• Published 5th Feb 2014
  • 15,922 Views, 419 Comments

My Widdle Pwincess - Super-Stallion

Because of a spell Princess Twilight Sparkle is now the littlest princess. With Celestia taking care of her how will her life change?

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Chapter 3

Princess Celestia, along with with little Twilight and Spike, waited patiently for her sister to return. Hopefully with a cure for Twilight's tiny predicament. Celestia sat there on her bed with Twilight between her forelegs and Spike by her side curled up taking a nap.

Twilight then yawned and Celestia looked down at her and smiled, "You can take a nap too if you wan, Twilight," The princess said.

Twilight shook her head, "No, I'm otay, I'm not sweepy," she retorted then let out another yawn.

Celestia giggled, this was just like back then. She nuzzled Twilight cheek affectionately, "Its okay Twilight, just go to sleep."

Twilight was about to protest till Celestia, started humming a lullaby, rocking Twilight, in her arms slightly. Twilight's eyes started to become heavy and she struggled to keep them open, she laid her head down on the Princess forearm listening to the humming lullaby.

Twilight thought back to when she was a little filly the first time, how her teacher would read to her at night and sometimes when she felt scared Celestia would stay with her for the night and sleep next to her just like this.

Twilight smiled and with one last yawn she closed her eyes and fell asleep. Celestia watched Twilight's sleeping form with a maternal smile across her features, she pulled the little filly closer into her arms and up against her chest, 'She seems so peaceful," she thought to herself, "She is so cute I cant seem to look away from her."

Twilight, yawned again and rolled around a bit to snuggle closer to Celestia's chest. Celestia smile grew more and she nuzzled Twilight lovingly once more. Then suddenly she hears the door open and looks up to see Luna walk in with a tired expression across her face.

"Sister, you look tired. Did you manage to find a cure for Twilight?" Celestia asked.

Luna shook her head, "No and I've read at least half of the books from the royal archives on age spells and couldn't find nothing to reverse Twilight's spell. I feel so tired too," she said coming up to Celestia, then she looked down and smiled and d'aww at the sleeping filly.

"Aww Twilight Sparkle looks so cute in her sleep." she cooed.

"Yes I agree." Celestia looked down at Twilight again to watch her sleep and suckle her hoof -Witch she had put in her mouth when they weren't looking- the Princess couldn't help but smile again. Luna looked at her sister smile at Twilight then she smiled.

"Well It seems you have things handled here,"

"Yeah," she replied in a maternal tone then looked back up at Luna, "So what do we do till we find a cure?"

"I don't know, but if you don't mind could we talk later about this and take a break? After all that time with those books I'm a little warn out."

"Alright, but first we have to change the day to night, its getting late." Celestia said as she got up careful not to wake the foal and dragon.

Luna walked along with Celestia out onto the balcony. They looked up at the day sky and with a flare of Celestia's horn, the sun started to fall from the sky and dip towards the horizon of Equestria. Then when sun was low, Luna started to lift the moon into view rising it high into the Sky until it was perfectly over head and the night was filled with stars.

Back in the room, Twilight rolled around a bit in her sleep trying to find the comfort of Celestia's fur witch she felt and lost a few seconds ago. She tried in vain to find the comfort she unconsciously wanted and when she couldn't find it she started to whimper until she cried out loud.

When they finally had the day turned into night, Celestia, heard the crying and rushed back into the room next to the bed and picked up Twilight, rocking her back and forth in her arms to calm her.

"Shh, It's okay Twilight, don't cry, I'm here don't cry." she said in a soothing tone.

Twilight instantly stopped crying and opened her eyes and looked at Celestia, "What happened Cewestia?"

"You tell me, why are you crying?" she asked.

"Was I cwying, I haven't noticed."


Twilight nodded in reply.

"Hmm...alright anyway how was your nap Twilight?"

"Fine," she replied but then pouted, "But I told you I didn't want a nap."

Celestia giggled and put her over her shoulder, "I know but you looked pretty tired I thought you could use the rest."

Twilight sighed as she laid there over her shoulder then she looked up at Luna standing behind them, "Hey Pwincess Woona did you find the weverse spell yet?" she asked hopefully.

She frowned and shook her head, "I'm sorry Twilight not yet."


"Don't worry Twilight, will find a way to change you back." Celestia assured her.

"Otay," she said then suddenly her stomach started to growl loudly and she blushed.

"Sounds like someponies hungry." Celestia giggled.

"Yeah I haven't eaten sense before I studied earwier today."

"In that case I propose we order something to eat." Luna said hoof bumping the air.

"That sounds like a wonderful idea Luna. Could you hold Twilight while I talk to the guards?"

Luna nodded and Celestia hoofed Twilight to her sister before walking over to the door. Luna looked down at Twilight cradled in her arms and cooed, "Aw thy are to cute Twilight Sparkle."

Twilight blushed again, "Pwincess Woona can you pwease not coo at me."

"But thou are to adorable to not widdle Sparkle." she cooed again before lifting a wing and tickled Twilight's belly with the tip of her feathers making her cry out laughing.

"Hey! D-Don't stop! That tickwes!"

Celestia opened the door and on of the guard looks at her, "Do you need something Princess?"

"Please go down to the kitchen and get us something to eat. And tell that staff to make something a foal can eat too."

The guard saluted and ran down the hall. Closing the door back, Celestia went back into the room and smiled when she saw Luna on the floor with Twilight blowing razzberries into her belly making her squeal loudly.

"STOP IT WONAAAAAHAHA!" Twilight screamed through her laughter.

"Thou are going to tickle you silly!" Luna said before diving in again and blew air into her belly again making her laugh more.

Celestia giggled and walked over to them, "Okay Luna that's enough let Twilight go."

Luna made one last big blow onto Twilight chubby belly sending and that's when it happened.

Twilight, suddenly felt warmth spread throughout her crotch and she looked down at her diaper to see a yellow stain grow bigger on the front. She was peeing herself! Twilight, stared in horror as she watched the stain grow bigger, then her eyes started to water and she wailed again.

Celestia ran over next to Twilight and scooped her up, putting her over her shoulder and cooed, "Twilight what's wrong?!" she asked worried.

"I'm wet!" was all the filly could cry out before crying into Celestia's mane again.

Celestia felt the bottom of her diaper with a hoof and felt it was soaked and sagging and she cooed, "Aw poor girl, I'll clean you up immediately. Luna could you go into the bathroom and get me a wet rag?"

Luna nodded and ran over into Celestia's bathroom. Celestia walked over to the bed and laid Twilight down. At that moment Spike sat up from the bed rubbing his eyes of sleep, "Hey what's going on? Why's Twilight crying?" the dragon asked.

"Twilight wet herself." Celestia said as she started to unpin the tabs with her magic.

Spike instantly woke up from what sleep left in his eyes and he got up, "Is there anything I can help with?"

"Could you hand me a diaper?"

Spike grabbed a diapers from the package left by the bed and handed it to Celestia who grabbed it in her magic. Celestia untapped the sides of Twilight's diaper and opened it sliding it from under her, Then with one swift threw the wet garment into a near by pin. Luna came back into the room and Celestia looks up to see her with a wet old rag. She thank her taking the rag and starting to wipe the fillies nether regions.

Twilight laid there whimpering from embarrassment as the Princess cleaned her filly parts, "It's okay Twilight you couldn't hold it in we understand." Celestia said seeing the sad expression on Twilight's face and the tears flowing out her eyes.

"But Pwincess-" she was cut of when Celestia put a hoof over her mouth.

"Shh, It'll be okay alright. Now let me finish and no more tears."

Celestia continued wiping Twilight clean till she was satisfied, then she put the rag to the side and taking the diaper, she lifted Twilight's legs and lowered it back onto the back on the diaper. She lifted the front and pinned it on finishing the job.

Celestia picked her back up and cradled Twilight, "Better now?"

Twilight sighed in relief and cuddled into her chest, "Yeah."

"I'm sorry Twilight I should have stopped tickling you before that happened." Luna apologized.

"That's otay Pwincess."

"So do anypony know how to fix Twilight yet?" Spike asked wondering how much he missed while he was asleep.

"No Spike and it doesn't look like where going to be able to find the cure. We may have to tell the staff around the castle."

"What! Why!?" Twilight asked not wanting anypony else to know about her problem. She hardly wanted Celestia to know lead alone everypony else in the castle, she would be a laughingstock.

"We cant hide you forever Twilight. Eventually someponies going to see you, we might as well tell them now then this end up being some kind of scandal."

"Do we have to, cant I just stay hewe until we can find a cuwe?" she asked hopefully.

"Twilight you know we cant do that, we have to come clean with this, trust me it'll end alright,"

Twilight started to whimper almost about to cry again, "But I no want them to wuagh at me."

Before she could start wailing again Celestia hugged her tight to her chest, "Don't worry Twilight I promise they wont laugh at you, I'll make sure of that."

Twilight looked up at her with shining eyes, "Weally."

"Sure I will and if they even dare laugh at my prized student I'll...I'll send them to the moon." Celestia looked back at her sister who was now scowling at her. She mouthed a 'Not really' while shaking her head before looking back down at Twilight.

Twilight sighed and cuddled into her chest again, "Otay if you say so Pwincess."

Celestia smiled and nuzzled the top of her head. Then there was a knock at the door getting all there attention, "That must be the guard back with are food. I'll go get it and tell him about Twilight's 'little problem' and to tell the rest of the ponies around the castle." Luna said.

Celestia nodded and watched as her sister walked to the door. Luna, opened the door looked at the guard with a cart full of food (including the foal food and a bottle of milk) "Here is your meal you requested Princess." the guard said.

"Thank you, I have another request for you."

"What is it Princess?"

Luna explained everything to the guard. Like any guard, his expression never changed from the hard look every guard had but Luna could tell he was worried by the glint in his eyes.

"What shall we do Princess Luna." He asked trying not to sound worried.

"I want you to go tell the staff what has happened to Princess Twilight Sparkle, but do not worry we will have this solved as soon as possible and not to tell anypony else outside the castle."

The guard nodded then saluted before running off to tell the others around the castle. Luna pulled the cart into the room and closed the door not noticing the other guard by the door who had heard the whole thing but was quiet like any other guard.

Once the guard was alone he ran down the other hall to who know's where.

Back in the room Luna, sat down on the bed with the cart of food by the bed, "Okay here you go Spike these crystals are you," The moon princess said as she transferred a bowl full of gems to the dragon, "Celestia, a salad and one slice of cake,"

"I thought I ordered the kitchen staff to give me two?"

"I told them you needed to lose some weight," Luna smirked looking at her sister's sour face, "And finally for me a cucumber sandwich."

"What do I get?" Twilight asked feeling even more hungry looking at the food.

Celestia looked back over at the cart and saw a bottle of milk at the top, she grabbed the bottle in her magic and brought it over to her hoof and presented it to Twilight, witch she scowled at not to happy what she was looking at.

"I no wanna dwink from a ba-ba," she whined then blinked confusingly at the last word she said, "Ba-ba...ba-ba...ba-ba, ba-ba, ba-ba!" Twilight, looked at Celestia, "Pwincess why cant I say ba-ba?"

Celestia giggled, "I don't know but lets worry about that later. Now be a good filly and drink your ba-ba." she said holding the bottle closer to Twilight's, mouth.

Twilight, rolled her eyes and deciding to complain more later, she opened her mouth and bite down onto the soft nibble of the bottle suckling out the milk inside. Twilight, tasted the rich warm milk rolling around her mouth as it went down her throat and had to admit it was taste, she even smiled a little behind the nibble witch Celestia noticed. She kept drinking until the whole bottle was empty and Celestia, pulled the nibble out her mouth.

"Wow you where hungry, you drank the whole thing." Celestia said astonished.

"I'm still kinda hungy." Twilight said her belly feeling slightly empty.

Celestia, looked back at the cart and saw a little bowl, she grabbed the bowl and looked to see it was filled with applesauce perfect for a little filly. She took a spoon and dipped some applesauce out and brought the spoon close to Twilight, "Here Twilight have some of this,"

Twilight opened her mouth and she was fed the first spoonful, "Mmm, this is tasty." she complemented as she tasted the sweet applesauce in her mouth before it went down into her stomach and she opened her mouth again wanting more. Celestia fed the little foal spoonful after spoonful till it was all gone and she set the bowl to the side.

"So how was it Twilight, are you full now?" Celestia asked.

Twilight was about to answer till her stomach started growling and she winced.

"Is the something wrong Twilight." Luna asked watching Twilight's, sour expression.

"I-I don't know my tummy hurts a little," Twilight said not liking the pain in her stomach.

"I think I know what the matter," Celestia said before lifting Twilight over her shoulder and started to pat her. Twilight wondered what she was doing till she made a big burp and blushed, "Better?"

"~Yawn~ bettew." she replied rubbing her eyes with her tiny hooves.

"Looks like your starting to get sleepy again. Will finish eating then we should turn in it's getting late."

After eating guard came and collected the cart and dishes left and Spike left out the room deciding to go to his and Twilight room by himself for tonight. Luna, was about leave, she looked back at Celestia, "Shall we tell the other Elements of Harmony about this?"

"Yes lets send them a message tomorrow, maybe they can help," Celestia said then looked down at Twilight who fell asleep between her arms and smiled maternally.

"You would make a good mother you know." Luna said.

Celestia looked up at her with the same smile, "Thank you Luna, good night."

"Goodnight sister."

Celestia, watched as watched as her sister walked out the door closing the door behind her looking back down at the sleeping filly in her legs. She smiled and gently nuzzled the top of her head planting a kiss before laying her head down next to her, Twilight, felt her and snuggled closer to feel her soft coat against her. Celestia kept watching her before sleep started to take her.

"I love you Twilight." the Princess said before falling asleep.


Outside in the royal garden the guard from before was hiding behind the bushes completely secluded so there where no chances of him/her being seen. The guard started removing the armor throwing it to the ground. Without the armor you could see it was a unicorn mare behind the armor with a silver mane and blue coat.

The mares horn started to glow her magic reaching out into the world for somepony.

"Hello. Hello. Hello!"

"Ouch! I can hear you, you don't have to yell."

"Then reply when somepony calls you through telepathy!"

"Whatever why have you called me did you get anything on Sparkle yet?"

"You wont believe what I found out, Celestia's best student Twilight Sparkle has messed up a spell and is now a foal!"

"What really!? Have you seen her!?"

"No but I over heard Princess Luna herself talking about it so it must be true."

"This could be what we've been waiting for...okay I'm coming over there as soon as I can don't do anything till I get there."

"Okay I'll see you soon Sunset Shimmer."

"Good bye Trixie Lulamoon."

Author's Note:

Dun dun dunnnn Well I hope that ending surprised you and you enjoyed the chapter this thing has warn me out now excuse me I'm going to watch One Piece.