• Published 2nd Apr 2012
  • 4,221 Views, 63 Comments

Burn Notice: The Equestrian Files. - Gyvon

Michael Weston and Sam Axe are caught in an explosion at Michael's loft and end up in Ponyville.

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Chapter 2: Tale of a Burned Spy

Chapter 2

Tale of a Burned Spy

Authors Note: If you are already familiar with the Burn Notice seasons 1-4, skip the parts in red. Please.

Spies are trained to lie to everyone they meet. Family, friends, co-workers, it doesn't matter. However, lying is not always the best option. Sometimes, the only way to gain a friend is to tell the truth.

He began his story at the very beginning, when he got burned in that Nigerian hellhole. Michael proceeded to tell them how he found the man who wrote his burn notice, only to watch him die before he could talk. Next, he talked about meeting and working for Carla, which lead him to Management, the head of the Organization that burned him and a job offer, which he refused.

Later, Michael was approached by a man named Tom Strickler, who claimed he could get the burn notice lifted. However, the cost was too high, and Michael had to kill Strickler himself. However, after his death, Michael was contacted by one of Strickler's partners, a freelance-psychopath named Gilroy.

Gilroy had wanted Michael to help with an operation he was running. Not wanting to let Gilroy get away with anything, Michael agreed. He later found out that Gilroy planned to free a high-risk felon. Unfortunately, Michael could not prevent Gilroy's plan from succeeding, and the prisoner, Simon Escher, was freed.

As it turns out, Simon was the man responsible for the crimes that got Michael burned in the first place. He had once been a member of the Organization, but had went rogue, and eventually imprisoned by Management. Now that he was freed, he planned to get revenge on Management. Threatening to blow up a hotel, Simon forced Michael to help him.

Fortunately, Sam and Fiona managed to find the bomb and prevented a catastrophic event, but not before Michael lost Simon. He then met up with Management at a helipad in downtown Miami, where Simon sprung his trap. However, in the end, Simon was caught, as well as Michael.

However, the fact remained that someone had wanted Simon freed, and the Organization wanted to know who and why. To that end, they approached Michael for help. Feeling responsible for Simon's release, Michael accepted. The investigation led Michael to a Bible owned by Simon, which contained the code for a list of the members of the Organization that burned Michael, and the man responsible for freeing Simon, a telecommunications magnate named John Barrett.

Barrett wanted the list for his own goals, but Michael was forced to kill him in self defense, and lost the NOC List in the ensuing confusion. Eventually, Michael retrieves the List, and manages to turn it over to someone who can utilize it. This, also, resulted in his burn notice being lifted.

Twilight and Rarity remained silent, completely engrossed by the story. Even when Michael paused, they made no sound. Sam took the time to comment on the cafe's terrible service.

"That... is quite the fascinating tale." said Rarity, finally breaking the silence.

"Indeed." replied Twilight. "But... how could you do such... horrible things? You... killed pon... er, people for Celestia's sake!"

Michael breathed a sigh. "It's not something I enjoy doing, and I try to avoid it whenever possible."

"Still..." retorted Twilight, "I can't wrap my head around this. Nothing like this happens in Equestria!"

Rarity shot Twilight a shocked look. "Twilight! I knew you didn't get out much, but I never realized you were that naive."

"What do you mean?" asked Twilight.

"While non-existent in Ponyville..." Rarity responded, "Crimes such as what Mr. Westen described are not unheard of in the larger cities, like Manehattan or Las Pegasus. Even Canterlot has its seedy underbelly. However, I have never heard of something this extreme."

Twilight took a moment to think what Rarity had said over before turning to Michael. "So, you got your job back? Is that it?"

"Unfortunately no." replied Michael. "While the CIA used the List to hunt down the Organization, there was at least one we never found."

"Anson." Sam spat bitterly.

"You've mentioned this man before." observed Rarity. "Who is he?"

"The man behind the Organization of Burned Spies. The one responsible for ruining my life." said Michael. "He orchestrated the murder of Max, my CIA contact, and framed Fiona for the murder of two security guards at the British Consulate."

"How did he frame her?" asked Twilight.

"Well..." began Michael, "she did set off a bomb at the building." This earned a gasp from the two mares. "But it was a small one, and nowhere near where the security guards were. Anson set off another bomb that killed them."

"But... why would she set off a bomb in the first place?" asked Rarity.

"Larry." Michael replied, feeling the bile rise at the mention of that name.

"Who?" asked Twilight.

"Old partner of mine, back before I got burned. Now he's just another murderous lunatic."

"You seem to meet a lot of those." Twilight deadpanned.

"Anyways, He forced me to steal some files from the Consulate. Fiona planted a bomb on the window of the room that he was in, and set it off. However, Anson had planted another bomb in the building, which killed the two security guards. He used that to frame Fiona, and blackmailed me into working for him."

"Still, she did kill that 'Larry" person." Twilight responded.

Sam scoffed at that remark. "I'll believe that when I see the corpse. Even then I'm gonna jam a stake through his heart, just to be sure."

After taking a moment to regain her composure, Rarity took up the conversation again. "So, why did Anson blackmail you? What did he want?"

"He wanted two things. First, he wanted me to erase any mention of him in the CIA's files. Then, he wanted me to burn more spies for his Organization. When I refused, he sent the dirt he had on Fiona to the FBI, and they arrested her."

"Then he blew up Michael's loft while we were in it, and here we are." finished Sam. "Now, where is that damned waiter? I'm starving."

"I don't think he's coming." said Rarity indignantly. "I don't even think I'll bother complaining to the manager about this."

They sat in silence for a minute, before Twilight spoke up. "This is too much. I need to send a letter to the Princess."

"Will she actually read it?" asked Sam, earning a glare from Twilight.

"Considering the fact that I am her personal student, I believe she will."

Michael turned to her with a wide-eyed expression. "That's the first bit of good news I've heard since I woke up. Will she be able to send us home?"

Twilight shrugged. "Maybe. Can't hurt to ask."

"Well, what are we waiting on?" asked Sam "Let's go."

The group walked to the library in silence, save for a few chuckles as Sam tried out his wings. When they arrived, Rarity, Sam, and Michael stood around while Twilight went upstairs to dictate her letter. There was an awkward silence before Rarity spoke up.

"So, Mr. Westen, you said that your accounts were frozen when you were 'burned'. How did you survive without any money?" she asked.

"I... took a few odd jobs around Miami. Helped some people out with their problems." Michael replied.

"Oh? What kind of problems?" prodded Rarity.

Before Michael could come up with a reply, Sam interjected on his behalf. "Basically, problems the police couldn't help with. He's foiled several kidnappings, assassinations, and other violent crimes. His methods aren't exactly nice, but they're very effective. A vigilante for hire, so to speak. Although I can't remember the last time he accepted payment."

Just then, the door to Twilight's room opened. Out walked Twilight, with a rolled up letter hovering in front of her.

"Did this Princess of yours respond already?" asked Sam.

"Yes she did." replied Twilight. "Princess Celestia's usually not busy this early in the morning, so it's no big surprise. Now, let's see what she has to say." Twilight unrolled the letter and began reading aloud.

My most Faithful Student:

Thank you for bringing this to my attention. I had sensed a disturbance in the fabric of the universe last night, but had no idea what could have caused it until your letter arrived.

I do have good news for Mr. Westen and Mr. Axe. There is a spell that could send them home, and it is a simple one to perform. The bad news, however, is that it requires a few reagents that are hard to come by. It will take some time, a couple weeks at most, to gather them all.

Until the spell can be performed, I ask that you show our guests the same hospitality you would to anypony else.


Princess Celestia.

P.S.- Under no circumstances are you to attempt to send them back to Earth yourself. Any attempt without the proper reagents could have disastrous results.

"Was that post-script necessary?" asked Michael.

"Unfortunately, yes." replied Rarity with a straight face.

"Well, Mikey, looks like we're on vacation for the next few weeks."

"Yeah, great Sam." Michael grumbled. "And while we're relaxing, Anson's gonna have a head start on whatever it is he's planning, and we'll have to play catch-up when we get back. Also, my Mom's gonna kill me for dropping off the face of the Earth without calling!"

"Jeez, Mike, calm down." said Sam. "It's not like whining about it's gonna solve anything."

"For the record, I'm not whining, I'm complaining!" retorted Michael. Rarity barely choked back a laugh at his remark.

"Anyways..." interrupted Twilight. "I've got a spare bedroom, but I'll need to clean it out first. Rarity, would you mind putting Sam up while he's here?"

"Oh, of course, Twilight. It wouldn't be a problem at all." replied Rarity.

"Thank you. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go clean out the guest room. Help yourselves to anything in the kitchen."

As she turned to head for a nearby door, Sam spoke up. "Let me give you a hand with that." Twilight led Sam into the spare bedroom, and shut the door behind them

"Alright, what do you want?" asked Twilight.

"I just want to talk." replied Sam. "I know you've still got a few concerns about Michael."

"Yeah I do." said Twilight. "I especially don't like the fact that I have a... a killer as a house-guest. I know he's not a bad pony, but I can't get over the fact that he's hurt others. I overheard you talking to Rarity earlier, too. Why does he continue to harm others?"

Sam sighed. "Twilight, you need to remember that our worlds are completely different. Mikey's skill-set might not belong in Equestria, but back in Miami, he's a very important, if unmentioned, member of the community. The number of people that owe him their very lives can attest to that."

"But... why can't he let the authorities deal with these types of problems?"

"Believe me, Twilight, if they could, Michael would let the police do their job and give up his day-job in a heartbeat. But, as much as I joke about it, Michael doesn't do what he does for fun." replied Sam. "Earth is full of bad people, some who make Simon look like a pussycat. Mike only does what he can to make it a better place."

"But... what should I do?" asked Twilight. "I want to trust him, but..." she was interrupted by Sam placing a hoof on her shoulder.

"Before you decide whether to trust Michael or not, at least try to understand him." he said. "Can you do that?"

Twilight sighed. "I'll try."

"That's all I ask." replied Sam. "Now, let's get this room cleaned. It's almost as bad as Mike's loft."