• Published 10th Dec 2013
  • 2,885 Views, 74 Comments

The Fears of Yesterday - SolidFire

Scootaloo learns about a part of her past that she never knew existed (Sequel to Family Mares)

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Epilogue: Sealing The Deal

Epilogue: Sealing the Deal

Lightning always enjoyed the brisk autumn air against his coat when he flew. Few things ever felt better in his opinion. It was a bonus when he was flying away from the jewellery store in the stuffy, high class city of Canterlot. He couldn't count the ponies that were lining up to get his signature. Again, he cursed his distinct coat and mane colors. Even his tail gave it away. Most racers could mask their identities rather easily by covering their faces and cutie marks, but Lightning was a little more popular than that. It made him happy to live in the small town of Ponyville.

He chuckled when he thought about how much his life had changed as a result of moving there. His parents had wanted to get away from the attention one received being a famous racer in Cloudsdale. Lightning had no objections when they moved. He was glad he didn't. He had met his first true friend the day they arrived. That friend turned out to be the love of his life. He and Scootaloo had been together for the last seven years. Given their respective careers, maintaining a relationship was difficult, but they had made sure it wasn't impossible.

Lightning checked his saddlebag to make sure the small, felt covered box was still there. He gave a satisfied smile when he saw that it was. When he told his parents about what he had planned for the night, they embraced him and began showering him with congratulations. When he asked Scootaloo's parents if it was alright, they facehoofed and made him aware that it was "about bucking time." He had expected nothing different from the Dash family, but he still felt the need to ask. He WAS asking their daughter to marry him that night. It was only courteous. Ever since the now infamous "day of the dildo," the relationship between him and his marefriend's parents had changed. Spitfire had completely stopped trying to scare him, Rainbow had begun to police her to ensure she wouldn't go too far again, and Lightning felt as comfortable around them as he had before he started dating Scootaloo. Before he knew it he had landed on the porch of his marefriend's cloud home.

I gotta stop getting lost in thought, he thought to himself before knocking on the door. Scootaloo quickly answered and greeted him with a gentle kiss.

"Hey Scoot!"

"Hey Lightning! Come on, get inside! Dinner's almost ready!" There was another reason for Lightning to marry Scootaloo. She had quite completely inherited her mother's ability to cook. Lightning's stomach gave a low rumble. Scootaloo laughed. "I guess you got here just in time. Come on, I've got everything set up." Lightning felt a little odd proposing on a date his marefriend did all the work for, but he knew it didn't matter. She wasn't one to care how things happened with them as long as they happened. He did feel it would be appropriate to wait until after dinner. Ever since he smelled Scootaloo's cooking he had difficulty thinking straight.

After dinner, the two ponies sat in Scootaloo's living room. They didn't speak, they just cuddled with each other. Lightning decided if he was ever going to do what he came here to do, it was best to speak up now.

"Scootaloo, can we talk for a second?" Scootaloo's ears perked up. It had been a VERY long time since he had used her full first name.

"What about?" She was getting suspicious. Lightning smiled.

"Scootaloo, ever since I met you my life has been the weirdest, yet most awesome roller coaster ride ever conceived. I've loved every minute I've ever had with you." Lightning stepped off the couch. "I've loved the ups, I've loved the downs, and all because I got to share those moments with you."

"Lightning, what's going on?" Scootaloo knew he was up to something. She hoped he was planning on proposing. Lightning reached into his saddlebags and removed a small felt box. He opened it, displaying the most beautiful engagement necklace she had ever set eyes on.

"I'm saying I want to have a lot more moments with you. Scootaloo Dash, will you marry me?" Scootaloo couldn't speak. So instead, she let out an overjoyed squeak and nodded furiously. Lightning carefully lifted the necklace out of the box and placed it over Scootaloo's head. He leaned in and gently kissed her. From that night forward, their lives were going to change completely. Both of the ponies were ready to embrace that change with every fiber of their being.

Author's Note:

My gosh... it's been about twenty days since I last updated this, and THAT was all I had to go over! I'm sorry for taking so long everyone. College has gotten super busy this semester and I'm running myself ragged just trying to keep up the assignments that continue to fly in. I'm going to start the editing of the next story and the prequel to these as well.

The following is the original "author's note" from the story:

Author's Note

I can't thank you all enough for reading this story and my previous work. Knowing that you guys appreciate my writing is the only thing that keeps me writing. I love you all so much, and I ask that you stay tuned for the conclusion of the Scootaloo Dash story in the final chapter, "If You Hear Me, Let Me Know." I'd like to give a special thanks to my friends Cloudhammer and Dash Is Best Pony for their awesome job proofreading for me (The Lord knows I needed it) and to my friend Taliesin for creating the most beautiful cover art I've ever seen.

Again, I can't stress enough how much I love you guys. I pray that I'll continue to receive your support and critique as I finish off this story.

With showers of Love and Tolerance,


Comments ( 19 )

Great ending to this story and what happen to steel

For that question to be answered, you'll just have to read the next story. I'm just getting started on editing that one.


You're right, it was never finished. I'm debating finishing up the two other stories in this series, because the prequel and the next one were never finished.


Yes, the next sequel is coming and so is the trilogy's prequel. I just have to slowly work through them, editing like crazy.


Just to clarify, the Author did not take down the stories because he was afraid of it affecting his work; he was not in any sort of work environment at the time of his retirement. He said he felt his stories had lost all their value, that he wasn't writing them with the dedication he used to, and that he felt like he was wasting his (and our) time.

Which is a shame, because he was an awesome person that really deserved the recognition he got.

I could finish it. Or help finish it. He's given me permission to take over another story he had in the words before he retired. I'm sure he wouldn't mind it.

What's the other one? I don't want to accidentally step on your feet and post that one.


nooo! why must such good stories end so soon?!

thank you man, THANK YOU!!!! i spent my entire time in the summer reading these stories and i fucking missed them on here

3829744 I really can't wait for the next!!

Nemo? Uh, who's Nemo? It's been a while since I've been through this.


Comment posted by ROB24DOG deleted Nov 10th, 2014

5252667 Nemo is a song by nightwish

I know the author wishes to remain anonymous... But why does he not wan't to remember the fact he ever wrote this at all? Seems so strange considering that "Family Mares" is an absolutely amazing story.

5580591 poor evrey one

Will Scootaloo be badass in this story?

6335777 Where can I hear that song?

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