• Published 14th Dec 2013
  • 1,098 Views, 15 Comments

Dashies Old Friend Returns - Junster00741

Rainbow left her human a few years ago, but as years went by she began to worry for him. How will she deal with this and will she seek help, or deal with this on her own.

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Intro+Part 1

Dashie's Old Friend Returns

By Junster00741



5 years ago something happened to Rainbow Dash that changed her life. She was accidentally sent to a place called earth where she was turned into a philly. There someone found her and raised her like a daughter.

They shared many laughs and good times together. Sadly she lost her memory about her friends and family but eventually she found out. She was devastated at first but then she learned to accept it but she still couldn't get back to Ponyville.

She didn't really care about that anyway, she was happy where she was but they both knew that one day they would find her and take her back. So as time went on the day they both feared finally came, Rainbow's friends finally found her and they took her back.

At first she didn't want to go back but she knew she didn't belong in this world, no matter how much she didn't want to believe it. They were both devastated but the man who took care of her was the most hurt but he knew this was the right thing to do.

He knew that she would be free to do whatever she wanted if she went back but he won't be there for her anymore until one day Rainbow had a question to ask to her friend Cerulean Protector. A pony who is actually a human but only she and her other friends know this secret.

Part 1

It’s been 5 years since I came to PonyVille and I have to admit, I feel like I've lived here all my life. I still remember my world but strangely I don't remember much of it anymore. Even though I originally grew up there I don't really remember much. Is it a good thing or a bad thing, maybe it’s a good thing.

I can only really remember my childhood and the time I spent with my sister Fluttershy. Yeah, I may be a human and Fluttershy is a pony but we have this bond that feels like we're brother and sister. We may have our little fights but all in all nothing can break our bond.

I wonder if Rainbow Dash misses the person who took care of her when she accidentally wounded up in my world. Kinda like with Fluttershy except Fluttershy wasn't turned into a filly. Rainbow hasn't said much about the guy in anyway. Anytime I ask her about it she gets all quiet.

I remember when we were barricaded in Town Hall she was about to say something but she was interrupted. I tried to get her talk but her stubborn pride won't allow it. She keeps on saying that she doesn't want to get all sappy about it but I think it bothers her.

I mean i’m sure, she does think about him but she doesn't want anyone of us to think she's going soft or something. Her pride can be annoying but she's Rainbow Dash, the best flyer in Equestria. Also the most stubborn, but she’s her and I can’t change her.

I guess i’m 2nd best since I can fly as fast as her and we can both do the sonic rainboom together. I remember one time we had a race and we flew so fast we did a rainboom together and nearly made Ponyville go into panic.

Luckily nothing bad happened but it was funny seeing everypony running around, panicking and saying, "It’s the end!" Man they panic about the smallest things. Only a few windows were broken and they’re out running and screaming.

Sadly I lost the race that day but I’ve actually beat her a couple of times but she's ahead by a lot. I've only beaten her a few times and she's like in the hundreds or something but its very rewarding seeing her face when I win.

She always has this proud look on her and so do the other ponies. Now every time we race literally a crowd of ponies show up and watch us compete. Even though I lose most of the time it’s still fun to race her.

I never knew she had a fanclub until Scootaloo brought her friends with her to watch us race. They all had a hat that was Rainbow's main and wore a shirt that had “Rainbow Dash!” on it with a picture of her on it.

They also had little flag things that said RD #1, makes me wish I had a fanclub. They’re basically the reason the why ponies started watching us race in the first place. No matter who wins they also cheer for both of us...Just a little more for the victor.

One time we did another rainboom together while racing and we literally blew them away. Luckily nopony got hurt so it wasn't too bad. They were quite surprised to see another pony do a sonic rainboom.

At first they were speechless but then they went crazy and cheered for us both. Guess they didn't know Rainbow wasn't the only pony able to do a sonic rainboom. Now every time we race we leave posters everywhere saying when our next race is.

I have noticed for the past few days something has been bothering Rainbow because our last race I won so easily it wasn't funny. Rainbow flew so slow, hardly tried and she seemed really worried about something. After the race was over she asked me if we could talk tomorrow at her house then left without saying anything else.

I’m not sure what she wants to talk about but it must be important because I didn't see her the rest of day. The others have noticed too and wondered what’s up but Rainbow said nothing. They all asked me what’s wrong but I had no idea either.

Fluttershy seemed the most worried but then again she worries about a lot of things. I’m glad she doesn't get all dramatic like Rarity. That pony always overreacts to every little thing. Sometimes it’s just annoying on how dramatic she gets.

One time she started saying, "This is unacceptable!" over and over because of an outfit she made for Fluttershy and I that didn't look right to her. They looked fine to us but she said otherwise but she's Rarity so I won't complain too much. The others must be as worried as Fluttershy too.

When I woke up I immediately ate breakfast, helped Fluttershy feed the animals and flew to Rainbow's house. By time I got to her house I could've swore I heard crying coming from inside. When I knocked on the door it got quiet then I heard Rainbow's voice.

"Just a sec!" she said.

Strange, her voice sounded different, it sounded more scratchier than usual and depressed. By the time she opened the door her eyes were droopy, she had bags under them and she seemed like she hadn't slept all night. Her posture was a little off too, she looks sluggish and out of it.

"Hey..." mumbled Rainbow.

"Hey Rainbow, you wanted to talk?"

She nodded her head only once, "Come in..."

I walked inside and followed her to her kitchen. I wonder what's up with her, she’s never like this. If i’m correct, I don’t think i’ve ever seen her like this before. I don’t think her friends have seen her like this either.

"Need any food?" she muttered.

"No I ate before I came here. What”s up, are you ok?"

"No, I want to ask you something....Something serious." said Rainbow.

Her voice became stern and hard almost like she demanded my attention. What ever she wants to talk about it must be really serious. I took a seat and gave her my full attention.

Author's Note:

I'm pretty sure the thing you thought was, this was extremely rushed. Let me explain, it was summer so I had nothing else to do. The story came to mind and I was really into it. I stayed on my laptop for hours typing this. I finished it late at night and here we are lol. Either way my sister said this was a great story, let me know what you think. And if you see any errors or have advice on how they should talk or whatnot i'd appreciate it. Next part comes Tuesday, hope you'll like it.