• Published 12th Mar 2012
  • 1,019 Views, 17 Comments

When Worlds Collapse - MoonShine

An alternate ending to 'When Worlds Collide'

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Return of nightmare: part 2

Return of nightmare: part 2

Last chapter: “You know princess, there IS one thing I like better than sex, believe it or not...” she says as she turns to lay with her head hanging off the edge looking down at the princess, “I love to cause others pain and suffering, nothing pleases me more than to see other in pain, you the most.” She explains as she puts the scissors to her tongue and slides it along her tongue as she licks the blood off, cutting her tongue quite deeply but thinks nothing of it, not even a slight cringe. She then pulls the scissors from her mouth and drops them, “Our little fight was fun but I’m afraid I have to go, I will come back to play some more.” She says before flying out of the room laughing.

Celestia watches as she flies off, “What is going on here, why is everypony trying to kill me?” she asks herself.

<Next morning>

Celestia wakes up and lifts her head off of her pillow to have the sun shining in through the balcony doors onto her face, she pushes the covers back and takes a look at the wound on her back leg, the wound had scabbed over and was no longer bleeding, she gets out of bed and walks over to her trashed make-up closet and crouches down to look into the shattered mirror, she looks into a large enough piece to see her own face, the slice across her eye was scabbed over but still fresh.

She walks up to the balcony and opens the door, she looks to her right over to Luna’s balcony expecting to see her sister sat out on it but nopony was there, she looks down as her heart sinks with grief. She lifts her head back up and looks over to Ponyville to see it calm and peaceful like it normally is before the damn humans arrived, she then suddenly remembers about something she needed to do.

She dashes over to the TV, presses a button to be greeted by Veronica, “Veronica, I want to update the reports, Moonshine has turned, please warn all ponies about her.” She order, veronica knods and immediately an echo can be heard from outside as the speaker towers around Canterlot and Ponyville begins to speak.

“Warning all ponies, we have a new update on the reports, a pony known as Moonshine has turned, she is now one of SKULL, if she is seen please head for the nearest alarm tower.” She says as a holographic screen unfolds from the speaker towers and shows an image of Moonshine, in Ponyville Twilight walks up to one of the towers and replies.

“Wait Veronica.” All the tower screens then change to show and image of Twilight stood apart from the screen she was speaking to, “I have an update too, Treacle Tart, she was converted last night, she is now part of SKULL, I barely got away.” She adds as the screen zooms in to see that she has a large scar across her cutiemark and a smaller one on her cheek.

Celestia appears on the screen that twilight is talking to and asks, “Treacle Tart? Are you sure about this Twilight?” she knods to confirm it as Applejack walks up beside her with part of her mane torn.

“I can confirm that princess, Twi here was attacked pretty badly.” She confirms as she puts a hoof on Twilight’s back to comfort her, Celestia looks down as she thinks about it.

“It would seem things are just getting worse but the day.” She says before looking back at the screen as an image of Treacle appears in the corner of ever screen, “Veronica, put Ponyville in full lockdown, I want Havoc mechs patrolling it, guards mech guarding the streets and I want you to start taking supplies to every remaining town, village and city that stands so we start forming a resistance, I fear that SKULL my strike soon.” She orders before the screens go black and fold up back into the speaker towers.

Twilight and Applejack look over to the mech facility as some loud mechanical noise come from it, a couple of minutes later a havoc walks out and heads for Ponyville, then about five minutes later another one walks out.

<Fenrir, weapons bay>

Kieron walks in by himself, no-one knows where he is, he walks round to Luna to see her still tied up, her hooves now got red mark on them from the metal straps, he puts his hand on her face as she has her head hanging as she is asleep, he uses his hand to lift her head up to get a good look at her, her eyes closed and her mouth hanging down, her breath warm against his face, he closes his eyes as he feels her breath on his skin, he slowly opens them to look her once more before using his other hand to stroke her mane, after a few strokes he grabs a clump of her mane and tug hard.

She wakes up suddenly and immediately starts to call out in pain, her head leaning to the side to where he is pulling, she opens her eyes to look down at him with her eyes, he grabs the top of the table and puts his legs against the table so that he is lifted off the floor and comes face to face with her.

“Princess Luna......You are so beautiful...and here you are being used as our weapon, I think you’re a laugh. You aren’t merely powerful enough to be Celestia’ sister, you should be ashamed to call yourself a princess.” He insults her as he tug tighter causing her to groan, even pull back a little only for him to pull more, almost ripping some of her mane off.

“Well, I AM a princess so deal with it, or would you rather me prove it?” she asks him as he rips out a little of her mane, tears in her eyes from the sharp pain.

“Well, that would be very fun but you won’t be going anywhere, you are tied to this machine.” He says as he taps on one of the straps around her hoof, she looks down at the straps and starts to concentrate even if she was still a little weak, her horn glows from under the devise stuck to it, Kieron looks at her and sees the straps starting to give slightly, he then looks at her, his power armour unfolds around him and he punches her in the face to divert her concentration, the straps stop giving way and he drops down to start and tighten them again, her head hanging as she is knocked out.

As soon as he finishes with the straps he walks past her and to the door, “You are such a laugh, I can’t wait to fight you for real, and then you can prove how powerful you claim to be.” He says before stepping out and the doors close behind him.

<30 minutes later>

Kieron walks onto the bridge and the Grand Inquisitor turns on his chair to face him, “Ah, Kieron...Would you stand by me please?” he asks quietly, Kieron walks up next to him as he swings his chair back around, “Grand Master 03 has gone down to the planet’s surface, he is paying their princess a visit, we can watch from here. Mathis, get us visuals.” He orders as a video image of the GM appears on the glass in front of them, he is walking towards the main doors of Canterlot, some royal guards in armour start to open fire on him but all the rounds are deflected by the power of his cane, he then raises his cane and the guards are smashed off each other before being thrown high into the sky, he walk up to the door and stops and looks back over his shoulder to watch as the two guard crash into the ground, dead.

He opens the doors, steps inside and immediately an alarm blares as guards rush to the main hall to surround him, Celestia dashes to the first floor railing to see what the commotion is only to see the GM stood at the doors with about 20 guards around him, he looks at all of them one by one.

They aim their guns at him; he smirks as he puts the bottom of the cane against the ground, “Using guns against an unarmed man is very unprofessional.” He says as he lifts the cane up and stabs it into the ground which also causes all of the guns to shatter despite being made of tough materials.

The guards look at their guns as they fall to the floor in piece, they then look at the Gm who reaches over his right shoulder and presses a broach, then on the left shoulder to unclip his cape which then falls to the ground, he then puts an arm to his side as the other is put in front pointing to the grounds, “Who will be first?” he asks, one guard then musters up the strength to face him and steps forward, the guard take a second to get ready before he charges the GM who swiftly moves to the side and punches the guard right in the ribs causing them to crack and pierce the guard’s lungs, the guards stops and stands for a second before collapsing to the floor.

The GM then looks about for his next target, Celestia then calls from upstairs, “Stop, he obviously isn’t here to fight you all, he’s here for me...” she then jumps down from the first floor and lands behind some of the guards who refuse to move out of the way, she uses her magic to push them to the sides as she walks up to the GM as her armour unfolds around her, her eyes glowing bright white, “Why have you come?” she asks him.

He smirks whilst looking at her, “You answered that one yourself.” He replies in a cocky tone, he then turns his back on her and walks over to his cane, pulls it out of the ground and stands in a position as if her were about to fence, “En guard” he slowly says to her as she guards encircle them and cheer the princess on.

She steps forwards and immediately he dashes forward at incredible speed and swings his cane hitting her leg causing her to tumble a little, she turns to face him and uses her magic to slam him down into the ground before jumping up and stamping onto his back hard, he shouts out in pain as she lift up to stamp again, using her other hoof to pin him down, he then picks up his cane and stabs it into her leg causing her to lift it up, he rolls over and flicks his legs so that he lifts up and lands on his feet, he then swings his cane with both hands in a golf hitting motion and thwacks Celestia in the chin, she falls back onto the floor, he jumps up and goes to stab the cane into her but she dodges just in time so that his cane hits the floor and sticks, he tugs of it but it doesn’t budge.

She stands up and looks at him before using her magic to pull at his legs so that he falls face first into the floor, she then pulls at him so he slams into the wall then the floor and into the wall again, she then uses her magic to grab a table and launch it at him whilst he’s against the wall, he slowly moves his hand so that he aims at the cane, but it doesn’t move, the table hits of him and he falls to the ground, he lands on his knees with his fists against the floor, blood drips from his mouth.

He lifts a hand to wipe the blood, looks at it then he slowly lifts himself to his feet, ready to fight more. Celestia watches as he stand up fully, he then quickly runs at her, she runs at him and the GM dodges to the side and jumps to kick her in the side causing her to fall into her side, he lands next to his cane and flicks it then tugs on it, it pulls out of the ground like it was nothing, walks over to ‘Tia and lifts it causing her armour to fold up away, he then raises the cane to strike down on her, she look up at him and as soon as he thrust downwards she moves out of the way but instead of hitting her in the side he catches her wing and tears a part of it off as the cane sticks in the ground and she’s pulling away, soon the whole wing tears off and blood spurts out of the open gash in her side, she lays on the floor and screams in pain as the pain overwhelms her and blood rushes from it. The guards then take action and swarm the area around her, some even rushing the GM causing his to retreat, taking the ‘trophy’ with him. As he runs out of the door, he uses his cane to teleport him out of there and to the Fenrir.

<Fenrir Bridge>

The GM appears on the bridge laugh loudly, “YES, I HAVE FINALLY GOT A PIECE OF THAT PRINCESS!” he shouts victoriously, the Grand Inquisitor then stands and walks up to him.

“So, is it done?” he asks, the GM looks up at him quickly.

“I’m afraid not, sir but I can say, I have just severely wounded her.” He replies whilst pulling the wing from behind him, blood dripping from it. He chuckles as the Grand Inquisitor grabs hold of it and puts on a slightly amused face.

“Well done Grand Master 03, you have done me proud, she may not be dead, but our chance of victory is now greater. Thank you.” He compliments before handing the wing back and sitting back in the chair, the GM then walks out of the room, wing in hand and Kieron closely following him.


‘Tia is rushed to the hospital as three guards aid her down the corridor, they soon come to it and burst through the doors, “BED...NOW!” one guard shouts as the nurses gasp in shock to see the princess being in the hospital to with being hurt. A nurse quickly clears a bed and the guards aid ‘Tia onto it as she looks around drowsily as the bloody continues to rush from her, her head starting to feel faint. They put her on the bed and the nurses immediately start to get all the equipment needed, a heart monitor, anaesthetics and some cleaning tools, they hook her up to the heart monitor and they watch as her heart rate slowly gets lower, another nurse cleans the wound and starts to close up the wound as quickly as possible without doing a bad job of it.

‘Tia looks about as the guards back off and take up position at the entrance of the hospital, the nurses dashing about as they try their best to help her, her eyes slowly close as she falls unconscious from the blood loss.


Mechs now surround Ponyville, guard mech patrolling the streets and royal guards stood in armour at all the important buildings, all the speaker towers suddenly open and the holographic screens show an image of Celestia in the hospital, “Warning, the princess has been injured, all guards be on full alert, SKULL has struck, repeat, they have struck and the princess is in critical condition.” Veronica calls out through the towers.

Twilight and Applejack watch the video as they see the nurses trying their best to save the princess, “God dang it.
How did they manage to do that?” Applejack asks her as Pinkie Pie joins them.

“Hay, what’s up girls? She asks before looking at the screen, “OH MY GOSH, THE PRINCESS, WHAT HAPPENED?!” she questions loudly, Twilight calms her down.

“I don’t know Pinkie but they have really hurt her, and if I was right, they will attack again soon.” She replies as they all look at the screen, Fluttershy soon joining them along with Rainbow Dash, “Look at this girls, look at what SKULL has done.” She says as she points at the screen and as Rarity joins them, all of them staring at the dying princess.

<Fenrir, weapons bay>

“Time to strike again Kieron.” The GM says as he walks up to Luna who is wide awake and watches them both come round to her, “Ready for another firing princess?” he asks her as he slides his hand across her face. She bite it and he pulls away to slap her, “Down girl.” He sharply orders, Kieron walks over to the seat and sits in it, the screen slides along, Luna starts to concentrate her magic as the GM walks over to the machine and flips the lever, the machine starts to whir as it begins to drain her power once more, she uses her magic to resist the draining somehow.

“Grand Master, I’m reading a fluctuation in the draining speed...” Kieron says as he looks at the power reading on the screen, he then looks back at her, “It’s her, and she’s using her magic to resist it.” He adds as the GM uses his cane to be unable to use her magic briefly. The machine then fully charges quickly, soon coming to full power, “Ready to fire, sir.” He says as the GM walks over to him and points at the screen of the Everfree forest, Kieron then grabs the joystick and presses the trigger, the weapon charges up, gathering the power, the ship turns to face the planet, he presses the trigger again, the weapon then becomes silent as it fully charges, he looks down the crosshairs at the planet and grabs tightly as the joystick, Luna watching.

He looks down the crosshairs with the GM stood watching, Kieron’s grin coming to a climax, just before he presses the trigger for the third and final time Luna says to herself, “I’m sorry ‘Tia.”