• Published 22nd Mar 2012
  • 1,753 Views, 20 Comments

Rift in Harmony - KayRed_Bronynexgen

Civil War is looming on Equestria. Two legendary assassins will decide its fate.

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Rift in Harmony
By: Bronynexgen and KayRed


"Haar'chak!" screamed Jakar Grenn. Jakar was an up-and-comer, all confidence and no subtlety. "Why are we getting involved in another aruetti conflict.";

"You're getting soft there, eh Jak'ika" Gatel replied, leaning back on his chair. "Mand'alor had it right when he sent Mando's to besiege the Jedi Temple. The Jetii betrayed us, I say we side with Daala and kill'em all. You'd rather let them think they can push us around than fight like a true Mando. You're a coward Jakar, and you'll die a cowards death."

Not to take an insult lightly, Jakar pulled out his Beskad and lunged. Taken off guard, and more than a little drunk, Gatel toppled over in his chair. Jakar plunged his blade into Gatel's chest, only to have it glance off the famously strong Mandolorian armor. Gatel used his reprieve to quickly regain his footing. He was about to draw his own blade when the much honored Goran Beviin stepped in, much to the disappointment to the assembly. The crowed groaned, one man yelled "Oya, let the shebs kill each other Beviin".

If I knew I was coming back to this, I would've followed Daala on her suicidal crusade, thought Boba Fett as he sat in full armor (including his famous helmet) listening to the current speaker. Civilized people would call it a drunken bar brawl, Mandolorians called it congress. Instead of a grand hall in the cities seat of government, Mandolorians held "congress" where ever Mand'alor happened to be, which at the moment was the cantina on the Mandal motors main shipyard in orbit above Mandalore. Still, they get more done than those kriffing senators on Coruscant. In this case Mand'alor would be Boba Fett, the self centered, cold blooded bounty, somehow the leader of a nation.

"You two can kill each other later" said Beviin, he turned to Boba, of course he does. "What do you think Mand'alor".

"We are going to do as we've been doing, stay neutral. If you want sell your services to the GA then by all means go and get yourself killed. As for the siege Gatel, that was simply business, Daala knows that, that's why she knew better than to ask me to join her after I busted her out." While Boba wanted to stay neutral, he knew he couldn't bar his people from fighting, for one thing it was the Mandolorian way, but it was also to avoid being deemed a hypocrite. Just a few weeks ago Boba took on a daring assignment, bust the incarcerated former Galactic Alliance Chief of State Admiral Daala out of a GA maximum security prison. Went off without a hitch, paid well too. Now Daala was on a campaign to regain her seat of power. While Boba didn't money bloody the Jedi's nose every once and a while, especially if it pays well (hence the siege), Boba knew that Daala and her cause would mostly likely be blown to atoms in orbit over Coruscant, and he did not want Mandalore to go down with her. "Now, if there isn't anything else, drinks are on me" this brought a chorus of "Oya's". Boba used the distraction to exit, followed by Beviin.

"You know we may be passing up a huge opportunity here Mand'alor" said Beviin.

"We're also passing up a huge headache, Daala and the G.A. are nothing but trouble"

"We are Mando's, we thrive in trouble"

Boba shook his head "I know, I know, but we are still feeling the effects of the Vong war, we need to focus on rebuilding. Again, I won't stop anyone from selling their services, but until an opportunity comes up that won't end up with a GA or Imperial fleet in orbit above Madalore, we focus on rebuilding."

They arrived at the hangar where Slave I was currently docked. Slave I, the closest thing Boba has ever had to a home. Waiting at the bottom of the boarding ramp was Boba Fetts granddaughter Mirta Gev, just returned from a job on Adumar. Mirta had the dark curly hair and light brown skin characteristic of the Fett clan, with her qukuuf tattoos on a face that could be called attractive, but not beautiful. Mirta was somewhat small of stature, but looks are deceiving. She got involved with the family business at a young age, trained by her mother, who also instilled a mortal hatred of Boba that has only recently receded, when they rescued Boba's wife from a carbonite nap. While she isn't in the same class as Boba, she was definitely had the potential. Of course, with her husband away on a long mission, she invited herself to tag along with Boba. It annoyed him, but he decided that he would give this grandfather thing a try.

"Ba'buir! We have a contract offer" said Mirta.

"We?" snorted Boba

Mirta rolled her eyes "Mando's Ba'buir. Someone is interested in hiring 2 brigades of Mando infantry, an armor regiment, and a flight of Bes'uliik's. The perspective buyer has no affiliations with the GA. She wants to meet"

"There is your opportunity Boba" exclaimed Beviin.

"What are the details?" asked Boba

"Princess Celestia, leader of Equestria, a planet on the fringes of the Katorrs sector, I'll give you more info on the way" said Mirta

Boba gave her a puzzled look, or at least as close to a puzzled look as one wearing a mass can manage. "Who said you're coming?"

Mirta gave him her best puppy dog face, at least the best a cold blooded Mandolorian could do. I'm the most ruthless killer in the galaxy, does she really think that move will work on me. "Because Ba'buir, I've spent the entire trip from Adumar studying this woman, planet, and culture, making me the Mandolorians foremost expert on Equestria, you need me Boba"

Boba gave her a stare that has the world's toughest criminals bowls to loosen. Mirta merely smiled. "Alright, you can come" said Boba in submission, "just don't talk too much, are we clear?"

"Crystal" answered Mirta.

With the course laid for the Kortiss sector, Slave I safely in hyperspace, and a few days to kill, Boba turned to his granddaughter. "Alright, tell me everything."

Sitting at the console behind the Co-pilots seat, Mirta took a deep breath and began. "Equestria is the fourth planet in a 7 planet system of the same name. The main sentient inhabitants are called Ponies. Their body, facial structure, and physiology is very similar to that of humans so they are classified as near humans. There are three main subspecies, earth ponies, the winged pegusi, and unicorns who are thought to be force sensitive. Their average height is about five to eight centimeters shorter than humans. Their skin and hair colors can be anything from brown to multicolored and they each have something like a tattoo on their cheeks that showcases their special talent called a 'cutie mark'"

"Sounds like you'd fit in just fine".

"Real funny" replied Mirta. "As I was saying. They made first contact with GA surveyors shortly after the second galactic civil war. They found vast amounts of untouched natural resources including high quality metals used in the construction of capital ships. Don't worry, it is nowhere near the quality of our beskar."

Boba shrugged "wasn't too worried"

Mirta continued "Both Seinar and Tendranado arms tried getting contracts. Lando himself even met with their leader Princess, but amazingly Calrissian's charm didn't help. Ultimately the Seinar contract was much more lucrative for Celestia. Seinar set up operations there over a year ago. Some ponies claim that Celestia are exploiting the ponies for her own personal gain."

"I think I'm starting to see how we fit in here."

"Right. Celestia's sister and former co-ruler Luna was outraged at how Celestia was exploiting their people for her own gain, so she started a coup which failed. She is currently at large and believed to be the leader of a very large terrorist organization. Seinar has provided its own mercenaries to keep the peace, but Celestia doesn't feel that they are effective. Now that she is insanely rich she wants the best."

Boba took a minute to take it all in. Putting down a terrorist organization wasn't exactly simple. They rely on hit and fade strikes and are almost impossible to track, well, at least the good ones are There was also gray areas that come when a force of that is technologically and numerically superior takes on an inferior one. Boba had no problem gunning down primitives, so long as the pay was good. "Do we have a number." asked Boba.

"Nothing on flimsi, but considering how delicate the situation and the wealth of our potential client, you could bet on getting fifteen to twenty percent more than our usual rate." Mirta turned from her console and faced Boba. "So...are we going to do it"

"We'll see."

"Ezio!" The great Italian artist and inventor, Leonardo Da Vinci exclaimed, at the sight of seeing his old friend, after almost a decade. "I'm so glad to see you! Claudia kept me well informed on your journey, I would like to hear all about those keys"

"Not now Leonardo, it's a long story and I would like to wait until we get somewhere quiet. Have you met Sofia Sartor?" Ezio inquired.
The day was typical, warm, sunny day for Italy. The air was heavy with the smell of fresh meats and produce, and the marketplace was alive with stories of the New World, where Cristoforo Columbus sailed to less than 20 years ago.

"Yes, you mentioned her in your letters, but I have never met her in person. Who is she, now that you have brought her up?" Leonardo asked. His bottomless curiosity piqued.

"She was a bookmaker in Istanbul who helped me find the Masyaf Keys. She is also my wife, and mother to my children."

"Your wife! I never expected you to be the one to get married, never mind settle down and have children!"

"Neither did I, but here I am. Come, let us walk to your shop, so I can see what else these keys do."

"Right, we must hurry if we expect to be back to hear your entire story," Leonardo finished and started to lead the way, with a small spring in his step now that he was able to examine the keys and their properties more thoroughly.

Whoosh! Clink!

A pickpocket, a thief, untied the knot to Ezio's coin purse and tried to run straight ahead, into the busy marketplace, the evening sun beating into their eyes. Yet, Ezio was too experienced to let this happen again, like in the past. And he's starting to become achy and tired with age, he would tire himself out from the short chase. But, he knew exactly what to do.
Shink! Whoosh! Smack!

With the hookblade acquired from Istanbul, he grabbed at the thief's forward ankle, and pulled back in such a way that his head would not directly impact the tough dirt that makes up the ground of the marketplace, but that his arms would take most of the damage. Before the crowd could even gasp, Ezio was crouching over the pickpocket's sticklike frame, his head blocking the sun.

"Please signore! Spare me! I have a family to feed!," the ragged pickpocket pleaded, cowering away, and sneaking glances to the sharpened weapons on Ezio's hip.

"First, my money," the Assassin said in a calm, yet commanding voice, gently pulling the man, who was just barely, up off of the ground .

The pickpocket handed over the money immediately and tried to run away, that which made the crowd jeer him for his cowardice.

"Wait!," commanded Ezio. The pickpocket stopped dead in his tracks and turned around. The crowd murmured in anticipation of the blood that was expected to be shed.

"Please signore, I'll never do this again, please spare me!" the young man falling to his knees, clasping his hands, and pleading for his life while tears fell down his dirty face.

The crowd shouted at the thief in disgust.



"Just kill the Godless thief already!"

"Ezio, what are you going to do?" Leonardo turned to his friend and asked.

"Take it and go," the Assassin commanded, and threw a small bag of coins at the blubbering thief. "Also meet me here at noon tomorrow, I want to have a few words with you."

"Thank you signore," the thief ran away with his small bag of money, and the crowd jeered and booed him all the way.

The inventor and Assassin continued to walk through the streets of Florence talking about nothing in particular. Simply things old friends would talk about, the economy, new discoveries and inventions, the latest war and family.

"And here we are my friend. After you," Leonardo and Ezio arrived at Leonardo's workshop and house. The inventor opened the door and allowed Ezio to walk into a messy room with scrolls and blueprints sprawled all over. "It's a mess, I know. Let me clean up a little bit."

"So what have you done here while I was in Istanbul and Russia?" Ezio asked, as he sat in a chair that Leonardo just cleaned.

"I have been working on a new design for my land vehicle. This one with a rotatable turret instead of many fixed cannons. Also, a flying machine with a vertical takeoff. And..."As Leonardo continued to talk about his machines, barely taking time to breathe, he stuffed his scrolls and blueprints into even messier drawers and cabinets. Ezio looked on and listened.

"When are you going to find the time and money to build these machines?" Ezio inquired.

"By selling my paintings. I hope to get enou-"

A blinding flash of color is followed by gale force winds that tore through the room, sending almost every single piece of paper flying.

"It worked, the portal's open. Told you Leonhardt you drunken bastard!" A voice echoed through the portal, and a second voice, which both men assumed must be Leonhardt, replied.

"Shouldn't we try to communicate with them, yes just by shouting into the portal. And I'm not drunk now..."

As the hurricane and blinding light caused by the portal continued, the first voice introduced himself and explained the situation.

"That's a first. Hello, Ezio Auditore, and Leonardo da Vinci. My name is Clockwork Wise. My friend here is Leonhardt. We are from, and I'm sorry if this sounds so cliché, we are from another world."

"And the portal won't stay open long so can you try to hurry it up. The energy required to do this is almost unfathomable," the voice that's supposed to be Leonhardt told the blinded and bewildered men.

"What are you?" Leonardo yelled through the wind.

"We will explain everything as soon as you step through. When you do, I'll be right ahead.," Leonhardt's voice said.

"We better do as they say. Find a weapon if you have one," Ezio said. Ezio jumped through the portal, not bothering to look back.

"But this- Gaaahh! Never mind!" the inventor exasperated. He grabbed a fire poker and jumped through. "You're going to kill yourself one day!" he called out to Ezio.

The inventor and Assassin emerged to a room filled with the loud hum of machines struggling to exert the energy required to keep the portal open. The room had metal grating on the floor with wires and pipes snaking under it in all directions. It had the portal in the center and the walls where gray and industrial looking.

"Hello Gentle-colts. We are Princess Luna, and we need your help."