• Published 24th Dec 2013
  • 468 Views, 14 Comments

The Everlasting - THEqwabik

War is the only answer, and at its gates lies the only people that can stop this, but the elements are scattered, will they find them? Or die trying?

  • ...

Chapter 8: All Six

"Soo, Rarity, I see you have, laughter," Rainbow Dash says, cringing her face to hide her smile. Rarity had just woken up and she was already back at the library.

"Yes, I do and now were going to use all them," Rarity said.

"You do know we have one more and that's honesty!" Applejack shouted, "by the way, where is it Twilight."

Twilight studied a map of Equestria closely, "It's at Neighagra Falls,"

"Where and what now?"

"Neighagra Falls,"


"Isnt this place so beautiful," Rarity said happily.

"Were not here to look, we're here to find the element," Twilight sternly said.

They kept searching and searching until Rainbow Dash decided to do a new trick and then she found the element hidden behind the water fall. They quickly took it and right as Twilight was about to use her warp hole spell a green laser bullet went straight beside her, and they aren't going to leave without a fight.

"They're coming through the water fall!" Fluttershy shouts.

"Now you decide to talk and state the obvious!" Rainbow Dash states.

Fluttershy smiles embarrassed. The changelings rush through the waterfall and Applejack rushes to get the first hit, a buck to the face. The changeling is sent flying backwards and knocks down a line of changelings. Rainbow Dash gets the second hit with a face full of hoof. Fluttershy calls in a bunch of animals to distract them while Twilight shoots a bolt of magic that explodes on a changeling, giving her enough time to make a warp hole and get the whole gang in the library. Leaving nothing behind she closes the warp hole.

"So, what's are plan of attack?" Rainbow Dash asks.

Author's Note:

Yay! Another chapter done of a few days of writers block!