• Published 12th Mar 2012
  • 1,019 Views, 17 Comments

When Worlds Collapse - MoonShine

An alternate ending to 'When Worlds Collide'

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We live at peace

Chapter 14: We live at peace

Last chapter: All the mechs dock in the hanger along with the dropship, the ships then take position over Ponyville to patrol the area once more, as soon as the mechs dock the cores open and the Talons jump out and walk out as they begin to relax, Moonshine on the other hoof is banging on the consoles inside her mech, “LET ME GO BACK!!” she shouts to no-one in particular, Rylie then runs over to the mech via the gangway and pulls her out of the mech as she holds on to the console panel, not wanting to go.

“I’m sorry Moonshine but we can’t stop what has happened.” He says as he finally manages to get her free of the mech and drags her out of the hanger, once out he sits down on some steps and gives her the biggest hug ever. Treacle, Claire and Thomas are walking towards the facility as they saw the returning force.

“Rylie, is it done?” Thomas asks as they walk closer, he stops as he notices that Moonshine is crying, “What happened?” he asks.

Rylie looks at him that could only mean one thing, Moonshine still crying at full blow, Rylie then replies with a quiet voice, “He didn’t make it.”

<Next morning, Cloudsdale, Kieron’s house>

Moonshine had slept in the middle of the living room floor all night, the cold night air still present in the bright room as the sun starts to rise up onto her face from in through the window, her eyes sore and still slightly damp, a line down her cheek has now dry from where the tears had dried up on her. A soft knock came from door; she doesn’t even wake as she must have cried herself to sleep late in the night, Treacle, who was now sober, stepped in to see her on the floor, a small damp patch on the floor surrounding her, she opens the door fully only for Moonshine to moan as she moves unconsciously as the sun shines on face.

Treacle walks over to her and softly pushes on Moonshine side to wake her, “Hay sis’, time to wake up, they’ve got a search team out for Kieron.” She says quietly and softly as if she too had just been crying, her voice on the edge of cracking. Moonshine doesn’t respond at first but as soon as Rylie turns up at the door, Moonshine replies with her eyes still shut.

“Go away; can’t you see I’m grieving here?” Treacle looks at her.

“You of all ponies are the last one I expected to care, you screw everypony and so have no emotional link with anypony but yet you’re grieving, wow.” She claims before looking back to the door where Rylie has now gone, Moonshine gets up without her knowing, treacle then turns and goes to look down at her but gets the fright of her life to see Moonshine stood up staring at her right in her face, her breath warm and heavy.

Moonshine stares at her for a short time before cursing at her, shoves her back with a hard push and then walks out of the house to find somewhere to be alone. Treacle rubs at her chest where she pushed her, sharply inhaling a little, she soon gets over the pain and heads for the door, “Moonshine wait, they’ve sent out a search for him.” She shouts out as she waves her head about looking for the pink mare.

Moonshine then pops her from above the doorway giving Treacle yet another fright, “I doubt they will find anything, even if they do, I won’t want to see what they find, I will only cry again.” She says as she flips over to be the right way up and then lands in front of Treacle.

Treacle leans to the side past Moonshine to see Claire and Thomas walking over to them, already seen the two of them, “Looks like Thomas is coming with some news, he doesn’t look happy.” She says before looking at Moonshine with her eyes and knods over towards the approaching couple.

Moonshine snorts at her, for some reason she can’t explain she is really angry at Treacle, she turns to see Thomas walking with his cane swinging forwards then sticking in the ground then swing forward to do the same, Claire walking alongside in a black dress.

They soon arrive at the house, Thomas bows his head as a sign on respect, and Claire just closes her eyes for a few seconds then open again, “We have just got word that the search team has found something.” Thomas says, Moonshine right away puts a hoof to each ear.

“I’m not bloody listening to what you say.” She replies before flying off towards Ponyville for some peace. Thomas watches as she flies off, Treacle and Claire look at each other, Treacle not sure why Claire is staring at her.

She then whispers, “What? Did I do something wrong?” Claire doesn’t reply but grabs her hoof and pulls her into the house for a private talk, Thomas turns round expecting them to be behind him but they’re gone, he looks about frantically for them.

“Now where did they go?” he asks himself, walks over to the fountain and sits on a bench, he sits and waits....waits for the moment that his creation returns home to him, dead.

“Is it truly possible to kill the immortal?” he asks himself, his cane in both hands in front of him between his open legs. Rainbow is passing by but doesn’t realise it to be him at first, she slows as she spots him to see his head low and a tear drip to hit the ground.

“Ok, now I’ve seen it all, the war master Thomas Naythorpe, crying.” She calls out to him, he quickly looks up at her, and wipes his eye to hide it, “May I ask why you are crying, we won didn’t we?” she asks him, he knods but still with a sign of sadness within his expression.

“Yes, we may have won but many didn’t win, many didn’t win the battle against death, my dear friend being one of them.” He comments before finally looking up into her eyes, Fluttershy then walks past on the other side of the fountain, “Good morning Fluttershy, I hope you will be attending.” He says to her, she stops and quickly hides behind the other side of the fountain, “Miss Shy, I can see your tail.” She peeks round to look at the both of them and smiles.

“Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t see you there.” She replies as she comes out from behind it, “Will I be coming to what?” she asks as she uses her wings to hop over to them.

“The funeral, didn’t you hear? The Overseer didn’t make it home; I intend to make a funeral.” He says before getting up and putting a hand on her head, then the cane head on Rainbow’s and then teleports them to Canterlot.

<Canterlot, 2 hours later>

The search team starts to come into sight as Thomas, Celestia and Luna stand at the front doors to the castle, the dropship and mech head for Cloudsdale but then change course and head for the castle, they soon arrive, the mech detached and went back to its hanger, the dropship slowly lowers down to the courtyard, Moonshine, Treacle and Claire then exit the castle to stand next to them along with Rylie.

The dropship lands and the doors slowly open, two Talons walk up and stand just outside of the door, once opened they raise their guns to aim into the sky at a 45 degree angle, four Talons inside the dropship then exit with a coffin on their shoulders, more Talons to the side then raise their rifles as the coffins leaves the dropship and begin to fire single shots at three second intervals, stopping at five shots. The coffin approaches the castle doors and the Talons then stop, lift the coffin, stand to the sides to face the coffin and slide it along to come above a plinth on which they lower the coffin to lay on.

Thomas walks forward to stand at a speech stand; he clears his throat and then begins as the vast amount of ponies and human watch, “This is a dark day, but a bright one too. Yesterday you may have known that IRIS was stopped once and for all, a war that may have only lasted a few months, but one that cost us the lives of many, one being my friend that now lays before me in that coffin...” his voice starting to break as he stares at the coffin, he closes his eyes to break the stare and turns his head away, “He was a very close friend, like family in fact, he never gave up, never refused a bit of fun, and always was there to live another day, but...but I guess everyone’s time comes eventually, and this...this was his time...” he adds as he looks at the huge gathering, “He was a brave guy, very brave, he would always go head first into a battle, literally.....I never would have thought in my life that it would come to this, us humans coming to this planet and be fighting our own race to help save some creatures that we would at first seen as heresy.” He says looking back at Celestia and Luna, “You will always be our friend, you will always be here, and you will always be thanked for what you did here, Kieron. From all of us, I thank you, and may we grant you peace.” He finally ends his speech.

His head low, as he takes a couple of steps back, he suddenly raises his head and salutes as the Talons, SEA soldiers and Zeldax salute, the rifles firing again. The coffin is picked up and taken away towards the Canterlot cemetery, the crowd split to allow a straight path out; many place flowers and other gifts on the coffin as it passes by. The coffin soon going out of sight as it passes a corner, Thomas still saluting.

“So what will it be now, Thomas?” Celestia asks as she walks up to him, he slowly lowers his hand staring at the last point he saw the coffin, “Will you still try to kill us?” she asks, he continues to stare but then slowly turns to face her.

“No, no more blood shall be spilt on this planet; I have had enough war and death to last me. Equestria is safe now at last, I will order for all humans to get onto the ships and we will leave you to be at peace.” He says as he goes to walk away.

“No, you won’t. You may have brought this war and death to our planet but at least you stopped it, you can stay, and since you have taken Cloudsdale I will allow that to be your home. Both human and equestrian shall live on this planet.” She replies allowing the humans the will to live on the planet and remain in their society.

She walks up to him as he once more goes to leave, “Come, you have provided your funeral for him, now it is our turn to provide a ritual, he as much pony as he was human, it would be disrespectful of us not to.” She adds before walking off towards the cemetery, Thomas follows with Luna, Claire and the others close behind.

They soon reach the cemetery and Celestia walks up to the grave that Kieron was about to be buried in, the crowds of ponies and humans, some crying other keeping a brave face, she stands next to the grave as some royal guards take over carrying the coffin, they use their magic to lift over the hole as Celestia stands with her eyes closed and head low, they lower it down slowly, “May you be at peace, you have saved our race from extinction and now we thank you.” She says before opening her eyes and the Wonderbolts fly overhead, the black lightning following.

The coffin hits the bottom of the grave and a thud is heard, Celestia sharply looks at the coffin, peering over the edge of the grave, “Never mind, it must have been the coffin itself.” She says to the guards as they start pushing the soil back into the hole, one shovel full, two shovels full, three. After the forth, Celestia orders for them to stop, “Is he actually even in there?” she asks, she jumps down into the deep hole, murmuring starting among the crowd, Thomas jerks forwards as he is shocked at her actions.

“PRINCESS NO!” he shouts only to hear a loud thud from the hole, then a loud crack, the coffin much have given way slightly from the impact, the next thing he hears is the cracking of wood as ‘Tia pulls up some of the boards, silence falls as she stops.

A few seconds go by of silence and then she slowly raises from the hole, pulling herself up as her one wing flaps to help, once up she looks at the crowd then over to Thomas, “He isn’t there.” She says, the crowds then all gasp at the same time as if rehearsed, and Thomas walks over to her, pushing through the crowd.

“What do you mean ‘he isn’t there’?” he questions her as he points at her, she turns and points at the grave, he looks at the hole, back at her, then back at the hole and walks slowly over to it, he stops before he could see in, then edges himself to looks over the edge only to see half the coffin ripped open and empty.

He turns with a shocked expression upon his face, “Bu...But the search team found him, how is this possible, did they really find him?” he asks himself, Moonshine rushes past and jumps down into the hole.

“That bastard better be in here!” she shouts out as she passes, Thomas tries to stop her but she is already down there looking in the coffin, she looks at the empty half, she shakes her head trying not to believe it, she stamps her back hoof in disbelief and a metal clang is heard, she looks back then pops her head into the coffin and pulls out a helmet, it was his, she knew it was.

Moonshine flies up with the helmet in her grasp, she lands softly next to Thomas and presents the helmet to him. He shakes his head slowly as he takes the helmet, “All that remains of him, just this silly little helmet?” he asks himself before walking off through the crowd, and out of Canterlot.

“WHAT’S THAT?!” Rarity shouts out as she sees something atop of the castle, Twilight quickly comes next to her.
“What is it Rarity?” she asks, Rarity points to the roof of the castle only for the figure from before to be gone, “There’s nothing there.” She adds before patting rarity on the shoulder, the others of the mane six walk over and they all hug to comfort each other, Luna watches them then looks up at the place Rarity pointed at only to see a shadowy figure stood, it stares right at her before knodding once and walking back so that castle blocks view of it.

Luna walks up to the mane six and gives a light hug before whispering to them, “She was right, there was someone there.” All of them quickly push away to look back up at the castle to again see nothing.

“Ok everypony, I think we need to calm down a bit, ya’ll seeing things now.” Applejack comments, Rainbow knods to agree, Fluttershy then looks down as she lightly scrapes her hoof against the ground.

“I saw it too.” She says quietly, they all look at her, she looks at Luna, “it was him, wasn’t it?” she asks, Luna shrugs her shoulders before giving them hug, all of them then walk off.

<2 Months later>

SEA have left Cloudsdale after Thomas and Celestia had come to agreements, they now occupy the ruined cities of Manehatten and the griffon city, humans live on one side of the planet leaving the ponies to live on the other, it is now like two worlds that never came together living on the same world.

All of the mechs have returned to hangers to be dismantled, fighters standby in hangers and all the ships are in orbit completely surrounding the planet, ships allows adding to the shell as more are made, it is their way of saying ‘This planet it protected, don’t fuck with us.”, the Fenrir being above the Canterlot but still in orbit.

The humans finally live at peace along with the ponies, trading and social lives have been made between the races but yet they still prefer to live among their own. High security facilities have been made by the humans for reasons no-one knows, at last there are no more wars and no more deaths. Everyone and everypony can live safely and peacefully at last.


Author's notes: Last chapter, story is completed.
Thank you all.

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