• Published 15th Jan 2014
  • 5,760 Views, 381 Comments

Goodnight Woon - lunabrony

Filly Celestia. Filly Luna. Stories of the past featuring Luna, Celestia and Discord. Grab your insulin, my friends. Diabeetus is coming your way. You want something life threateningly adorable? Look no further.

  • ...

Let Him Go - One Door Closes

Author's Note:

Due to overwhelming demand, the story has officially been marked as 'Incomplete' as this is now what I work on when I don't have motivation to work on anything else.

Castle of the Two Sisters

1,002 years ago...

Now young adults, Celestia and Luna had finally settled into their respective roles as Princesses of Day and Night. Celestia handled the crowds and dignitaries during the peak hours, while during the night Luna handled the smaller details and kept close watch on the tidal patterns around Equestria. Very few knew or cared that she delicately guided the respective lakes and oceans, but it was one of her favorite tasks. And it all fell under the moons power.

Celestia, for the most part, handled the day to day political things that came up, meeting with other members of royalty and

At dusk on one particularly uneventful day, Luna was just descending the stairs to prepare for her role, and was surprised to see Celestia already standing at the bottom. "Luna, honey, we need to talk." She had a disgraced look on her face, and her tail was twitching impatiently. Luna knew that look almost instantly.

"What did he do now?" the younger sibling sighed, hurrying her pace down the stairs.

The two walked side by side towards the kitchen, with Celestia providing the needed exposition. "It was cute when he was younger, doing various sorts of things. And we overlooked it. But he's been getting older, as we all do, and with great power comes great responsibility."

Luna looked interested. "Huh, that's kind of catchy, actually. I like it."

Celestia smiled. "Well, you know. It's getting out of hand. And I believe the time has come for us to part ways with him. He can't stay here anymore, Luna. I know how fond you are of him but it needs to end. He's out of control."

Luna sighed. "I suppose I knew this day would come. Especially after the incident at the Annual Halloween Ball last year."

Celestia looked grave at the reminder. "He turned our pumpkins into carriages. Who DOES that? And then the pumpkins were ruined, and we I had to explain to all the children eagerly awaiting carving them that the event was cancelled. You should have seen the looks of devastation on their faces, Luna."

"I imagine it was similar to when he rearranged the hedge maze so it was impossible to win. I had to go in there with a chainsaw," Luna said. "He has an unnatural fondness for that hedge maze, it's going to cause somepony a lot of problems someday."

"Agreed," Celestia said.
"That said," Luna continued, "Once we have a real castle of our own, a hedge maze is an absolute must. I think they're a clever attraction, and I would want one there as well."

"You can have your maze, Luna," Celestia smiled, and the two rounded the corner into the kitchen.

"Good evening, ladies!" Discord chirped, in the midst of juggling several apples and oranges which had been set out for the following morning's fruit salad. He wasn't generally supposed to be in the kitchen for safety reasons, but very few of the staff dared to keep him out.

"Discord, put those down," Luna said. "We need to speak with you."

The draconequus immediately crossed his arms, and the fruit crashed to the floor. Luna glared at him.

"Well you said put them down," Discord reminded her. "Is about the new room I asked for? I would so love to have everything extremely oversized, then I could pretend I was just a little tiny draconequus in a castle of giant ponies..."

Celestia cut in. "Discord, I'm afraid this living arrangement just isn't working out anymore," she said. "Our parents are fed up with your antics, which is the last thing they need to worry about in their retirement, the staff have complained, and Luna and I are feeling rather uncomfortable. Now, we-"

Discord looked hurt, and clutched his chest. "You're kicking me out? After all these years?"

"It's not cute anymore, Discord," Luna said grimly. "Ponies are in danger of being hurt."

"Well why don't you just rip out my heart and take it," Discord said, dropping to his knees and doing just that, pulling the beating organ out of his chest and presenting it. Celestia looked disgusted. Discord grinned and shoved it back in.

"We'll help you get settled somewhere else," Luna continued. "You have no enemies here-"

"-yet," Celestia cut in.

"And you're still welcome to remain in the Kingdom. But you can't stay here. It's in everypony's best interest."

"Is it now?" Discord said, rising to his feet once more. "This whole time I thought we were friends, and you're kicking me out, just like that. With no concern for my well being."

"We have bigger responsibilities now!" Celestia shot back. "Our concern is for the other citizens, and out of respect for them we can't have them feeling unsafe in their own homes."

"I've never broken into their homes," Discord said.

"Almond Tart, last year. You turned her furniture into jello."

"Well that was-"

"Rolling Wave, two months ago. You turned his prized collection of seashells into lobsters."

"I hardly think that qualifies as-"

"Enough!" Celestia said finally, with such force that even Discord fell quiet. "We will help you, within reason. But you need to leave."

Discord looked grim. "Fine. If that's how it is," he said. "But I'll have you know I consider this a betrayal. And I don't handle betrayal well."

Luna instinctively moved in front of her sister. "Is that a threat?"

"There's a storm coming, ladies," the draconequus said. "And it's as they say... let the storm rage on." Without a further word, he turned away and slammed the door.