• Published 12th Dec 2013
  • 1,147 Views, 16 Comments

Sisu - Ebony Gryphon

After unleashing the power of an artifact, an Assassin's hold is sent to Equestria.

  • ...

Chapter Ten Two steps forward, one back

Sunbeam sighed as she walked down the halls to the Court, her heart weighing on her as she walked. That morning, she had offered her daughter another trip to visit the princess, to study further the ebbs and tides of the vast oceans of the Canterlot seas, and had been politely and somewhat coolly refused. That morning, much to the mares surprise, she had awoken to find none other then her own daughter up bright and early watering plants and humming cheerfully. Needless to say, Sunbeam had been stunned.

Over the past few days, her daughter seemed to have completely changed. Studies had become a pleasant, albeit somewhat subdued, affair. She seemed to no longer need her mother to rouse her, had even cooked for herself. But... Midnight had also become somewhat... distant as well. No, Sunbeam amended. More like she had begun to see her mother less in awe, and more like a pony. She said she still loved Sunbeam, and in fact the mare had found her changes quite pleasant, but she still felt a twinge of unease that the filly seemed to have learned much in the few moments away from Sunbeams hawk like eye.

Coming to the open door of the Court, Sunbeam paused, and leaning against the door frame, regarded the pacing human inside. David... Sunbeams lip thinned slightly. With the exception of her love, no being had ever made the amoral female more unsure. In many ways, both she and him were much alike. Both were... confident, and kind. Both seemed to care for her, albeit in different ways. And both were, much as it wounded her pride to say, smarter then her.

But David had a drive Sunbeams love had never had. A resolve and pain in his eyes that Midnights birth mother had never, an edge sharpened and hardened in the perdition of whatever world he and his people had come from. Sunbeam scuffed a hoof on the floor a moment, gnawing the inside of her cheek in thought.

It wasn't lust, she decided. Or love, maker knows it wasn't that. Respect... definitely. Gratitude for speaking to Celestia and restoring her title. Admiration... as odd as it seemed, yes. Trust...

"Fair morrow Sunbeam."

The mare jumped slightly, blinking stupidly.


Chuckling, the human walked over.

"I said good morning."

Clearing her throat, Sunbeam collected herself, and walked in.

"And a fair morrow to you Lord Paladin."

Sighing, David rubbed his chin.

"Please Sunbeam. You needn't be so formal."

Sunbeam cocked a brow, her features set in its usual aloof frown.

"And what title dos thou deserve> You save me and mine from languish, have offered counsel and an ear to my Princess... art thou not so in all ways."

Smiling, David laid a hand on the mares withers, making her eyes widen slightly. None had dared to touch her before without her word. Looking up at the human, Sunbeam felt her anger fade at the look he gave her.

"How does David seem to thee."

"Why though... why are thee so kind..."

"Art we not friends Sunbeam... art we both alone in our duties."

Pulling away from his touch, Sunbeam shook her head.

"I've.... I've never had one. All hold me in scorn or fear David..."

Keeping to her side, David sighed.

"Then might I be thy first> Will you not allow me to ease thy ache> To be one thou trusts..."

Coming to the window, Sunbeam took a quivering breath.

"David... I don't know... I've... I've lived this way since a filly. Five... ten... fifteen.... twenty years to this day. I can't change now, I just can't."

Sunbeam flinched as she felt the human put a hand on her neck, then tensed as he stroked her mane.

"Well... none can change all at once, nor can they change all. And I doth not ask thee to change a wit... only to let me be there for you if thy need... to bear you when you can walk no more... will you not be my friend..."

Sunbeam looked up, her eyes soft, showing hope... he was sincere, he could be there... Sunbeam looked away, and shaking her head, walked out the court once more. Shaking his head, David lowered his arm. But pausing at the door, Sunbeam smiled and looked back.

"Not now... but David... someday..."

David smiled back and nodded.

"I'll be here."


Shadow shivered as she walked down the dirt path to the center of the town square. Even though the town was Lost, she could still feel eyes upon her. As Carpenter strolled up, she muttered "Someones here."

The human nodded.

"Five to be exact. New guys showed up, armor colored to hide their movement. Human. New guys I think."

Here Shadow actually looked up, her eyes wide. Shrugging, her companion quietly said "Trying to draw out a warlock, I think. No better way to bring out prey then fresh meat."

Grinding her teeth, Shadow snorted.

"Their commander better hope I don't find him. Gale and Arron about."

Carpenter shook his head.

"Told em to stay back."

Carpenter took a deep breath.

"This place is... wrong. Like a rotting wound on the face of creation."

Shadow sighed, and nodded, ears flicking to pick up hopes of noise. Recruits or no, these fellows were good.

"Truly our newest foals are skilled soldiers of your world to move as such..."

"Not really. No difference here then me and Arron on a hunt."

Shadow made to parry those words, but jumped as a human was knocked clear out a window and sent sprawling across the dirt. Coming to a stop, the young male leaped up, and drew his knife.

"Come on my lovely. Time to get your throat cut!"

A roar rattled the frames of the house. Yelling back, the human charged, his cries mixed with unholy screeches as he and whatever he'd found fought. Pursing her lips, Shadow nodded.

"Not bad. Good eye for armor to. Should we go in..."

` Carpenter shook his head, and stretching said "Nay. Let the pups sharpen their fangs. We'll interfere if it goes south."

Shadow ears perked towards the door as the fighting went quiet. Sudden another form was sent sprawling. An earth pony. Waving a hoof in front of her, Shadow gagged. This pony reeked, and appeared to be foaming at the mouth, his eyes yellow. Staggering up, the pony cackled, and the mare grimaced. One of his legs was bent at an odd angle, the bone jutting out. Turning towards the door, Shadow whistled. The young human strolled out, cracking his knuckled as he walked. Giggling wildly, the pony limped forward, eyes bulging.

"I'm starving monkey! I wanna eat your babies!"

Drawing his fist back, the human drove it hard into the ponies jaw, knocking to quadraped out cold. Shaking his now clearly aching hand, the human spat "Eat that you cock gobbler."

Turning around, the human pressed two fingers to his lips and gave whistle. A couple doors opened and the several humans walked out. Both human and mare raised their eyebrows. It wasn't every day two old dogs like them couldn't sniff out a new whelp. These guys were good. The lead human knelt and began trussing up the pony.

"Anyone else here.

One human, bearing a bow and a female, shook her head.

"Nay sarge. Place... place is full, but none alive."

A couple of the humans made odd gestures, muttering under their breath. Sighing, the lead human rose.

"All right... we'll keep here for the day, burn the bodies. Afternoon we foot back to camp and try to sleep without nightmares."

Another human raised his hand.

"Wouldn't it be better to put up here for tonight>"

The lead human shook his head.

"No. Kills were probably bloody, and that will attract things in the evening. Things we cant fight that aren't gonna be pissing themselves because of a few campfires. In fact we should move on now."

The humans began muttering unhappily. Sighing, the sargeant sheathed his knife.

"I know. I wanna deal with this to, but we cant. We can't bury them, and bonfires take to long. The sun wanes, and so should we."

The humans fell silent, unhappy but willing. Picking up the pony, the sargeant said "Lets be on our way soldiers."

Shadow stamped her front hoof in applause, saying "well said pup."

Frowning, the human dropped the pony, and walked to the two soldiers. Folding his arms he scowled.

"This is hardly a time to praise us Lady Protector."

Tilting her head, Shadow asked "You know of me then my child."

The human nodded, and held out a hand.

"Your clan took me and my child in after they rid this land of a witch who had captured us. I owe them and you much."

The mare nodded towards the tied up pony.

"You seem to be no slouch dealing with them pup."

Lowering his hand, scowl deepening, the human snorted.

"Of course. Cowards are easy to kill, just a matter of how much ye need to pick from the bottom of your bottom or your boot."

Stamping a hoof again, Shadow barked out a laugh.

"That's what I love to hear! The others have done right by you son."

The human nodded, and pointed a thumb over his shoulder.

"New blood. Good kids, bit naive though. A word from the Lady Shadow will do wonders."

Nodding, the mare walked over to her clan members. Smirking at the whispers and gasps, Shadow waved a hoof as they began to kneel.

"Neigh, neigh! On the ready soldiers, let this old bitch give you lot the once over."

Hmming, Shadow paced in front of the humans, noting a plus that they'd gotten in line quickly. A bit rough of course, but training had done them good. And they were quick to adapt hunting to military maneuvers, clever pups. A little wanting in decorum, as she knew, but she liked a cadet who was more concerned with getting the job done the scuffing helmets. No armor on the lot, wanted to rely on stealth. Minus point for taking that risk.

Holding out her hoof, Shadow said to the female "bow."

Arching a brow, the woman handed the weapon over. Pursing her lips, Shadow bent the weapon a little testing its flex, then scowling, snapped it in half. Glaring up at the human, who face turned red, Shadow said grimly "A few more pulls and that would have happened anyway. Splinters could have gouged thy eyes pup. And what would thee have done if that had happened while in battle."

Dropping the weapon, Shadow shook her head and sighed.

"Thou wish to be a soldier, then thee must learn as thy brothers have. Heed not those who believe thy place is in a home if thou does not wish it, and hold thy head up proudly as others scoff. As a Kicker, thou need not face the trials of war alone pup. Your brothers and sisters will offer aid, but only if thy swallow thy pride."

One of the humans snorted and crossed his arms.

"She'd serve better in the kitchen, as would you Shadow. Thou art both woman, and the trials of the lands..."

Faster then either female could follow, the sargeant was in front of the recruit, his teeth bared.

"Drop soldier."

Shoving the male back, the soldier growled "You all think it, I'm just saying it."

In a blur of motion, the sargeant bolted back, his fist smashing into the soldiers nose. Shouting in shock and agony, the man began crawling away, only to be kicked onto his stomach.

"Start push ups maggot."

Grimacing, the human did so, spitting out blood.


Crossing his arms, the sargeant removed his foot.

"Til Lady Protector Shadow says stop."

Clicking her tongue appreciatively, Shadow held out her hoof to the next soldier in line.


Groaning, the soldier pushed up once more, his muscles quivering. Tapping a hoof, Shadow said cheerfully "Thats good soldier."

Moaning in relief, the human collapsed, then rolled onto his back. Arching her brows, Shadow picked up his sheathed sword.

"Well, well. A relic of the family pup. Lets see..."

Pulling the weapon free, Shadow regarded her reflection.

"Polished and sharpened. This blade has been cared for. Thy pack bears only thy needs, and thy stamina is great. Not many can bear my number of push ups, but thou did so quite well..."

Sitting up, the cadet spat.

"I am shamed. I hath called thee a woman when thy deeds and very form speaks to thy life as a warrior. I have acted a fool."

Smiling, Shadow sheathed the weapon.

"Takes a true stallion to admit wrongdoing cadet. But thou were right in one thing..."

Handing the weapon back, Shadow whispered "I'm a soldier cadet..."

Smiling, she kissed the humans cheek.

"But I'm a woman too."

Sighing, the cadet hung his head.

"The world makes no sense anymore."

Taking a seat, Shadow rolled her eyes.

"Thou human stallions confound me. Thy woman art not green house lillies who need thy constant watch. My tribes mares have fought and trained with our brothers for eons. Why doth thy mares do not>"

Snorting, the human rubbed his shoulder.

"Simple. Mares can birth, we cannot. They are needed, we are expendable. Tis an insult for a man to bring the troubles of the world to the hearts of woman and children. We fail as men when we cannot be a shield to the weak."

Scowling, Shadow said "Addlepate! Thy women are not weak! We bear the labor of birth, do we not> We raise foals and bind thy wounds when thy fools heart doth make you do something dangerous! Why I raised a filly into a fine young mare and still bared the weight of a epochs life, and you think me weak."

Snorting, the cadet waved a hand dismissively.

"Thou art more man then woman Shadow!"

Leaping up, Shadow turned around and lowered her front half, and flicking her tail to the side, said "Doth thy see a stallions bits pup! Do you wish to see me wink at thee before thou believe me a mare>"

Covering his face, the human yelled "God in heaven woman, lower thy tail! I believe thee!"

Snorting, Shadow complied, and sat back down. Snickering at the still blushing human, the mare gave a shrug of her wings.

"At least you'll have a tale to tell your son one day."

The human merely waved his hand weakly, his face the very picture of mortified violation. Weakly he said "Why... what wolves raised thee woman... hath thou no sense of decency...."

Rolling her eyes, Shadow smirked.

"Pup, I've lived to long and done to much to worry about decent. I'm just a horny, blunt, plot kicking old dam. But I'm a mother and a soldier and a protector and a lover. I bear foals and slit gryphons throats. I am a mare as in all my deeds."

"Lady Shadow... thou art more then a mere mare..."

Grinning wolfishly, Shadow prodded the humans chest with a hoof.

"No, I'm just a mare. And thou has been brought low by a woman, hast thou not>"


"And ye would do thyself a service to not forget it pup."

Standing, the human dusted himself off.

"Well... this hast been a joy. I can't say I've sweated more with a woman in my life. But before I rejoin my unit, theres one more thing i wish to offer you, Lady Protector."

Clicking his boots together, the human saluted. Straightening up, Shadow saluted back, and both soldiers said "HUH RAA!"


Gale bolted from the town halls, cheeks bulging with bile. Coming to the fountain, she released it, the body heaving, lost the rest of her stomachs keep. Tears streaming down her cheek, she stamped a hoof on the fountain stone.

"Damn it! How can anypony... Maker take them, they doth not deserve such..."

Turning her back to the fountain, Gale leaned against, gulping air. Eyes streaming rivers, she regarded Arron as he walked up, his face as stone.

"Arron... doth thy ache for them> the foals... what he did... he ate their insides as they breathed... he made the others watch... doth thy heart cry for them>"

The human just looked at the mare, eyes hard.

"It would do naught to weep for the dead. Thy shame thyself Gale to do so."

"What... what does thy feel in this moment, Arron..."

"Nothing... I feel nothing Gale."

Walking to the mare, Arron sat down, and drew the mare to his chest.

"Thou art a tender heart Gale. I cannot weep, so please, would thou do twice over for my sake>"

She did. Gale's tears were neither happy, nor sad, nor enraged. Her heart and mind bled, her soul was scarred by what she'd seen that day. She wept and clung to Arron as though he was driftwood in a stormy sea. Sometime during the bout, they kissed.

That night Gale learned what her mother spoke of when she spoke of loneliness and the closest warm body she had. Much to both their shame, they acted out of not love or care, but merely to feel again. They used each other, and after held each other in a state of numb horror.

They banged, and didn't even enjoy it.

Arron gently stroked Gales side. Eyes blearily opening, Gale turned over, and gave a small smile.

"Fair morrow Arron..."

Smiling back, Arron patted the mares side.

"Fair morrow."

Sighing, Arron sat up, and scratched his chin.

"Gale... I..."

Sighing herself, the mare sat up, and resting her chin on the humans shoulder, closed her eyes.

"Yeah... me too."

Wrapping her forelegs around the human, Gale nusled his neck.

"I... thank you Arron."

Shaking his head, the human smiled bitterly.

"Nay... do not say such things Gale. I took thee as mine for naught but a salve to feel anything but hollow. I am a fiend."

Sighing, Gale nussled the human again.

"Does thou think we art the first to do so> It wast merely a means to release, naught a life long bond. I care for thee Arron... but I love another. I wish to do this right another night, but lust and a bond as companions is all we have."

Nodding, Arron patted the mares foreleg. Smiling again, Gale leaned close.

"Mayhaps thou would join me in a bath good Arron."

Smirking, Arron growled back "Mayhaps we can make our night mid morning."

Giggling, Gale drew away, and leaping up smoothly, walked towards the bath stall. Standing himself, Arron jogged after the mare. As the stall closed, Shadow stood up from her hiding spot, her eyes blasing. And as her daughter giggled and laughed, she snarled. Companion her right foot!


Nostrils flaring as her wing fluttered at her sides in agitation, Shadow finished her tyrade to Carpenter. Taking draw from his water skin, the human gulped down a bit, then wiping his mouth, chuckled.

"Oh, is that so> Good for them."

Gaping at the human, Shadow screeched "GOOD! Thy filth student did use my own foal for naught but a ride ye stupid git! He used my little filly!"

Snorting derisively, Carpenter took another drink.

"Yesterday Shadow you shoved thy nethers into a mans face and asked him if thou were bearing that which is found on a male. Your daughter doth spend a night of passion, and thou tail is in a twist."

Shadow snarled, and began to pace again.

"Neigh fool! Twas neither love or passion, or even lust. He used her for nothing but... but... a way to feel again! And she let him because this place stripped her and sent her weeping into the nearest warm male she could! He used her! Her mind was addled in horror, and yon filth... he might as well have raped her!"

Rising fully, Carpenter put a hand on the mares withers, frowning in insult as he said "Shadow! Thy doth insult one of my order! If thou continue, I shall be most angry."

Shadow nickered as she pulled away. Eyes flaring, Carpenter spat "And how is thy flirting and stallion hopping any different>"

Shadow stopped dead, and looked over her shoulder, her own eyes in fury.

"Care to repeat that human."

Crossing his arms, Carpenter scowled as he said "Thou act not for love or lust, but so thy may not be hurt! You care not for those who warm thy bed but only that they may offer thy worthless hide a few moments of relief from the cold fact thou art merely using them as a glorified dildo!"

Wings flaring in indignation, Shadow sputtered as her eyes bulged.

"Spare me thy ire woman! Thy know it so!"

Walking past the mare, Carpenter said in passing "Thou art no Lady Protector. Just a selfish little bitch. Thou shame thyself Shadow."

Glaring at the floor, Shadow muttered "Well... thou art an ass... so there."

Sitting back on her haunces, Shadow pouted. What kind of friend would speak so> He should be on her side on this, the git. Sniffing, Shadow rubbed her eye with a hoof, and whispered "Or thou could have spoken with less venom... stupid jerk ass stallions..."


Shadow cleared her throat as she turned from the door.

"Gale... good morrow."

Sighing, the mare set down a plate.

"I brought food. I'll just..."

"Gale..." Shadow interrupted. Eyes narrowing, the lady looked over her shoulder, saying evenly "I know."

Gale scuffed her hoof as looked down, her own eyes defiant. Looking forward again, Shadow sighed.

"Thy... doings are not my concern child. I trust though thy... time with Arron will not cloud thy mind to your own clan."

Gale shook her head.

"No ma'am."

Shadow turned, and patting her daughters shoulder.

"Gale... I only act and say these things not to hurt thee, but because I love you. He is a human, you a pegasus. While you may be in one place, thy heart will mourn for the other. Do not forget thy duty as a Kicker. Twas a foolish whim to think they would be more then contacts."

Stepping back Gale scowled.

"You're wrong."

"Gale... please..."

Gale shook her head, and gave a bitter smile.

"Last eve was... a mistake Mother. One we both agreed on. I cannot say we shan't again, but... friends is all we are."

Shadow sighed, and walked past Gale, saying softly "Twas better when the world was at war. Then all were either comrades or enemies. But now we've those we care for and who care for us... I hate it..."

Gale giggled, and walking up beside her mother, hugged her with a wing.

"Thou art merely unused to it. Give it time."

Shadow stuck her tongue out and rasberried, and Gale giggled again. And with that last thought, they joined their friends and departed the town.

David shut the book with a sneer of revulsion, the Lunar rebellion sickening him. Fools! Wasteful pride filled savages every last one, and this... Luna is no doubt naught more then they! Celestia had proven so far to be a fair and just mare, thousands of years of wisdom at her hoofs... and they want a lady of war> Standing, David walked to the window, deep in thought.

His own kind had proven it true, again and again... power and brute took you only so far. Rebellion, famine, abuse of the serfs... unforgiveable acts that served no purpose, and whatever order gained was soon lost as the people took up arms to take the kings head. Whether they an alicorn or no, sooner or later, the Epochs would be forced to use diplomacy.

David sighed... but despite their methods, in many ways they were right. Celestia to often tempered mercy with justice, to often allowed her own feelings to cloud a right decision. In many ways, the Epoch embodied all David held dear. Whatever her feelings, for example, on Westmarch, she should have destroyed them ages past, and still she wept over the clans dessimation.

David scowled again as he looked over Canterlot. As bad as Pegasopolis, Unicornia was even worse. Spoiled children and in bred sows abounded the Courts, his ally Sunbeam a welcome exception. The earth ponies were little better, wasting tax on play and festivals as their civic buildings folded like the paper mache constructs they were. The Kickers though... that was what David vision was.

An Ordered existence, a Purpose. Reason in all things. The whimsy of the city would give way to the Kicker buildings, would be strong. The people would be strong, whether they wished it so or not. All ponies wanted was a cage... and that was what he would build. And in it, they would be remade. They would be greater, a symbol. The ponies and humans would surrender such ideas as self reliance and personal responsibility as the nonsense it was. The children would train as Midnight did, learn to be true citisens of this mans ideals.

Nothing is true... all is permitted... bah! The Assassin's were fools, albeit well meaning. Here David rubbed his chin thoughtfully. Cut the strings, all should be free was their cry. Nay, freedom would only make another Rebellion. Why do they cling so to shaky words of old men and foolish, David wondered.

Turning back, David walked to his desk. Templar needed neither. They existed because the people willed it so. While humans and pegasi would no doubt whine and strike back, the true powers would flock to him. After all, ponies yearned for no less then chain and iron collar. And with Celestia's blessing, they would be obliged.


` "This... feels amiss Gale..."

Giggling, the mare nudged Arron with her wing.

"What> The teeth marks you bear, the fact I felt no need to scrub myself raw after a lout like you manhandled, or the death glares my Mother throws you>"

Rolling his eyes, Arron smirked.

"She should have witnessed thy cries for encore and thy standing ovation..."

Rolling her eyes upward in mock thought, Gale tapped her chin with a hoof.

"As I remember yestereve, I wept and did promise all manner of death if thou ever laid a finger up my frame again..."

"And thy bath this morn..."

Gale shrugged her wings.

"I needed my back scrubbed and then thou used me for thy lustful wanting..."

Arron nudged the mare, and leaning down, muttered "You were the one who pinned me to yon wall and with open maw did..."

Smiling cheerfully, Gale growled "Finish thy sentence my dear and I will kick thee in thy dick..."

Straightening, Arron sighed.

"Clearly my charming ways have ebbed."

Gale deadpanned.

"What charm..."

"Tis either my charm or thou art easy my dear."

Gale giggled, swatting the human with a wing.

"Fuck you."

"Not if Shadow has any say in the matter..."

Shadow glared over her shoulder.

"If thou even think of slipping off to rutt..."

Both pony and human stepped sideways a couple feet.

Sighing in annoyance, Shadow trotter up to her companion. Ears flicking back, Shadow asked "Art thou still angry with me..."

Carpenter simply said "I am."

Author's Note:

This chapter.... I've placed Gale late teens to twenty, Shadow mid thirties. Here's hoping Arron youthful stupidity hasn't commited a felony>.< And sorry about this chapter Chengar