• Published 12th Dec 2013
  • 1,147 Views, 16 Comments

Sisu - Ebony Gryphon

After unleashing the power of an artifact, an Assassin's hold is sent to Equestria.

  • ...

Chapter 13 A meeting of minds and meals with demon mares

Shadow rubbed the bridge of her muzzle with her hoof, a grimace of annoyance in place. Midnight sat in a corner, cheerfully munching on a sweet biscuit as her teacher told Shadow what happened.

Shadow said weakly "You got in here, bold as day, and... stars human! Such things are not becoming to the Lord Paladin, and to involve a child..."

Shadow pointed a hoof at Midnight.

"And you! If you ever pull something like that..."

Midnight frowned as she swallowed.

"Do not presume to lecture me Shadow. I am not some adoring foal or fat noble you can merely bend to thy will..."

Shadow's jaw dropped. David looked over his shoulder, and said sternly "Midnight..."

The filly huffed, crossing her forelegs.

"She began it... speaking as though she were Mother..."

Shadow smiled, a gesture that gave the filly a stunned pause.

"In a way, thou art my daughter... or at least I love as though you were mine..."

Midnight squirmed in her seat, eyes fixed downwards.

"Do not... don't tease me Shadow... please."

Frowning, Shadow stamped a hoof on the ground.

"Midnight Sparkle, come here right now."

Midnight hopped off her chair, and eyes not leaving the floor walked to Shadow as the mare walked from behind the desk. Putting a hoof under her chin, Shadow frowned.

"Midnight... thou art a fool."

Leaning down, Shadow kissed the top of Midnights head, then drew her to her chest in a one legged hug.

"Does thou think so little of me that I would make jest of my love for thee. Your no Kicker, and art too naive... but I love every fool piece of fur on you. You aren't alone, and Sunbeam is not the only one who cares for you. I love you as my daughter, shall be there for you as though it were so..."

Suddenly Shadow clapped a hoof on top of the fillies head, illiciting a yelp of pain. Glaring up at the mare, Midnight stuck her tongue out as Shadow grinned wolfishly down at her.

"Why I love you so much I'll even beat you like one of my own. But for now... I'm going to punish you for being so rude."

Midnight scowled. Unwrapping her foreleg, Shadow stamped a hoof down.

"Twenty laps should do it."

As Midnight opened her mouth, Shadow grin darkened into a leer.

"Wanna try for thirty."

Midnight rolled her eyes, then jumped as Shadow pushed her face close, and said cheerfully "That earned you fifty my dear. Argue and I'll have Gale out there with you swatting you upside thy head every time you begin to slow."

Midnight glowered, and standing, cantered out the door, grumbling as she went. Shadow shook her head as she left. Looking over shoulder, she frowned again.

"If thou think I'll be sitting her on my tail while ye enthrall Midnight..."

David turned around slowly, and despite herself, Shadow took a half step back. She knew little of human expressions, but she did know this one... rage.

"Be silent Lady Shadow. The only reason I am here is at the will of Celestia. Thy... poorly veiled words change naught one thing. You shame thyself."

Shadow stood up, her eyes narrowing.

"And what offense have I done David."

"You... you fucking sow... you stood aside while Sunbeam..."

David slammed a fist on his thigh.

"Sunbeam... is unwell. She's like a sad, angry with a genius brought on too soon. Her acts are those of a broken woman... Horrible, but forgiveable. But you..."

David crossed his arms, face etched in wrath.

"You stood aside and let her do it."

Shadow bared her teeth in a snarl.

"And what would you have me do human> Perhaps steal yon foal away in the eve, hide her in a closet. Maybe Gale could take her on her journey through the woods, I'm sure some beast would relish a filly as a meal."

David waved a hand dismissively, a bitter laugh coming forth.

"Twas nothing thou could do> Midnight is lucky to still draw breath."

Shadow drew up fully, a aloof expression in place.

"My conscious is clear human."

David snorted derisively.

"And they call Sunbeam a monster..."

Shadow gave a small laugh of her own, then laughed again. Slowly David unfurled his arms as Shadow began laughing harder.

"Ye fool, we're both monster, did thou not know!"

Shadow began to laugh harder, then sobbed, then mixed the two in a wail.

"Sunbeam and Shadow, Celestia's demon mares. What a fitting name..."

David began laughing along with Shadow.

"As am I... We're the monsters who eat the other monsters of this world..."

Shadow wiped her eyes with a wing.

"Indeed... but even a demon can love. My words were true David. Midnights my little girl as much as Gale. I'd do anything for both of them."

Shadow sighed, and rubbed the back of her neck.

"But... I can't take her in. Sunbeam is a monster, a deviant... but her deeds were done because she truly believed she was doing what was best. I wasn't there to stop her, and did naught to her when Midnight was given back to her, but I did make one thing clear."

Shadow walked up to the human, eyes stern.

"No one messes with my little filly."

Davids face softened.

"Dare I ponder what she said..."

Shadow smirked.

"Made me her godmother and promised to pull my womb out through my nostrils if I ever threatened her again."

David barked out a laugh.

"Sounds like her..."

Shadow shook her head as she sat behind her desk.

"All the more impressive as she was immobile at the time... and another reason I did nothing if thou are curious."

Davids brows raised in question.

"Neither of us are ones for coddling David. But Sunbeam definitely crossed a line with me... and five of them with Gale, who promptly showed up and beat the living tarturus from that sadist. If there is any mare Sunbeam fears, its Gale."

Shadow smirked again.

"Knowing that almost makes up for the cost of her healing and therapy."

Shadow flipped open her log, and began reading.

"But young Midnight seems to be... a little taller now. And tougher. Can't say I've ever heard her talk like that, or be so... stubborn. I suspect such is thy workings..."

David rolled his eyes.

"Not at all, Lady Shadow. Midnights merely growing up, becoming her own mare."

Shadow snorted, then muttered "Bullshit."

David shrugged his shoulders.

"As for my "enthralling... I believe Celestia has made you aware of my order."

Shadow smirked.

"Yes... the Templar. The warrior scholar. Seems right up Celestia's alley. Can't say I've wasted much time in those dusty tomes, but its good to see thy studies have not impeded thy martial skills."

"Why Shadow... I'm blushing..."

Shadow began sorting through journal, frowning thoughtfully.

"I... am ill at ease, David. I'm no politiciser or such rot, I'm a soldier. You are both though. And I'm aware of thou desires for Canterlot."

Shadow shook her head, and snorted.

"David... my life, and yours, and Amals... its not for everyone, nor is it a sacrifice we can ask of others."

David turned back to the window, and put his forehead against it.

"I know Shadow, I know. Still... a man can dream."

Shadow shook her head again sadly.

"Even in my clan, who are raised from birth as warriors, more then a few forsake this life and follow their cutie marks or aid our family by other means."

David leaned away from the window, and began to pace.

"Its not merely that Shadow. Your tribe, my people... they revel in ignorance, though not by choice. For the sake of power, thy lands nobles have forbidden knowledge, bar the schools from earth and non military pegasi... I seek to remedy it."

Shadow looked up, a brow raised.

"And how will you do this."

"I shall send teachers. Open a school such as Celestia has made, a seat of learning open to all."

Shadow pressed a hoof to her lips thoughtfully.

"A commoner West Hoof..."

Eyes glittering with excitement, David took a roll of paper from his satcher, and laid it across the desk. Taping it with a finger, he said "Tis not all, good lady. Behold..."

Shadows brows raised fully as she looked the paper over.

"And this is..."

"Designs... of a device thought up by Sunbeam and Myself. I call it a printing press."


David stood up straight, his eyes getting an odd glint. Turning towards the voice, David growled "Assassin..."

Shadow gulped as the two humans walked towards each other... then embraced... Shadows wings flared in shock as the two began laughing.

"Brother! Its so good to see you!"

Pulling away, Amal lowered his hood, chuckling as he looked David over.

"Thou art a sight brother! Or should I bow to the new Lord Paladin."

David shoved Amal playfully.

"Well look at you! Switched thy white robes for black coat, very nice..."

Shadow waved a hoof.

"Wait... ye two are brothers!"

Amal put a hand on the Templars shoulder.

"Shadow... this is my brother. Rahim Adl Nasih."

"So... that's your name..."

Both humans turned toward the doorway. Amal face hardened and with a flex of his fingers, his bracers blade shunk out. Sunbeam took a step into the room... Amal snarled and stepped forward "You dare disgrace my clan with thy presence filth."

Sunbeams horned flared a moment, then petered out. Shadow shook her head.

"Magic nullifiers Lady. And whatever you got wont do anything anyway..."

Amal with stilled by Rahims hand on his shoulder.

"Please brother... I thought we could all talk..."

Amal looked at his brother in shock.

"Rahim... Does thou know what this mare has done>"

Rahim nodded.

"I do. But she has done much to redeem herself... Will you not sit with us>"

Amal sighed, and sliding the blade back, walked to the wall behind Shadow and leaned against it. Letting out her held breath, Sunbeam frowned at Shadow.

"The manners of your hold have lessened of late Lady Protector. i suggest thou keep thy mongrel on his leash."

Shadow flared her wings, the wingblades on them glinting in the light.

"Sunbeam... For thy sake, I'd keep my tongue free of insults of my family if I were you. You're only here because of David, remember that."

Rahim stepped between the two ponies.

"Enough, the both of you. Lets just get through this without blood."

Rahim looked over his shoulder at Amal who scowled as he folded his arms across his chest. Locking eyes with Shadow, he waited for a nod and wings relaxing, then he turned back to Sunbeam, who gave a nod. Amal sighed, and walked to Sunbeam, who took another uncertain step back. Bowing slightly, Amal said "Forgive me, Lady Sunbeam. The last two days have been trying to say the least."

Sunbeam gave slight smile.

"I dare say thy greeting was perhaps one of the more joyful ones of my days Amal. Apology accepted... on one condition."

"If I am able..."

Smile turning into a smirk, Sunbeam winked up at the human.

"Thou will join me in a dinner tonight. Come as you are. The Silver Chalice."

Amal hung his head, chuckling.

"As thou wish..."

Brushing him with her tail as she passed, Sunbeam licked her lips suggestively at Shadow, who gagged.


Sunbeam walked in the gold gilded hall to the restaurant, hooves muffled by the red carpet underhoof. That evening Sunbeam decided to just go as she was, not feeling the need to waste effort on a cold fish. Nodding at the maitre'd, she opened her mouth.

"Madam Sparkle. Thou stallion has already arrived. If you will follow me."

Sunbeam arched a brow, but followed as asked. Soft chatter of the restaurants clients as she walked, her eyes panning across the room... then she saw Amal.


That evening, the human had left his coat and riding attire and acquired a pair of navy blue pants over which he drawn his newly shined boots over. On his upper half he wore a simple white shirt and black faux leather vest. Seeing her, he bowed again.

"Lady Sparkle."

Giggling demurely, Sunbeam took her seat.

"Please Amal... Sunbeam."

Taking his own seat, Amal nodded.

"Very well."

Sunbeam lay her chin on her pastern.

"So... Amal... tell me about yourself."

Amal waved his hand.

"Oh, I'm just a simple man. Please, what sort of life does thou lead> Surely thy duties as Archmagus are thrilling."

Nodding, Sunbeam smiled proudly.

"Indeed. As a matter of fact, I've recently taken to studying the pregnancies of mares across the three tribes...."

"Oh... tell me more..."


After their meal had arrived, the two fell into a companionable silence, widdling their meals quietly. Wiping a napkin across her mussle, Sunbeam smiled again.

"So... anyone in your life>"

Amal paused, his lips thinning.

"A woman... a son... no idea where they are now..."

"Oh... Cry pardon, I didn't mean to..."

Amal held up his hand.

"Its all right. How about you> Or did you adopt..."

Sunbeam looked down at her plate and said softly "She died in foaling."

"I'm sorry..."

Sunbeam sighed forlornly.

"If its all the same, I'd rather not speak of her..."

"Of course..."

Amal reached over the table, gently taking the mares hoof in his hand.

"Sunbeam... do you love Midnight>"

The mare snorted derisively.

"Of course I do."

"Then why be so cruel... what do you hope to gain..."

Sunbeam shook her head.

"I made a vow to her dam... I swore I'd raise her properly, find aid in my own... habits."


Sunbeam deadpanned.

"My foal has a sick obsession with death and I'm eating a meal with a glorified bald ape. I'm living the bucking dream human..."