• Published 13th Feb 2014
  • 1,276 Views, 14 Comments

The Little Bakery of Horrors - Nevermind1

Spike, working for Pinkie Pie in Sugar Cube Corner, tries to help the business with a strange and interesting plant he found.

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Pinkie Pie

Pinkie woke up. It was dark, Gummy was asleep in his bed. She looked at the clock, it was 02:30 AM. She heard a loud noise coming from downstairs, she got out of bed and walked out of her room to see what happened. She went downstairs and say Spike, standing in the middle of a big pile of broken furniture, crying.

"Spike? What happened here?" She asked, concerned.

Spike jumped. He turned around and looked at Pinkie. She rushed towards him and gave him a hug. He huged her back.

"Spike, what happened? Did somepony try to break in?"

"No." Spike said, holding back his tears, "I can't do this anymore, Pinkie. I just..." He started crying again.

"Do what? Spike, tell me. Is this about Twilight?"

"No. No, I... I just can't live like this anymore! We have to get rid of that plant!" he shouted.

"What? Why?" Pinkie seemed confused, she thought back to her dream, it couldn't be that, could it? It was just a dream after all, right?

"The plant, it... it eats... I had to feed it..." Spike couldn't finish his sentences.

"...Ponies?" Pinkie asked, hesitantly

Spike looked up at her, surprised.

"H-how did... how did you know?"

"I saw you feeding doctor Hurt to it. I thought it was just a dream, but I couldn't stop thinking about it..."

"Pinkie, help me. Please, I've been so angry lately, I can't control myself, I... I just kill ponies, and then feed them to the plant. And I can't live with the guiltg anymore..." Spike sobbed into Pinkie's soulder.

"So... Angle Bunny, and those fillies that disappeared?" Pinkie asked, afraid of the answer.

Spike could only nod his head slightly. Pinkie didn't know what to say, Spike was one of her best friends she couldn't imagin him killing anypony. How could this be happening?

"Why, Spike? Why are you doing this?" Pinkie asked, tears in her eyes.

"I... I don't know. I guess, the plant has been convincing me to do those things. I've been trying to tell myself it had nothing to do with the plant, but I guess, on some level, I've been enjoying the fame the plant got us. I was happy to see you happy because of all the customers, I was happy to be with Rarity, and the only ponies I... gave to the plant, were jerks. Doctor Hurt, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, Angle... I told myself that made it okay, but I just can't live like this anymore..."

"It's okay, Spike. We'll get over this." Pinkie held him and cried silently.

After a few minuets of silence, Pinkie finally spoke again.

"Okay, Spike. Let's go."

Spike looked up in confusion.

"G-go? Where?"

"Spike, we have to tell the royal guards about this..." Pinkie said with a serious tone.

"What?! No! We can't tell the guards about this! Please, Pinkie!"

"I'm sorry, Spike. But if you're not gonna come with me, then I'll have to tell them myself."

Spike panicked. If she told the guards, his life would be ruined. Rarity would leave him, everypony should hate him, he's go to jail, all his friends would leave him... No. He couldn't let that happen...

"Pinkie! Please, don't telll anypony, please! I'm begging you!" Spike cried.

"Spike, we can't keep something like this a secret! This is a big deal! It's not like we discovered rainbow-flavourd peanuts or sometrhing! This is serious!"

"No! I... I won't let you! You can't do this to me!" Spike was begging.

"Spike! You don't want her going around telling ponies what you've been doing, right?" They suddenly heard a voice say.

Pinkie raised her head and her eyes went wide.

"Twilight?!" She said, shocked at hearing her dead friend's voice.

"No, Pinkie. It's me, right over here in the corner."

Pinkie looked for the source of the voice.

"The plant, you airhead." The plant said in frustration.

"Oh my gosh! You can talk!" Pinkie didn't know if she should be excited or terrifed. The plant ignored her.

"Come on, Spike. She's going to tell everypony, she's gonna turn you in. You don't want that, do you?"

Spike's head was spinning. He didn't want this, any of this.

"Spike, don't listen to that plant! It's just a plant! You don't have to do waht it says! We don't need it!" Pinkie was yelling, she wanted Spike to listen to her logic.

"Of course you need me!" The plant shouted, "I not just any plant, you know. Where do you think all the customers came from? It was all me. After all, I am Equestria's best magic-user, aren't I?"

Spike looked up at the plant. It sounded just like Twilight... He knew it couldn't actually be her, he knew it was impossible, but he just couldn't stop thinking... was it impossible?

"Spike, listen to me." the plant said, moving closer to the dragon's ear, "I have been with you for a long time. There's no one who knows you better than I do. You can't just throw all that away like that, right? We're like family."

"...You sound just like Twilight..." Spike said, looking at the floor.

"I know." the plant said quietly. "And I assume you've already guessed there was a reason for that..."

"You're a liar!" Pinkie said, pointing her hoof at the plant. "Twilight is dead! You know it just as well as we do! Now leave us alone you meanie!"

"Whoa there, filly!" the plant said in a sarcastic tone "'Meanie'? What kind of languages that? You see that Spike? Do you see how she talks to me? After everything I've done for you two?! Is this how you say thank you???"

"I can't belive this..."pinkie rubbed her temples with her hooves in frustration. "I'm going to tell the guards right now! I'm putting a stop to this!" She turned around and started walking towards the door.

"NO!" Spike yelled. Without thinking, he grabbed the leg of one of the broken chairs that was on the floor next to him and threw it at Pinkie. She fell down.

"Come on Spike! Finish her! Don't let her get out of here!" The plant shouted.

"Spike, please! Listen to me!" Pinkie begged from the floor as Spike started walking towards her slowly, "Spike! No! Don't listen to the plant! It's not Twilight! It's not Twilight!"

"I can't let you tell everypony about this..." Spike said. He was even scared of himself at that moment. "I won't let you..."

Pinkie, with tears in her eyes, attempted to get up and run away, but Spike grabbed her. He didn't want to hurt her. He won't hurt her. He won't. He won't. He won't...
He couldn't handle it anymore. He threw Pinkie to the side, crying in agony.

Pinkie fell over, next to the counter. She got up and looked at Spike.

"Spike, Let's go to the guards. Please..." She whispered.

Spike was silent. He didn't say a word for what seemed like an eternity. Eventually, he spoke.

"... Alright." he said quietly, "Let's go..."

"Oh no, you won't!" The plant said. It raised it's head high, then with a quick motion it dove down towards Pinkie. Pinkie tries to get out of the way, but the plant managed to take a big bite of the side of her body.

"No!" Spike ran towards Pinkie. He grabbed her and dragged her away from the plant. "Pinkie! Talk to me, please!"

Pinkie's eyes were half closed, and her voice was quiet.

"It's okay, Spike... It's okay..." she whispered. "You know what's right, Spike... Don't let the plant have it's way..."

Her head fell to the side, and she went silent.

Author's Note:

I'm double-sorry for this...