• Published 13th Feb 2014
  • 1,276 Views, 14 Comments

The Little Bakery of Horrors - Nevermind1

Spike, working for Pinkie Pie in Sugar Cube Corner, tries to help the business with a strange and interesting plant he found.

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Fluttershy's wedding was to take place in the town hall in ponyville at the beginning of summer. It was a happy occasion and everypony was excited for it.

Spike was attending the rehearsal dinner the day before the wedding. He seemed very distracted for the entire evening. He was restless, whenever somepony came over to talk to him he would say he can't talk to them right now, he seemed to be constantly checking his surroundings, as if he was afraid somepony was going to jump on him from the crowd. Pinkie Pie Also looked a bit nervous, she stared at Spike for most of the evening, and her usual enthusiasm was nowhere to be found. She didn't know what to think. Spike wasn't a murderer, she knew that, but that dream she had a few nights ago felt so real... Every time she started to think about that dream, something distracted her, like somepony complimenting her party arrangements, or her friends wanting to talk to her about something.

Spike was sitting in his seat, as Rainbow Dash was giving a speech. He didn't listen to a word she said, but he did pay close attention to Angel Bunny, Fluttershy's pet rabbit. The rabbit had a habit of causing trouble when something did not go his way. Spike usually tried to ignore Angel's behavior, but he wasn't really himself tonight. He was still full of guilt from that night... The horrible memories were losing his mind. Just as he felt like he was about to burst into tears, he noticed Angel running into a different room. He didn't know why, but he felt compelled to follow the rabbit. He slowly got off his chair and walked over to the other room. He saw Angel attempting to climb out through the window. He probably got bored or something, Spike thought. He walked over towards the rabbit and grabbed him from behind. Angel was startled and started to struggle.

"It's alright, calm down!" Spike said, irritated "I'm just bringing you back in there. This is Fluttershy's day, and it would mean a lot to her if you were there. Now come on, Let's get back."

Angel was not convinced. He struggled hard. Spike had a difficulty holding the bunny in his claws, and he was starting to lose grip on him. He tightened his grip and started walking back to the main room, but Angel was struggling even harder. Spike was beginning to get angry, he wasn't in a good mood to begin with, and the rabbit was just making it worse. He felt like he was floating outside of his own body as his claws tightened around the rabbit's neck. He suddenly caught himself, and let go of Angel, but it was too late. Angel's dead body fell to the ground. Spike was horrified, he didn't mean to it, he didn't want this to happen, but it did. Fluttershy... Fluttershy is going to be devastated...

"Spike? Spike where are you?" the sound of his friends calling for him woke him up. He had to hide the body, put it away somewhere. He didn't want his friends to see this. He took the dead rabbit in his armss and cradled it, like he was a sleeping foal. He walked back to the main room, where his friends were waiting for him, with the exception of Fluttershy, who was with her future husband.

"Shhh.." he said quietly "Angel fell asleep. I'm going to take him home to rest, I think the little guy had enough fun tonight."

Pinkie looked at Spike with a blank exprassion. She noticed he was very nervous, was he telling the truth?

Before anyone could say anything Spike left the building. He ran back to Sugar Cube Corner.

"Well, hello there." Said the Rarity II as Spike entered the store "is that what I think it is in your arms?"

"Just shut up, okay?! Just eat the rabbit already, get it over with, please."

"I thought you said you weren't gonna do this for me anymore." Said the plant with an innocent voice

"It was an accident! I didn't mean it, I... Just take it!" Spike gave the rabbit to the plant, and closed his eyes so he wouldn't have to look as the plant devoured it whole.

"Mmmmm..." The plant seemed to be enjoying it. "I still prefer ponies, but I guess that works too."

Spike didn't say a word. He just stood there, looking at the floor. He never thought he would kill anyone in his whole life, and he's already killed a pony and a rabbit in the past week.

"Oh, come on! Don't look so guilty. That bunny was terrible! No one would miss him anyway."

Spike didn't even bother to argue with the plant. All he could think of was how big it got lately. It seemed to grow larger every time it ate. They had to get rid of the end table, so the giant plant was sitting on the floor, next to the door. And it was all because of him, Spike thought, because of the murder he's committed. He should have gotten rid of the plant when it started suggesting killing ponies as a food source... But he couldn't. It wasn't just because the plant made him famous, but because it was making Pinkie Pie very happy with all the customers it got. And, Spike didn't like to admit it to himself, but he couldn't shake away the feeling that this plant had some sort of connection to Twilight. He really missed her this passed Five years, and hearing her voice again made him feel good, like she was still there with him...
As he was lost in thoughts of his late friend, Rarity walked in the bakery.

"Spike, where were you? The girls sent me to look for you, and you weren't at Fluttershy's cottege..."

"Angel's dead." Spike said, no emotion in his voice.

Rarity was silent. No one spoke for several minutes.

"Wha... what happened to him?" Rarity finally asked.

"I... I don't know. He just dropped dead during the rehearsal dinner, and I didn't want it to ruin the evening, Fluttershy seemed so happy..."

"But... We have to tell her, Spike!" Rarity said with a serious tone.

"I... Yeah, I guess you're right..." Spike said, lowering his head.

Rarity put her hoof on Spikes soulder, a comforting smile on her face.

"Don't worry, Spike. It's okay for you to be a little shaken up after what you've been through tonight."

Spike looked up at her and smiled.

"How have you been holding up?" He asked her

"What do you mean? Oh, right. Well you know, I've been... good." Rarity looked down in sadness.

"Rarity, don't cry! He was horrible to you, you didn't deserve someone like him."

"I know, it's just... Since he disappeared I've been feeling so...relieved. And I feel terrible about it."

"You deserve to feel relieved, Rarity. You need someone better to be with, not a sadistic creep like him."

Rarity smiled

"Thank you, Spike. I don't even know why I started going out with him in the first place. He seemed so nice at first. He's nothing like you, you're so kind and caring..." She looked at him, smiling.

There was a moment of silence, Spike felt like he was going to die of awkwardness. He looked her in the eyes, gazing at them for a few seconds before he leaned in and kissed her.

Fluttershy's wedding was postponed. She couldn't even leave her house for about three weeks after Angel died. She loved that rabbit, even if he was treating her like dirt sometimes, and she couldn't even think of getting married a day after his death.

Pinkie Pie did not know what to think anymore. First, she dreams about Spike feeding the dentist to his plant, only to later find out that the dentist was missing in real life and that Spike was now dating Rarity, and then she sees Spike carrying Angel away in his arms before discovering the rabbit has died. Something was wrong, very wrong. But she didn't want to jump to conclusions.

Spike was still recovering from the traumas of his own actions, but having Rarity around helped a lot. He couldn't believe his luck, he got the most beautiful mare in Equestria to date him! And it was all thanks to the plant. Although he was still sort of afraid of it. It did ask him to kill ponies for it to eat, but, on the other claw, so far the plant only ate jerks and sadists, so it wasn't that bad... right? That's what he told himself to make himself feel better, anyway...

One morning, Spike was walking with Rarity, as she walked her sister, Sweetie Belle, to school.

"Okay, Sweetie, have fun at school today." Rarity said happily.

"I will, don't worry!" Sweetie Belle said with a smile and ran to look for her friends.

"Hey Sweetie Belle!" Apple Bloom said when she saw her friend.

"Hey Applebloom. Guess what, I got us new roller skates to replace the ones we broke, so now we can go back to working on our roller skating cutie marks!"

"Yeah, like that'll ever happen." Said Diamond Tiara as she and Silver Spoon walked by, they both laughed.

"Why do ya keep popping up when we are talking about our cutie marks?" Apple Bloom said, annoyed

"Cutie marks? What cutie marks?" Diamond Tiara said with a mocking smile.

"Yeah, all I can see is your empty flanks." Silver Spoon chuckled to herself.

Apple Bloom rolled her eyes, Sweetie Belle did the same.

"Will you give it a rest already?" She said "You've been doing this for so long, we got over it, like, six years ago? And you're still trying to hurt us with that insult?"

"You're just jealous because we got our cutie marks at the right age!" Said Diamond Tiara. "Unlike you. You girls are fifteen years old, and still no cutie marks. That can't be normal."

Sweeitie Belle looked down. She was right, it wasn't normal...

"Don't listen to her, Sweetie Belle. Come on, Let's go." They went into the schoolhouse,

Spike and Rarity were standing close by, and they saw the whole thing.

"Why, those no good bullies..." Rarity mumbled angrily.

Spike was so enraged at the cruelty of the bullies, how can they say something like that to Sweetie Belle? Who did they think they are?! He was so angry, he wasn't thinking straight.

"Spike, I'm gonna go to the spa now, I'm meeting Fluttershy there, do you want to come too?"

"No. I'm good." Spike said without taking his eyes off Diamond Tiara.

"Alright than, I'll see you later." She gave him a kiss on the cheek and walked away.

Spike was mad, very mad. He didn't know why he was this angry at two small school fillies, they were just foals after all. It probably had something to do with the fact that he was always upset lately because of the current events, but he was still steaming mad. Without thinkiing, he walked over to the fillies.

"Hey there," he said in a fake happy tone "I'm not sure if you know who I am but..."

"Yeah, you're that plant guy, right?" Said Diamond Tiara "What do you want?"

"Well, how would you like to have a close look at the plant?"

"Why would we want that? My daddy went to see it once and he said there were so many ponies there he couldn't even get near it."

"How about I get you in after closing time?" Spike suggested

"You can do that?" Silver Spoon asked.

"Of course I can! So what do you say? An exclusive first hand look at the plant, without anypony to distract you..."

Diamond Tiara seemd to be considering it.

"But why are you offering this to us?" She asked suspiciously

"Well, I saw how you talked down those two blank flanks over there and I have to say, I admire your courage to just walk up to them and talk to them like that! Most ponies would try to avoid the subject, but not you two."

"Well, we are pretty courageous..." Silver Spoon said.

"Alright, we'll come by tonight at 22:00 PM" Diamond Tiara said.

"Great, I'll see you girls then."

Spike watched as the two fillies walked away. What the hell was he doing?! Was he actually going to kill two young foals? 'Well,' he thought 'maybe I could just scare them a bit, tell them to stay away from Sweetie Belle or they'll have to deal with the Rarity II. Yeah, that's it...'

And he walked away.

It was dark outside, Spike was sitting in a chair, looking through the window, when he heard a knock on the door. He went over to open it . The plant was no longer sitting next to the door, it was now in the corner, next to the counter, where it had room.

Spike opened the door and Diamond Tiara and Silver spoon walked in.

"So where's the plant?" Silver Spoon asked.

"It's right over there. Not too close!"

"What do you mean 'not so close'? I thought you said we could get as close as we wanted to it." Diamond Tiara said and kept walking towards the plant.

"No! Diamond, don't get too close!" Spike said.

"Oh, relax, what, do you think the plant's gonna eat me or something?" she said, not noticing the plant looming over her from behind.

"D-Diamond..." Silver Spoon said, looking at the plant with a terrified expression.

Diamond Tiara turned around to see what scared Silver Spoon so much. She screamed when she saw the giant plant.

"Finally, more ponies." the plant said with a smile, just before swallowing Diamond Tiara whole.

Silver Spoon started to run towards the door.

"Stop her! If she gets out she'll tell everypony!" the plant shouted.

Spike quickly ran after Silver Spoon and grabbed her. She struggled, and Spike had to throw her to the side. She screamed just before her forehead collided with the corner of the counter.

There was silence. Spike didn't know what to do or say. He just stood there, staring at the fillie's corpse, horrified at his own actions. How did this happen? He tried to find an answer, but all he could think was: 'It's my fualt...'

"Come on, give me that second filly over there, the first one wasn't enough, I'm still hungry!"

Spike looked at the plant. How could it be talking about something like that now? Spike just killed two foals, and for what? Because they were bullies?! They were just fillies!

"Come on, Spike. You don't want somepony to find the body later, do you?" The plant continued to persuade spike into giving it the lifeless filly.

Spike thought. The plant was right, if the body was found, he'll go to prison for life. But maybe he deserved it...

"Think about Rarity, Spike." the plant said "Think about Pinkie. Think of how devastated they would be if they found out. You don't want to let them go through this, do you?"

It's true, Spike thought, they would be devastated. He really couldn't make them go through that. He slowly took the body, and put it inside the plant's mouth. He wiped the blood off the counter.
This wasn't supposed to happen. He didn't mean this to happen. But it happened, and he couldn't do anything about it.

It was out of his control now.

Author's Note:

Sorry about this...