• Published 22nd Mar 2012
  • 1,753 Views, 20 Comments

Rift in Harmony - KayRed_Bronynexgen

Civil War is looming on Equestria. Two legendary assassins will decide its fate.

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Chapter 4: The Fires of Trottingham

The darkness is rising again,

‘cause it’s Nightmare Night

“Turn that off mate, I don’t feel listening to propaganda right now,” Jan Wonderhooves asked of Giuetta, the comm operator in their squad.

With a small pop, the music disappears and the small squad once again walks along the wilderness in a dulling silence.

“Buck this, I’ll just say it. I’m so bucking scared,” Nigel broke the silence and all ten stop in their tracks. Even the trees, and birds hold still to listen. He cradles his rifle, a projectile shooting antique from before the war, fitted with a custom zoom scope, sits down on a mossy tree trunk, and staring out into the distance. “We’re gonna go into an enemy city, filled with Mercs and we’re supposed to fight’em. We’re just one bucking comp- we’re not even a company, not until Rompsons gets the rest of the platoons up here. Just about 40 idiots, about to march into an early grave.”

“You’re starting to sound scared Mossberg,” mocked Kapurass, the squads close-qaurter combat expert, “which is funny, because from what I understand, you and Cloudcatcher are gonna be in the back, picking off Mercs at your leisure, away from the shooting”

“Of course I’m scared, they’re gonna be gunning for us, using whatever weapons they got to take out a sniper. I can’t dodge 20 unicorns using explosive mag-”

“Hush now, ya’hear? Both of ya”, Commaded Applejack, she squated down by the nervous mass in a ghillie suit and puts a comforting hand on his shoulder. “It’s ok sugarcube, we’re all scared,”’

“But- but if I die...I heard Celestia is gonna put out an order that any captured rebels family is to be rounded up too...” the usually stoic pegasus is the first to break down. “I’m-I’m just so fucking scared.”

“Ah feel they same way, 'bout my sister Applebloom. But we jus' gotta push on."

“Incoming,” whispered Jan ugerntly.

Applejacks sqaud was anything, but professional. They immediately went into cover, Nigel dissapeared into a bush, Roid quickly, and expertly set up his captured merc chaingun on a broken down wall on the left side of the road, with Dolan and Zlad aiding him. Guitta, Jan, and Applejack went to their bellies in a ditch on the right. Kapurass steathly sneaked up to the approaching shadow, ready to slit the figures throat on a moments notice. Applejack whispered the challenge phrase. “Describe pears in one word.”

“Shit,” came the reply.

The tension eased away from the squad, as Cloudcatcher, the squad's pegusus scout and sometimes spotter, ran up to Applejack, out of breath and distraught. “I-I need to talk to LT.”

“What is it?” asked Applejack, worried she wouldn’t like the answer.

“Trottingham sarge, they’re burning it.

The young, uniformed stallion gazed into an ornate mirror in an equally ornate bedroom, and weary blue eyes stared back. His uniform was the stark white, with trimmed gold and red dash on the shoulders indicating a soldier of rank. On his chest, blazed the golden sunrise of the solar empire.

"Big brother!" called a purple unicorn mare. She burst into the room with hope that she'll spend time with her older sibling. “Big brother? What’s this?”

“I... I transfered into the army. Canterlot’s safe for now, but... but out there is where I need to be. Out there fighting for my country,” the white unicorn looked into the eyes of his younger sister and curled the corners of his lips upwards, and put on what he hoped was a sincere face.

“No, you can’t. Big brother, what about-?”

“It’s in the hands of a good friend of mine, I would trust him with my life.”

“What if you die?”

“I won’t. I’ve got Equestria’s finest in Sun Company. I’m their leader, and this is what I’ve signed up for, and I can’t turn back now. I’m sorry I had to wait until the last minute to tell you, but you would do everything in your power to keep me from going if I hadn’t! I leave in an hour. Please don’t keep me from doing this,” the tall, uniformed stallion pleaded.

“Does Ca-?”

“Yes, she knows.”

“When will you be back home?”


“Bye, big brother.”


The city loomed ahead, outlined by the moon and the flashes from the frequent yellow flashes. The sounds of war can be heard even a mile away at the Lunar base. The nine soldiers pitched a tent next to a squad from the same company.

“Hey Romp, isn’t that Big Mac?” a skinny young, tan earth pony asked the muscular unicorn, polishing his Scatter Blaster, unicorn next to him.

“Damn right it is. Hey Lieutenant! What took you so long?” The burly pony named Romp set down his gun and walked towards the red earth pony. He slipped a little from the mud and Big Mac caught him.

“Heya Captain. We ‘ad a delay gettin’ ‘ere, tha’s all,” said the red pony in the navy blue uniform of the Lunar Army.

"Very well then, don't let it happen again. We're on a rush here. Another squad I sent out to deal with a few mercs, holed up in a building, and are stuck. If we don't deal with the mercs now, they'll give us trouble later when we push forward. Also, those ponies left in there are still needed. That's all you need to know. You have an hour and a half to get yourself and your squad ready soldier, then meet back here," Captain Rompson instructed Big Mac in a laid back, and still commanding voice.

"Yessir!" Big Mac saluted and walked off in the mud to prepare himself and his soldiers for battle.

Rainbow Dash laid on the roof of her home in the clouds, looking up towards the sky, whose light blue her skin was colored after. Her brow was furrowed in deep thought, something which she does not do very often. Just a few weeks ago, she and her friends were the tightest bunch of ponies Equestria has ever seen. They laughed, they cried, they feared for their lives, all together. Until a fateful Saturday afternoon. It was supposed to be a picnic.

To her, it still felt like it only happened yesterday. They were all gathered around for a picnic on the fringes of Whitetail Woods. It was shortly after the news of Luna’s coup broke. Pinkie Pie brought the food, Rarity the decorations, Fluttershy, a few of her animal friends, Applejack, more food, Rainbow Dash cleared the sky of any clouds, and Twilight Sparkle, of course, ensured that they all had everything that was needed. They all showed up, trying their best to keep off the topic of the coup d'etat, and go around any conversation regarding either princess. Despite the awkward air that surrounded them, it was still a beautiful, sunny and relaxing day outside of Ponyville.

Rainbow Dash smiled at the memory of it, and longed to be back there, when they were all just friends. It was a beautiful day afterall. The six friends set down their supplies, and went for a swim in a nearby pond. The water was warm and the mud beneath their toes was silky smooth. Rarity, known for trying to always look her best, splashed some of the mud on her face, for the ‘healing properties.’ After a lunch of rose petal sandwiches, apples from Sweet Apple Acres, and cupcakes from Sugar Cube Corner. Afterwards, the ponies romped in the field. Even Fluttershy joined in the fun, contrary to her usually timid demeanor.

As a prank thought up by Pinkie Pie, Applejack pushed Rarity into a puddle of mud. Rarity glared up at the orange pony in exasperation. She stared back, trying to apologize for doing such a thing, but Pinkie pie pushed her in to join Rarity, and jumped in as well, throwing mud all over the others. Rainbow Dash remembers making a remark about Pinkie being random, but can not remember the exact words. Fluttershy suggested to go down to the pond again, to watch the sunset. Everypony else agreed.
They sat there, watching the sunset, blissfully unaware that their friendship would be shattered. Twilight fleeted her eyes between her friends, and the scenery. , and would repeatedly take in a breath as to talk, but would quickly let it out again. Her friends, who understood the relationship between her and the two princesses, were worried for her. Finally she spoke. “Girls... I-I have something to tell you.”

“What is it sugar cube?” asked Applejack, in a soothing voice, fully aware that something was troubling Twilight.

“You can tell us Twilight”, beamed Pinkie, smile as large as ever.

“Princess Celestia, she... she has asked me to come back Canterlot... I’m leaving tomorrow.”

That sentence broke Rainbow’s heart. Her emotions become of a whirlwind of anxiety, worry, and loneliness. Applejack got real angry, yelling at Twilight, then storming off. Pinkie and Rarity tried to convince her to stay, but eventually accepted that she was leaving. Fluttershy was more accepting, but warned her to be careful. Rainbow Dash couldn’t face her. She sulked away quietly, back to her cloud home, completely cutting herself off from her friends, only seeing Fluttershy recently.

I’m the element of loyalty, I love my friends, but how can I be loyal to them if they’re enemies, Thought Rainbow Dash. She looked out to the window, up to the sky. Why can’t everything be as simple as flying. Unfortunately for Rainbow Dash, flying over Ponyville was currently restricted, due to it being the base of operations for the imperials, and it was driving her insane. She settled for the next best thing, flew down to her room, and retrieved her limited edition copy of Daring Doo 3: Island of Mystery signed by the author, G.R.R. Mustang from her nightstand, and laid down on her bed to read. Gosh, if Twilight saw me with this...

She was jolted out of her thoughts by a familiar voice. “Pinkie, darling, are you sure this is a good idea?”

“Of course it is silly, how else are we supposed to get her attention.”

“Perhaps a doorbell would be more-”

Rarities voice was cut off by a loud crack. Suddenly, a tan substance broke through the cloud walls of her house, and covered Dash from head to toe, thoroughly soaking her. She did managed to shield the book with her arms at least. She through open the curtains, and stormed out onto the balcony to face her aggressor. She stood there, giving Pinkie Pie a stare that would put Fluttershy to shame.

Pinkie Pie, stationed behind her infamous, pink party cannon, was unphased, “Oopsies. I got the confetti and cake batter mixed up...again.”

The two held the stare for a while, but Rainbow Dash could not help but smile, then snicker, then just burst out laughing. Then Pinkie laughed along, and so did Rarity. This was a very badly needed laugh for the three friends. Once the laughter died down, Rainbow Dash jumped off her balcony and floated down to her friend. “I’m glad to see you guys.”
Rarity spoke. “Rainbow dear, Pinkie and I insist that you join us for lunch...”

“Um...I can’t...”

“We are not taking no for an answer darling.”

“But I’m all...cakey.”

“Nonsense.” huffed Rarity. She closed her eyes, and her horn started to glow. The cake batter dissolved off of Dash.

She smiled, “All of the spells you could learn, I still don’t understand why you focus solely on cleaning spells.”

“A lady has to stay proper,” was Rarity’s only answer. “Now lets go to lunch, my treat.”

Rainbow Dash stared at the burned out building. “What happened there?”

Pinkie tried her best to hide her smile, “I have no idea.” Both Rarity and Rainbow Dash gave her a look, “No really, I don’t know.”

“Oh man, are we glad to see you guys!” a short and skinny earth pony looked up at Big Mac and then to his squad with a relieved smile, from behind a crumbling wall. then she frowned while looking at one. “Who’s that guy?”

“Tha’s Dook Dulan, he don’t talk much, just stares at ya and says your name and ‘please’ when ‘e wants something. If he hadn't had this sixth sense fo' danger, we wouldn’t have brought him along,” Applejack replied to the purple earth pony. “Wha’s your name anyhow?”

“This isn’t the best time, but it's Sergeant Paint, of Team Alucard. It’s our squad’s name."

"Sarge, give us covering fire! We're being raped here!" an earth pony and a unicorn were taking cover from the red flashes of light coming from the mercenaries' blasters. Blood stained the pants of the unicorn, who was trying his best to apply pressure on his right leg.

"I got this. YEAH!" a white pegasus, a head taller than Big Mac, heaved a weapon that would be usually mounted on a tank on top of the wall, and opened fire with green plasma. The plasma slammed into the walls and caused the mercs to scatter, yet more than one of them were cut down.

"Go go go! Come on!" Sergeant Paint called to the two ponies, now running towards the crumbling wall. The unicorn was half running, half being dragged by the earth pony, who was uninjured. "That's it! Almost there! And... got ya! Bucking mercs, what the hell did they do to you?" Paint strained to yell above the din of Roid's monster of a gun.

"Just a new hole, now in my leg, and not in between 'em. No big deal sarge," the unicorn joked, as her earth pony savior gasped for air.

"Why *wheez* did he *cough* stop?" the earth pony, in between bouts of coughing and wheezing, looked over at the white pegasus slumped over his gun.

"What? Damnit Roid get up!" Applejack cut off her report to the captain with Giuetta, ran over, and threw the mass over her shoulder and onto his back. They all gathered round to take a look, including the last three of Team Alucard, half gasped at the sight, and half simply averted their eyes. Only the wounded pegasus bent down to close his eyes, or what's left of them.

"Big guy saved my life, this is the least I can do."

"Tha's mighty fine of you-"

"They're moving up!" Cloud Catcher had ascended to take a peek while everyone else was gathered round Roid Rage, and spotted the mercenaries taking new positions, and resuming the fire.

"Ah've 'ad enough! Jan! Use your rockets, an' be more careful than Rage! Zlad an' Kapurass, sneak around 'em an' start taking 'em out one by one. Mossberg an' Cloud, stay back an' keep pressure on those machine guns. Giuetta, Applejack, an' Dulan, on me. We're retaking this block one way or 'nother," the red pony, fed up from being shit at, shouted out orders to his squad.

"Hey, what about us Lieutenant?" Paint asked, like a teenager who hasn't been invited to a party.
Big Mac bent down to retrieve Roid's monster of a weapon, and replied, "You go home now, ya hear? You only have three ponies left, and one's wounded."


"No buts. I order you to retreat back to base," the red pony strained not to let his voice falter, especially at the word 'order'.

"Yes sir," Paint said with downcast eyes.

"Let's go sarge, we have a few to mourn," the unicorn limped over to Paint, threw her arm over her shoulder, and turned to speak to Big Mac. "My name's Photo, and his name over there is Print. Good luck, I hope to see ya back at base sir."

"So do I cor-

"Come on Mac, we can't do your plan without you!" Giuetta called.
The red pony jogged to the waiting Giuetta, Applejack, and Dulan, the others have already started their part.

"What do we do brother?" Applejack asked.

"We give 'em a li'l somethin' to worry about," Big Mac replied as he brought Roid's gun to bear, set it onto a dip in the crumbling wall, and opened up with a torrent of green plasma. All the while, he was gritting his teeth.
*crackle* "Big Mac! Giuetta! Anypony!" The radio came to life with Kapurass's voice.

"I hear you Kap, what's going on?" Giuetta replied with no hesitation.

"They're calling a ceasefire and retreating. One of them also stopped by to talk, said something about an orbital laser, ready to destroy anything living in Trottingh-." Kapurass's voice was cut off by another burst of static, and the voice of Captain Rompson.

"Lieutenant Macintosh, this is Rompson. I've got orders from up top to get you, and the squad you are currently with, out of Trottingham in under an hour. So, I order you, I repeat, I order you, to leave Trottingham immediately. I don't give a buck about the current mission, it has been nullified. And if you're not back here within an hour, I'll personally march over there, and kick and drag your ass back here. This message repeats. Lieutenant Macintosh..."
"Shit's about to go down," said Cloud Catcher as he walked towards Big Mac.
"I reckon they're gonna use their satellites to burn this city," Mossberg added.
Kapurass, and Zlad briskly marched over as all the others were gathering around, waiting to hear what their leader was about to say.

Big Mac let out a big sigh, and uttered a single word that told everyone else of his decision. "Eeyup." Big Macintosh began the march home.

Comments ( 3 )

Go team Ezio

Bronynexgen speaking here. I couldn't agree with you nore

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