• Published 15th Jan 2014
  • 5,771 Views, 381 Comments

Goodnight Woon - lunabrony

Filly Celestia. Filly Luna. Stories of the past featuring Luna, Celestia and Discord. Grab your insulin, my friends. Diabeetus is coming your way. You want something life threateningly adorable? Look no further.

  • ...

The Tia Chronicles: School Daze

"Thank you for coming on such short notice, Twilight."

Princess Celestia walked alongside her unicorn pupil, a look of concern on her face. Given the current set of circumstances, Twilight had been the one pony Celestia felt authorized to call.

"You're welcome," Twilight said, still a bit uneasy. "But now that we're in Canterlot Castle, could you finally tell me why I'm here? All you said was it was an emergency."

"Of course," Celestia assured her. "As you very well know, Cerberus escaped from his post in Tartarus some time ago, and we've been cleaning up ever since. What you may not know is that Cerberus caused quite a bit of damage during his running around."

"Damage to... what, exactly?"

Celestia gave her a fond look, and turned the corner. Twilight followed, and stopped dead in her tracks. Her jaw dropped open, and her brain struggled to comprehend the scene in front of her. Canterlot Castle had quite a few libraries, the one in front of her, although small, remained in shambles.

Bookshelves were broken and leaning, and books of every size and color were scattered across the ground. It was one of the most horrible thing Twilight had ever seen.

"This WAS part of the historical archives," Celestia said. "Old scrolls and documents, mostly. If you don't feel up to the task, I can always ask another-"

"Leave me," Twilight said. "I got this."

Celestia smiled. "I figured as much. I'll leave you to it," she said, and departed.

Twilight Sparkle spent the next several hours cleaning up books, which happened to take a lot longer than it normally would have as she kept trying to read old research papers. Putting the books back was easy, it was organizing them that was difficult. They all had to be arranged by date, and then by author, and then by title before being put back on the shelf.

Twilight sighed, picking up a large, white, official looking book with gold trim. There was no author on the spine, which annoyed her. "How is anyone supposed to know what they're studying?" She grumbled, and opened the book.

Blank pages. Hundreds and hundreds of blank pages.

"What is this nonsense?" Twilight asked herself, wiping beads of sweat from her forehead. She'd been at this for hours, after all. A few beads of sweat splattered onto the blank page. They remained there for a moment, before dissolving and receding into the blank pages.


The words appeared on the page after only a few seconds, leaving Twilight momentarily confused.

"Wha..." She found herself glaring at the book." It's hot out here!"

No response.

Pulling a quill from her saddlebag, she wrote on the blank pages.

I am not gross, I am Twilight Sparkle.

You're still gross, Twilight Sparkle.

Infuriated, the purple pony fumed.

And just who do you think you are? She wrote.

My name is Celestia.

Twilight stared at it for a moment, not trusting this situation for a moment. She hesitated, then wrote once more in the book.

I've seen enough. I have work to do.

Silly Twilight Sparkle. You haven't seen anything yet.

Twilight blinked, but there was no further response. The pages of the book began fluttering, flipping open. A bright, shining light emitted from its pages, and Twilight threw a hoof up in front of her face to protect herself against the glare. The floor tilted beneath her, leaving her scrambling to get a hold on the wooden surface. Unable to find one, she was pitched forward, and the room spun around her. She landed face first on a large dirt floor, rubbing her nose in annoyance as she got up again.

In front of her were several young children seated in front of an older pony, who was drawing circles in the ground with a stick.

"And while the exact circumference of the sun is not yet known, it is thought to be able to contain our planet inside it at least 100 times."

A young mare with bright pink hair in the back row raised her hoof.

"Yes, Celestia?"

Twilight gaped. The mare with her pink mane in pigtails was as awkward as they came, with a wooden support structure balanced around her head and on her nose, delicately balancing twin pieces of glass on top of it, which rested in front of her eyes. She smiled widely, revealing that her teeth were bound by strips of copper and small pieces of metal.

"The circumference of the sun is two million, seven hundred thirteen thousand, four hundred and six miles," Celestia said.

The older pony glared at her. "You don't know that, you're making up figures again. This class is based on facts, not estimates. How did you come to that number?"

"I don't know..." Celestia admitted, shrinking back in her seat. "I just know it."

"Well when you can prove your claim, then we'll talk," the older pony said. In the meantime, we continue with our arithmetic. Everyone, take out your abacus."

Twilight Sparkle just stared silently at the events she was witnessing. She finally grew bold enough to approach the group, clearing her throat as she did.

"Actually, Celestia is correct. The sun is a powerful celestia body, and only recent advancements in the scientific community have proven that-"

She paused, none of them were listening.

"Hey!" She tapped the teacher on the shoulder, looking astonished as her hoof passed right through him. He paid her no attention.

"Luna, where is your abacus?" The teacher sighed, as if this had happened before. Twilight whirled around, her eyes settling on a younger filly with light blue hair seated near the front.

"Forgot it," she said quietly.

"I'm going to have to mark you up again for not being prepared," he warned. "One more time and you get sent home."

"Kay," Luna muttered.

"You can use Rogue Wave's abacus today. Rogue, share with Luna."

"I don't want to share with Luna, she always messes it up," the blue colt next to her protested.

"Do it anyway."

"Fine..." He sighed, and Luna scooted closer.

"I like your tail today," Luna said.

"Shut up," Rogue hissed at her, and Luna's lip trembled but she fell silent.

Twilight was instinctively enraged at seeing best princess treated like that, and stormed forward with the intent of giving the colt a piece of her mind, temporarily forgetting he was, presumably, but a memory.

Her lecturing was cut short, however, by a voice which came from behind her. Familiar and yet so unexpected, it made her blood run cold.

"Enjoying yourself?"

"Well yes," Twilight began. "But I-" her eyes widened, and turning around once more found herself face to face with Princess Celestia, who did not look the least bit amused.

"I thought I burned all these," Celestia said. "They're never to be spoken of again." She took hold of Twilight by the tail and dragged her backwards, while Twilight protested.

"But it's history! We could learn a lot from this! And look at Luna, she's adorable!"

There was a feeling of disorientation as Celestia continued pulling the purple pony backwards and Twilight skidded backwards onto the wooden floor of the library. Celestia closed the book and took it with her, presumably for destruction.

"Wait!" Twilight called. "Whatever happened to Rogue Wave?" She had a ton of questions, but for whatever reason that one became the priority.

Celestia thought a moment. "Luna told him he was cute, he told her she was fat and ran off after sticking tree sap in her hair. Now finish up, there's a hot meal waiting for you in the dining area when you're done." Celestia left the small library, closing the door on her favorite pupil.

Author's Note:

Inspired by Asdera, and totally not ripping off any other work concerning magical students. Totally not. Nope. #3original5u