• Published 22nd Mar 2012
  • 1,753 Views, 20 Comments

Rift in Harmony - KayRed_Bronynexgen

Civil War is looming on Equestria. Two legendary assassins will decide its fate.

  • ...

Chapter 1

Chapter 1

The image in the dream was foggy, distorted, but the memory was still Clear and fresh.

"How could you support 'er Twilight" screamed AJ. "You saw what happened to Big Mac, but you're still on 'er side? I thought you were mah friend Twi. Just go I never want to see you again." With that she said good bye to Apple Jack.

"Be careful Twilight" warned Pinkie "Canterlot is not safe, and she is not who she seems. I have a bad feeling about this, twilight. Be careful." With that she said good bye to Pinkie Pie.

"Um...Twilight, I'm going to miss you" squeaked Fluttershy. "I..uh...hope you have fun at the capital. It would be ever so nice if you came and visit once in a while." With that she said good bye to Fluttershy.

"Don't forget who you are Twi." advised Rarity. "Don't let those bigoted unicorns at court change you darling. If you ever need anything, go to Fancy Pants, he will help" With that she said good bye to Rarity.

Rainbow Dash didn't speak, she didn't make contact. With her head down, she simple turned around and flew away. With that she said good bye to Rainbow Dash.

Then she was all alone, in darkness, with the heavy realization that she will most likely never see them again.

A sudden knock at the door woke Twilight from her slumber. Though the dream was fading, the reality of her situation remained. She laid there for a moment hugging her pillow, wondering if she made the right decision, if loyalty to her teacher, her princess, was really more important than loyalty to her friends. Of course it is Twilight reminded herself [She is the leader of the Solar Empire, salvation of all ponies, and I am her student. My duty is to her and not my disloyal friends.] She thought of Spike. [Oh spike, where are you now.] Princess Celestia had told her that the terrorists had kidnap Spike, she didn't want to think what they would do to him.

Another series of knocks came. Twilight dried her tears, discarded her pillow and went to answer the door. On the other side was a stern looking palace guard, garbed in the traditional gilded palace amour, with one of those alien weapons called blasters slung across his shoulder. "Mistress Sparkle. The Princess requires your presence in the throne room." With that the guard left.

Dressed in a skirt and a light sweater that matches her purple tinted skin, Twilight entered the throne room. She looked at the various stained glass paintings depicting the triumphs of Equestria and the Solar Empire. All were beautiful and pristine...except for one. The one behind the throne, that depicted Celestia and her younger sister Luna's giving the land of Equestria harmony was gone. Destroyed by Celestia shortly after Luna's attempted coup. As amazing as all of them were, there were still two that she couldn't bear looking at.

Princess Celestia was seated on her throne, looking as magnificent as ever. She wore a long white dress that complemented her pink white skin, her soft rainbow colored hair somehow billowing and sparkling despite the lack of wind or adequate light in the throne room. She wore a stern expression, her usual expression since after the coup. She sat on her throne, conversing with two men, a pony and an alien. The pony was Field Marshall Scorch, famed soldier and former member of Celestia's elite guard. An angry man who always looks as if he is smelling something fowl. [I wonder if he ever smiled in his life. Some should put him in a room with Pinkie-] Twilight quickly shook away the thought. The alien was the Celestia's personal liaison from Seinar Technologies, a human from some world called Kuat, was Fost Savar, a man of charm. Typical of the human species, he was a few centimeters taller than most ponies, he had light tan skin, black hair slicked back, and an oiled goatee. He is a very popular man at Canterlot court. His usually handsome face was twisted in anger. "Your highness, you cannot be serious?" asked Savar.

"I am quite serious master Savar." replied the Princess.

"My princess, I can assure that Mandolorians are not the answer."

"Then what is. As I recall Savar, your mercenaries botched the suppressions of the uprisings in Fillydelphia."

Savar snorted "There wouldn't have been an uprising if the Field Marshalls conscripts to foul up and kill all of the earth ponies."

Twilight couldn't imagine that Scorch's skin could get any redder, but somehow it did. "Careful Fost," warned Scorch. "I've fought in many wars, if you insult me again-"

"Silence!" commanded Celestia. "Master Savar, if you disrespect one of my most trusted advisers again, then Seinar is going to have to send me a new liaison."

Savar bowed his head in submission, "Yes your highness."

"And Scorch," Celestia continued, "You failed, accept that. Any news on our nuisance"

"He is, again, speaking out against you your highness." said Scorch, nervous about an repercussion his bad news might bring. "The problem is that is all we can prove. There is no evidence that he has officially allied himself with Princess Lu-" Scorch stopped himself "The terrorist's leader."

"He is only an annoyance," interjected Savar, "he can do no harm to your rule."

"It is only a matter of before an annoyance becomes a threat" sneered Celestia, "I want him silenced" The princess then turned her gaze towards Twilight, her expression softened a little. "Ah, Twilight Sparkle, my faithful student, thank you for coming on such short notice."

"It is my honor, Princess," replied Twilight as she bowed, "What has your majesty requested of me."

Twilights obedience made Celestia smile. "A very important man is coming to court, Boba Fett, chief of state of the planet Mandalore. You will greet him and escort him. He will be landing at the southern space port, docking bay B7. Be courteous and do not offended him."

Twilight bowed her head. "Yes, my teacher."

Savar couldn't keep his opinion in any longer, he stepped forward. "Forgive me your majesty, but I don't think you realize what you are doing. One of many natural resources on Equestria is your iron, it is not just any iron though, it is high quality iron. Iron that makes great durasteel, perfect for Star Cruisers. The only iron in the Galaxy that rivals Equestrian iron is beskar, Mandolorian iron. If the Mandolorians find out about the competition that the Equestria would create, they will mobilize there forces and destroy your people."

Scorch snorted "Ha, like you care about ponies, you are more concerned about profits".

Celestia starred death at him, silencing him immediately, then she turned to Savar. "You are wrong master Savar. I do know what I am getting into. I will make it very lucrative for them to be on our side. Though I do appreciate your cantor. I will not commit to an arrangement right now, I will keep him here and take advantage of his services until I decide."

Savar nodded. "Very good your majesty. Thank you."

"If there is nothing else, I will retire. Twilight, go await the Mandolorian chief of state and bring him to me once he arrives."

With that, Celestia left, with her guards entail. Twilight was leaving when Savar approached her, "Mistress Twilight." [Oh my gosh!] thought twilight, [he is actually talking to me.] Twilight straightened her posture and tried to hide the excitement in her voice. "Yes master Savar?"

"Be careful around chief of state Fett. He is a ruthless man."

"Yes sir."

"Though, I'm sure that pretty face of yours could even melt the heart of Boba Fett."

Twilight blushed and let out a girly giggle. "Thank you sir." Twilight bowed and immediately slumped in embarrassment. [Why did I have to giggle like that, he probably thinks I'm a child.]

Ezio looked up at the midnight blue woman with the wings and horn. he nodded "Princess, I am Ezio Auditore, and this my ally and good friend Leonardo."

Princess Luna looked a bit confused, "Our Pleasure. We thought you would be shocked by our appearance?"

"Let's just say you are not the first alien I have come across." Leonardo was a different story, his mouth was agape and for the first time in his life, he was speechless.

"Alien?" came of the voice of Leonhardt. Ezio turned to him. Probably in his mid thirties, he had gray and shaggy dirty blonde hair parted by a horn, reasonably thick build, he was unshaven and reeked of wine. He wore a black vest over top a white long sleeved shirt, black pants, and a tinted monocle on his left eye. On his cheek was what appeared to be a fork shoved inside a curious metallic device with two long slots on the top. He took out a flask and took a swig of wine "You're the alien chump"

"Leonhardt you fool" said Clockwork Wise, in a meek voice. He was dressed similarly to Leonhardt, but looked much less dashing. He was shorter, had poor posture and what appeared to be damaged wings, and his pale skin and thinning blue yellow hair made him look even more sickly. His one redeeming feature was his mustache, a glorious brunette handlebar mustache. He also a strange tattoo on his right cheek, this one of a pocket watch "He's come from a primitive planet, we are aliens to him...And I thought you said you were not drunk."

"And I am not." said Leonhardt, "but we just successfully brought two men from a different time and planet using a portal made out of scraps and garbage, so I am going to get as drunk as I want. You should too, maybe it'd make you less dull."

"Well it just so happens..."

Luna started ushering Leonardo and Ezio away. "Forgive us. Those two tend to bicker with each other. Follow us please, we will explain everything on the way."

They followed Luna out of the room into a rocky hallway. A cave, realized Ezio, he did not like caves much, [Too enclosed, no room to run away if things go wrong.] He turned to his old companion, "Leonardo, my friend," he whispered, "close your mouth, you are beginning to drool." Without speaking he complied. He took a moment profile Luna. She did not dress like a princess, while she had a tiara she did not wear flowing gowns characteristic of princess, instead she wore tight black pants and boots with a light blue long sleeved shirt with a star and crescent emblem on it. Ezio couldn't help but notice what appeared to be a futuristic pistol.

They exited the cave into what appeared to be canyon, with very large, mystical looking trees, and a murky aura, partly due to the dark clouds overhead. All around were tents, sheds, and many of the aliens going about their task with varying degrees of urgency. They came in many varieties, some had wings like Clockwise, others had a horn like Leonhardt, but the majority had neither. Most were dressed similarly to Luna.

Finally, Leonardo found his voice, "What is this place filled with so many wonders."

"This is the New Lunar Army's everfree forest base..." Luna trailed off when she noticed the expression on both men's face. "Oh...we are sorry, you speak of our world yes? This is Equestria, home to the once peaceful pony people. A world of beauty and magic."

"You said you needed our help," stated Ezio.

"Yes. Two years ago, aliens discovered our planet. They told us we have rescources they would like to attain. Our ruler Celestia, fearing a conquest from the technologically advanced aliens, she decided to negotiate with the aliens. Something happened though, and she became corrupt, allying herself with an equally corrupt organization. She has mistreated her people, and continues to become more tyrannical, going so far as to deem a race inferior. We-I tried to remove her from power, but we failed."

Ezio nodded, "so you need her assassinated."

"Well...it is not that simple," said Luna hesitantly, "She is our...my sister."

While Ezio could sympathize with her, he knew what she needed to do. "Princess, I understand your reluctance, but you cannot let your relationship get in the way while your people suffer."

"But it's not just her," Luna said in defense, "She is a good person, something happened to her. We could save her."

"Do you truly believe that my child?" Asked Leonardo.

"We know it. Besides, removing her will do nothing, it is her allies, Seinar Technologies they call themselves, that are the problem. We must stop them, but we fear the only way to do defeat them is war."

"Princess!" screamed a high pitched voice. The three of them turned to see, a young woman with curly dark pink hair and pink skin, with 3 balloons on her right cheek. She was clearly distraught.

"Pinkie Pie" exclaimed Luna, "Dr. Whooves said you were in Ponyville."

"Calm down child" said Luna in a soothing voice, "tell us what happened."

Pinkie took a moment to catch her breath, then started speaking again. "Solar Empire troops are in Equestria, they set up a base in town hall. Derpy went undercover in there, but they found out about a leak and now I can't get her out without blowing her cover."

The princess was speech less, she seemed to be in a state of shock. Ezio stepped forward. "I will help you retrieve this agent of yours."

The proximity alarms brought Mirta out of her sleep. She looked over towards her grandfather, fully armored but helmetless for a change. She looked at his scarred face and ran throw all of the horrible events that happened to him throughout life. Events as tragic as losing his father to Mace Windu, to as outrageous as his own daughter trying to kill him. In the last two years, Boba Fett has finally caught a lucky break. He survived a terminal genetic disease, found his long lost wife, set Mandalore on the path of prosperity, and helped rid the galaxy of a tyrant. He has even lightened up a bit, at least around Mirta. [He almost seems content,] thought Mirta, [but he's Boba Fett, he is never content.]

"Good, you're awake" said Boba.

"I'm guessing we've arrived"

"Making the final approach now." Boba stared at his panels for a second. "Go suit up and prep for landing."

"Show of force?"

"Something like that"

[Always so cryptic.] She went to the aft cargo hold where she stored her armor. I proper set of beskar 'gram, yellow/orange with gray trimming. Her grandfather had always given her a hard time for the brash color. [It lacks subtlety] he would say, [but he says that about everything I do,] thought Mirta. ]Just three years ago I was trying to kill him with mother, now look at us.] Boba Fett is not a family man by nature, but he is trying, and when he sets a task he completes it efficiently and perfectly.

Mirta peered out the window at the blue green ball of Equestria. It was unremarkable as far as planets go. What struck her was how pristine it looked, considering Seinar had two years to rape the planet. [ Looks are always deceiving.] Slave I approached the city of Canterlot. A large city nestled in the side of a mountain, with a magnificent gold, gray, and white castle at the cliffs edge. It reminded Mirta of holo's she has seen of the city Aldera before it was destroyed by the Death Star.

The spaceport was a stark contrast to the rest of the city, clearly put there by Seinar. She felt the jolt of Slave I making landfall, followed by the jingling footsteps of Fett. He was clad in full armor including his helmet. Odd for this kind of situation, but Mirta knew he liked to use his iconic image to his advantage during negotiations. They made their way down the boarding ramp, a light breezing making Boba's cape and Mirta's half kilt billow as they walked.

Waiting outside their berth was a young pony, a girl around nineteen-twenty years old with purple tinted skin and purple hair with a pink streak in it with a purple horn splitting her bangs. On her cheek she had a tattoo (or at least she thought it was a tattoo) of a pinkish-purple six pointed star encircled by five smaller white stars. Dressed real bookishly, she was currently laying back on a bench, so engrossed in her paper novel that she was completely oblivious to the arrival of Slave I.

She gave Mirta and Boba a quick glance, then went back to her book. Then the realization of who they were set in. She quickly put her book away in her bag and scampered over to them. She approached them with a nervous smile as she tried to look Boba in the eye. "Welcome to Canterlot Chief of State Fett-"

"That's Mand'alor" Mirta corrected sternly.

"M-Mand'alor Fett" the unicorns nervous smile wavered a bit. "I am Twilight Sparkle, student of Princess Celestia. Her Majesty has asked me to escort you to the castle."

Boba simply nodded. Twilight hesitated for a moment then started moving. She started rambling about the history of Canterlot, but then she trailed off once she realized neither Mandolorian was listening. Mirta put on her helmet so she could privately speak with her grandfather. "She seems anxious."

"Probably just nervous about disappointing her teacher" said Boba.

"Looks pristine" commented Mirta

"Just a facade, underneath it's as much of a shit hole as Nar Shadaa."

"Princess, I present to you chie...Mand'alor Boba Fett" said the purple woman.

"Ah, Mand'alor Fett, it is a pleasure to meet you." said the princess. Even Boba couldn't help but admire her. She was much taller than most humans, with following, shining multicolored hair and pale pink skin. She had both a horn and a pair of wings. [Probably some subspecies Mirta failed to mention.] She smiled "Please, feel free to remove your helmet."

Boba looked at the princess's entourage with his 360 helmet view. There was two unicorns, a red on the princess's right and the nervous girl who greeted them behind him. The other individual there was a nervous looking human. [Savar!] Boba gave him a cold stare through his helmet, Savar met his gaze and did not falter. He turned back to Celestia. "I'll pass" he said, "how 'bout we get down to business."

Celestia gave him a seductive smile. "I'd love to Mand'alor Fett, but you see, there is this man causing me proble-"

Boba cut her off. "Don't beat around the bush Princess, you want someone killed just say it." Boba didn't usually kill for free, but considering the contract at stake here, he was willing to make an exception.

Celestia's smile grew, "I like your style Fett."

Ezio and Pinkie sat at a table in an outdoor cafe across the street from town hall. Pinkie had changed out of her LRA uniform and into street clothes, Ezio looked somewhat out of place in his dark gray hooded robe, but to the people of Ponyville, oddly dressed aliens had become the norm.

"Why don't we move in?"

"Patience my child" said the Assassin in his musical accent, "running into a situation with no plan will get you killed. We must survey the building before we do anything"

Pinkie couldn't help it, that was her friend in there. [It's my fault, I shouldn't have let her go in there,] thought Pinkie. Ezio seemed to notice her anxiety, so he struck up casual conversation. "Tell me about what you do in the army"

One thing people have always said about Pinkie Pie is that she had the unique ability to go from sad , anxious, and worried to happy and peppy in ten seconds flat. "Well... I love to party. I love everything about partying, balloons, steamers, singing. Oh especially singing. I've become a local celebrity because of my singing. Dr. Whooves recruited me for republic intelligence because I'm so good with people. I use my parties to get information. That and my sex appeal." Pinkie only realized what she had said after the fact, she had tendency to do that. [Oh...I don't want to give him the wrong impression.] "It's not what it sounds like, I don't actually...you know..."

Ezio simply laughed. "Don't worry child, before I was this old man with a scarred face, I was quite the charmer. There is nothing wrong with it, especially considering what your using it for."

Pinkie smiled, this man understands what has to be done. She grabbed her rather large breast and said "It's these, they're a curse." This brought an even louder guffaw from Ezio, who nearly fell out of his chair. Walking down the street she spotted a familiar face. She ran over to her "Fluttershy!" she called.

"Oh, hi Pinkie," answered Fluttershy softly, her nervous smile coming to her face. Looking elegant like in her sundress like only Fluttershy could do. "It is ever so nice to see you."

"How are you?"

"Good...um Pinkie? I have to tell you something about Rainbow Dash"

"Oh Dashie! I haven't seen her in awhile."

Fluttershy stared at her feet for awhile, "I'm worried about her Pinkie" she said, "She has been really reclusive, she doesn't talk to anypony. When she comes out, she seems so sad. I think it has to do with Twilights leaving, and Applejacks feud with her.

"Oh..." It almost seemed like Pinkies poofy curly hair deflated a little. She was well aware of the feud between AJ and Twilight. Twilight was called back to her teacher, which is unfortunate considering what Celestia was doing, but Pinkie understood why Twilight had to join her, Celestia is her teacher, she practically raised her, it is hard to turn away from that. Applejack wasn't as understanding. Ever since Big Mac was dishonorably discharged from the Solar Army, she has been very outspoken against Celestia. She was actually the main reason Pinkie Joined the LRA, but that doesn't mean Pinkie supports the way she has been treating Twilight. She had no idea that it has affected Dashie so much. [I should be there for her, I have to cheer her up somehow.]

Pinkie noticed Ezio approaching by the way Fluttershy shied away from her. "Oh Fluttershy, let me introduce you to my new friend Ezio. Ezio, Fluttershy. Fluttershy, Ezio."

Fluttershy looked up at him nervously. "Um...hi" she squeaked.

Ezio nodded, "Pleasure. If you'll excuse us." He started corralling pinkie away, but not before she said her farewell to Fluttershy. "I have an idea, but for it to work I need you to create a diversion, something that will get the soldiers away from the building."

"Gotcha. Derpy is a pegasus with blonde hair and grey skin. Oh, and she's crossed eyes."

Ezio went into the ally and used a vacant cart to propel himself onto a small ledge. Using agility that only an Assassin can muster, he quickly climbed the town hall building. He found a sky light which was currently open. He crawled through the gap an swung himself onto a rafter. He perched himself their and used his eagle vision to survey the situation. Town hall must have doubled as a post office, because it consisted mostly of imperial soldiers and postal workers, who were currently under lock down while the imperials tried to find the spy. He searched for his target.

He spotted Derpy casually talking to a lanky green earth pony. With her cute face and her crossed eyes she looked absolutely harmless. That thought made Ezio smile, [the perfect spy.] Now all he had to do was wait for Pinkies distraction.

A buff imperial soldier in silver armor barged in, "Fire!" he screamed, "the cafe is on fire!" Ezio smiled. [Who says subtlety is always the best option]. A soldier in gold armor started issuing orders, and the soldiers filed out of the building. Only two soldiers remained as guards. To Ezio, the two guards might as well have been corpses already. He pulled two throwing knives out of his bandolier. The first took the guard closest guard in the jugular, and just as the surviving soldier realized what was happening, Ezio's second knife stuck him in the thigh. [Not likely a kill, but should keep him incapacitated, especially if it hit the femoral artery.] The mysterious deaths caused a panic in the room. Everyone ran to the front entrance to try and escape, that is everyone except Derpy, she used the chaos to make her way to the back entrance.

Ezio went back through the skylight and went to the edge of the roof. [Damnit.] Standing in the back alley was Derpy, who was being ordered to freeze by two soldiers. Ezio deployed and retracted his hidden blade to make sure it was working properly. He launched himself off the roof and onto the closest soldier, shoving his hidden blade into the man's face as he landed. The second guard was quick to react, throwing down his blaster and drawing his sword. He swiped his sword down on Ezio, but the agile Assassin rolled out of the way, causing the guard to miss and instead imbedded his sword into his fallen comrades body. Ezio used that to his advantage, drawing his own sword and impaling. He whispered his requiescat en pace before removing his sword.

Pinkie Pie then turned into the ally, momentarily shocked by the bloodshed. "Derpy!" she exclaimed as she went over to her comrade. "are you alright".

Derpy nodded. "I just don't know what went wrong." she sighed.

"Must have been a leak somewhere in intelligence, we'll have to tell the Doctor." she turned to Ezio. "There were no witnesses on my end."

"All of mine are dead. Let's get out of here before the guards notice"

The Italian picked up both bodies at the same time, and flung them into a nearby dumpster. With that they left.

"Fancy, the less I know the better" said the fat pony sitting across from him.

"Highlife, you know what kind of tyrant she is becoming" said Fancy Pants, the most prestigious individual in Canterlot besides Celestia herself, and her vocal opponent. [Probably only unicorn opponent, definitely the only one in Canterlot.] They currently sat in his study. He turned to his friend, "You own one of the most prominent news organizations in Equestria, you can show the people Celestia's wrath."

"And face it myself? I think not." The corpulent, light blue skinned unicorn took a sip of his whiskey. "Really Fancy, you are not giving Celestia any reason to tolerate you. You might as well be working with Luna herself."

Fancy ran his fingers throw his blue hair. [I might have to tell him eventually.] Fancy shook away the thought, that would be a last resort. He took a look at his guards. Two were stationed at the door, one two Fancy's right, the final one was stationed next to the large window overlooking the city, men he trusted with his life, armed with magically reinforced cutlass's capable of cutting through merc armor if enough force is applied. If Highlife threatened to rat him out, he would not leave the room alive. [I do not want it to come to that.] "Just publish my letter, I'll deal with the consequences, you can play dumb. You've seen how she has been exploiting the earth ponies in the mines, and conscripting young men into her army."

"Better earth ponies than unicorns." said Highlife, as he took another sip

Fancy Pants frowned. [To hell with it.] "Highlife, my friend, this request comes from Princess Luna herself."

Whiskey came out of Highlife's mouth in a rough mist. "By Celestia," coughed Highlife. "Are you trying to get me killed?"

Fancy ignored the remark "One article, that's all we need. One article can give Luna the recruits and support she needs, it could convince even the unicorns of Celestia's crimes."

Highlife turned pale. "You shouldn't have told me that my friend, I am sorry for what I am going to have to-"

He was interrupted by the sound of shattering glass. Fancy looked to his window to see a figure flying on a jetpack. Fancy hit the floor. His first thought was that he was a merc, but he wasn't like any merc he has seen, he wore green armor and had a t shaped visor on his helmet. The merc fired two shots with his blaster, killing the two guards at the door, even before his feet touched the ground. The guard next to fancy drew his sword and charged, but was immediately brought down by a blaster bolt to the head. That just left the guard at the window, who was currently positioned behind the merc. He drew his sword and approached the merc. He lunged at the merc, a vertical slice that should have gone throw the shoulder of the merc, but somehow the merc saw it coming. He dropped his blaster and raised an armored wrist and blocked the blade. They stood there in a stalemate for a moment. A blade came out of the wrist of the mercs free arm, with a smooth motioned he cut the guards throat. The guard collapsed in a spray of blood. The merc picked up his blaster and walked towards fancy, the jingling of spurs marking each step.

Highlife lost it. "I was going to turn him in," he blabbered, "I'm not a traitor, I swear!" Without breaking gaze with fancy, the mercenary fired his blaster at Highlife, ending him.

Fancy got to his feet and faced the being. "You can torture me all you want, but I won't give you her location."

The mercenary spoke to him in a strange accent, his voice ice, "That's not why I'm here."

The realization of the situation hit fancy like a train, but he wouldn't give his assassin the pleasure of seeing his fear. He stood tall, "You will not hear me beg for my life." The merc said nothing. "Do me a favor, tell that cunt Celestia that she just made the worst mistake of her life. My death will amplify the message. All people of Equestria will hear it, and when their outrage comes back to here, not even her precious mercs can protect her."

The assassin nodded. "Fair enough" he said. "Nothing personal." The merc raised his blaster to Fancy's head. And with that pull of the trigger, the war begun.