• Published 16th Mar 2014
  • 1,943 Views, 25 Comments

On Her Majesty's Dragonish Service - DinoDenver

Spike, the cute little dragon among ponies. Twilight Sparkle's number one assistant. But not many ponies know, that there is more to him than meets the eye.

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Chapter 2

Dragonfly was sailing smoothly through the blue sky. Spike was getting more and more used to it with every passing minute, but not many of them have passed before he got to Cloudsdale. This ship was getting pretty fast, when considerable amount of magic power was applied.

Weather factory wasn't too hard to find, it was now producing massive amounts of black clouds. Downpour was scheduled in two days after all.

“This will be a good place to start.” He said to himself when he got closer.

Dragonfly landed smoothly on the cloud. Before getting out Spike snapped his fingers, to cast a walk-on-clouds spell. He was trying his best to avoid death. Especially as stupid one as falling through the cloud.

Without wasting any time Spike went to the one of factory's back doors. They weren't even locked.

Spike was pleased with himself. He was able to get to Cloudsdale's weather factory without getting too much attention.

“Who are you?!” Security guard was looking at him suspiciously. So much for being like a ninja.

“My name is Spark.” Spike started with confidence in his voice. “I'm a tourist. I had to take a leak and got separated from my group. And I'm afraid now I'm a little lost, could you show me the way to the main hall?” Confidence is the key to success and Spike knew it.

“We don't let the tourists into the factory since the incident two weeks ago.” Horn glowed with activated magic as guard got ready to attack Spike.

“Oh... I see...”

Unconscious body of security guard fell down to the factory floor. Confidence AND martial arts are key to the success.

Time was running out now, this guard won't sleep forever. Spike checked his surroundings. Map on the wall was just what he needed. Quick look at it and he knew where he needed to go.


“See anything?”

“For the hundredth time: NO!” One of security guards was clearly irritated.

Spike was creeping through the factory hall, keeping low profile. It was harder than he thought, getting to the executive office that is.

“Is everypony crazy?!” He whispered to himself in anger, with his teeth clenched. “Why are here so many guards?!”

Indeed, there were quite many security guards. Plenty of them. More than actual workers to be honest. If it wasn't for commotion inside the hall (after all these dark clouds won't create themselves, and time was running out) it would probably be impossible to sneak through.

„What was that?” It was the irritated guard.

Spike hid behind one of the crates and held his breath. He heard him approaching, his hoofsteps were closer and closer. ”This is bad.” He thought to himself – and it was pretty bad. Not only there were many security guards here, there were also many civilians.

“Did you see anything?”


Emotional problems to the rescue. Spike sighted with relief, this was way too close for comfort.

”You've gotta be kidding me...” He thought to himself, when he felt a familiar sensation. Moment later he heard a burp and saw a letter that materialized from a green flame.

“What?! We've got an intruder!”

“Damn it...” Spike dipped his claws in Q's ink. “Why does it always have to be like this?” With swift move he poked one guard in neck, which severely affected his ability to stay awake. “Why couldn't it be peaceful reconnaissance for a change?” Two more guards went to sleep. “Why has it to be like this... every... single... TIME!”

Situation was getting pretty rough. With several guards attacking him at the same time he was no longer in comfortable spot. Some of the security officers were now taking hits, as Spike couldn't even afford to not harm them anymore.

Well, this spot was somehow even less comfortable for these guards.


Spike parried incoming blow, grabbed guard's front leg and after swift throw colt landed on his back at Spike's feet.

“I thought that this was never going to end...” Spike said to himself as he sent the last one of the security guards to sleep with poke of his claw.

He looked around. There were no factory workers in sight, all guards were now neutralized. This will be such a pain in the butt to report...

“Look at the bright side, Spikey: at least the building itself wasn't destroyed in the process.” Grim smile appeared on his face.

But explosion kept him from admiring his joke for too long. He noticed some chippings flying at him. Fire breath was usually solving this kind of problems and this time wasn't any different.

“Get in! Get in!” Spike heard somepony's voice coming from the direction of rather recent explosion.

Few rays in different colors were shot. ”At least three mages.” Moments later the dust started setting down and Spike was able to see that in fact there were more of them – nine. Nine masked unicorns. But even without seeing their faces it was obvious, that they were quite confused.

“What is the meaning of this...?” This one was definitely a mare.

“Looks like someone did all the donkey work for us.” Pony with much deeper voice laughed. “We owe him a big thanks.”

“We can save that for later.” Spike said while approaching them. “We have job to do and time is running out.”

“Who are you?!” The deep-voiced, pitch black colored pony took a defensive position, his horn glowed. Rest of the group followed his lead.

“Easy, no need to be so nervous. Boss ordered me to ensure that everything goes according to the plan.” For a moment Spike thought that this just might work. That was until he saw the anger, the madness in unicorn's eyes.

“THIS SUCKER INSULTED US FOR THE LAST TIME!” Cried out the unicorn. Spike took a half of a step back and shook his wrists, he knew this is going to get wild. “DEATH TO THE DRAGON!”

Spike created magic shield in front of himself to deflect few rays that were fired at him. Immediately after that he canceled the spell and dashed forward. He saw a glimpse of light in corner of his eye, it was too late for shield or counterspell. He jumped forward, ray missed him, but just barely. Blast from explosion, on the other hand, send him flying. He was spinning in the air, situation was rather bad. These mages were better than he expected.

Spike inhaled and fired two firebolts in direction of the closest enemy before landing on the floor. He saw that firebolts were stopped by unicorn's magic shield. They were good enough to stop dragon magic? MUCH better than he expected.

But this wasn't good time to admire enemy's skills, one of them was bold enough to charge while Spike was still mid-air and now was at point-blank range, on the Spike's left-hand side.

Little dragon felt burning sensation on his cheek, as he dodged the spell, but just barely. His opponent wasn't so agile, claws sliced through gray unicorn's throat.

“Shadow!” Cried out one from the group.

“He's gone, Ember, focus!” Ordered their leader.

And indeed, Shadow was gone. He tried to stop blood with his hoof before falling to the ground moments later and dying rather unpleasant death.

But this was only a small victory for Spike, there was still eight of them left. And, as much as he hated to admit it, he was being cornered. And time was running out. He didn't know for how long the security guards will stay put, or when some civilians will get involved.

“Oh! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to bump into you!” Gray pegasus mare in yellow safety helmet apologized to one of the unicorns, one that was separated from the rest.

“You little piece of shit, shut the fu...” Loud cracking noise interrupted the unicorn. He fell down to the floor with his neck broken.

“Need a helping hoof, S?” Derpy winked to Spike.


Mages turned to face Derpy. This was exactly what Spike needed. He took out his dagger and rushed forward. In split second his dagger became a sword and third enemy was down. Lying right next to his head. Six left.

Spike wasn't going to stop there, but his next target wasn't going to die without a fight. Spike jumped up and prepared to attack, but unicorn mare managed to cast a magic shield. Spike struck like his sword were a spear, got through the shield, through the forehead and all the way to the floor. Magic shields are better against spells, than swords. That's something she will remember for the rest of her life.

Spike changed sword back to dagger – it was much easier to take it out this way.

Five left.

Derpy wasn't idling either. Or rather she couldn't, pretty deadly spells were keeping her busy. But she was never too busy to kill an enemy or two.

She soared into the air to avoid few rays and dived almost immediately. She quickly approached pair of mages. Right one was dealt with right away – roundhouse kick was enough to knock him unconscious. And to make his jaw look painful-kind of weird.

Second one was about to get an uppercut blow to the stomach, but Derpy jumped aside. And just in time too.

Powerful spell almost vaporized the dark brown unicorn. They were sacrificing own comrades to kill her. She really didn't like this kind of behavior. But she knew someone that REALLY hated that kind of behavior.

White unicorn was still casting spell. That is, he was casting it until blow to his side send him flying. Wall helped him to stop, but it wasn't really gentle about it. Floor didn't really cushioned the fall either.

He opened his eyes. Vision was still little blurry, but he didn't have any doubts who was the silhouette standing before him. What he didn't see was Spike's face, full of disgust and contempt.

He coughed out blood but managed to cast the spell once again.

Spike stretched out his left hand and blocked it without problem. Then with blast of shier magic power he pinned the white unicorn to the wall.

He gave him last contemptuous look before green flames consumed his white body and burned him to crisp.

Two left.

In the meantime Derpy attacked the leader, to give Spike time. But he surprised her, as he seemed to be the only one of them to know some martial arts. After few blows and blocks she managed to throw him and pinned him down to the floor.

“Now, Storm!” Deep voice ordered.

Derpy looked to her right, unicorn was already starting to cast a spell. She tried to fly away, but the leader wasn't going to let her.

Storm's horn glowed with bright magic and two daggers appeared out of nowhere. They pierced right through his head. One could think, that this was pretty bad spell, but in fact it was Spike who threw these knives.

And now there was only the leader left.

Derpy gave him a grin. He tried to cast some kind of spell but headbutt was enough to stop him.

“Thanks, D. This was pretty tight spot.”

“No problem, S. I was in neighborhood.” Smiled Derpy.

“Who are you and why are you working with this scumbag dragon?!” Derpy ended black pony's question by hitting him pretty hard in the face.

“Enough about me, tell me about yourself.” Started Spike. “What do you do for a living? Who are you working for?”

The unicorn was now mad. He casted a spell, but instead of seeing dead dragon he felt terrible pain in his head. Scream filled the hall.

“Now he should be a easier to deal with.” Spike once again changed sword back to dagger and put it back to scabbard. “You can release him, D.”

After rolling in agony for a few moments black unicorn managed to stand up on his shaky legs. But could he still be called an unicorn? He realized, that his horn was cut off clean.

“You... dick...” He was breathing heavily. “You...”

Spike grabbed him and pinned down to the floor.

“Listen to me, friend.” Spike was really irritated. “You really don't want to waste my time. What do you know about lighting strikes, who do you work for and where can I find him?”

“Ah, I see, so you're working for this bitch Cele...arghthhhh...!” Claws digging in one's shoulder can be really painful.

“I've said already, I don't like to talk about myself.” Spike weakened his grip. “Answer my questions before my patience runs out.”

“Why should I? You kill me anyway.”

“No, this is not necessarily the case. I could kill you, I could kill you slowly or I could leave this task to someone else. But then you will be interrogated and tortured for months before dying a slow and painful death.”

“And what gives you the right to do that?! What gives Celestia the right to do that?! She is such a pussy when it comes to taking back our land and even uses a dragon to kill the one who oppose her! This bitch should just go and die! Queen wouldn't let that happen...”

“Tough luck, history is written by the winners.” Spike said through clenched teeth. “Decide now, while my offer is still valid.”

Black pony looked around for a moment and sighted.

“I don't really know much about the one behind this, all I know is that he calls himself a Doctor and really hates Celestia. And that's all I really need to know.”

“Where can I find him?”

“We were supposed to meet on the HMS Sleipnir tonight. A yellow mare called Charming Risk was supposed to be our contact. Tickets are in my coat.”

He wasn't lying, at least not about the tickets. Spike put them in his pocket and stood up.

“Should I call for guards to take him away, S?” Asked Derpy.

“You promised me! We made a deal!” Dagger left only a hole in black pony's head.

“You saw it, D. It was self-defense.”

“And I suppose I will be the one to take care of this mess?”

“Thank you, D, you're the best! I will make it up to you!”

Spike was already running. He was wondering how many boxes of muffins will it take to really make this up to Derpy. But he decided, that this can wait.

After all, he had a ship to catch.