• Published 31st Dec 2013
  • 3,765 Views, 425 Comments

Imbalanced - Nameless Narrator

Equestria always needs saving and now there is the worst pony for the job. A story about how things never go as planned following the life of a young, depressed unicorn destined to be a hero whether he wants to or not. SPOILER: He doesn't.

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New Life: Party

[Blazing's Entry]

Being used might seem to some as a despicable act but sometimes there are ponies, such as me, who just can't find a direction by themselves and need somepony else to reign then down and unleash them when necessary. Using those is an act of mercy when done by somepony who, for one reason or other, guides them for his own benefit and rewards them afterwards. The term 'pet' might cross ones mind and in such situation is not a derogatory one. The sexual theme of submission and dominance also comes very close but now it refers to a way of life more than just simple bedroom gymnastics and when done right, both subjects can find fulfillment that way.

There are also those who would use the aimless one for their own benefit and berate him to keep him in the state of despair to use him more easily next time until they drain every little bit of soul from him. There is a lot of these users around.

I think I'm spending way too much time in the castle library.

[End Entry]

"Another hay smoothie?" I ask the increasingly drunk noble who is sitting on a chair in front of me and desperately trying to stop his sobbing.

"Send it here, Jimmy!" he mumbles and I really don't have the energy to correct him about my name, not that it matters.

I can easily understand why was Choking so stoked about the party but I can understand even easier where she made the fatal mistake. A bunch of bachelors from various echelons of society sounds a fantastic idea at first but when they get together it is easy to see why they still are that way. I guess I just have a lot more experience with identifying the signs compared to others mostly because I see way too many of them every morning in the mirror. Some of them are just socially awkward ponies who are waiting for somepony alse to lead them out of their shells and who are just inexperienced with the dating scene. Others are just too preoccupied to spend most of their time on a party of some kind and are generally a really good catch. And then there are ones like the guy sipping a hay smoothie and teling me all about his life. I hate every little thing about him, starting with how similar to me he is.

"Hey, it's just temporary," I say an pass him the drink.

One positive thing about this affair is that I'm coming to terms with me possibly being a great listener, not that I actually CARE about what he's saying but drunks don't need a somepony like that... they just need somepony to be there while they speak and that is a service I can provide. Also I'm becoming a pretty good bartender and the longer I'm listening to him the more I believe those traits go hoof in hoof with one another.

"WHY DID SHE HAVE TO LEAVE ME?" he exclaims and falls from the barstool.

Well that escalated quickly. I grab a mop and start taking care of the spilled mess while another pony is pulling the unconscious guy to the kitchen. After all, we don't want Celestia's affair to turn into common cheap bar spectacle. Fortunately the princess didn't notice anything or if she did, she decided not to act on it.

"Hey there, handsome," I hear a nearby voice.

I keep cleaning the floor and eventually all the mess is gone and I turn my attention to the cloth used for cleaning glasses and start wiping the drop-out's one. A different pony takes his place and before I can pop the question (What'll it be?) she says again:

"Did you swallow your tongue, handsome?"

I look around to explore the unlikely option of her talking to me and find out that I really am the only one in the vicinity. The mare talking to me is a royal guard pegasus of astonishing physical status which immediately sets off an alarm in my head - she is either completely wasted or wants something. Am I just paranoid? No reason to make enemies though.

"What'll it be, ma'am?" I try not to stare at her blindingly white coat and few jewels in just the right places to make my gaze slide all over her body.

Don't trust ANYTHING she says.

I don't need the new voice in my head telling me that. She's weirding me out more than the voice itself.

"Maybe the same as the guy who was sitting here earlier - a company."

I look into her green eyes and feel like drowning in them. At the moment I know my body would do anything to feel the mare close to me and to give her my everything. My constant fear burns away and the calm of finding my OWNER spreads through my entire body. She smiles, the scene changes and I have trouble stopping a scream from leaving my throat, I'm facing some kind of predator in pony form. Maybe I'm just reacting to her forwardness, maybe it's something else and if there is somepony who knows the reactions of his entire being to certain things it is me and right now I know something isn't right.

"I think somepony of your beauty would be welcome in any company and there is good amount of-"

"Oh but it feels like you're trying to get rid of me," she licks her lips and forces our stares to lock.

It's magic. Look away NOW!

I refuse to believe the voice, somepony as beautiful as her wouldn't need to use any kind of magic on me and she's a pegasus after all. I let go of any resistance and the mild headache I attributed to the sound of dozens of ponies talking fades away. The scene changes again without anything moving and I feel an irresistible urge to bow before the beauty looking at me. I feel no reason not to do so and my forehead hits the bar counter which works as a cold shower and my magic stops working causing the glass I've been cleaning all the time to shatter on the floor.

"What are you doing, you idiot!" a voice from the kitchen breaks me out of my confusion.

"Eh?" I shake my head and try to get hold of myself.

"Too busy flirting to do your job, eh? Clean up the mess and get serving! We'll talk about this later."

I've never been so happy to see an angry supervisor in my life. He turns to the lady after scolding me.

"Sorry for that, miss. He's new here and doesn't know he shouldn't be bothering guests."

"Leave us alone, worm!" she says sharply.

My super smiles at her happily and goes back to where he came from.

"Yes, miss. Thank you, miss. Have a great evening, miss."


Thanks to the interruption I was able to collect my thoughts a bit and with the voice still being a mystery I tend to agree for now. The white pegasus feels weird. I sweep the broken glass off the floor dreading the moment I'd have to look up again without any decent excuse to leave and when the moment finally comes I still have nothing.

Nothing happens.

No confusion, no headache, no change. The green eyes are still there and the smile feels normal now and puts me at ease. I'm just overworked probably.

"So, can I be of service, ma'am?" I ask calmly. Everything now feels right.

"How come someone like you isn't a guest here but is working the table?"

I scratch my head.

"Eh I'm just doing somepony a favor. I'm not a guard or something so I wouldn't be invited."

"Oh? One of the castle staff then?"

"I... I just carry coal around every night," I look down, blushing. Now it ends and I won't feel her company anymore.


The shock causes me to grab a second to analyze before I do anything. Even when I'm not looking at her I can feel her. It isn't a presence or aura like something strong from Sharp Biscuit. I just KNOW she's there... I can feel her from inside me.

Too late, moron.

I don't know who she is or what she's doing but I steel myself from further invasion and try to gather the terrified thoughts and tell her off. As soon as I look at her to do so her gaze hits me and at that instant I know she was just lulling me into false sense of security.

"Nice try, pet. You just might be the right one," she says, or thinks? I can't identify the tone of her voice. I just know she said... no, I know those words are in my head now.

"Now why don't we find a quiet spot to have some fun together."

No thoughts about my promise to Choking or about my duty matter anymore. I. JUST. WANT. TO. SERVE. HER. In ANY way, shape or form. I nod and look once more at my mistress. She smiles and my knees go weak. Not only those but I suddenly feel weaker all around, must be my nerves. I smile to myself - there's no need to be nervous, I'm in good hooves now.

"Let's-" the white lady says but stops when a black blur knocks her down from the barstool.

"Whoopsh... shorry miz'."

A midnight-black batpony puts her front legs on the counter and begins to squint her eyes at me.

"S'dat yoo, Blaze?"

I send a small prayer to Celestia. It's not in my nature to be so happy to see somepony but at this moment I would happily kiss Choking's drunk ass. And with the relief flowing through my muscles I just say:

"Yea, It's me, Darky."

"Whissh one of yoo?"

I wave my hoof in the air.

"I shust whanna thank yoo for halpin'"


"Nah nah! I got smtin' bettr' f'ya," she barely manages to, and I use the term loosely, say.

I raise an eyebrow at her attempts at some strange grimace she's making and in disbelief I realize she's getting ready to kiss me. I've never been put in this situation but the hope she wouldn't remember any of this tomorrow keeps me going. I lean forward and see her flap her wings without any coordination to jump and hug me over the counter.

I don't know how drunk she is but as soon as she jumps it becomes apparent she chose the wrong me to jump at and her crashing behind the counter makes me slightly worried. The snoring which begins coming from down there proves to me that everything is all right though. First kiss will have to wait then.

Meh, close enough.

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