• Published 24th Dec 2013
  • 468 Views, 14 Comments

The Everlasting - THEqwabik

War is the only answer, and at its gates lies the only people that can stop this, but the elements are scattered, will they find them? Or die trying?

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Chapter 7: Diamond Dogs

I'm running

From what?

Diamond Dogs

Whats in your bag?


Then why are they chasing you?

They think I stole a diamond

Rarity was running as fast as possible from the Diamond Dogs. She didn't know where her friends were, she got cut off after they got jumped. She was trying to find them and keep a safe distance. She rounded a corner which had a little hiding spot, she hid there. The dogs kept running forwards, she lost them. All was good, for now, she had to find her friends and find the element. Also she had to not run into the Diamond Dogs while she's at it. She ran into a wall of so, so many diamonds, each glitter from lights hanged on the wall. Rubies sparkled and emeralds dazzled as she changed perspectives, diamonds glimmered, then, her eyes began to shine.

The diamonds and rubies and emeralds are beautiful

What about the mission?

What mission?

To find honesty?

Oh, yes, I can't let my friends down

Rarity shook her head and rounded the corner to find a nasty surprise, well not so nasty but traps. But since she's a unicorn, oh wait, what's this? There's a magic barrier, she'll have to make it through the traps. She takes on careful step between two bear traps, then a jump to get momentum. She pushed forward and on to the next trap, a hole. She jumps over that easily and there she is, right at the prize. She carefully puts it in her bag and gets out of there. She runs around a few corners and finds a jail type place. Then suddenly a jail door flies out and hits the wall, a dust storm is coming right at Rarity, and she blacks out.

Author's Note:

Just wanted to add a new chapter, been awhile since I made a chapter for this story. Leavin' ya on a mean cliff hanger