• Published 31st Dec 2013
  • 3,765 Views, 425 Comments

Imbalanced - Nameless Narrator

Equestria always needs saving and now there is the worst pony for the job. A story about how things never go as planned following the life of a young, depressed unicorn destined to be a hero whether he wants to or not. SPOILER: He doesn't.

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Hope Dies Last: Turnaround

[Blazing's Entry]

Remember the time I said an entry was my last one?
Yeaaaaah... that.

As it turns out, I'm pretty bad at offing myself. I mean if there was a suicide competition somewhere then I would be the one who leaves it with stronger heart and lower cholesterol levels.

It's not all bad though, more like exactly the opposite.

I banged a mare! I banged a mare!

That might need some clarification. By 'I banged her' I mean 'she banged me' and by 'mare' I mean... well, technically...

Alright, my butt hurts, what of it?

So, where to begin?

[End Entry]

I'm soooo booooored!

So am I. It hurt like blazes, no pun intended, when I sent both swords to impale me to the cavern floor hard enough for me not to be able to pull them out again. Unfortunately, when Scream made this body she made it really well and even when hungry and tired, it still possesses incredible survivability.

You could have at least pinned yourself down with head aimed at the entrance. That wall is pretty uninteresting.

Sorry to say, I wasn't really expecting to be alive for HOURS.

You should stop killing yourself, you seem to suck at it.

Third time's the charm?

I really doubt that. Somepony up there probably hates you enough to make you keep going.

Life sucks and, apparently, so does death. Now I'm left with my thoughts and that is never a good thing. Eventually the magic in my body will fail but as things go, eventually might mean days.

You did a pretty good job with those swords. Too bad you can't pull them out, return to Canterlot and tell Choking you got tired of dying and that you love her.

Well I should have done that last time I met her but considering the circumstances that wouldn't have been the best idea. What's more, I can't say I love her, it was more like obsession for last few days.

Obsession, by Fleur De Lis.

Are you really playing ads?

I. AM. BORED. Also, you don't have an idea about ancient Equestrian poetry so I can't just make up some amazing slogan to leave to future generations.

Cry me a river.

Hey... are those voices I hear? WE SHALL BE SAVED!

Oh buck me...

There are distorted voices coming from the cave mouth. Having nothing better to do, I just listen.

A deafening blow tears away the front of the cave in an avalanche of rocks sending four shapes flying into what used to be the inside of it.

That must have been pretty interesting. Too bad all I see is that dripping stalag-thingy.

Stalagtites. They are the ones hanging down, I think.

My overacive brain unfortunately piqued my interest and now even I'm regretting not seeing anything. Some shadows pass by me in a rush.

"Hey! There's a corpse here but there are weapons, grab them!" shouts a military sounding voice obviously ready to be obeyed.

Well this is gonna sting.

I groan as my two weapons are pulled out of the ground, releasing me. A roar cuts through the air and I hear hoofsteps backing away to the deeper part of the cave.

"Your majesty, hide behind us."

Okay, so they are guards of some sort. Despite being tired and almost magic-less due to the swords I have enough strength to turn on my back. With the weapons out of me, I begin regenerating.


A blast of green light hits the monster which recoils slightly but just looks at the burning head that's been hit and roars yet again. Within seconds, the wounded head begins healing which is enough for me to disregard all pain and get up. Peaceful death is no longer an option as the idea of being chewed up by a hydra in a regenerating body is a bit too brutal even for me. Completely forgetting about my swords being taken away, I blindly try to levitate their forms.

They come to me after being torn from the telekinetic grip of the guards, whoever they were. Unfortunately for them, it means their only means of defense have been taken away and when the hydra heads reach behind me I just hear a snap of teeth and short-lived screams of pain.


I don't hesitate though and as the necks pass back over me I slash with both weapons in a wide arc, leaving the hydra nothing to regenerate. Or so I think until the body begins twitching again and all three sliced throats close up.

Another green beam hits the hydra and for once I'm glad I have the anti-magic swords back because at close range I can feel the backwash of energy when the spell hits. The fried hydra doesn't get up this time and I turn to identify the spellcaster.

Uh oh.

Do you think she remembers you?

Probably. Killing dozens of her underlings and stopping part of her forces from entering Canterlot castle might stick in memory for some weird reason.

But without you, the invasion wouldn't have even happened. Maybe she will reward you?

Last time she tried to reward me by eating me but underestimated my body.

See? Now you have something in common. Perhaps you could talk about it.

Something like 'Uh, hi! Remember the time you tried to kill me and failed miserably? Yeah... been there, done that'.

The powerful mage standing in front of me is none other than the changeling queen, complete package with the black chitin, translucent wings and blue-ish mane and tail.

And her green eyes, narrowing slowly when she looks at me.

Yeah, she remembers.

Perhaps it's my new body, the weapons, or perhaps I'm just used to it but when her horn glows in sync with her eyes it changes nothing for me.

Don't lie. She's still a sexy beast.

Damn yes.

Failing her charm attempt, she resorts to a direct approach in sending another beam of energy at me which dissipates mid-air.

Good. The swords actually work. I wasn't really sure after the last shutdown attempt. That means she's defenseless. Here's your chance to do something right, hint hint, the one you've always wanted.

I can't just kill a defenseless pony.

Since when?

Point taken, now shut up.

Firstly, she's not a pony. Secondly, she's evil. Finally, she's not really defenseless, just against you she is.

All those are valid arguments but I'm not willing to harm a being which I percieve basically as an unarmed mare.

She's a MONSTER!

Hey! I've been called that as well.

No, you're a horny moron. She's a real threat. Stop thinking with your balls and KILL HER!

Not happening, no matter how many good and valid reasons you present.

Okay, just cut her legs off and bring her to Canterlot for execution. Celestia herself will give you hoofjobs every time you ask if you do that.

I lower my weapons to calm Chrysalis down.

"What are you doing here?" is my totally inoffensive question.

"I don't have to explain myself to you, worm!"

"Fine, whatever. I'll forget I've seen you and we part ways then."

"I think I'll just lay eggs in you," threatens Chrysalis and sends another beam of energy towards me with the same lack of results.

She's dumb as a brick, no wonder the invasion failed.

"I'm sorry but I don't think I'm ready for serious relationship no matter how tempting it sounds," I say, grinning.

"YOU IMPUDENT TRASH!" screams Chrysalis and gathers more energy than before. It takes her way more time but I don't try to stop her as I'm curious myself how much my body combined with the swords can take.

The blast melts the rocky ground between us and disappears completely after getting near the crossed swords. Chrysalis is now breathing heavily and shaking in exhaustion.

You know what? Keep trying diplomacy, she's gonna tire herself soon enough and then something will just eat her.

"Keep doing that, maybe it will work the seventeenth time."

She just keeps staring at me in wordless anger and defiance.

"Soooo, are we cool?" I ask.

This time I don't see the horn glow but a weak glimmer of green coursing through her chitin armor proves to me she's doing something. Her power is incomparably higher than mine so the guess is that she's improving her physical abilities somehow.

It proves correct when she charges me at breakneck speed unachievable by normal means. Unfortunately for her, the muscular enhancement doesn't give one the ability to use it effectively and every martial artist worth his salt knows what to do with an enemy charging in a straight line. When I trip her up and swing her over my head to slam her back on the ground, it's only her hardened green belly armor that protects her spine but shatters in the process.

Her attempt to get up and her weak coughing make me lean down to offer her a helping hoof.

ARE YOU CRAZY? I mean she's pretty stupid but how can you be even worse?

"If you keep doing that somepony might get hurt so please stop, my queen," I say softly.

This time it's her hurt pride which doesn't allow any weakness and she grabs my hoof, twists it and pulls me on the ground where she mounts me. Then her jaws come and bite through my neck.

"That will teach you to lay your filthy hooves on the queen, slave. Now speak! What are you doing here?"

My unnatural body isn't enough to protect me from her venom but helps me keep more than two brain cells. Unfortunately, quantity doesn't mean quality.

"I was just walking around, looking for a souvenir shop and suddenly I heard a hydra trying to take a bite of the most beautiful pony I've ever seen," I answer, meaning every compliment. She doesn't need venom to make me go crazy.

Her laying eggs in my brain sounds more and more tempting as the poison spreads through my body but with sheer luck I dodge her second bite attempt and manage to get her under me, switching positions.

At that point I'm no longer able to resist her venom in my bloodstream and begin kissing, hugging and grinding my queen, lover, owner, mistress and other names my confused mind can think of.

My licking her chitinous chest is completely lost on her, however, because my passionate hugs make it very hard for her to breathe. The fog in my head fades and it's probably because she realized that her charming venom wasn't really helping her at all.

Not that she needs it to let me feed her.

"Oh really?" she asks thoughtfully.

I forgot about this nasty little ability of hers. Having no idea what to say, I just stare at the queen, who stops struggling.

"So you like to be on top?" she asks again, thoughtfulness turning to seduction.

"Nice try, but I'm a bottom personally," I try to joke my way out, forgetting that the changeling under me is somepony who has been dealing with pony minds and desires for centures.

"Even that can be arranged," says Chrysalis sensually and licks her lips, careful to show her long tongue.

I'm up for the fight though so I just spit out the deepest and weirdest desire I can think of.

"Really? Can you change into Spitfire with some additional special equipment down there?" I ask, daring Chrysalis and expecting her to stop the game.

I realize how horribly outmatched I am in this game when a burst of green flames passes her form and spreading under me there is...

"Oh. My. God," is all I can say with bulging eyes.

"My queen is enough, dear," says Spitfire slowly.

I take back everything I said, this one's a keeper.

This time I really jump off her, absolutely speechless. Chrysalis/Spitfire just smiles and spreads her hind legs showing off the requested 'special equipment'.

When will you ever get another chance like this?

She will bite me!

Worth it.

She will kill me!

Worth it.

She will lay eggs in my brain!

Not without a map. Still worth it!

"I really, really want to... but I don't want to die," I say, completely shocked to find out it is true. For the first time in what feels like ages I have the strength to keep going.

Not that I actually have a choice as it seems.

"Alright," says Chrysalis, "how about we call it a reward for saving me."

"For real?"

I can feel my energy draining away but compared to the last time she fed on me it's slow, steady and not really threatening.

"Are you doubting the word of your queen?" she asks, smiling widely.

That's it. How many times does one get an opportunity for Spitfire to ride him?

Most stallions would like the opposite.

Maybe later. The changeling queen in a form of the captain of Wonderbolts with capabilities of a hung stallion. What's not to like?

Wow. First time thinking that without adding 'I am a freak'.

If she doesn't have a problem with it, why should I?

One heck of a first time, right?

Second, but yeah. Brainegging or not, worth it.

Told you.

"Can you bite me... just a bit?" I ask shyly.

Chrysalis/Spitfire opens her mouth again, showing that she still retains her fangs and wraps her tongue around one of them.

"Anything for you, my pet."

Hesitantly, I step into a completely new territory and love every second of it despite walking funny for a while.

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