• Published 10th Dec 2013
  • 2,885 Views, 74 Comments

The Fears of Yesterday - SolidFire

Scootaloo learns about a part of her past that she never knew existed (Sequel to Family Mares)

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Steel sat in his room. Silent tears began to sting his cheeks as he began to realize the possibility that everything his father had led him to believe could have been wrong. Ever since he had been taken into the care of the two mares that his father had convinced him were evil, he had been shown more love and hospitality than his father had ever shown him. He saw a family that he didn't know could exist, but one that he desperately wanted. He buried his face in his hooves. What was he supposed to do? When he was with his father he was lonely a lot, but at least he never had a reason to be this confused. Maybe Lightning could help him. He still wasn't sure if he wanted to talk to Lightning after the display this morning. Not after the display with the mare that hurt his father. Where was his father? A knock at his door interrupted his thoughts.

"Go away." Spitfire stepped in the door.

"Steel, what's wrong?" Steel fought back tears. He didn't want to look weak in front of her.

"I want Daddy back. He always knows what to do. Where's Daddy? I want my daddy!" He couldn't fight the tears anymore. As much as he wanted to deny it, he knew deep down that his father was gone. Spitfire sat next to the crying colt and wrapped a wing around him. He accepted the gesture and let himself sob. It was all he could do.

Scootaloo limped outside the school and spread her wings wide. As much as it hurt her hoof to walk as much as she had that day, she didn't want to tire her wings too much. She would need the energy for the flight home. She was about to lift off when the wretched sound of two preppy mares giggling caused her to cringe. The two bullies took advantage of the opportunity, thinking they were being witty. Scootaloo had to disagree.

"What's the matter? Hurt your wings in that fight too?" Scootaloo's ear twitched, her eyes narrowed, and before either Silver Spoon or Diamond Tiara could react, Scootaloo had them pinned to the ground in front of the school. She leaned over them, standing on her hind legs while using her wings to keep her upper body in the air.

"As I'm sure you can tell, my wings are just fine. But it looks like a couple mares’ faces could use some decorating." The pinned mares attempted to act tough.

"D-decorating? T-that's the b-best you can come up with?" Silver Spoon stumbled over her words, betraying her fear of the mare standing over her.

"Y-yeah, d-decorating? You really are as d-dumb as you l-look." Diamond Tiara swallowed after taking that risk. Unbeknownst to her she had just volunteered to receive the first hit from Scootaloo's good hoof.

When Scootaloo left the principal's office to discuss the incident from earlier, Rainbow was already waiting for her. Scootaloo lowered her head as she limped towards her mother.

"How long?" Rainbow had already been informed of Scootaloo's actions.

"Two weeks."

"You know we have to punish you, right?" Scootaloo lowered her head farther.


"Good. Your punishment is that you have to share your bed with a large, deep blue coated colt through the end of the week." Scootaloo grinned and decided to play along. She put a look of mock horror on her face.

"How could you!? That's... torture! Cruel and unusual torture!"

"Well then next time you'll think before you act." Rainbow Dash winked at Scootaloo. It was about that time that the mares on the receiving end of Scootaloo's rage left the nurse's office with Filthy Rich. The trio of rich snobs strutted over to Rainbow and Scootaloo.

"I hope you know there will be repercussions for this! I'll see to it that your daughter gets expelled from this school!" Filthy Rich was enraged. Rainbow laughed.

"Oh no! Scootaloo, did you hear that! He'll have you expelled! That means you'll be able to start your career early! Or even worse, have more time to bond with your brother that you didn't know existed until three months ago! Mr. Filthy, PLEASE have mercy on her soul!" Scootaloo knew that nopony on the planet was as fluent in sarcasm as her parents. She actually thought she could SEE the sarcasm flowing like a waterfall from Rainbow's mouth. Naturally, after living with that for seven years, Scootaloo picked up on her parent's abilities.

"The horror! The horror! Ma, please, make him stop! He could ruin me! RUIN MY LIFE! Silver Spoon, Diamond Tiara, I'm SOOO sorry I beat the hay out your pompous flanks! I don't have the slightest idea of what came over me! I know I'm supposed to bow down and suck your cunts every time you throw an unwarranted insult at me, but I just couldn't bring myself to be so pathetic!"

"I can't believe you allow your filly to talk that way!" Filthy Rich was fuming. "I will be seeing you in court!"

"Really? You're going to bring this to court? I mean, sure, you can get Scootaloo charged with assault or something, but how will that look on your company?" The sarcasm was gone from Rainbow's voice, replaced with a challenging tone. "I can see the headlines now: BUSINESS TYCOON RUINS YOUNG MARE'S LIFE OVER HIGH SCHOOL SQUABBLES. Yeah, that would look REAL good Filthy." Filthy Rich huffed. He knew Rainbow was right. He had just hoped she wouldn't call his bluff to his face. And he REALLY had hoped she would refrain from calling him by his first name.

"You are a perfect example of why fillyfoolers should not be allowed in society." With that he stuck his muzzle in the air, and on cue, all three of the rich snobs strutted out of the school. Even with the comment Filthy Rich left them with, the two mares still inside couldn't help but fall over laughing. Until Scootaloo hit her bad hoof. She let out a pained shout.

"You alright Scootaloo?" Rainbow lifted Scootaloo's leg to keep the injured hoof from hitting anything else.

"Yeah." Scootaloo grunted through gritted teeth. "But I'd really love it if we could go back to the sky. I'd love to be able to walk without limping for a while." Rainbow and Scootaloo headed out the door. As soon as they left the building and felt the cool mid afternoon air on their coats, they took to the sky.

"I'm telling you Spitty, we're rubbing off on her! She gave those pompous rich mules a sarcastic rant that rivalled any of ours! At this rate she'll be more fluent in the language of sarcasm than you and me combined by the time she's our age!" Spitfire grinned.

"Then I guess all that's left to teach you is how to scare away your daughter's coltfriends if you ever have one."

"Speaking of coltfriends, where's Lightning?" Scootaloo asked. Spitfire's grin twisted into a demonic smile. Scootaloo felt a weight in her stomach. "Oh no... Mom what did you do?"

"Lightning's brushing his teeth. He's been doing so every half hour since you left." Scootaloo bolted to the bathroom. Rainbow turned to Spitfire.

"What DID you do to him?"

"I shoved a vibrator in his mouth." Rainbow's eyes widened.

"Please tell me it wasn't used."

"No, it was that one we got the other day that we couldn't find batteries for." Rainbow smiled.

"Ahh, yes, the one we're gonna rig a strap to. That sure will make things more interesting at night."

"Indeed it will. I'm thinking...." Spitfire's ear perked up and she smiled. "3. 2. 1. Now."

"MOM! THAT'S BUCKING DISGUSTING! A USED VIBRATOR IN HIS MOUTH!? YOU ARE PSYCHOTIC!" Rainbow and Spitfire were rolling on the floor of the living room at their daughter's reaction to what she just found out.

"You told him it was used!"

"No, I told him it was 'freely tossed around'." The two mares laughed even harder.

"Scoots is right Wildfire, you ARE psychotic. But you know what they say about crazy ponies." Rainbow gave Spitfire a seductive wink. Spitfire took the hint.

"They're even crazier in the bedroom." As soon as Spitfire responded Rainbow began making her way to their bedroom. She stopped when she noticed Spitfire wasn't following.

"Something wrong, Spitfire?" Rainbow asked.

"Nah, I just think I should talk to Lightning. Let him know that I do actually like him. I think I've been showing the crazy side of me too much." Rainbow pondered Spitfire's statement.

"Yeah, you should. I'll be waiting for you upstairs."

"Always turned on aren't you?"

"Of course I am, Wildfire. It would be awfully hard for you to taste the Rainbow if I didn't give it flavor." Spitfire's wings fluttered.

"I'm gonna go have that talk with Lightning now. See you soon." Spitfire made her way to Scootaloo's bedroom. The young lovers had made their way back to the quiet room and the peace it provided. Spitfire listened in to their conversation.

"I just feel so... I can't get my mouth clean."

"Lightning, you used a whole tube of toothpaste AND a very large bottle of mouthwash in one day. If that won't get your mouth clean then nothing will."

"You know you didn't have to do all that. I was just kidding when I said it had been used before. It was completely sanitary. I may be crazy, but I'm not THAT horrible." Spitfire pushed the door open.

"Mom, what are you-"

"Scootaloo, would you mind going to talk to your brother? I'd like to talk to Lightning."

"Mom, I'm not letting you get alone with him for any-"

"I intend to apologize for my actions today." With that Scootaloo got up and left the room.

"Lightning, I'm sorry. Although hilarious, my actions this morning were a little over the top."

"Hilarious!? A LITTLE over the top!" Lightning was still dumbfounded.

"Look, we have different standards of comedy and boundaries, alright? Anyway, what I'm trying to say is that I actually do like you. And I want you to be with my daughter." The last sentence almost made Spitfire gag. It was the truth, but it wasn't a truth she ever thought she'd say.

"What are you trying to say?" Lightning was confused. Spitfire facehoofed.

"Exactly what I just said, moron! Anyway, I only do what I do because I tend to be a touch overprotective. You make Scoot a very happy mare. Just a word of warning though; you break her heart, I WILL hunt you down. Alright?" Spitfire made sure Lightning knew she was telling the truth with that last statement. Lightning smiled.

"Mom, I love Scootaloo. I would never do anything to hurt her." Spitfire smiled at Lightning's response.

"That's what I was expecting to hear." With that Spitfire left the room and headed upstairs. She had a new toy to try with her wife.

"Steel? Steel, can we talk?" Scootaloo pushed open the door to Steel's room. For the first time since he had been taken into the care of the Dash family, he didn't show a negative reaction to her presence. The young colt just looked... defeated.

"You're my sister... right?" Steel stated more than asked. Scootaloo smiled. It was the first time he had referred to her as his sister.

"Yeah, I am."

"Daddy said you were a disgrace to our family. That you left us to live with fillyfoolers." Scootaloo hid the hurt she felt at hearing Jade's words against her coming from her younger brother.

"Our father said a lot of things. Not much of it was true."

"But Daddy never lied to me! He always told me the truth, no matter what!" Scootaloo sat next to Steel and put a wing around him. She couldn't describe the joy she felt at having her younger brother under her wing for the first time.

"Just because somepony isn't lying doesn't mean they're telling the truth. Our father was an honest stallion. But he also was wrong a lot. Yes, I left his care to live with the two mares who own this house. Yes, they are "fillyfoolers" if you want to use that term. But they're good mares. And just because our father never could see that doesn't mean it isn't true."

"Are you a good mare?" Steel asked. Scootaloo wasn't sure how to answer that question. Sure, she strived to be kind to everypony she met, but only a few days ago she killed her own father and earlier that day she beat up two mares because she was tired of them bullying her. Was she a good mare? She gave Steel a warm smile.

"I try to be, Steel. I really do." No more words were shared between the siblings that night. None were needed. Scootaloo looked down at her brother. She thought of all the possible futures that could unfold for him. Everything he could do, everything he could be. Every opportunity he would have now that Jade wasn't holding him back. But would Steel be able to recover from losing both his parents at such an early age? Would he see that he was with a better family now and grow to love his new family? Or would he continue to be held back by the memory of what Jade had ingrained into his mind over the first six years of his life? It would appear that only time would tell.

Author's Note:

Disclaimer again, I don't take credit for this story, as it is an approved re-post from the original author, coupled with the permission of the site's staff. I was almost unable to get this one out today because... I just totally forgot about it.