• Published 14th Dec 2013
  • 1,097 Views, 15 Comments

Dashies Old Friend Returns - Junster00741

Rainbow left her human a few years ago, but as years went by she began to worry for him. How will she deal with this and will she seek help, or deal with this on her own.

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Part 2

Part 2

At the moment I sit with Rainbow Dash, a friend of mine who about to ask me a question. She told me yesterday to come to her house and now I wait for her question. She has seemed depressed over the days and she hasn’t told anypony why until now.

"Remember when we were barricaded in Town Hall with the others and you asked me a question but I never answered?" asked Rainbow.

I nodded my head, "Yeah I remember. I asked you if you missed the person who took care of you when you ended up in my world."

"Yeah I remember that. But my answer is yes. I miss him very much. Over the years that have gone by I started to become really worried about him." said Rainbow.

"Is that why you didn't try at the race yesterday and just left?"

She nodded her head but said nothing.

"...Is that also why you were crying earlier to?"

She immediately looked up, "You heard me?"

I nodded my head again, "Do you wanna talk about it?"

"You won't make fun of me for getting all sappy...Will you?" said Rainbow.

"No. I’m not like that and you know it."

"Sorry." uttered Rainbow.

"That’s alright. So why were you crying?"

"I've just been so worried...It’s been bothering me ever since I got my memory back. At first I didn't really think much about it but now as we speak i’m thinking about him. It’s been driving me crazy!"

Tears began running down her face and she quickly looked away. I was a little surprised to see her like this. She must be really worried about him if it’s this bad. I don’t blame her though, I got to go back with Fluttershy but he didn’t.

"So what do you want to do about this?"

She wiped away her tears and faced me, " I need to know if he's ok. I need you...To go back to your world and find him."

My eyes widened for a second and my mind was blank for a bit. I wasn’t sure if I heard her right but...She wants ME to go back into my world...Can I even do that?

"Rainbow...I’m not even sure if I can do that..."

"Well we were able to come and take you and Fluttershy back so why can't you go back and check on him?" asked Rainbow.

"It’s just that...I don't think Celestia will let me do that. You gotta understand Rainbow that~"

"Can't you at least try? Please?" begged Rainbow.

I've never seen her beg like this ever and its pretty sad. From high and mighty to begging and on her knees. I don’t like to see her like this and i’ll do anything to help her.

"Alright...I'll see what I can do. But should we tell the others?"

"I guess. But only Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rarity and Twilight. Nopony else must know about this GOT IT!" said Rainbow.

"You think i’m that stupid? Of course I won't tell anypony else."

"Alright just making sure. Let’s meet at Twilight’s. Gather everypony and bring them there." ordered Rainbow.

"Alright, I'll see you later then."

I headed out and flew back to Fluttershy's cottage. By the time I got back Derpy and Doctor Whoof. were feeding the fish and Fluttershy was teaching a song to the birds.

"Hi Cerulean!" yelled Derpy excitedly.

"Hello Cerulean." waved Doctor Whoof. calmly.

I waved to both of them and told Fluttershy to meet me at Twilight's house now. She asked me what’s wrong but I told her Rainbow and I will explain once we gather at Twilight's. I then flew to AJ's and told her the same thing and to the rest.

By the time I got to Twilight's Applejack, Fluttershy, Rainbow and Twilight were waiting outside. Pinkie Pie and Rarity are the only ones that we had to wait on.

"What’s up?" questioned Twilight.

"Rainbow and I will explain once all of us are here."

She seemed confused but she nodded her and went back to waiting. 5 minutes later Rarity finally came but we’re still waiting on Pinkie. 10 minutes gone by and she's still not here.

"Where in the name of Celestia is that pony? We've been here forever!" complained Rainbow.

"Right here!" yelled Pinkie.

She jump out from Twilights window and landed right on me.

"Ow!...Hey wait, were you there the whole time?"

"Yep. I’m like a spy! Oh, secret agent Pinkie Pie!" said Pinkie.

"Thats great but CAN YOU GET OFF OF ME!"

"Oh sorry haha." chuckled Pinkie.

She hopped off of me which also hurt, just hope she didn't crack a rib or something. Well i’m not breathing weirdly so i’m fine. She’s a little heavy for a pony who can jump a 100 feet into the sky. How does she do that anyway...

"Alright now that everypony is here let's head inside and we'll explain everything." said Rainbow.

We went inside and Rainbow and I stood in front of our friends.

"So what’s this about?" asked Fluttershy.

"Remember when I accidentally wounded up in Cerulean's world? And this man found me and raised me because I was aged back to a philly?" asked Rainbow.

They all nodded their heads.

I spoke next, "She's been really worried about him and she wants me to go back to my world and check on him."

They were all thrown away by this idea. I expected this type of reaction, this is something they least expected to hear from us. They’re probably more thrown off since i’m the one who going to do this.

"What do you mean...Go back?" asked Fluttershy nervously.

"Like that. She wants me to go back to my world, find him and check if he's ok."

"But...What if you won't be able to come back..." said Fluttershy.

That’s one thing I never thought of, this is a very risky thing to do because I won't have Celestia there with me to bring me back. What if this doesn't work and I end up in my world with no chance of coming back. I began shaking with this realization and Rainbow seemed very concerned about this.

" I...I will come back. I promise. I’m not leaving my family behind. I'll find a way back, don't worry."

Tears began running run down Fluttershy's face and she began crying, " But what if this messes up? What’s going to happen to you!?"

She wrapped her hooves around me tightly and continued to sob. The others had a worried look on them. I wasn't even sure if this was going to work but I won't let this bring me down.

"I will come back. Pinkie promise. Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye."

She looked up, "Promise?”

I nodded my head and she let me go and walked back to the others. I know she’s extremely worried about this, same for the others. I could say no right now and forget this but I can’t, not after seeing Rainbow beg.

"Are you sure? I don't want to put any danger on you." asked Rainbow.

"I’m sure."

"Ok. Twilight can you ask Celestia to help us?" said Rainbow.

"We'll go to Canterlot and request a meeting." replied Twilight.

"You can do that?"

"Well yeah. I am a princess remember?" said Twilight sarcastically.

"Oh yeah. So are we going now?"

"No not now. The trains are in maintenance right now so we'll have to wait." said Twilight.

"How long?" questioned Applejack.

"About a week." answered Twilight.

"Alright then. We'll all meet up at the train station next week."

"Right!" said everypony.

We all left and headed home, Fluttershy and I walked slowly back to our cottage. She still was crying but quietly. She knows she can’t hide her feelings from me, I know her too well to know when she’s sad, worried or happy.

She placed her wing over me, "Are you sure about this?"

"Yes. I don't want to see Rainbow like this."

"But what if something goes wrong?" questioned Fluttershy.

"You were able to get Rainbow back and your friends were able to bring us back as well."

Fluttershy stopped and looked at me, "Yes but Celestia won't be there this time. How will you be able to come back?"

"I think Celestia will figure that out."

Tears began running down her face again, "Ok..."

She slowly wrapped her hooves around me and pulled me closer to her. I patted her back and comforted her. I know she’s worried about this, she could lose her brother because of this.

“It’ll be alright.”

“I just don’t want to lose you...” uttered Fluttershy.

“You won’t. I’m not going to leave you. We’ll figure this out ok?”

She nodded her head, loosened her arms but held me close and we began walking again. By the time we got back it was midnight. We went inside and sat in our room. She remained quiet and stared at the floor.

"Please don't cry again. You know I don't like it when I see you cry."

"Sorry..." she said in a quiet manner.

"Come on lets just get some sleep, I'll spend the whole week with you ok?"

That seemed to brighten her mood a little, "Ok."

We climbed into our bed and went to sleep. I really hope this works and I can come back. I don't want to leave her and the others behind. If i’m right, Fluttershy could do something horrible to herself if I don’t come back.

Author's Note:

So Cerulean is asked to return to earth to search for Rainbow's long lost friend. He agrees but as they here the risks they're in, he begins to worry. What will happen when the time comes, we'll see.
Hope you're liking it, let me know if you have any advice on the talking. Still new to this.