• Published 15th Jan 2014
  • 5,771 Views, 381 Comments

Goodnight Woon - lunabrony

Filly Celestia. Filly Luna. Stories of the past featuring Luna, Celestia and Discord. Grab your insulin, my friends. Diabeetus is coming your way. You want something life threateningly adorable? Look no further.

  • ...

Micro: Paging Doctor Woona

"Coming through, coming through!"

Woona and Tia, both dressed in scrubs, raced down the extensive hallway of the hospital, side by side. They'd been out to a very nice day off at the playground, when they'd been called in on an emergency. Both of the little fillies barked at the orderlies to move out of their way as they rushed down the hallway, bursting through the doors to the surgical center as they stuck their front hooves under running water.

"What do we have?" Tia ordered.

"Stallion. Teenager, got a bad case of Hay fever. We're gonna have to knock it down," a nurse said. "His vitals are all over the place, we need to stabilize them," she added.

"Right, I'm on it," Tia said.

"What 'bout me?" Woona asked.

"He was complaining earlier of a horse throat, can you take a look at that?" Another doctor asked.

"On it!" Luna said.

Tia was already at the base of the subjects belly, poking at his stomach with her hoof and making general orders to the other doctors. The nurse who was working with Luna handed her a long pair of tweezers. "Time is of the essence, Doctor Woona," he said. "Can you work quickly? His throat is very swollen, we need to get the horse out of it at once."

Woona's horn glowed, and surgical gloves strapped themselves around her front hooves. The doctor hovered anxiously nearby as the stallion's mouth was propped open. Luna leaned over, her horn slowly lowering the tweezers into the victim's mouth.

"Careful now," the doctor warned.

Woona focused all her attention in front of her, the tweezers ever so carefully searching for the horse lodged deep in the stallion's throat. Minutes ticked by, and sweat poured down her face.

"Towel," Woona ordered.

"Towel," the doctor said, dabbing at her mane and forehead with a cloth.

"Apple juice," Woona ordered.

"Apple juice," the doctor said, placing a juice box underneath Woona's mouth so she could suck from the straw.

She was so close now, so very close. The tweezers gripped the lodged object, and Luna very carefully began to withdraw it.

Almost there... almost there...

Almost there... almost there...

"I WIN!" Tia shouted, holding up a bale of hay that she'd pulled from the stallion's belly. Woona jumped with such fright at the exclamation that she dropped her tweezers into the stallion's mouth, setting off the most annoying, ear-piercing alarm she'd ever heard in her life.

Little Luna and Celestia sat in their bedroom, the game of Operhaytion between them, blasting them with a droning buzzer noise. Luna was so frightened that she burst into tears, and started wailing.

Their mother rushed in moments later, seeing the scene before them and scooping up Luna in her front hooves.

"Celestia, I've told you a thousand times not to play this game with your sister, it frightens her!"

"But it's raining outside and we don't have that many games!"

"Then make one up!" Mother said. It took her a moment or two to calm Luna down, and Celestia moved the game board so as to silence the screeching. Luna was set down, and Mother glared at her. "Play something else," she demanded, and closed the door.

Celestia thought for a moment, and looked at her little sister. "Hey, Luna, you wanna play a new game? It's really fun."

"No buzzers?" Luna asked.

"No loud buzzers of any kind," Celestia promised.

"Kay," Luna said. "Wuzzit?"

Celestia just smiled. "It's called Perfection."