• Published 5th Feb 2014
  • 15,922 Views, 419 Comments

My Widdle Pwincess - Super-Stallion

Because of a spell Princess Twilight Sparkle is now the littlest princess. With Celestia taking care of her how will her life change?

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Chapter 1

Princess Twilight Sparkle, the newest Princess in all of Equestria, was in her room in one of the highest towers of Canterlot Castle, studying on new spells. When she became a Princess on her coronation day, a new door of knowledge was opened up. This led to brand new spells and books for her to enjoy. Princess Celestia even gave her her first advanced spell book to study which she was reading, right now.

"Wow this book is full of new spells I've never seen before!" Twilight exclaimed in wonder, flipping through the pages of the book.

Twilight's assistant, the baby dragon Spike, then walked up behind her. "Hey Twilight what are you looking at?" he asked.

Twilight turned behind her and looked at Spike, "I'm looking up the book Celestia gave me. It has so many different spells I've never seen in the other books back at the library. Look here, it even has the age spell Trixie used in our magic duel."

"Wow! And you get to do all of them since you’re a Princess now?"

"Yep! Oh, I'm so excited I think I'm going to try one of these spells right now!" she said, getting up on her hooves.

"What? Wait a minute Twilight, don't you think you should study more before you try anything? You only got the book a week ago," Spike pointed out.

"I already studied a lot of the book, Spike. I think I can handle it. Now... what spell should I try first?" Twilight mused, looking back down at the book. "Oooh, maybe I should try this age spell."

"I don't know Twi… this doesn't seem very smart."

After reading the instructions on the page for the spell, Twilight looked back at Spike, "Don't worry about it, Spike. Whatever happens, I can fix it. Now let’s get started; I need something to try the spell on," she said. Looking around the room, she noticed a potted flower on the window sill. "Perfect! I'll turn that flower into a seedling."

Twilight's horn started to glow brightly with her magic, and the glow intensified as she focused harder on the instructions the spell had given her. When she had finally built up enough magic, Twilight fired a bolt directly at the flower, but -for some strange reason- the magic bounced off of the flower and ricocheted right back towards her.

"OH NO!" Twilight screamed, before the magic hit her and the room was engulfed in light.

Spike covered his eyes from the bright light. Then, when it had faded, he looked back at where Twilight had been standing, only to see a tiny purple filly, probably no more than a few months old, sitting on the floor with a shocked expression. Spike slowly walked up to the foal, his mouth hanging open. "T-Twilight is that you?" he sputtered.

Twilight looked up at him and gasped, "Spike, what happened? Why awe you so big?!" she asked, not realizing her now high, squeaky voice.

"I'm not big Twilight… you’re little. You’re a foal!"

Twilight looked down at her tiny hooves and screamed, "Oh no! My spell tuwned me inta a foaw!"

"What do we do Twilight? Should I go get Celestia to fix this?" Spike asked.

"NO! Celestia can never find out about this Spike, if she does I'll be humiwiated and worse Celestia will be ashamed of me for messing up so badly!" Twilight retorted.

"Then what do we do?"

"I just have to wead the book; it must have a weverse spell somewhere." Twilight tried to get back onto her hooves, but every time she tried she just fell to her belly. Giving up walking, she crawled over to the book and started reading the page.

"Hewe. It is says that whatever the spell affects becomes whatevew age the user desires. Once whatever the spell hits, the affects become..." Twilight paused as she looked at the last word of the sentence, "...pewmanet?"

Twilight just sat there, completely shocked. Then, tears started welling up in her eyes…


Spike flinched when Twilight began crying and he rushed to her side, trying to comfort her. "Shhh, please, Twilight, calm down. We’ll figure this out; please stop crying."

"Spike what awe we gonna do? There's no way to turn me back, and we can’t hide this from the Pwincess!" Twilight cried.

"I think the only thing we can do now, Twilight, is to get Celestia," he replied.

"NO! She'll get angwy at me!" she protested kicking her tiny hooves in the air.

"Twilight, she's the only one who can help you right now. Unless you have a plan, Celestia's our only bet at getting you back to normal," Spike retorted.

Twilight knew Spike was right. If anypony knew a way of getting her back to normal, it was the Princess. "Otay Spike...we’ll go see Cewestia," she sniffled.

Spike smiled. Usually it was harder to get Twilight to do what he wanted, especially on the first or second time. "Okay lets go find her," he said, turning around and walking away.

Twilight tried to follow but with only the ability to crawl she didn't move very fast. Spike looked back to see Twilight crawling slowly, so he walked back to her and picked her up, putting her over his back. "How about you ride on my back for once?"

"Aren't I a bit heavy for you?" Twilight asked, not wanting to be a bother for Spike.

"Nah. You’re really so small now that you’re pretty light. The only weight you have on you now is baby fat," Spike said. He reached a claw back and tickled Twilight's chubby belly, causing her to giggle a little. "Now lets go." Spike walked out of the room with Twilight on his back, searching for Celestia.


At that moment, Celestia was pacing in her room as Luna sat on her haunches, watching her walk back and forth worriedly.

"Why are you so concerned for your old student sister?" Luna asked.

"I'm sorry, Luna. I've been reconsidering giving Twilight that new spell book to study," Celestia replied, not even stopping to look at her sister.

"You should calm yourself, Celestia. I believe that Twilight is more than ready to learn more advances magic; especially now that she's a Princess."

"I know you do. You were the one who convinced me to give her those books on her coronation day. I… I just feel like I should have waited a little longer for her to grow, you know, become wiser before giving her that book."

"You worry too much, Celestia. You've been thinking about this all day and night, nearly without getting anything done. You haven't even eaten any cake today," Luna added.

Celestia realized that she was right. All day today, Celestia was thinking about Twilight and the advanced spell book she’d given her. She was so distracted in court today, she couldn't even focus on anypony that was trying to get her attention. So much so that they had to end the day early.

"I'm not so sure Luna… I get this feeling something bad is about to happen to her," the older sister explained, taking a seat on her bed.

Luna got up and walked over to the side of the bed taking a seat by Celestia, "You care about Twilight a lot, don’t you?"

"Of course. She was my best student."

"I don't mean as your old student, Celestia. I mean as your daughter."

Celestia looked at her with a cocked brow, "What are you talking about Luna?"

"I believe you care more than you’re telling me, and maybe even more than you’re thinking of, yourself. I believe that a part of you thinks of Twilight Sparkle as a daughter than your student, and you’re just worrying about her well-being like a worried mother."

Celestia scoffed, "You can’t be serious? Me... a mother?"

"Why not? If anypony can be a mother to a foal it’s you. You are caring, loving and know almost everything there is to help care for another pony."

"But you forget Luna, I am a Princess. I can’t even get time for myself after royal duties are done, let alone be able to take care of a child! Besides, this is Twilight we’re talking about. She is a full grown mare and is completely capable of handling herself."

"Then why are you worrying about her?" Luna asked.


"Oh… I hate you when you’re right," Celestia muttered.

Luna giggled lightly, "That makes one of us."

Celestia sighed and lay down on her bed, "So, even if I do feel like Twilight was a daughter to me, what difference does it make? She's not a filly anymore."

"Then stop worrying like she is one. Have confidence that she will no doubt have the spell book memorized, and succeed in pulling of every one of those advanced spells. Then she’ll send you a whole bunch of letters saying how thankful she is that you gave her such a great book," Luna joked.

Celestia giggled in return. "Yes. That girl loves to read doesn't she. I remember when she was a filly -still learning under me- she would beg me to read a book to her at night. Except, I would have to read two to three books before she finally fell asleep."

"See! You even have fond memories of Twilight when she was a filly. And you say you can’t be a mother."

"Alright, alright. Maybe I could be a mother if I wanted to, but Twilight is a full grown mare and a Princess. She doesn't need me anymore, and I shouldn't worry."

Luna smiled, "That's right. Now don't you have something to say to me?"

Celestia smiled and brought her sister in for a hug with a forelegs. "Thank you for your help, sister."

Luna hugged Celestia back, "No problem, sister."

Suddenly, the doors opened, and both Princesses looked to see one of the guards standing outside. "Princess Celestia,” he bowed. “Princess Twilight Sparkle's assistant, Spike, says that he needs to see you. He says it is an emergency.”

"Let him in.”

The guard nodded and walked out the room and Spike came running in with something on his back, but Celestia couldn't quite get a good look at it. "Celestia we need your help!" Spike exclaimed.

Celestia got up from the bed quickly, starting to worry again. "What's wrong Spike? Is something wrong with Twilight?"

Spike pulled Twilight from around his back and placed her onto the floor. Twilight looked up at her old mentor with a pleading look. "Pwincess I need hewp!' Twilight whined.

Celestia gasped and quickly scooped up Twilight, cradling her in her forelegs. "Twilight what has happened to you!?" Celestia asked worriedly.

"I-I messed up Cewestia. I was weading the new speww book you gave me, and I twied doing one of the spells. I was pwanning to turn a flower into a seedling but I ended up turning inta a foal, instead. I twied finding a weverse spell, but when I looked into the book, it said the spell is pewmanet!" she cried. Tears began flowing and Twilight nuzzled her little head into Celestia's coat.

"Shh, shh it’s okay, Twilight. We’ll find a way to change you back, don’t worry," Celestia said in a comforting tone. She then looked back at Luna, "do you know anything that can help sister?"

"I'll look in the royal library’s archives. I think you had better stay here and calm Twilight down," Luna said as she got up and walked past Celestia, headed for the door.

"What?! You can’t leave me like this! Don't you think we should look together to better are efforts?" Celestia asked with uncertainty.

Luna reached the door, then looked back at her sister, "No. Twilight needs you right now, Celestia, and she needs you," she replied, then smiled. "This could also be a good opportunity to prove what we talked about earlier."

Celestia watched as her sister walked out the door and sighed. She looked down at Twilight, her crying now moved down to sniffling. "Are you okay Twilight?" Celestia asked softly.

Twilight shook her head and looked up at her. "No,” she sniffed, “I-I'm not."

"What's wrong?"

"I messed up so badwy… you must be ashamed to evew have called me you’we student," Twilight said, suddenly feeling like crying again.

Celestia hugged her before she could cry any further, and nuzzled Twilights head. "I would never be ashamed of my number one student. Especially you, Twilight. This is just a slight step back."


Celestia smiled and hugged her a bit tighter. "Of course," she said. Then she looked back at Spike and transferred Twilight over to him. "Now Spike, I need you to hold Twilight while I talk to the guard for a minute."

"Okay," Spike replied putting Twilight over his shoulder as best he could.

Celestia walked over to the door and poked her head out into the hall. The guard from before looked at Celestia with the same, stoic expression as any of the other soldiers. "Is there something wrong Princess?"

"There's been an accident, but don't worry, we will be handling it. What I need from you, though, is to tell the staff to set up a nursery for Princess Twilight Sparkle, who is having a… 'little problem'."

"AHH! Twilight just peed on me!" Spike yelled from in the room.

A small, "Sowwy," came in reply.

"And could you bring up some diapers, too, please?" Celestia added. She went back into the room to go start a bath for both a messy filly and baby dragon.

Author's Note:

I hope you like this story as much as my others I'll be working on this for now.

Edited by Perceptive Key.