• Published 14th Dec 2013
  • 1,097 Views, 15 Comments

Dashies Old Friend Returns - Junster00741

Rainbow left her human a few years ago, but as years went by she began to worry for him. How will she deal with this and will she seek help, or deal with this on her own.

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Part 3

Part 3

It’s been about 3 days since Rainbow and I told our friends the plan and i’m starting to get nervous about this. Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Twilight, Rarity and Rainbow have been visiting us for the past few days. I guess they want my time here to be fun before I leave but i’m happy with just Fluttershy. I don't care if I was in a cave, as long as I had her I wouldn't be worried too much.

They all visit us about 3 times a day. I've done nothing but stay with Fluttershy this whole time. All we've done is feed the animals, play with Angle and Capachino and go out on a picnic.

Right now we’re just sitting together and I think she fell asleep on me again. She usually does this when we sit together. Its pretty cute because she huddles next to me when she's like this. Reminds me of when we were in the woods sleeping together in my world. I remember all the animals that were there including the deer.

I could go for a fly though, I’ve really been wanting to fly around a bit to stretch my wings but Fluttershy's asleep and I don't want to wake her up. A few minutes later I finally decided to wake her up and ask her if she wants to fly around for a bit.

"Hey, wake up."

She opened her eyes and stretched, "*yawns* Is something wrong?”

"No. I just wanna know if you want to fly around for a bit."

"Sure." she replied.

We got up, went outside and we flew into the sky. I made sure I flew to where she can keep up. Surprisingly she’s a lot faster than I thought. She passed me up in just a matter of seconds. I quickly caught to her, still a bit amazed at her speed.

"I didn't think you were this fast."

"Oh well when we had to bring water to Cloudsdale I had to train so I could fly faster. I didn't think I could do it but I beat my wing speed by a lot." said Fluttershy.

I raised an eyebrow, "Wing speed?"

"Its how fast you can fly. I’m around 9. I think you're around 14 or 15 because thats how fast Rainbow's was." explained Fluttershy.

"She's that fast?! Wow, she really is the best flyer."

"And you’re the 2nd best." added Fluttershy.

"You think so?"

"You two are the only ponies who can do a sonic rainboom and you too are the fastest flyers I've ever seen." said Fluttershy.

I started blushing because even though I thought of this its nice to hear somepony else say this, especially my sister. It was like when she told me i'm like a brother to her. You just feel so honored that someone would say that.

"Thanks. Wanna have a little race?"

She smiled and immediately sped up her flying. I was even more surprised on how fast she flew. I quickly snapped out of it, caught up to her quickly and immediately passed her. She was a bit surprised to see me pass her up so quickly.

I ended going inside a cloud and I couldn't tell which way was up and down and when I came out a mountain was right in front of me. I couldn’t stopped myself in time and I slammed into it pretty hard, you could hear a loud splat echo off into the distance.

I slowly slid to the ground and landed on my back. I was in a lot of pain and I ended up blacking out. When I woke up I was back home and Fluttershy and the others were huddled over me.

"Ugh...How did I get here?"

"I carried you back. You were knocked out when I found you." answered Fluttershy.

I chuckled lightly, "Really? Thats pretty funny."

I didn’t think she could actually carry me. Not to be mean or anything but i’ve seen her carry 3 bunnies and get winded. She’s just full of surprises today huh.

"Are you ok?" asked Pinkie.

"I should be." I replied.

I got up, walked around and flew around for a little. Everything seemed normal and I felt fine. I examined myself and saw nothing too serious but a few minor cuts, of course Fluttershy tended to them.

“I should be ok, nothing hurts and I feel ok."

"Tough as steel." added Rainbow with a laugh.

"Haha yeah. How long was I out?"

"About 3 hours." answered Fluttershy.

"Really? At least I didn't get a concussion or anything.”

We all laughed and went into the kitchen and sat down. Fluttershy and I brought some food for the others and ate. We chatted about random things and asked how our day was. A simple chat at most.

"So when did you girls get here?"

"We all came here together just to visit. Oh and we just got here. By the time we came in we saw you in the living room knocked out." said Twilight.

"What were you doing anyway?" questioned Rarity.

"Me and Fluttershy were racing."

"What!" yelled everypony surprised.

They all stared at Fluttershy, "She's never raced before, how did you convince her?" said Rainbow.

"I just asked."

They slammed their heads on the table and let out a loud grunt. Me and Fluttershy laughed quietly as our friends made themselves look like idiots.

"So who won?" asked Applejack.

"Neither." I replied.

"Are you going to race again?" asked Twilight.

"I don't think I'll be racing again anytime soon." replied Fluttershy.

"Aww!" whined everypony.

We laughed again but then my head started hurting. It felt like someone driving a nail into my brain with a hammer. It was pounding like crazy and my vision began to double.

"You ok?" said Fluttershy.

"Guess I hit my head or something. Mind using a healing spell Twilight?"

"No problem." said Twilight.

A beam shot out of her horn and hit me and the pain went away.

"Thanks. If only medical stuff in my world was like that."

I was the only that laughed, everypony remained silent. Guess this isn’t something to joke about at the moment.


"Thats ok. Lets not talk about it till the time comes." said Twilight.

We all nodded our heads and remained quiet for a bit. It’s was kinda awkward to tell you the truth. Nothing to say or think about to say to them.

"So do you want to hang out tomorrow?" asked Rainbow.

"No thanks. I told Fluttershy that I would spend the whole week with her."

"Why's that?" questioned Applejack.

"I’m not sure if she wants to talk about."

"It’s ok." said Fluttershy.

I didn't really want to talk about it but if she says its ok then I'll talk.

"She's been really worried about the plan this whole thing and is scared that I might not be able to come back. So I told her I would spend the whole week with her so just in case I don't come back, she'll at least have happy memories about me."

"Isn't that sweet." said Rarity.

I began blushing again and I hid my face from them. They all laughed and then decided to go home. The rest of the day they didn’t visit us and soon night time came.

Fluttershy and I decided to go to bed since it was a long day. We climb into our bed and went to sleep but for some reason I couldn't sleep. I kept on thinking about the plan and I keep imagining a scenario where I can't go back and i’m stuck forever.

Frustrated I then got out of bed and downstairs to the kitchen. I sat there for while, thinking about the plan. I couldn't stop thinking about it and I started shaking again. I then decided to grab some paper, a quilt and write a letter for Fluttershy just incase I don't make it back.

I'll put this in my satchel that Fluttershy made me. Its funny how even though her talent is with animals she can sew and stitch like Rarity. Once I was finished I climbed back into bed and went to sleep. I'll give her the letter before I leave but I hope I come back to see her and her friends.

Author's Note:

I'm sure you're thinking I overused 3 three in this one but i'll see what I can do about it. Hope you're liking this the story. Next part comes Monday. Happy holidays!