• Published 10th Dec 2013
  • 2,885 Views, 74 Comments

The Fears of Yesterday - SolidFire

Scootaloo learns about a part of her past that she never knew existed (Sequel to Family Mares)

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Scootaloo walked out of her school. It had been a long day. As usual, she was able to find Lightning near the front door. She slowly walked over to her coltfriend and kissed him. He had relaxed since his mouthraping earlier at Scootaloo's hoof, and was ready for conversation again.

"Wow Scoot, you look tired." Scootaloo sighed and rested her head on his shoulder.

"Long day." She didn't have much else to say. Until a particular rainbow maned pegasus found her. Lightning unconsciously shoved Scootaloo's head off his shoulder and straightened.

"That was a little rude now, wasn't it Lightning?" Rainbow asked. A demonic smile crept across her face.

"Ma, you are in SO much trouble for whatever you said to him this morning," Scootaloo grunted.

"You'll forget about that in about twelve seconds. We have to make a trip to the hospital. By the way, practice is cancelled today Lightning."

"One of my teachers told me that today. Failed to mention why." Lightning wasn't scared anymore, he was curious. Rainbow's smile changed to a tender one.

"Because your coach just became a dad."

Scootaloo and Lightning had to fly very fast to keep up with Rainbow. Lightning managed, but Scootaloo was no racer. She lagged rather far behind. She didn't care. All that mattered to her was that she got to see Soarin and Fluttershy's foal. It was earlier than the nurse had anticipated, but from what Rainbow had told her the foal was perfectly healthy. When Scootaloo got to the hospital, Lightning was waiting for her. While Scootaloo was completely out of breath from the high speed flight, he was perfectly fine. Scootaloo leaned on him as they walked into the hospital and found Fluttershy's room. Rainbow wasn't kidding when she said everypony was there. Applejack was standing by the bedside with her nose only a hair's breadth away from the foal. Twilight was resting her head on Big Mac's shoulder. Soarin could do nothing but stare in awestruck wonder at his foal. Fluttershy was soaked with sweat from being in labor, and a tired, content look adorned her face. Rarity could do nothing but smile widely. Rainbow and Spitfire leaned against one another, thinking back to when they first became Scootaloo's parents. Even Pinkie was unable to find words at the moment. Scootaloo rested her head against Lightning's shoulder. He wrapped a wing around her back.

"Congrats coach. What's her name?" Soarin looked up at Lightning.

"We named her after a very inspirational mare."

"Alright, what did you name her?"

"Aerial." Scootaloo didn't notice her birth mother was in the room when she did her head check. Tears of joy were falling down her face. Scootaloo left Lightning's side and hugged her.

"Looks like you have something of a grandfilly now." Aerial smiled.

"Yeah, I guess I do."

The Dash family began to find themselves quite regularly at Fluttershy's cottage after her foal was born. She and Soarin were great parents, but they were in need of regular shipments of Spitfire's cooking. These were usually delivered by Scootaloo, but quite often Spitfire and Rainbow would personally bring the family's rations as an excuse to see their foal. Even Aerial had made a few of the trips herself. One day while Scootaloo was dropping off some soup for Fluttershy and Soarin, a knock was heard at the door.

"Scootaloo, would you be so kind as to answer that for me?" Fluttershy asked. Scootaloo obliged. She was surprised to see Big Mac at the door.

“Hey Mac, what are you doing here?"

"Ah could say th' same fer you Scoot."

"I'm dropping off food for Fluttershy and Soarin. Now you get to tell me what you want."

"Ah'm just here fer Soarin."

"What do you want with him?" Scootaloo enjoyed pressing this issue. Exactly why was something she didn't understand, but the farm pony looked rather nervous at the moment.

"Ah need some advice."


"Hey Mac, what are you doing out here?" Big Mac sighed in relief when Soarin interrupted his conversation with Scootaloo. This was going to be uncomfortable enough as it was.

"Can we talk? Ah'm lookin' fer some advice ya might be able ta give me." Soarin smiled.

"Come with me. I could use some help collecting wood anyway." Scootaloo sighed. She was having fun with her interrogation. She closed the door and sat down next to Fluttershy. Fluttershy was gently nudging her foal's rocker.

"She's so beautiful when she sleeps," Fluttershy said with a contented smile.

"Yeah. Much better than when she's screaming." Scootaloo had been to the home a few times when the foal was crying. It was not pretty. Fluttershy chuckled.

"Yes, she can be a handful at times. But she's definitely worth the work." Scootaloo wondered if her own mother had been so caring when she was that young. A newborn foal in that family had to have been incredibly difficult. Scootaloo was about to speak up, but she decided against it. She figured if there ever was a time to leave somepony to herself, it was now.

"I'm gonna head out. Lightning and I are hanging out today. Want me to feed Angel before I go?"

"Oh, thank you for the offer Scootaloo, but I can handle it. You have fun with Lightning." Scootaloo opened the door to Fluttershy's cottage. When she stepped out she saw Soarin and Big Mac walking back to the cottage with piles of firewood on their backs. Big Mac's pile was significantly larger than Soarin's, but that wasn't exactly surprising.

"Come on Mac, let's grab a drink. This deserves celebration." Big Mac smiled.

"Sounds good ta me."

"Mind if I join?" Scootaloo joked.

"Scootaloo, if I didn't have to worry about your parents I'd be fine with it." Scootaloo laughed.

"I'm going to see Lightning now anyway. I prefer the thought of being sober when I'm with him." Soarin and Big mac chuckled as they set the firewood down and stepped inside. Scootaloo flew off to see her coltfriend.

Scootaloo relaxed while she burrowed into the warmth Lightning's body offered. He had draped his wing over her, forming a blanket of sorts. It was the usual when the young couple had found a place to curl up together. Today, it was a cloud overlooking Whitetail Woods. The the forest was beautiful in autumn. The Running of the Leaves had yet to occur that year, so the forest was alive with color. Reds and oranges and yellows covered the treeline. The skies were completely clear, save for a few stray clouds that floated in after the weather team had packed up for the day. The two lovers didn't speak, they had no need to. Words weren't needed at the moment and frankly they would have gotten in the way. They made the unfortunate mistake of letting their tails hang off the edge of the small cloud. Of course it was just a terrible stroke of misfortune that caused the rest of Scootaloo's band to walk by under the cloud. It was the drummer, Jimmy Rhythm, that first noticed the two intertwined tails on the cloud above them. He turned to his sister, Kitty. She played rhythm guitar.

"Hey Kat, do my eyes deceive me or is that Scoot and Lightning?" Kitty looked up at the cloud. An evil smile formed on the young unicorn's face. She looked to their bassist, ironically named Shepard Treble.

"Hey Sheps, you know that cloud clearing spell I've been working on?" she asked.

"Yeah. What about it?" When Shepard looked up he saw a grey glow envelope the cloud the tails hung from. The cloud disappeared and the two pegasi quickly realized they were falling. Lightning recovered in time, but Scootaloo hit the ground with a dull thud. Lightning shot to her side. The three unicorns that were watching fell over laughing... until they noticed blood coming from a gash on Scootaloo's forehead. They sprinted to her side. Scootaloo was unconscious. At least she faked it pretty well.

"COME ON MOTHERBUCKER, EVERYPONY'S GOTTA DIE!" Scootaloo was flying full speed after Kitty. Kitty's only defense was to dodge at the very last second, and so far that was working fairly well for her. But she was getting incredibly tired, and it wouldn't be long before the bloodthirsty pegasus took her down. Scootaloo was fueled by rage to the point where she had an unlimited reserve of stamina. Lightning had already taken care of the unicorn colts, although he wasn't nearly as terrifying as Scootaloo. His wings were fully erect as he watched Scootaloo go after Kitty with an unmatched blood lust. He couldn't figure out why it turned him on so much. As Scootaloo made a final descent towards Kitty, a purple glow enveloped her, saving the young unicorn at the last second.

"Girls, what's going on here? And Scootaloo, what happened to your face?" Twilight asked. She was on her way to see Big Mac when she walked in on the chase.

"Lightning and I were minding our own business on a cloud above the woods when this girl thought it would be funny to make it go away!" Kitty giggled. Scootaloo tried to fight against Twilight's magic, but it was no use. The older unicorn was far too strong. A similar purple aura surrounded Kitty and Twilight brought the two young mares face to face.

"Kitty, that was rude. Although I gotta admit, it would have been funny if nopony had gotten hurt." Kitty giggled again. Twilight tightened her grip around her. "But somepony did get hurt. And she is one of your closest friends." Kitty lowered her head. She hadn't thought about it that way. To her credit, Scootaloo didn't give her much of a chance to think it over. Still, she knew she owed her an apology.

"Sorry Scoot. I should've been more careful. You weren't supposed to get hurt." Scootaloo eased up a little inside Twilight's magic.

"Yeah, I know. I shouldn't have gone after you like that. Sorry." Twilight smiled and released the young mares. Scootaloo immediately proceeded to hit Kitty in the face with as much force as she could muster.

"Scootaloo, what was that?!" Twilight was mortified. Kitty got back to her hooves and grinned.

"Even?" Kitty asked.

"For now." Scootaloo responded and spit into her hoof. Kitty spit into hers and the two young mares sister hoofed. Twilight rolled her eyes. She would never understand those ponies. She continued on her way to Big Mac’s. She only had two more nights in Ponyville before she had to return to the university and she intended to spend every moment she could with her stallion.

"Umm, Lightning? What's up with your wings?" Kitty didn't understand pegasus arousal yet, so she didn't expect the question to be awkward for him.

"I... umm....."

"He got turned on when Scootaloo was trying to butcher you," Jimmy answered. Scootaloo grinned.

"You know, if you like violent ponies I've got some fun stuff back at home. You probably saw it when my parents-"

"I don't want to talk about that." Lightning's wings immediately snapped back to his sides. Fear quickly overcame arousal. Scootaloo leaned against him.

"Don't worry, they won't hurt you if you're good," Scootaloo said.

"So you're saying your coltfriend is bucked, that right Scootaloo?" Shepard asked. "I mean, if the most innocent colt in school tried to screw you, Lightning here has no chance at resisting the temptations you provide."

"I'll take that as a compliment on my appearance," Scootaloo replied nonchalantly.

"Or maybe on the way you walk," Jimmy added while giving a long look at Scootaloo's flank. Lightning kicked him in the muzzle.

"How about you think before you stare?" Jimmy quickly submitted to Lightning. He knew Lightning wasn't actually going to cause an injury, but a kick to the muzzle hurt no matter how hard it was dealt. Scootaloo playfully leaned against Lightning.

"My hero." Scootaloo faked a dreamy voice and fluttered her eyes. Lightning caught on.

"Jus' doin' what Ah can ta make th' world a betta place ma'am." Scootaloo laughed and kissed her coltfriend. Somehow, even though their date had been ruined by her bandmates, the day was still turning out to be almost perfect. Almost. Lightning smiled at Scootaloo before flapping his wings and taking off into the sky. Scootaloo followed suit.

"Where do you lovebirds think you're going?" Kitty asked.

"To find a cloud that's out of your reach," Lightning called back and flew into the sky. Scootaloo followed closely behind.

It wasn't long before the young lovers found a cloud suitable for their cuddling desires. Again, Scootaloo burrowed into the warmth of Lightning's body and Lightning wrapped a wing around her. As the two ponies watched the sunset, they heard a loud squeal below them. They didn't notice that their flight had taken them directly over Sweet Apple Acres. They looked down to see Big Mac adorning Twilight with an engagement necklace.

"So that's what he wanted to see Soarin about. It makes sense now." Scootaloo smiled and burrowed deeper into Lightning. He in turn tightened his wing around her. As the two watched Celestia's sun setting on the horizon, the world around them seemed free of troubles. Free of high school drama, free of Jade. For the first time in a long time, everything was perfect.

Author's Note:

Disclaimer again, I don't take credit for this story, as it is an approved re-post from the original author, coupled with the permission of the site's staff. If I can find some good spare time I might be able to leave all of you a bit of a Christmas present.