• Published 9th Jan 2014
  • 1,076 Views, 13 Comments

To Have, and To Hold - Ponyess

I had realised, I love Pinkie Pie, and she loves me. The next logical step is to have a wedding, and to put it into the perspective, the Crystal Fair, at the Centre of the Crystal Empire was to place, and the time. Cadence would be in the cen

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Arriving at the Emire: 3

The Trip had gone well, as uneventful as I could have ever hoped for. Thankfully, I had managed to keep Dashi happy, even though the trip is fairly long, measuring by train standards. She could have flown over, but then, she's the faster of all the pegasi.

It's not so much her speed in the air that drew me in, if the speed of her wits does keep me on a happy tune.

We had made the final preparations for the wedding on the train. Saved us some time, we rather spend at the fair, rather than sitting about. At least, this time around, we're not personally responsible for the fair, unlike the one fateful time, when we got it going, just after the empire had returned from the accursed void, in which King Sombra had hidden it. He's the least of our concerns, these days.

Princess Cadence had seen to that. She was born the Element of Love, after all. Who is better to take up the burden?

Finally!” Dashie pronounced, as we were slipping off of the train, just as it had stopped, at the end of the line.

This was after all an express rout to the capital of the empire. Not that Cadence were at the station, but to our surprise, we soon found Shining Armour there, greeting the lot of us. Not just Dashie and me, but also Rarity, Twilight, Apple Jack, and the rest of the ponies of Ponyville that came with this train. Apparently, he felt the need to stretch his legs, or was it just to honour us, by his presence, and greeting us? I could see it as a small repayment for what we had done, the first time around?

“Hi, Sining Armour!” I and Dashie greeted him, just after we slipped out of the train, just as we had spotted him.

“Welcome to the empire. I'm honoured to house your wedding, and Cadence feels the same way!” he spoke, declaring his joy of our presence.

We felt it was the right place, the only place for the wedding, in part, to hold another ceremony, while we're at it. On a side note, what better way to raise the spirits of the city, than a wedding between Rainbow Dash and me, we were here back then, saving the Empire, after all. Ofcause, just as we explained in the message, we're going to require your help with the second ceremony. I hope everyone will be as happy for us to have this here, as well!” I pointed out.

“It's not as if we had too many weddings here, lately. Since you're the Heros, they'll be jubilant, no doubt. The second Seremony, I expect to go off, just as planned!” Shiny replied.

“Let us be off, the fair should be about to begin?” Twilight pointed out, eagerly.

Apparently, she was just as eager to arrive, as the rest of us.