burst of white.}}}}----


Octavia was lying on Twilight's bed, over the covers. Her awakening was sudden and she didn't feel at all groggy. It was more like she had walked from one room to another rather than coming from a dream. The hour was still late and it would be impossible to tell how long she was asleep. Octavia quickly picked up her thoughts. 'I have been so misguided in my methods to repay my mother for all the love and kindness she has given me. I did not need to force myself to do anything I did not enjoy just because I thought she wanted me to. I did not need to put on that shallow smile through it all... I just needed to be happy. I just need to be happy!' And just like that, the river opened. Whatever dam was preventing it from flowing, erupted. All the realizations that came with it flooded out.

'And what makes you happy?' the voice in Octavia's head asked for the final time. Its voice appearing suddenly, its words sometimes cryptic, sometimes taunting, forever true. The harbinger of that river.

'...Vinyl. It's Vinyl! Vinyl is the one thing that makes me the happiest!' The river raged, spilling over its edges, eroding away ideas and thoughts she once considered immovable, unbreakable. 'And I ...love her! Her smile, her attitude, her kindness, her goofiness, her stubbornness. I love it all! And... it's not platonic, is it!?' As the river flowed, it broke the final blockade. The last bastion of doubt. (The final boss) 'I'm... attracted to Vinyl! I want to kiss her and I want her to kiss me! Every time she does I burst! When she touches me I want to cry in joy! The thought that I needed to settle down with a stallion for mother's sake has been holding me back. I was so wrong about that! Such a stupid reason! It's so obvious! I'm attracted to mares! It's always been that way! I like mares! That- that makes me-!'


Octavia covered her mouth as she cried to stop herself from bawling with relief. Her tears were happy as indicated by the massive smile she had and the laughter that was coming out. Luna had been silently watching Octavia finally rid herself from the shackles. That inner turmoil that had burdened her for her whole life finally stopped and her vision was clear. (It's about time.) Octavia began to laugh uncontrollably and wipe her tears away, although there were more coming down.

"Princess Luna!" Octavia finally blubbered. "I- don't know what to say. ...Thank you!"

"Mmm...? All I know is you had a lovely dream," Luna said playfully.

'I need to tell Vinyl!'

"I- I have to go!" Octavia said gleefully. She, with no hesitation, jumped off the bed and tackled Luna with a hug.

"Oh!" Luna squeaked, not knocked over, but not expecting the embrace.

"Thank you so much!" Octavia sung before hurrying down the stairs and bolting out the door. Back to Vinyl's house. Back to Vinyl. Back to the place she belonged. Her home.

She shortly came upon Twilight carrying Spike on her back as the two of them trotted back to the library, their hooves and claws covered with mud.

"I know I saw one, Spike. I know I did!" Twilight protested to her assistant.

"Then how come we couldn't *yaaaaawn* find it?" Spike pointed out sleepily.

Octavia didn't wait for them to notice her, she just ran up and hugged Twilight, startling her.

"Agh! What- Octavia!? What's going on!?" Twilight asked as Octavia squeezed her tight and spun her around much like Vinyl had done to her.

"Y-yeah, what's g-gotten into you!?" Spike added as he clutched onto Twilight's back, dizzy from the spinning.

"Heehee!" Octavia giggled. "I'm gay, and I love Vinyl!!!"

Author's Note:

This is the chapter I've been dying to write ever since I started! :D Isn't it just perfect that Luna was the one to finally help open Octavia up!? Nyuck nyuck nyuck!

This was going to be published earlier, but I decided last minute to rewrite a major chunk of it. Originally, Luna just talked to Octavia instead of putting her in a dream. But I decided to step it up to make it more interesting, and I believe that helped this chapter become much better.

It's been a conscious decision to have Octavia's mother be a vital part of her mental psyche and her hesitation for coming out, but not to have any obvious flashbacks or specific examples of her. I wanted her to be this vague idea of a character that's in the back of your mind, like an old friend you don't think of often. Don't know if that worked out to my advantage as a literary concept or not *shrugs* ...Who cares, it's fanfiction! I bet* there's gonna be some smooching next chapter!!! Whooooo!!

*I will win this bet.

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