• Published 31st Dec 2013
  • 3,760 Views, 425 Comments

Imbalanced - Nameless Narrator

Equestria always needs saving and now there is the worst pony for the job. A story about how things never go as planned following the life of a young, depressed unicorn destined to be a hero whether he wants to or not. SPOILER: He doesn't.

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From Bad To Worse: Emptiness

[Choking's Entry]

I've never been to Manehatten before but the place is huge. That's all there is to it. It isn't as beautiful as Canterlot. It isn't as interesting as Canterlot. It's just big and full of ponies.

I'm on the way back to Canterlot now, confused.

... and a bit happy?

[End Entry]

Nopony tries to stop me as I walk through the almost deserted Canterlot castle and go to my office to get the official letter about Blaze's death. The posters inside always calm me down with humor or pure sense of epicness. The Two Steps From Tartarus poster does the trick this time and I rummage through the mess on my table for the condolences letter and then turn to leave.

Something feels off. Finally I find what made my alarm go off and read the name on a forgotten personal file - Rising Thunder. A sense of unknown and confusion sends cold sweat down my spine.

"That can't be right," I say to the empty air, deeply in thought.

It doesn't really stop the growing suspicion though. Blaze's apartment with broken door, new used toothbrush and a fresh bottle of a very expensive wine which is now at my place all point to one thing which is impossible. Just in case, I look up Rising Thunder's address in his file... just in case.

In case of what? I've been there. The proof of his death is sitting in my apartment. What do I expect? There must be a logical explanation such as ghosts, zombies or something, right? The important thing is not to jump to crazy conclusions fueled by my guilt. With clearer mind and the letter in my bag I leave for Canterlot train station.


I freeze when I hear the salespony's voice and, eyes widening, turn towards the news stand.

"One Canterlot Herald, please."

"Here you go, miss. That'll be five bits."

Producing the coins, I just keep staring at the main page with the image of brutalized Blueblood. For a second I feel sorry for him but then I remember what he did and all compassion disappears immediately leaving only hate. I fly through the article.

"Two royal guards knocked unconscious, unhurt aside from slight concussion. Yesterday evening. Broken legs, dislocated jaw, heavy bruising, crushed royal jewels? No hoofprints. Weapon used... weapon used... small, steel blunt instrument - possibly a combat horseshoe. Attacker is supposed to be a ghost because the prince kept screaming 'a ghost, a ghost' and waking up from artificially induced sleep. Ghost because he says 'ghost', how dumb can journalists be?"

I can't blame them too much because I have to admit what's going through my head doesn't make much sense either. The clues point to something impossible.

To Manehatten. Note to self - talk to Void about afterlife when I come back.

The big city is very organized and even an outsider like me has no problem finding my way around and my guard armor assures the cooperation of locals despite me being a batpony. Or maybe this not being a fortress of the sun like Canterlot just means they have no problem with me. When the style of buildings changes into gleaming, decorated mansions with spacious lawns protected by all-natural hedges I guess I'm in the right neighborhood and at last there is a three-story building with polished wooden door adorned with ivory unicorns at both sides in front of me.

The door is slightly open. In any other mansion I would have guessed this to be an overlook by a gardener or something but with recent events I decide to just enter and talk my way out of things in case I get blamed for breaking in. My pushing the door leaves me with no reward. I push more and feel something behind the door slip away. With my whole body working the door I push once again and the unmoving pony behind it changes position. It's some kind of servant with his tuxedo screaming 'butler' even to me slumped in front of it.

Angry voices from somewhere make me creep through the entrance hall towards their source.

"Give me the sword and I won't hurt you," says a muffled voice from behind the almost closed door.

A robbery then... I rush in and charge the pony in dark green cloak.

The pony reacts fast enough and kicks me to the side, breaking my balance and using my momentum to throw me hard at the wall. The armor and helmet protect me from the impact knocking me out but I still can't move and everything is buzzing around.

Both unicorns ignore me and I blink, trying to see the large white unicorn who is probably Blaze's father and the smaller, bronze one whose coat, on a second look, isn't a coat but some kind of bronze.. shiny... armor?

Blaze's sword flies out and points at the decorative weapon rack hanging on the wall and then at his father.

"It's enchanted so only you can pick it up... while you're alive. Do it or you're dead."

"You DARE threaten your own blood?!" shouts Blinding with unbridled fury.

"You disowned me, remember? Now GIVE ME THE BUCKING SWORD!"

"No. Get out you scum!"

Blaze's pained scream with no coherent thought in it is aimed at the obstacle in front of him. Two horns glow and two swords fly through the air at shocking speeds. One is a standard guard issue sword and the other one is a shining silvery weapon of greater size.

Both attempts work... unfortunately.

The ebony-handled greatsword pierces Blaze through his armor, impaling him to the floor. The oncoming coughing of blood makes me bite my lips.

Blaze's attempt is successful as well though.

Hearing angry voices and shouting, Precious Gift entered the room and, realizing the danger threatening her husband, jumped in front of him. Her smaller size just assured the sword aimed at her husband's chest went through her neck leaving no hope of survival etched in red letters on the carpet.

Blinding Light's knees give up but he still manages to catch his wife mid-fall and just looks questioningly at his son. Blaze is in no position to answer though, the pool of blood under him indicates that there will be no more talking... ever.

"You are dead, maniac," growls Blinding Light.

Leaving the magic sword keeping Blaze pinned in place he picks up the sword previously aimed at him.


Another coughing fit interrupts Blaze's mad laughter.

"What's so funny, you little bitch?"

I'm only able to watch as Blaze inches his way up the greatsword and eventually with glowing horn manages to pull it out of himself, all that while laughing.

"Where's the second sword?" asks Blaze with the silver sword replacing the old one in his sheath and slicing it open in the process.

Blinding Light is paralyzed by the sight as well. Looking at the body of his wife, the only thing he manages to whisper is:

"The Cult of Luna in Canterlot."

"I-" begins Blaze.

"No matter what she's always loved you, no matter what piece of shit you were, no matter your constant failures and no matter you being gay trash. I hope you've got everything you wanted... never come here again."

With that he collapses on the ground and begins crying uncontrollably.

Seeing his father break down, Blaze just keeps opening and closing his mouth.

"Blaze?" I groan, still on the floor.

He notices me and the horror in his face grows even more. With tears streaming down his cheeks he runs outside.

I'm still dizzy and coordinating my legs takes too much effort but in the end I get up and walk to Blinding Light. I have some idea about the differences between those two now but I still find it hard to hate Blaze despite seeing his father crying over a body of his dead mother. Perhaps a small white lie would help?

"The guard will get him," I say to the unicorn, hoping for it not to be the case.

To Blinding Light I don't exist. Remembering the personal file in my office and Blaze's question I know I have to get back to Canterlot as fast as possible.

"The Cult of Luna and Rising Thunder's home. Please, princesses, let me get there in time."

I run back to the train station as fast as my wobbly legs allow me and hope I catch the same train as Blaze. Looking for him there would be too dangerous though so I'll just have to make my move back in Canterlot.

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