• Published 2nd Apr 2012
  • 4,220 Views, 63 Comments

Burn Notice: The Equestrian Files. - Gyvon

Michael Weston and Sam Axe are caught in an explosion at Michael's loft and end up in Ponyville.

  • ...

Chapter 3: The Client

Chapter 3

The Client

"Have you been up all night, Michael?" asked Twilight as she headed downstairs. She saw a small pile of books surrounding the stallion. Not the usual mess of one of her trademark all-nighters, but still a sizable stack. Twilight also noticed a small table next to him, with a mug of coffee sitting on a small plate.

"Not really." said Michael, levitating a book on Equestrian history back to the shelves and picking up a spell book from the pile. "I took a few naps here and there, about a couple hours worth." He took a sip of coffee as he opened the new book.

Twilight shook her head, a slight smile on her face. "I still can't believe you've learned basic magic in the five days you've been here. It took me weeks to figure out even basic telekinesis."

"I'm a quick study." said Michael. "You need to be in my line of work." He then noticed a small cringe from Twilight. It was subtle, but he'd gotten practice reading her body language. "There a problem?" he asked as he set the book down.

Twilight, startled by the question, jumped a few inches off the ground and flashed a quick smile. "No, no problem. Why would there be a problem?"

"Anyone ever tell you you're a horrible liar?" asked Michael.

"What makes you think I'm lying?" retorted Twilight.

"Facial expressions." said Michael. "First off, your pupils dilate slightly when you lie. Also, your right ear twitches and you break out into a sweat. Lastly, your voice rises a few octaves in pitch."

Twilight lowered her head and frowned. "That obvious, huh?" She then arched her eyebrows as a thought crossed her mind. "When did you learn to read Pony body language?"

"I didn't." replied Michael. "Human and Pony facial expressions, on the other hand, are very similar. Besides, you're just that easy. Now, back to my original question, what's wrong?"

Twilight sighed. "I guess I'm still not very comfortable with your job. I've been trying to avoid that subject." she said.

"Well, no avoiding it now." said Michael. "What do you want to know?"

"Why did you become a spy?" Twilight asked. "How can you live with yourself with what you do? You hurt people for Celestia's sake!"

Michael sighed. "Becoming a spy was a very deep and personal choice for me. I'd rather not talk about it." he said. "As for your other question, I do not enjoy hurting others. However, there are a lot of bad people on Earth that need to be watched." He gave Twilight a stern look. "Because of the work I and other spies do, a brutal dictator might be stopped before he can slaughter his own citizens for his amusement, or a potential war that could leave millions dead or homeless might be averted."

Twilight gasped at that last statement. "Are you telling me that such... tragedies are common where you're from?" she asked.

"Unfortunately, yes." replied Michael.

"That's... horrible." she said. "How can anyone live in such a world?"

Michael chuckled. "We're a tenacious species, Twi. Believe me, things were a lot worse a century ago."

Before the conversation could go any further, a loud crash shook the Library. Several books went flying off their shelves, some striking Twilight and Michael.

"That sounded like somepony ran into the door." said Twilight. She rushed over to the entrance and quickly opened it. "Sam?"

"Hey Twi. Hey Mikey. How's it going?" said the grey Pegasus groggily.

"Still learning to fly, Sam?" asked Michael.

"No, I've got that part down." replied Sam as he got back to his feet. "It's the landing that I'm having trouble with." He shook his head, clearing out the cobwebs. "Seriously though, we've got a problem, Mike."

Michael did not like the way Sam had said that. "What kind of problem?"

"Head over to Rarity's. We'll explain everything." With that, he took off and flew east, in the direction of the Carousel Boutique.

"Oh, of all the possible things that could've happened this is the worst... Possible. THING!" exclaimed Rarity, as she ran frantically around her store.

"Is she always this melodramatic?" asked Michael, receiving a nod from Twilight.

"Mikey, this is serious." said Sam, flaring his wings in agitation.

"Oh yes it is!" interjected Rarity. "This isn't simply a matter of being late with an order, or me being humiliated in front of all of Canterlot. This is much much worse."

"What's the problem?" asked Twilight.

"It's my sister, Sweetie Belle." said Rarity. "She's been.... she's been... FOALNAPPED!

Michael's eyes widened in surprise. "When?" he asked.

"Less than an hour ago, on her way to school." said Rarity. "Her friends, Applebloom and Scootaloo saw a bunch of strange ponies grab her and take off north. They tried to catch up to the ruffians, but they teleported soon after they made their escape. They could be anywhere!"

Michael sighed. He had just gotten used to the idea of being on vacation. "How can I help?" he asked. The smile on Rarity's face immediately brightened the room.

"Oh, thank you thank you thank you thank you! How can I ever repay you?"

"You don't have to." said Michael.

"Oh, but I insist. A lady must always pay her debts, no matter how significant." stated Rarity.

Michael eyed a display of sunglasses nearby. With a smirk, he levitated one of the more stylish pairs and put them on. "This'll do for payment." He then turned to Rarity, having put his game face on. "Have you received a Ransom note?" he asked.

"Not yet." said Rarity. "However, Derpy, the mailmare, doesn't make her rounds until after lunch. I expect it to arrive then."

"I see." Michael stated. "Where can I find Applebloom and Scootaloo?" he asked.

"Why do you need to talk to them?" asked Twilight.

"Because they saw the crime go down." said Sam. "They might have more information."

"Oh." exclaimed Twilight. "In that case, they should be in school at this time of day. It's right behind the Library."

"Fantastic." said Michael. "I'll go ask them a few questions. Meet me back at the Library." With that, he turned and trotted out of the Boutique.

"Wow." Twilight said. "I didn't expect him to want to just help out of the kindness of his own heart."

"Mike's full of surprises, Twi." said Sam. "It's really no big surprise to anyone that knows him, however."

Twilight shot Sam a quizzical look. "What do you mean?"

Sam sighed. "Have you noticed those scars over Michael's eye?"

"Why, yes." said Rarity. "Something like that is hard to miss."

"I probably shouldn't be telling you this, but he got those from when his father would beat him as a kid." he said, receiving pained gasps from Twilight and Rarity.

"That's... terrible." said Twilight.

"Yeah, it is." replied Sam. "Because of that, Mikey's always had a soft spot for these types of cases. It's bit him in the ass a couple times, but he will not turn away a kid in danger." He then shot a stern glance at the two mares. "You didn't hear this from me, understand?" Twilight and Rarity nodded. "Good."

Comments ( 35 )

Jeez Sam becoming a pony's sure made u into a bit of a gossip to much time with rarity perhaps


I laughed so hard at this, wow. Genius, good sir, genius.

Considering Twilight reads crime novels in the show, I think she'd know why Applebloom and Scootaloo need to be questioned. Other than that and a few minor errors, I have no complaints. :pinkiesmile:

Yeah, I did too.

I swear, this is better than the show.

Also, did we ever learn what Sam's cutie mark is? I suppose it's not important to the plot, but for some reason I keep imagining a pony with a SEAL trident.


I honestly haven't decided on what it should be. I was thinking a broken heart (he is a bit of a heart-breaker). A SEAL trident is a good choice too.

489227 A almost split heart being impailed by SEAL trident from left to right keeping the heart from fully splitting?:unsuresweetie:

That...could be pretty cool.

*looks up Burn Notice* Aha! So it has been done!

Very nice, very in-character, and feels much like an actual episode.

One point of criticism: Michael accepted the responsibility of rescuing Sweetie Belle too easily. All he knows is that a bunch of strange ponies grabbed her and took off north. He doesn't know a thing about the kidnappers or even the Equestrian authorities. The first thing he would do is recommend that they report it. He would only step in if he believed that police would make things worse or if Sam continued to pressure him into it, but either way, he would need more to go on. For all he knows, it's just a childish prank.

But I still enjoyed your story :twilightsheepish:


It's Michael. He's always had a soft-spot for kids. It comes from when his father abused him and Nate as a child.

At least one Villain-of-the-Week has taken advantage of this.

I've not seen Seasons 4 or 5 yet, but I know the premise of them. Also, when I saw this in your list of written stories, my initial reaction was "MUST READ"... and so I did.

Very well done. I'm a little sad it's on hold right now, because it's entertaining so far. As is Mike's mark being sunglasses. What's Sam's mark? I don't think you mentioned it.

Hey Gyvon, when are you planning to pick this story back up? I love Burn Notice, and you're take/cross-over is brilliant. Mike and Sam both feel very in-character, and I love the bits with Mike's monologues and Rarity as The Client. :twilightsmile:

holy kentucky crapnuggets!!! :rainbowderp:
i was seeing if anyone had ponified burn notice since i never really saw anything of the such
so i decided id google "burn notice pony" see saw an average pmv then i notice something fanfiction
i thought
"oh its prolly not really pony related fanfic"
when i look at the website its in
and here i am
i was gonna draw something on the comp but thats now out the window and landed on mars right next to an unsuspecting curiosity

ps: i just finished watching that last season when she turns herself in on netflix just a couple days ago i was all like :pinkiegasp:
anyhow lucky me that i hadnt decided to look up this before i finished it cuz it woulda possibly spoiled it for me

very nice good ser
cant wait to read more chapters of this
its really to bad Fiona isnt in on this though wonder if shed still be that trigger happy haha [and yes pretty sure she would haha]

ps: loved the whole Rarity being the client thing nice touch haha

I'm sorry But this story is Epic

I'm surprised someone actually decided to do a Burn Notice/MLP cross. I'm even more surprised that everything has been almost completely in character. Can't wait to see what's next.

Oh, this is Good. This is GOOD.


I read it. Let me say, this is awesome. I sincerely hope you write more of this, and that you won't ever STOP!

You really should continue this series, for i must say it is just absolutely FABULOUS:raritystarry::raritywink:


Shits going down from the Douche Overlord!:pinkiecrazy:

*Randomly types in "burn notice" find this. Reads all 3 chapters.*
I wish to see more :twilightsmile:

Comment posted by Rikkity deleted Feb 4th, 2014

Severely belated reply, but I did the same thing haha

...This is a thing?! Holy crap!

I really hope you come back to this at some point...

I need more! Please continue.

Please finish this! This is better than anything I imagined

I beg you to finish this, it always breaks my heart when a story is incomplete, especially on hiatus for so long:raritydespair:

7731737 I remember when Burn Notice was fun and action filled, and the bad guy ended up gutting themselves in the end. The last two seasons became... well, a bit super serious. But yes, I really wouldn't mind seeing this story get finished. It was always nice to see Mike finish things up just by using his knowledge and surroundings.

7921247 it is, but the BN series can't always be 'Michel is doing random contracts to get money until he can figure out who burned him' it will eventually have to get into that topic that the series is based upon, while I haven't seen it cuz ion won't show it anymore except at 3:30 am, I have watched most of the first couple seasons and enjoy it, even with the drama parts at the later seasons.

7926627 Yeah. It's just that ... phew. I guess it's true, facing your demons isn't ... pleasant. There's hardly any comedy or amusing elements later on. Guess ol' Mikey can't run from his past forever.

7926752 it's more akin to him wanting to face his demons, he wanted back into the agency, the agency says no but we'll keep you on a leash, he says no and leaves, and has to work his way back into the agency's good graces so the young want him back, that's what I got from what iv watched so far

I really hope you continue this soon. Burn Notice was and is one of my favorite shows. :)

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