• Published 9th Jan 2014
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To Have, and To Hold - Ponyess

I had realised, I love Pinkie Pie, and she loves me. The next logical step is to have a wedding, and to put it into the perspective, the Crystal Fair, at the Centre of the Crystal Empire was to place, and the time. Cadence would be in the cen

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The Reseption: 4

We had decided on enjoying about half an hour of the fair, before the wedding was set to start up. With that, we had had some time to enjoy what was up.

Looking at some of the shows, sampling the foods, naturally, we just couldn't pass this up. Then the time to chat with friends, new and old. The other ponies from Ponyville we could see most every day, but the once of Canterlot, and CloudsDale, we're not seeing as much as one may wish. That's for the old friends, but we had made a few friends here, at the first fair, and the games held here, which we had also been a part in. Even if we had not been on the fields.

Then we trotted into the palace, in order to preparer for the event. The marriage is a major thing for us. We're declaring love, in the bastion of love, for the sake of it. In hopes to lift spirits, when it is in the most need, since it is the day when the crystal heart was supposed to be reactivated, for the year to come. The better it was done, the safer everypony would feel, for the year to come. I don't argument with the magic behind this, I make my best to have everypony rejoice.

Pricess Celestia and Luna respectively were carrying our dresses for us, to the rooms, in which we were to prepare for the event.

Naturally, Rarity had agreed to make them for us. That was a reaffirmation of our friendship, as much as it is a confirmation in our trust in her skills in her craft. They're wonderful. She had made a beautiful job, I couldn't deny it.

To have an Alicorn holding the dress does help, they're delicate in their grasp of our precious garments. I knew we could trust them in this matter. After all they had done for us, not just me and Rainbow Dash, but for all the six of us, our friends, Ponyville and Equestria at large?

In Lunas grip, the dress flow over me, and fall into place as easily as her mane flow behind her. I guess she do have the most delicate grip I have ever seen, since I had never seen Celestia managing the dress of Rainbow, she's in the other room. I couldn't see her before the wedding now. That's the tradition.

Luna slip every part into place for me, securing it snugly, true to Raritys design. Either she had seen how it was supposed to fit, or she simply had a knack for it? I guess either would do?

Just on time the door swung open, then Luna lead me out of the room, towards the large hall, in which we were to conduct the ceremony. This had been the Throne room. I guess it is befitting, after all. This is where Cadence, the princess of the Empire is waiting for us.

I felt Lunas presence following me as I moved towards the room. Just as I knew Celestia followed Rainbow, from the other room, then we entered the hall.

The room is packed to the brim, just as expected, it is what had been planned. Everypony important had been invited, after all. Twilight had calculated the space, in order to make certain, everypony invited were squeezed in.

Since Cadence is in the centre of it all, I and Rainbow, followed by Luna and Celestia, then Rarity, Flutter Shy, Apple Jack, and finally Twilight sparkle, with Spike at her side in the first line.

The there were Princes and Princesses just behind them, uncharacteristically tightly packed, then there are all the friends of ours, the more personal or important friends.

Who could leave Big Mack and Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, or Scootallo behind. Ofcause, Scootallo counts as family, for all intents and purposes. Just as Mioster and Missis Cake had to be there. I guess we had slipped the entire class of the Crusaders in, once we realised we had room for them, but they're not that many.

There are the Wonderbolts, couldn't leave them out? Not just because they're important to my Dashie, but they were required in order to pull the last drop out of it, they had been holding a show, just at the opening. Everyone had been standing agape at the latest of their stunts, just as usual.

I had heard of something, Soarin had enjoyed yet another of Apple Jack's Apple Pies, who'd thought? Actually, the pie had been brought in, just for this event.

I was approaching the makeshift altar, the throne from the left, and Rainbow from the right. Cadence standing just below, awaiting the two of us, as we move in the few final steps. The emotion running high, ponies crying right and left. If it is merely the wedding, since some ponies are known to cry at weddings? On the other hoof, it's not just any wedding, it's a stately spectacle, and for two of the heros of not just the Empire, but to all of Equestria. Counting all the times we saved the Empire, or the entire of Equestria form what disaster had been at hand, starting with Luna, when she was Nightmare Moon.

“Do you take this 'Pinkie Pie, to cherish and love, in victory and in defeat, from this day, and until death do you apart?” Cadence pronounced.

“I do!” Rainbow Dash promised.

“Do you take this 'Rainbow Dash, to cherish and love, in victory and in defeat, from this day, and until death do you apart?” Cadence pronounced.

“I do!” I promised.

“In the name of the power invested in me, I pronounce you married!” she stated.

“You may now seal your vows with a kiss!” she then finished.

I lean over towards Dashie, and she leaned over towards me, then we kissed, as our muzzled touched.

Just after that, the cheers were heard from all over the hall, and all the way out, throughout the city.

The ponies slowly started to file out through the large Throneroom doors, from the back. Guards standing on each side, both inside, and outside. With this many ponies in the hall, security is at a premium, we couldn't afford any injuries, not at this time.

Once the last of the invited ponies had cleared the room, we slowly started to move towards the exit. Happy it had gone off without a hitch.