• Published 14th Jan 2014
  • 679 Views, 5 Comments

Her Giant - THEqwabik

After the events of coming back, it's hard for Luna to find a friend. But this friend, she found in such an extraordinary place.

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Chapter 3: Confessions

Luna flew gracefully to the tree, the tree that held the memories of their friendship. Giant was already there, looking in the sky and taking his notes like he usually does. Luna is going say something life changing to him, she doesn't know how he will react but, she can at least try. She lands, making sure he didn't hear her. He didn't hear her, good. She clears her throat.

"Hi Giant," Luna said nervously.

"Hello Luna! What are you doing?" Giant said easily.

"l...um...have something...to...um...tell you," Luna said nervously.

"Well? Don't pause, tell me!" Giant said, a bunch of scenarios were in his head at this momment.

"I...I think I love you,"


The past few days, they were in love. Giant was fine with that, he wanted to marry Luna when he was younger, you know when he gets older he's gonna find Luna the marry her. Giant knew that this would would never happen because he wasn't really into mares. But when a Princess says "I love you," do you turn that down? That's what ran through Giants head when she said that, he was in shock and disarray that Luna cocked it the whole thing up and she started saying sorry really fast, like a hundred sorries per second.

It did take a while for Giant to comprehend the situation, the he told Luna to not worry its fine. Now when everytime get together, they exchange smiles, not regular old friendly smiles, they are smiles of love. By the tree, they keep close together, they never want to leave each other's side. Luna hasn't told Celestia about this yet, but Giant is pushing her to do so. But Luna's too shy, but ther're pretty sure, things will be known, somehow.

Author's Note:

The hardest thing to do is actually say "I love you" in a story for the very first time. Also I decided to throw this out because there are those who read this, I don't know who reads this BUT they will be happy to get something.