• Published 12th Mar 2012
  • 1,019 Views, 17 Comments

When Worlds Collapse - MoonShine

An alternate ending to 'When Worlds Collide'

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The final push

Chapter 13: The final push

Last chapter: “Mathis, you are a computer you have probabilities, you don’t need hope.” He corrects, the Malevolence then starts to have a large energy wave make its way back the ship, soon coming to the back and disappearing, the IRIS ship stops firing and the engines start to try and move but fails as the Malevolence suddenly rams into the capitol ship at the speed of light, the warp drive activated, the two ships almost instantly collide with the ground in a large inferno, a massive shockwave is created and ripples across the surface of the planet, knocking some of the ships out of the sky and disrupts their electronic, they then fall to the ground too, IRIS and SKULL.

The Malevolence and capitol ship still burying deeper into the ground as the Malevolence tries to pass through the planet with its warp drive. The ground starts to shake from the strong force, Thomas watches in anticipation, “Well that went slightly different to expected but we still have the upper hoof.” He says to himself before sitting down and grabbing the scotch, he then comments, “Give us your best Grand Inquisitor.”

<12 hours later>

IRIS ships have backed off after encountering the unexpected arrival of the remaining force of SKULL or now as it is known SEA, SEA ships surround Ponyville and Canterlot, shields are on constantly and fighters and mechs patrol the area, it was like a futuristic version of an Iron Curtain, nothing was going to get past. IRIS ships sit just off the horizon as a couple of ships join them, if SEA was to win they would have to do something and something quick as IRIS forces are constantly growing due to the base hidden in the ruins of Manehatten.

<Outside Thomas’ house>

Kieron and Moonshine walk up to the door, he knocks on the door and almost immediately an answer is heard from inside, he pushes the door open, they both walk in and are welcomed by not just the GM but another man is with him, “Hello Kieron...and Moonshine, oh Moonshine you will be interested with what is in that room over there...” he comments as he point to a room to his right, she looks at the door, makes her way over to it and opens the door, right away her eye open wide and mouth agape as she can see Treacle and Claire making out on the bed.

“Treacle, since when did care about sex?” she asks but is completely ignored by the couple as they rub at each other and lips locked, “Thank you Thomas!” she shouts back to him before rushing into the room and closing the door, a huge grin on her face as she does.

“Kieron, this is Talon General...” he says but is interrupted by Kieron who runs over to the Australian person and gives him a hug.

“Rylie Carter! I haven’t seen you in years, where have you been all this time? Want a sandwich?” he asks, Rylie shakes his head to the sandwich, and Kieron then shrugs his shoulders and begins to eat one.

“I’ve been orbiting Jupiter all this time after Earth got destroyed, it was heart breaking, seeing the world you have lived on all your live being suddenly destroyed, but at least I’m alive. Right, time to work, we have a war to stop, and some weird creatures to save, I mean how can horses fly?” he questions not understanding the new world.

“They can fly because they have wings, idiot. And they’re ponies not horses. Seriously, how could you not tell that if it has wings it can fly?” he asks him like he was an idiot.

“True, I never thought about the wings, and because of that I’m not even going to ask about the one in that room that has a thing sticking out of its head.” He comments, Kieron looks at him then over to the door that Moonshine entered and pointed, Rylie knods, Kieron then lowers his hands waves at Rylie.

“Don’t worry about it, c’mon, we’re suiting up.” He replies.

“Yes Kieron, you are suiting up, I want you to go to the IRIS base will all the Talons, destroy it, don’t even come back home if you have failed.” Thomas adds before the two of them walk out, Moonshine burst out of the room panting.
“Did somepony say something to do with destroying things?” she asks as she lowers her head to catch her breath.
“Yes Moonshine, I did, are you joining them?” he asks her as he raises his cane to close the door to drown out the moaning coming from the room.

“Hard choice really, having a threesome with those two or getting to blow things up.......KIERON WAIT UP!!” she quickly makes up her mind and runs out after then, getting a cramp on the way out and collapses but then flies out.

<30 minutes later, main mech hanger>

Kieron puts on his helmet as Rylie waits for him, he twists it to lock it in place, he walks up to Rylie and pulls out his sniper rifle to check it, as he does Moonshine walks up to them in full power armour, Rylie stares at her stunned by how she looks in the armour, “I’m surprised mate, that pony actually suits the armour, it’s like it was meant for war.” He comments, Moonshine looks at him, Kieron turns to look at her.

“You mean Moonshine? Yeah, she loves war and destruction. I’m thought everyone in SKULL know of her?” he asks, Rylie shakes his head.

“Nah mate, not me. Just knew about these sodden creatures when I got ‘ere.” He replies, Moonshine walks over to him and whispers to him.

“I’m his daughter and if you don’t be careful I might just do something you’ll regret.” Rylie rears his head to look at her, but then pushes her back with his hand on her face.

“Mate, I’m a Talon general, you don’t have shit on me, and I could snap ya right ‘ere.” He comments as he pushes hard to get her back, she lands on her rump and immediately gets up and dashes at him, hitting him in the chest with both front hooves knocking him back by a few metres but staying on his feet.

“Hay, pack it in you two, I don’t want any fighting on our own team, and IRIS is the enemy here, not each other.

Moonshine you know better....well, maybe not but you definitely do Rylie.” Kieron barks at both of them, Moonshine slowly lands on the floor while he holsters his weapon, he walks over to her and grabs round her mouth, “One more slip up and I will find a way to permanently torture you, you’re getting on my tits.” He adds, Moonshine raising an eyebrow.

Muffled she replies, “Ok, but you don’t have tits.” Kieron sighs and looks down before letting go and walking into the docked mech, Ambush. Moonshine then walks past Rylie who watches her as his helmet unfolds around is head, she walks over to the mech next to Ambush, Reaper, and gets into it, both mechs then close and power-up. Rylie stood watching as he can’t believe that the creature not only has its own armour but also has a mech of its own. He shakes his head before walking over to a large transport dropship and closes the door as all the other Talons sit in their allocated seats.

The hanger doors open and the dropship leave with not just Ambush and Reaper alongside it but instead a whole battalion of mechs, 30 in total, all of them piloted by Talons, the huge force quickly pass by Cloudsdale city centre before all of them activate their overed boosts and shoot towards Ponyville, soon reaching it and pass right by, ponies watch as they fleet rush past at alarming speed, the floor even shaking slightly from the passing mechs. Some ponies roar with cheer as they watch, it was a huge moral boost for them to see SEA and Equestria putting up a good fight.

The dropship and mechs start to approach the SEA ships that protect the village and castle, they pass right by, waiving in and out of the ships, they then head for the IRIS ships that sit just off the horizon, at their speed they quickly come into firing range of the ships, all the mechs scatter to draw the fire away from the dropship, the ships start to attack with everything they have thinking it is an attack on them, the mechs dodge and return fire, being too small a target for the large ships to hit.

As Ambush head right for a ship Kieron gets a strange feeling within him, he then hears a voice in his ear, “You wish to bring harmony, let us help.” He looks about for the voice but then his vision blur before coming back with a red overlay and he can see in one eye the open area behind the ships, he concentrates on it and a glow starts to emit fro Ambush as the Elements use their power to aid him, soon all the mechs plus dropship start to glow and after about five seconds they disappear in a flash of light, only to appear on the other side of the ships, Kieron quickly calls all of the mechs to get back into formation and they continue to the base with no clue of what happened.

“Thank you Elements, you may have just helped us win this war.” He thanks then as his vision blurs once more before returning to normal.

“You are the superior one, we thank you for allowing us the ability to fight and serve, you are welcome.” They thank him, all six voices in his head. He then looks out of the window in front of him and heads for the base.

<1 hour later>

The base comes into sight and Kieron calls for a full stop. All the mechs halt as they look at the dust covered base, it was huge, “This is Overseer Fox, I require some backup, the hostile base is larger than expected, orbital strike should help us.” He orders, a voice on the other end of the communication confirms and a few minutes later a large beam emits from space and decimates half of the base, all the mechs then charge at full speed towards the base, Ambush stays and watches them go, a small screen appear on his HUD, “Thank you dear.” He says to the figure on the screen.

“It’s alright; I like to help anypony who helps us first. Would you like me to join you?” the figure asks.

“If you wish to princess, not my choice to make.” He replies, Luna then uses her magic and her armour unfolds around her, she then uses her magic again, teleports to above the base and drops down into the base, the dropship landing at exactly the same time to provide assistance, the mech flying overhead and firing on it as others hold back and bombard it.

Two large beams then fire from behind Kieron, Ambush turns and he can see two SEA ships that have got past the IRIS ships and are opening fire on the base to assist them.

<Cloudsdale, Thomas’ house>

Treacle and Claire slowly come out of the room to see light flashing from the window and against Thomas’ face, he looks over to them and smiles, “Good to see you two not fighting any more but when I say make up, I don’t mean like that. I meant to become friends....looks like you became very good friends.” He sniggers as he comments, and then adds, “I’m sorry but it is very funny, there is a war going on out there and you two are shagging each other.”

They stand and look at him, he lifts his glass and shakes it a little, Claire gets the hint and walks over to the alcohol cabinet, pulls out a bottle, walks over to him and pours it into his glass, she then puts the bottle down on the on the table next to him.

Treacle walks up to him, licks her lips and then, still under the influence of the pleasure, give him on the cheek, he right away grabs her round the mouth and shakes his head, Claire hadn’t even noticed as she was sorting the alcohol cupboard, somebody had been in and took a bottle as she rubs her hoof over the patch of clean area surrounded by dust.

“You silly man, you’re meant to let me kiss you not cover my mouth.” Treacle says as she pulls his hand off, Claire looks over and can see Treacle’s back half with her front half blocked by Thomas’ chair. Treacle’s back-end wobbling as tries to keep stood up, Claire then knew that she was drunk, “Right, let’s...let’s try again, you’re meant...meant to kiss back this time.” She says as she closes in on him, his face full of fear as he doesn’t know how to handle the situation, Moonshine was bad enough, now he’s got her sister on him, drunk.

Claire quickly dashes over to the chair and tackles Treacle to the ground, “No, you don’t kiss him. He isn’t meant to be kissed by anypony, you, me, Celestia, nopony at all.” She explains before getting up but keeping her pinned to the floor.

“Oo, lookey here, two ponies...two and they both look the same, are you twins?” Treacle asks as she sees double for a short moment, Claire confused by the remark.

“Never mind THAT, are you drunk?” she question, Thomas leans over the arm of the chair and looks at the two ponies to his left.

“Do you mind, I am trying to drink here, Treacle you go to bed and please don’t ever try to kiss me again, Claire you can pull up a chair and sit with me for a bit.” He says, Claire then grabs at one of Treacle’s hooves and drags her into the room they came from as she looks about and giggles like a little foal, her head dazed and scrambled.

Once at the door, she opens it, drags Treacle in and then leaves her on the floor, walks out, closes the door, walks over to a chair at the far end of the room and places it next to Thomas and sits down next to him, she rests her head on the side of the chair and imagines to be Thomas himself, Thomas staring out of the window at the raging battle with glass in hand against his bottom lip.


The battle continues to rage on as the sun slowly sets behind the horizon, the red glow from the sun bounces off the many ships in the sky and off the many mechs and fighters like they themselves were glowing red, Celestia is sat on her balcony admiring the strange beauty of the glow against the machines that fill the sky with death, weapons and destruction. For some reason she starts to get a tear in her eye with happiness from the beauty, as the tear rolls down her cheek, Luna walks into the room and she quickly wipe the tear away to hide.

“Sis’ time for the night, I hope that SEA can hold off IRIS long enough to survive the night, the low light won’t help.” Luna says as she searches the room for her sister.

“I’m out here Luna...” she says whilst waving a hoof out to her side for Luna to see, “I’m just sat watching the battle, urging SEA on, as you do.” She adds, Luna peeks round to see her sat, she runs out the room and pushes in a trolley which is covered by a large cloth, she pushes it over to the balcony silently without ‘Tia hearing it, she pulls the cover back slightly and grabs a knife and something else, slowly walks towards ‘Tia, raises her hoof with the knife in tight grasp and suddenly thrusts down.

‘Tia gasps as she felt something behind her and heard a thud, she turns to be presented with a large knife, she looks about in confusion then notices the large cake in Luna’s hoof with the knife poking out of the top, “Happy Birthday sis’, you’re now however old you are, I’ve lost count, sorry. But here’s your cake, I put a hidden secret inside for you.” She says as she closes her eyes and tilts her head.

“Umm...tha...thanks Luna, I’m sorry, you just startled me, I mean you had a knife and you were against us not long ago, I’m dreadfully sorry, thank you for the cake, it’s beautiful.” She thanks before taking the cake, putting it on the balcony floor and cutting off a slice for Luna to have then a piece.

“I still am...” she replies before stuffing her mouth full of cake to hide what she said.

“What did you say dear, you mumbled, I didn’t hear you properly?” Celestia asks, she looks at her sis’ to see her mouth full of cake, Luna points at her mouth and shrugs her shoulders, swallows and shoves another load into her mouth before ‘Tia could ask her again, “Slow down, there’s plenty of it to last us, we will live to see tomorrow, just slow down a bit or else you’ll give yourself indigestion.” She claims before using her magic to lift the cake and takes a bite, she drops it and a shocked expression forms on her face, “Luna, was this the surprise?” she asks as she pulls out a small tablet from her mouth, Luna shakes her head innocently.

She throws the tablet away and looks down to see the cake squished on the floor after dropping it, she turns and cuts another piece only to see something inside, Luna’s eyes twinkle as she watches with great interest, “Luna, what is that!? WHY DID YOU?!” she asks, Luna face beaming, ‘Tia grabs the object and pulls it out, the cake sinks slightly.

She lifts it to her face and Luna bursts out laughing with cake spluttering from her mouth, “You put a banana in the cake, a whole banana?” she asks as Luna is rolling of the floor, killing herself with laughter. The laugh starts to get a bit contagious as Celestia starts to giggle not knowing the joke at first but then realises something, “Oh, now I see. You put the banana in the cake because I always joke with bananas, so you decided to do a joke with one, I get it now...” she remarks understanding the joke now.

“That was a pretty good little joke...” she adds before putting on a rather serious face, “...But for that you must go to the moon.” Luna immediately stops laughing and begs her not to, ‘Tia keeps a serious face, trying not to succumb to the cuteness of Luna’s face as she begs for mercy, after about a few minutes of begging she bursts out laughing, “Gotcha.” She says before falling back, front legs wrapped around her belly, Luna confused at first but then isn’t amused by it and uses her magic to electrocute ‘Tia a little before walking out in a strop, ‘Tia laughing so hard she gets a cramp in her side.


The two ships continue to fire on the base as it tries to set up defences with shield generators, but they fail as the Talons blow them up from the inside, Kieron hovering in the air to watch everything go on and to check if everything is going to plan, a couple of IRIS destroyers then suddenly appear above the base, Kieron enters cloaking and rushes down to the base, both the SEA and IRIS ships start to fight each other.

Ambush crashes through the roof of the base and lands in a barracks, he starts to open fire on them with machinegun fire, the ammo runs out soon after as there are too many enemies, the bulkhead armour then shuts over the ‘eyes’ and the assault armour activates destroying everything around him in a 30 metre radius, Kieron then opens the core and jumps out and runs off for the main generator supply room, he was going to blow the base up, all IRIS bases have a foolish button that activates a self-destruct system, that button is what he is going to press.

In another part of the base Moonshine sees that Ambush is gone and she looks about frantically for Kieron, “KIERON!” she shouts as she runs down the many corridors in the base, shooting at any IRIS soldiers that get her way and almost Rylie as she bumps into him.

“Got bad news pony, Kieron isn’t responding, I think he’s gonna blow this place up, I’ve called for a full retreat, I think you should to mate.” He order as he turns and fires on some soldiers before pushing at Moonshine to get her going, all the Talons in the base begin to head back to the dropship as the mechs take off and head away from the base, Kieron looming ever closer to the generator room with every second that passes by, Moonshine can feel a sort of grief filling her as she runs the opposite way towards her mech with Rylie close behind her.

Kieron reaches the room and stops as he sees the button, he walks over to it and waits, he closes his eyes and listens, the Elements kicking in allowing him to hear small noises and far distances, he can hear the footsteps of the Talons running for the dropship and their weapons being thrown down in the dropship, he can also hear Moonshine shouting at Rylie to go back but Rylie not letting her and then activating the mech to go back to Cloudsdale, the boosters roar as the core closes, Rylie runs over to the dropship and closes the door, Kieron can ever hear the screams coming from the mech as it takes off.

Tears roll from her eyes as the mech takes off and heads back to Cloudsdale the other mechs following closely along with the dropship, Kieron presses the button and the countdown initiates, he then pulls out a handheld computer and hacks the system to explode now.

His finger hovers over the button to activate it, “I’m sorry Moonshine, tell Treacle I love her and take care of yourselves.” He says to himself before pressing the button, the base begins to shake as explosions start up around the base, a large antimatter reactor in the centre of the base then detonates, the resulting explosion engulfs the entire base and the two IRIS ships before swallowing in on itself and then bursting outwards with a faint shockwave.

Cries of sorrow erupt from Moonshine’s mech as she watches the base blow up, the base now in complete ruins, it soon goes out of sight as the dust covers it from view and the SEA ships block her view as they join them behind the mechs.

<30 minutes later, Cloudsdale>

All the mechs dock in the hanger along with the dropship, the ships then take position over Ponyville to patrol the area once more, as soon as the mechs dock the cores open and the Talons jump out and walk out as they begin to relax, Moonshine on the other hand is banging on the consoles inside her mech, “LET ME GO BACK!!” she shouts to no-one in particular, Rylie then runs over to the mech via the gangway and pulls her out of the mech as she holds on to the console panel, not wanting to go.

“I’m sorry Moonshine but we can’t stop what has happened.” He says as he finally manages to get her free of the mech and drags her out of the hanger, once out he sits down on some steps and gives her the biggest hug ever. Treacle, Claire and Thomas are walking towards the facility as they saw the returning force.

“Rylie, is it done?” Thomas asks as they walk closer, he stops as he notices that Moonshine is crying, “What happened?” he asks.

Rylie looks at him that could only mean one thing, Moonshine still crying at full blow, Rylie then replies with a quiet voice, “He didn’t make it.”