• Published 2nd Apr 2012
  • 4,220 Views, 63 Comments

Burn Notice: The Equestrian Files. - Gyvon

Michael Weston and Sam Axe are caught in an explosion at Michael's loft and end up in Ponyville.

  • ...

Chapter 1: A Familiar, unfamiliar Scene

Chapter 1

A Familiar, Unfamiliar Scene

Spies live in a world of darkness, their very lifeblood being secrets and lies. However, spies are still human, and the darkness terrifies them. The only thing keeping most of them from going insane is a ray of light. Something to give them hope.

It was an altogether unfamiliar scene for the bartender. Sam Axe, his best customer, hadn't touched the one beer that he'd ordered. He was too busy consoling his friend, someone who the bartender had seen before, but had never been introduced. He had already downed five glasses of bourbon and was working on a sixth, which was strange. Every time the bartender had seen this man, he hadn't ordered anything for himself.

"C'mon, Mikey." said Sam. "You've had more to drink tonight than I normally do, and that's saying something."

Michael Westen stared longingly into his glass, searching for answers. "Why did she do it, Sam?" he mumbled, barely audible over the din of the crowded bar.

"Isn't it obvious, Mike?" asked Sam, rhetorically. "Anson had us over a barrel. We couldn't bring him down while he had that info on Fiona."

Fiona Glenanne, former IRA terrorist and Michael's girlfriend, was now in jail. She had turned herself in for the bombing of a British Consulate in downtown Miami, which resulted in the death of two innocent security guards. While she had set off an explosion at the building, it had been a small one, targeted on one room where the Guards were not stationed. Another, larger explosive, was set off by Anson Fullerton, the man behind the organization of burned spies. He had been blackmailing Michael. If he didn't do what Anson wanted, the FBI would get an anonymous tip about Fiona's involvement with the bombing. Now, Michael no longer had to worry about that.

"She gave you your freedom, Mikey." said Sam. "Now, are you going to waste it, or are we gonna get that bastard?"

Michael sighed. "You're right, Sam. Staring into a glass of liquor isn't gonna bring Fiona back." He stood up, but didn't make it halfway before wobbling. Sam caught him before he could hit the ground.

"Let's get you home, buddy. Anson will keep 'til morning." said Sam, pulling his wallet out to pay their tab. The bartender waved a negating hand.

"It's on the house tonight, Sam. Just get your friend home safe."

"Thanks buddy." replied Sam, holding Michael up as they walked out of the bar. As soon as they were out of earshot, the bartender went to pick up the phone. He dialed a number he had been given earlier that day, and the other end picked up after one ring.

"They're leaving." said the bartender. The other end hung up, not even bothering to reply.

The ride back to the loft was a quiet one. Sam was driving a Mustang one of his many lady-friends had loaned to him, and Michael dozed in the passenger seat. They were in one of the seedier areas of Miami, but word had gotten around that Michael Westen was not one to mess with.

As Sam parked the car at the gate, got out and unlocked it. He then opened the passenger side door of the Mustang and prodded Michael. "C'mon Mike. We're home."

Michael groaned as he got out of the car, still fighting off the bourbon. He was still wobbly on his feet, so Sam carried him to the door. Sam slid the door open, and stepped inside with Michael still hanging off his shoulder. That's when he heard it.


"Oh, son of a-"

They were both engulfed by flames as the C4 detonated.

Michael groaned as he regained consciousness. He tried to open his eyes, but was forced to close them swiftly due to a bright light. He felt that he was laying in a bed, but knew he wasn't in the hospital. There was the distinct lack of the aroma of disinfectant. For some reason, however, his body felt strange, other than the massive headache.

"Oh, good, you're awake." someone said. From the sound of the voice, Michael concluded that the owner was female.

Michael managed to open his eyes slightly. As he turned his head, he could barely make out that he seemed to be in a library. Books were stacked high as far as he could see. However, he couldn't see whoever had spoken to him.

"Where am I?" he asked, barely louder than a whisper, as he sat up slowly, rubbing the back of his head.

"Ponyville." replied the voice.

Michael's eyes shot open at the reply, despite the pain. He had never heard of a place called Ponyville. He had grown up his entire life around Miami and knew the area like the back of his hand. What he saw when his eyes adjusted to the light surprised Michael further.

It was a Unicorn. That alone would've made the site strange, but it kept getting weirder. It's coat was lavender, while it's mane was a dark violet, with a purple and pink stripe running through it. It's head was round, almost like a human's, though it had a short muzzle. It's large eyes were giving him a quizzical look. Michael took all these details in, and that's when it spoke.

"Uh, are you alright?" it asked. Michael realized that it was the same voice that he had been talking to moments ago.

His jaw dropped like a rock. He brought his hand up to his face to pinch it, seeing if he was dreaming. It was then he realized just why his body felt strange. He didn't have hands anymore, but hooves instead. Michael quickly looked around the room, and seeing a large mirror facing him nearby, stared at his reflection.

He had been turned into a Unicorn. His coat was a bright white color, and his mane was the same as his normal hair color, and was cut short, like his normal haircut. As he looked closer, he saw scars around his left eye, the only memory Michael had of his father.

As a spy, the last thing you want to do is panic, especially in unknown situations. It accomplishes nothing more than causing you to lose focus on the job at hand. However, there are some instances like, say, finding yourself transformed into another species, where panicking is perfectly justified.

"AAAAAH!" screamed Michael as his brain tried to register just what had happened to him. This went on for a few seconds before the lavender Unicorn slapped him.

"Please, calm down!" she said. "You're going to wake somepony."

"Alright." replied Michael, taking a moment to catch his breath. After a minute, his breathing resumed its normal rhythm. "What happened to me?" he asked.

"I was going to ask you that." replied the Unicorn. "All I know is that a vortex of energy formed in my living room, and a few minutes later, you popped out, unconscious and smelling like alcohol."

That explains the hangover, at least, thought Michael, rubbing his forehead with a hoof.

"Oh, where are my manners?" exclaimed the Unicorn. "I haven't introduced myself. My name is Twilight Sparkle. What's yours?"

"M-Michael Westen." he replied, still having a trouble coming to grips with the situation. "How long was I out?"

"All night." replied Twilight. "I was about to go get a doctor when you woke up."

Michael sighed, finally managing to calm down. "Thank you."

"No problem." replied Twilight. "So, where are you from?"

"Miami." replied Michael, only to receive a confused look.

"Miami? Where's that?" asked Twilight. "I've never heard of it." She quickly rushed over to a nearby bookshelf and pulled half a dozen atlases down. To Michael's endless shock, the atlases were surrounded by a violet aura and began floating off the shelves. He also noticed Twilight's horn was covered with the same glow.

"How are you doing that?" asked Michael. It was Twilight's turn to be shocked. Losing her concentration, she dropped all the books and looked at him wide eyed.

"Uh... magic." she replied.

Michael's mind rebelled at her answer. Half of it insisted that magic was not real. That it was nothing more than smoke, mirrors, and sleight-of-hand. The other half reminded him that he was having a conversation with a purple Unicorn. "wha?" he managed to say.

Twilight rushed over to him, completely forgetting about the books on the floor. "How can you not know about magic?" she asked, mere inches from his face. "I mean, you're a Unicorn! This is basic knowledge! Unless..."

Michael could tell by her expression that Twilight's mind was working hard to make heads or tails of the situation. He'd seen the same look in the mirror whenever his mind was working on a tough problem. He glanced at the books she had been levitating previously. "I... doubt that those are gonna be of much help." he said.

"...No." said Twilight, shaking her head, having put two and two and two together. "I don't think so either."

Any further discussion was interrupted by a loud gurgling noise. Realizing that it was his stomach, Michael looked up with an embarrassed expression. Twilight only giggled.

"You must be hungry." she said. "C'mon. There's a new cafe a few blocks away I've been meaning to try. My treat."

As she turned to leave, Michael slowly crawled out of bed. He expected standing on four legs would feel strange, but when he took a few steps, it felt strangely... familiar, as if he'd done it all his life. Filing that information away for later, he followed Twilight out the door. Glancing at the mirror as he passed, he noticed a pair of sunglasses seemingly painted onto his flank.

Definitely not anywhere near Miami, thought Michael as he and Twilight walked down the street. All of his doubts had been silenced by the lack of southern Florida's heat, mosquitoes, and suffocating humidity. It was actually kinda nice out. The only problem was that he felt a little exposed. He'd never liked small towns very much, preferring the anonymity of a large city. Making matters worse was the fact that almost everyone stopped to say hello to Twilight.

Michael also noticed that the town wasn't made up of only Unicorns. For the most part, he saw what looked to be normal, though oddly colored ponies, as well as Pegasi. He took particular notice of one rainbow-maned Pegasus moving a cloud with her fore-hooves.

"There it is." said Twilight, precluding any further observations as Michael saw where she pointed. It was a typical open-air cafe like the ones he'd seen in Miami. It didn't seem to be a popular joint, as the only customers were a marshmallow-white, purple maned Unicorn conversing with a gray coated Pegasus with a light-grey, slightly shaggy mane.

"Huh, I wonder who that is with Rarity?" asked Twilight. Michael had to admit that there was something oddly familiar about the Pegasus. he couldn't place his finger... er... hoof on it, but he felt like he knew who that pony was. The Unicorn, Rarity, looked up and noticed them.

"Oh, Twilight!" she said. "Why don't you two come join us? We were just about to order breakfast."

"Thanks Rarity." replied Twilight as she and Michael sat down. "Who's your friend?"

The Pegasus reached a hoof across the table. "Sam Axe, pleased to meet you."

"SAM?" said Michael, surprised to hear a familiar name and voice.

The Pegasus' eyes opened wide at that remark. "Mikey?"

"Oh, you two know each other?" asked Rarity.

"We're old friends." replied Michael.

Sam scoffed. "Old friends nothin'. Mike over here's gotten my ass out of trouble more times than I can count. Then again, recently most of that trouble came from helping him." His expression then took a turn for the serious as he looked at Michael. "I'm starting to think this is not some weird drug-induced coma."

"Same here, Sam." he replied, causing the two mares to look at them funny.

"Ah well, could be worse." said Sam, leaning back in his seat.

Michael's eye twitched a bit. "How could it be any worse, Sam?" he said in a raised voice, surprising Rarity and Twilight. "While we're stuck here, Anson's got a free reign! Do you have any idea how many lives he could ruin?"

"Jesus, Mikey!" replied Sam. "At least we didn't die in the explosion."

Michael took a moment to process what Sam had said, and sighed. "Good point."

"I'm sorry..." said Rarity, "but what are you two talking about? What explosion?"

"Yeah!" interjected Twilight. "I know you two are from nowhere near Equestria. What's your story? How did you come here?"

Michael looked over to Sam, seeking support. Sam merely nodded. "You're gonna have to tell them sometime, Mikey, especially since we're probably stuck here." he said. "Might as well get it over with."

Michael looked around at both Rarity and Twilight, and nodded. "Alright." he sighed. "Let me start by formally introducing myself. My name is Michael Westen, and I used to be a spy..."