• Published 12th Jan 2014
  • 2,560 Views, 116 Comments

Red Eye - Fonypan

After an undead creature attacks Apple Bloom, Princess Celestia sends Fluttershy to attempt to reform the assailant. That brief contact leaves an irreversible mark on Fluttershy's life. Follow her descent into a whirlwind of misery and despair.

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Session 14 - Subtract Me From Your Heart

Sweetie Belle stared out the window. She wore an expression as dark as the night sky. She had gown into a lovely young mare. Tall, and graceful. Her hair had relaxed in adulthood, but retained some of its youthful waviness.

Outside, just barely visible in the starlight, were two tiny headstones. The grave on the right was still fresh. Two foals, born dead. Denied their very existence.

Bebe entered the room, looking every bit as dour as Sweetie Belle. Not even his jovial goatee could brighten his face. He joined his wife in staring out the window. It was the closest they could come to spending time with their children.

“Sweetie Belle, we need to talk,” said Bebe. “I’ve been thinking about this for the last few days. Since…”

Sweetie Belle gave Bebe a moment to finish his sentence. He never did. He didn’t have to. The patch of disturbed dirt outside said it all.

“What do you want to talk about?”

“This isn’t working out.”

“What do you mean?”

“I can’t keep doing this. How many foals must I watch die? One was too many.”

“You’re blaming me?”

“I know you would never intentionally harm our foals. That’s not what I’m saying.”

“Then what are you saying?”

“Your womb is a barren wasteland. I don’t think any foal can survive inside you for eleven months, and it isn’t fair to expect otherwise.”

“Bebe, that’s hurtful.”

“I’m sorry, but it’s true. And that’s why I think we should divorce.”

“I thought you loved me.”

“I do love you. I just want a family some day. All we’ll make together is a cemetery. As much as I want to believe we were meant to be together, I know I can’t achieve my dreams with you.”

Sweetie Belle sighed. “I’ll come for my things in the morning.”

“I’m not throwing you out. You can stay here until you find a place.”

“No, I can’t. I don’t want to be anywhere near you right now.”

“I see. Goodbye, my love.”

“Yeah, bye.”


Rarity stirred. She’d awoken for no clear reason. Just as she was about to drift off again, three rhythmic thumps startled her. Was somepony knocking on the door? Preposterous! It was far too late for visitors.

Another trio of knocks roused Rarity from bed. She removed her blindfold and headed downstairs. The knocking continued even as she approached the door. Her patience with the late night visitor wore ever more thin with each knock.

“Keep your saddle on, I’m coming!” Rarity finally reached the door and tugged it open. “Sweetie Belle? What are you doing out in the cold? It’s three in the morning!”

“I’m sorry to wake you up so late, sis. Can I crash here for the night?”

“Of course! Come in and tell me what’s going on.” Rarity moved aside so that Sweetie Belle could come in, then shut the door behind her. “Goodness, you’re a mess! Have you been crying?”

“Bebe wants a divorce.”

“What in the world is going on? You two were so good together!”

“We had another foal. A stillbirth, just like our first.”

“Oh my goodness. Sweetie, I’m so sorry.”

“Bebe thinks it’s my fault.”

“He what?”

“He told me my womb is a barren wasteland.”

“That cad! How dare he?”

“He says we can’t be together because I can’t give him a foal.”

“Unbelievable! How does he know he isn’t the problem? Maybe he has weak seed!”

“It’s not about whose fault it was.”

“Nonsense. He made it about whose fault it is. Hmph. That miserable wretch really showed his true colors. Don’t worry about finding a place. You’ll stay with me until you can find a real stallion. Or a mare, even.”

“You don’t ha—“

“I won’t take no for an answer. I have a spare bedroom and I insist you use it.”

“You’re the best, sis.”

Rarity smiled. “Yes, I know.”

Rarity and Sweetie Belle shared a hug, then said good night to each other.

They went upstairs, Rarity to her own bedroom and Sweetie Belle to the guest room. Little had changed since the last time she slept over, even thought it was years ago. The familiarity offered some much-needed comfort. Sweetie crawled into the guest bed and tried her best to relax. She spent hours tossing and turning. It wasn’t until sunrise that she finally drifted into a light sleep, devoid of dreams.