• Published 9th Jan 2014
  • 1,076 Views, 13 Comments

To Have, and To Hold - Ponyess

I had realised, I love Pinkie Pie, and she loves me. The next logical step is to have a wedding, and to put it into the perspective, the Crystal Fair, at the Centre of the Crystal Empire was to place, and the time. Cadence would be in the cen

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Planning Ahead: 2

Apparently, I had been granted my wish. The wedding will be held at the third fair of the Crystal empire. The luck, beyond all hope.

“Pinkie? Is it so bad, pulling a few strings, to get what you desire, since it is in the name of love?!” I asked.

“You know I want the wedding, just as much as you do. What better place then the Crystal Fair? What better time? Besides, what can lift the spirits, as a wedding?” Pinkie pointed out.

I knew she was right, at least on the reason of when and where, even if I still did not take her word for just how important it was. It is important, not just to me, to us. It is a gesture, to the entire Empire, we are going to do everything, in order to keep them, happily within Equestria. Celestia knows, just how much we had already done, and how far we had been pushing ourself, in order to do the right thing, both for the empire, and Equestria, not to mention, Pony kind at large.

Maybe, just maybe, we could be granted just this one small reward? I love Pinkie Pie, knowing full well, she loves me, just as dearly. I had realised, she would be the one Pony, who could have a chance, keeping my pace, even if she commonly had been earth bound. If an earth pony could keep up, with the fastest of all Pegasi? What'd the foal be like?

I dared not thinking further, not just because there was so much that could go wrong, before we even got to the wedding. Secondly, genetics isn't my strong suit, that's Twilights part. You never know what brood within genetics, what if all the wrong traits takes the prime, rather than the once you hope for, and dream of? Thus I left this to the four winds. Winds, that's where I excel. Even if the Rain Boom is my name?

I had gathered all the responses. Both Cadence, and Celestia had approved of our wedding, every last detail. They were to grant us the one wish. Even Trixie had been enticed. I guess Pinkie knew how to pull her in. She always knew everything, at least, the impossible things, and when it mattered the most. Maybe that's another reason, why I love her so dearly? I love to think it was. It does go well with my Element, 'Loyalty'.

Now I just hope, I can make, or keep her happy. Keeping her in tune with her element, 'Laughter'. Not just because I love her, but because we need her, the way she is, even if her overly hyped self could be trying at times. Try to fly away from an earth pony, only to find her waiting for you, at the end of every escaperout? It's not what you wish for, it sounded more like the meme of the Nightmare, which was in part the Element of Luna, during her years as 'Nightmare Luna'. I wish not return to that past.

What surprised me the most, is when Zecora had been over, just the day after I had gotten the final confirmation on our wedding. She is her usual cryptic self, even when she had the giggle into her voice, from the amusement she had been struck by? What she told us, a few pieces of advice. What to think of, was it. Thankfully, Pinkie had listened.

Author's Note:

Here's another of my stories, if you haven't noticed, I have been writing for years.
I just resently decided on more explicitly pony related stories, which is what I'm publishing here.