• Published 14th Jan 2014
  • 679 Views, 5 Comments

Her Giant - THEqwabik

After the events of coming back, it's hard for Luna to find a friend. But this friend, she found in such an extraordinary place.

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In Love

The past two years they were in love, they thought about marriage but never spoke of it. Until one night Giant hid a ring in the grass. When Luna came to the tree it was normal until giant took that ring, sat down and said these exact words

"Will you marry me, my dear Princess?"

And this changed Luna forever and with an outstanding "Yes! Yes I will marry you! How could I not!" and their love was going to last forever until death due them apart.


Of course they had to arrange a marriage, a royal marriage. Luna had to tell Celestial that she was getting married and giant had to tell his partners and his parents plus his relatives. Giant handed out cards to the marriage and Luna did set design, sorta. Since Giant was getting married to Luna, he was able to move into the castle, so now he has a great view of the stars so he can collect more data, and now, it's gonna be a long wait till marriage day.

Author's Note:

It's short, I know, but there's really nothing going on in chapter.