• Published 13th Feb 2014
  • 1,274 Views, 14 Comments

The Little Bakery of Horrors - Nevermind1

Spike, working for Pinkie Pie in Sugar Cube Corner, tries to help the business with a strange and interesting plant he found.

  • ...

Moral Dilemmas

Spike, Pinkie and Rarity were standing together, reading a news paper.

"the young dragon claimes to be the first to have discovered this mysterious breed...' I thought you said Rose sold it to you." Rarity said

"She did, but she doesn't really deserve any credit. She was about to throw it away when I bought it." he told her

"'The Rarity II is currently on display at the Sugar Cube Corner Bakery in Ponyvile' that's us!" Pinkie Pie yelled in excitment "But I don't see the address of the store anywhere here" She added examining the article.

"Sorry about that." Spike said, rubbing the back of his head "I got nervous and forgot to mention it."

"It's okay, silly!" Said Pinkie, putting her foreleg around Spike's shoulders "I'm just happy to be mentioned in the paper!"

Spike smiled. He loved seeing Pinkie Pie in a good mood.

"I still think you should decorate this place a bit more." Rarity said, looking around at the store "Espacialy now that you're getting more sutomers than ever before."

"Oh, I don't think we need to change anything." Pinkie said with a smile "But it looks like your mane is going throgh some 'redecorated', Rarity. It's been so different lately. What did you do to it? It's almost completely covering your eyes!"

"Oh, it's... It's nothing, really. I just... like it better that way, that's all."

Spike glared at her. Before he could say anything the door to the bakery opened and a white unicorn with a blue mane and a drill cutie mark came in.

"Rarity, there you are! I've been looking all over this damn town for you! Where the hell have you been??" He said angrily

"Oh, I'm sorry Hurt." Rarity said quickly "I didn't notice the time an-"

"What did I rell you about using my first name in public like that?!" Hurt shouted at Rarity

"Don't talk her like that!" Spike said angrily

Hurt looked at him for a second, tha laughed.

"Oh, I like you! You're tough, unlike this worthless piece of trash here." he gestured towards Rarity with his head "Aren't you gonna introduce me to your friends, Rares?"

"Oh, of course! These are Spike and Pinkie Pie. Spike, Pinkie, I'd like you to meet my coltfriend..."

"Doctor Hurt, you can call me doctor. It's a pleasure to meet you." He reached his hoof towards Spike, but Spike didn't take it.

"What do you want?" he asked coldly

"I just came here to take Rarity. Come on, Let's go!" He grabbed Rarity's front leg and startd to pull her violently towatds the door

"Doctor, you're hurting me!" Rarity cried

"Just be quiet!" He said, and slapped her over the face with his hoof.

Rarity's eyes filled with tears as he dragged her out of the store. Pinkie Pie and Spike were shocked, why would Rarity be seeing a pony like that?

"This is just wrong..." Spike said

"I know." said Pinkie "You think we should talk to her about it?"

"I don't know if that'll help at all..." Spike said sadly

"Well, I need to go to Fluttershy right now, I'm helping her plan her wedding, so I'll talk to Rarity about it later.." Pinkie said and left the store.

Spike sighed. He turned and went to sweep the floor. The bakery was a lot messier lately, because of all the customers. But Spike was still grateful, the Rarity II was helping them to get famous and business was better than ever before. The plant itself was Also looking better and bigger than ever. Of course, Spike had to feed it his blood, but it was fine. That was a small price to pay for all the fame and fortune they've been getting lately. Pinkie was happy, Spike was happy, although a bit drowsy. No worries at all. 'I wish Twilight was still here to see all of this' Spike thought sadly. Ever since Twilight died in a flying accident Five years ago, something inside him changed. He was never quite the same carefree dragon he used to be.

"Spike..." He heard a whisper from behing him. He froze in his place. He knew that voice, but that was impossibe...

"Spike." The voice said again, a little louder this time.


"Spike! Turn around!"

Spike turned around, but there was nopony there.

"Oh, no. I'm starting to hear voices now..." Spike said to himself.

Suddenly, the Rarity II opened up and Twilight Sparkle's voice came out of it

"No, you're not. I'm right over here."

Spike's eyes went wide. The plant was talking to him! And in Twilight's voice no less. It must have been a dream or something.

"Why are you looking at me like that? I've been on this end table for months now, didn't you see me here?" The plant said

"You can talk..." Spike said, still in shock

"Of course I can talk! Don't act so surprised. You're a dragon living among ponies, like that's not abnormal."

"O-okay then..." Spike took a small step back

"Oh, come on Spike. Don't be scared of me. We've been together for so long, surely something as silly as me being able to talk isn't going to scare you away, right?"

Spike stopped backing away

"There you go." The plant said "Now, can you get me something to eat, please? I'm getting pretty hungry."

Spike looked at his bandaged claw "I'm sorry Twoie, I don't think I can sapre anymore blood today. Just give me a few days to heal."

"It doesn't have to be your blood, you know..." The plant said

"Huh!" Spike scoffed "And how exactly am I going to get you blood, than? What, do you want me to start killing ponies or something?"


"What?!" Spike was appalled "Are you insane?! I'm not gonna..." He lowered his voice "I'm not gonna kill ponies for you to eat!"

"Oh, come on Spike. I thought you were supposed to be my number one assistant."

Spike looked at the plant. It sounded just like Twilight... Could it be...? No, that was impossible. But maybe...?

"And besides," the plant continued "if you don't feed me, how are you going to keep this business runing?"

"What are you talking about?"

"What? Do you think this is all a coincidence ? The customers, the interviews... It was all me."

"But you're just a plant."

"Am I? Or am I the one who's going to make all you're dreams come true? Come on, Spikey, what'll it take? More money? More fame? How about that Rarity?" that last suggestion seemed to get Spike's attention. The plant smiled "Yes... I saw how you've been looking at her. I can get her for you, all you have to do, is feed me."

"I... I can't. I just can't kill anyone, even for you."

"Are you telling me you don't know ANYONE that you'd like to chop up and feed to a hungry plant like me?"

"No! No one deserves that kind of fate!"

"Really? Not even that Hurt guy?"

"Well..." Spike seemed to be considering it

"Think about it, how he treats her, how he takes her for granted, how he talks to her. She doesn't deserve all of that! She deserves someone nicer, kinder. Someone like you..."

Spike felt a bit dizzy. He didn't know what to think, did Hurt deserve this? After all, those things the Rarity II said about him were true. But, could Spike really bring himself to commit such a crime? Spike thought back to how Hurt treated Rarity... Hitting her, insulting her... Every one of these thoughts made Spike's blood boil. He hated that stallion. He wanted to see him punished for what he did, he wanted to see him suffer...

"Well?" The plant said, as if sensing Spikes thoughts "What do you say?"

Spike closed his eyes

"... I'll do it." he said coldly

The plant smiled...

Doctor Hurt was one of the least known dentists in Ponyvile, His office sat at the edge of the town, with only a small sign to indicate there was a dentist's office there. Hurt, as his name implied, had a particular fondness of seeing ponies squirm in pain. A Lot of the times his patients didn't even need all the treatments he gave them, he just did it because he liked it.

That evening, Spike was standing in front of Hurt's office. He couldn't believe he was actually going to do what he was going to do. He thought about going back home, but he couldn't. He had to go in there. For Rarity. For the plant.

"Alright, last paitent for today!" Called Hurt from inside the building.Spike saw Derpy leaving the building, holding an ice pack against her swollen cheek.

He gulped and walked inside

"T-that's me.." He said

"Hey, don't I know you?" Hurt asked

"Well, Yeah. We... We met yesterday. I'm Rarity's friend."

"Oh right! How have you been doing? Well, no time to chat, it's almost closing time. So just go sit over there and I'll be with you in a minuet."

Spike walked into a small room. Inside, he saw a bunch of sharp tools on the walls, a dentist's chair in the middle of the room, and next to it, a barrel of water, where Hurt washed his hands between treatments. He sat in the chair and waited. He wasn't sure what he was going to do, but he thought maybe he could breath fire on him or something like that... While he was lost in thoughts, Hurt entered the room, smiling.

"Okay, open up, Let's see what you've got in there."

"I'm not here to get my teeth examined, doctor." Spike said that last word with a hint of venom in his voice.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Hurt looked a bit confused

"You hurt Rarity for the last time you monster!" Spike said before breathing a samll cloud of fire towards Hurt's face, barely missing him. Hurt ran to the side of the room with fear in his eyes

"Are you crazy?!" He yelled, in both anger and fear.

"That was just a warning shot Hurt! Get ready for your real treatment." He walked towards him slowly.

Hurt was shivering in fear, Spike inhaled. This was it, he was going to kill him.But he couldn't. As much as he wanted to, Spike couldn't bring himself to do it. He turned his head to the side and burned the wall next to Hurt head. Hurt panicked and ran, tripping straight in to the water barrel. He started kicking and flailing his hoofs around, splashing water everywhere. Spike looked at what was happening infront of him. Hurt was drowning, if Spike didn't help him, he'd die in a few minutes... 'Then I wouldn't have to be the one who kills him' Spike thought. He just stood there and stared at the drowning pony infront of him, and watched as the movements slowed down, and the bubbles slowly disappeared. After a few minutes it was all over. Hurt was dead, and Spike just stood there, feeling empty.

Spike dragged the stallion's body back to the bakery.

"Oh, great!" Said the plant upon seeing the lifeless pony "You got me a midnight snack."

"This is the last time I'm doing something like that for you. Do you understand?" Spike said coldly

"Alright, Fine. Just chop him up and put him in my mouth."

Spike went to the kitchen and got a knife. He chopped the dentist's body, and fed his body parts to the plant.

He did not notice Pinkie Pie looking at him from the top of the stairs.

Author's Note:

Okay, this is where the story really starts.
Again, thanks for reading!