• Published 5th Feb 2014
  • 15,923 Views, 419 Comments

My Widdle Pwincess - Super-Stallion

Because of a spell Princess Twilight Sparkle is now the littlest princess. With Celestia taking care of her how will her life change?

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Chapter 8

In the Royal Canterlot Archives, Luna, along with the other element bearers, Spike, Trixie and Sunset were searching for the reverse spell for Twilight. All along the floor everypony was reading -all except Rainbow who decided to take a nap on a stack of books- already read books were stacked up in piles around the mares as they continued to flip through the pages of the books they were reading.

"I can't believe how many books there is on age spells in here." Rarity said looking down at her book. "There's even one in here to change a ponies clothing into clothes a foal would wear who would want that, That sound like some tip of hell. I would die if somepony changed my clothes like that."

"Plus we hardly wear clothes anyway." Applejack retorted. "And they don't just have spells in this place they got something on everything in this library, Cook books. How to make your own armor and weapons. Reading for dummies."

"Princess Luna how do we know when we find the spell to fix Twilight?" Fluttershy asked looking over a stack of books down at Luna.

"It's going to be hard Fluttershy but we need to search for spell stronger then the one Twilight used from her book." Luna said putting the book she was reading into the pile then grabbing another from the shelf next to her.

"How strong does this spell have to be exactly, Princess?"

"To put it simply as strong as ten bolts of lightning."

Rainbow shot up from her spot and looked at Luna with wide eyes. "Ten bolts of lightning! I'm no smart girl but isn't that like a lot of power?"

"Yes Rainbow, a lot of power that only an alicorn like me or my sister could pull off, but now since Twilight's an alicorn she could do it no problem and that's how she was even able to do that regression spell that was just as strong. But now we have to find a reverse spell that just as strong or will never be able to turn Twilight back."

"Is that really a bad thing Lulu, Twilight is so cute now the way she is." said a voice that seemed to be bouncing off the walls coming from out of nowhere.

Luna quickly rose from here spot and looked around the room for the speaker. "Who are you? Show yourself!?" she yelled.

Rarity gasped. "I know that voice."

The voice chuckled. "That's right, Rarity." suddenly in a flash of light a cloaked figure appeared in the middle of the room and flinging of his cloak it revealed to be the Lord of Chaos himself; Discord. "It's your old buddy Discord coming for a visit and I've noticed we seem to be in a little spot." Discord said with a smirk.

"What do you mean 'we' Discord? This has nothing to do with you." Luna said walking up to him and staring up at Discord with a deadly glare.

"Oh of course it does, I'm just as much Twilight's friend as the rest of you all I wish is to help, I am after all reformed and helping is what I'm for now." He said a halo appearing over his head.

"I wouldn't trust him, Princess, he's probably planning something sneaky behind his back." Applejack said.

"Yeah how do we know you're not going to hurt Twilight?" Rainbow said flying right up to Discord to eye level.

Discord didn't lose that smirk as he spoke. "Don't worry Dashie, I only want to help the little princess get better, I'll even give you my word that I will not lay a single talon or claw on her itty bitty head." Discord raised both his mismatched hands to emphasize his promise.

"Discord, I am very proud of what you're doing and I accept you promise." Fluttershy said flying up and patting Discord on the head.

"What do you think Princess? It's your call?"

Luna still had a questionable look but then sighed. "Fine you can help, this would be a good chance to see if your really reformed." Luna looks around the room and noticed that most of the books were on the floor now and the shelves where almost empty. "Sunset, Trixie, could you two go to the other wing and start looking through the books there while we finish up here and clean up?"

"Sure Princess, we're on it." Sunset said about to leave along with Trixie.

"And take Discord with you."

Sunset turned back around looking fearfully at Luna then at the Discord who was looking at her with an evil grin. "Uh Princess, I'm not sure that's such a good idea."

"Nonsense, you two will be fine now go we need those books right away."

Sunset was about to say something else till Discord suddenly appeared behind them and wrapped an arm around her and the other around Trixie. "Well you heard her, girls? Let's go I and get those books, I can tell were going to get along just fine, don't you?" Discord said as he carried the unfortunate mares away.

Luna watched as Discord walked off with Trixie and Sunset then turned to the element bearers and Spike. "Everypony, we need to talk."

"About what Princess?" Pinkie asked.

"I don't trust Discord, I think we should have a plan in case he goes by his word you never know what he will do."

"Wait a minute Princess, if you think he's up to something why did you send him off alone with Trixie and Sunset?" Spike asked.

"I had to get rid of him so we can speak without him listening in on us."

"But what if something happens to them?"

"They have each other to back them up."

"But what if they get hurt?"

"They shall be remembered."

"Doesn't this seem kinda cruel to you?"

"Trixie and Sunset, I knew them well."

"First off, you only knew them for a day. Second you're talking like they're already dead?!"

"We shall make parades in there honor and cheer their names."

"You're not even listening anymore, are you?"

"We'll even name a holiday after them."


Trixie and Sunset along with Discord were at the other wing reading through the books as they waited for the others to come, while waiting Trixie and Sunset were having their own conversation.

"Do you think we can trust that weirdo, Sunset?" Trixie asked.

Sunset looked over at Discord who hovered in the air his nose in a book then he looked up for a moment and when he saw Sunset looking at him he calmly waved at her with a smile. "Hay no, I've read about him before the first time a went to the other world and I know if we're not careful we can be in some trouble."

"What do we do then?"

Sunset looked back at Trixie. "If trouble does arrive I suggest we GTBO fast."

Trixie raised a brow. "GTBO?"

Sunset facehoofed. "Sorry. I forget I'm not in the other world anymore sometimes, what I mean is we Get The Buck Out."

"What are you talking about?"

Both mares head snapped around looking up at Discord who now stood next to them.

"Discord, um we were just talking about where that reverse spell for Twilight could be." Sunset said with her best innocent smile.

"Oh well then do I have good news for you," Discord said raising up a book up for them to see. "I think I may have found the cure for little Twilight."

Trixie smiled getting up on her hooves. "Really, that's great now we can help Twilight get back to normal." she said reaching a hoof to take the book only for it to be pulled back out of her grasp.

"Ah, ah, ah I said I think I found the cure, there's no telling if it works or not, or if it'll even help Twilight, the way I see it the only way to see if it works is to...test it on something." He said his grin becoming even wider which seemed impossible.

"Wait, what do you mean 'test it'?" Sunset asked taking a few steps back.

"Well we have to make sure don't we and I see two perfect subjects for the job." Discord said taking a step forward for every step they took back.

"Wait you can't do this, you made a promise."

"I promised to not mess with Twilight Sparkle, I said nothing about two innocent bystanders." Discord retorted then raised his other claw that started to glow with his chaotic magic.

"GTBO Trixie! GTBO!!" Sunset screamed then her and Trixie started running away.

But it was already to late as a bolt of Discord's magic flew and hit them right in the back and in a flash everything was bright with light, when the light faded Trixie and Sunset were now laying on the floor on their bellies but instead of mares they were tiny helpless foals. Discord walked up to the and D'awwd.

"D'aww aren't you just the cutest little things."

Trixie looked back up at Discord and gasped. "Oh my gosh, Discowd, you a giant!"

Sunset looked at Trixie fear clearly in her eyes. "No Twixie, we foals now!"

"What? But me no wanna be a foaw, Discowd change us back now!"

"Okay I'll change you back...later."

"You can't do that."

"Yes, I can and for good measure," Discord looked at the book in his paw and with a glow of his magic it busts into flames quickly turning to ash. Trixie and Sunset watched in horror as they're only hope literally went out in flames. "Don't worry girls, I made a copy that I'll be keeping to myself until I feel like changing you back."

"You can't do this, Discowd, we'll teww on you."

"Aw, but you can't do that sweetie."

"And why not?"

"'Cause..." Discord paused as he leaned down at eye level with the little fillies for effect, "...Foals can't talk."

Sunset opened her mouth to speak but all that came out was. "Gabba goo ga ahh" she covered her mouth with her hooves in shock, she opened it again to speak but all that came out was more baby babble.

Trixie tried to speak to but all that came out was the same incoherent baby talk. They tried a while just to say a single word but when they couldn't speak their eyes started to water and they cried.

"Hmm something seems to be missing, oh I know." with a snap of his fingers two think bulky diapers appeared around their rumps their tails threaded through the back. The fillies only cried more as they looked at the white diapers.

"Aw, don't cry little ones come to Uncle Discord," Discord said curling his long tail around both fillies and lifting them up off the floor and swinging them back and forth in his coils. "Come on girls, give me a smile."

Trixie and Sunset didn't know what was wrong with themselves but they started giggling from being swung back and forth in the chaos lords coils, they didn't want to but they where actually having fun.

"Okay now I think it's time you two had a nap." Discord said then snapped his fingers again.

A mobile appeared over Trixie and Sunset and it started to turn and play music, the little fillies watched the mobile turn with its music softly playing as there little eyes started to close with sleep. Sunset closed her eyes and fell asleep sucking her hoof, Trixie tried reaching her hooves up to grab one of the little figures that were attached but then lowered them and fell asleep along with Sunset.

Discord smiles at the little foals in his coils, he maybe a 'reformed' lord of chaos but even he has to admit these foals are cute making his plans even more fun. Then he hears foot steps behind him and he looks to see the others running towards him.

"Discord what happened?! We were on our way here and we heard screaming!" Luna asked.

Discord smirked as he hide the two fillies in his coils behind his back from the mares, it was time to put on a show.

"Oh Luna so good that your here it's awful, simply awful!" Discord exclaimed with a sorrow expression.

"What happened Discord and where's Sunset Shimmer and Trixie?" Fluttershy asked trying to look behind Discords back.

"That's what's awful my dear Fluttershy look." Discord showed his coils revealing the sleeping foals, everypony gasped (except Pinkie who squeed in joy) Luna looked at the fillies then at Discord.

"How did this happen?"

"Well we found the cure for Twilight-"

"Wait you found the cure?!" Luna said with a smile.

"Yes but sadly it has been destroyed and turned to ash." He retorted sadly pointing to the ashes on the floor.

Luna frowned as she looked at the ashes then looked at Discord. "How?"

"Well when we found it we all got very excited but then Sunset wanted to make sure it was the real deal so her and Trixie decided to test it on themselves I tried to stop them but they ignored me, they used their magic together to pull of the spell but something went wrong and bam they ended up like this and not only that the explosion caused the book to burn up in smoke, I checked to see if they were all right but when they started talking all that came out was foal gibberish they started crying so I calmed them down they you guys got here."

"What do we do now Princess?" Rarity asked.

"First we need to get to my sister and tell her about this then we make a room for them like Twilight's and we're gonna have to look for another book hopefully there's another copy." Luna said lifting the foals out of Discords coils and laying them gently on her back. "And Discord, if you have something to do with this you better be ready for the consequences." she warned the Draconequus.

Discord only continued to smile as the mares and baby dragon walked away and he whispered to himself. "This is going to be a fun week."

Author's Note:

Well if any of you didn't figure it out from the last chapter by now Discords in the story and he's being his bad chaotic self who is he going to change next.

Discord suddenly appears next to author.

Discord: Hello MR. author

Author: Discord what are you doing here?!"

Discord: I thought I'd give you the same offer I did in one of your last stories.

Edited by firebirdabirdoffire

Author: OH HELL NO! You get back in the story right now!

The author grabs Discord and stuffs him back into the story from wince it came.