• Published 9th Mar 2014
  • 343 Views, 2 Comments

The Great Pony Adventure - Peaceheart

Peace and Pinks with their dog, Marshdog, go on a journey they would never forget.

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Knowing The Truth

CHAPTER 14: Knowing The Truth

The eight ponies with Marshdog and Spike followed Princess Celestia into the library. “What are we doing here?” Twilight asked.

“I need to talk to you about something that happened today,” Princess Celestia said.

“What is it?” Rainbow asked in confusion.

“Well, a portal opened today and tw-,” Princess Celestia was cut off by the sound of coughing.

“Ah-Princess, Peace, Marshdog and I have something to tell you,” Pinks said.

“It all started this morning, it was when we were still humans, we went on a walk to the forest with Marshdog when he stopped,” Pinks said taking a huge breathe.

“Marshdog said ‘something was strange’ and we decided to check it out, it was an open field,” Peace said calmly.

“Pinks and I had an argument and then Peace started screaming for help, Pinks grabbed her arms and I grabbed Pinks’ foot,” Marshdog said.

“And then we met the girls and went on that adventure, but we’re not sure if we want to go back our island, it’s called Dream Island,” Pinks and Peace said taking a huge breathe.

“Wait, your humans!?” Rainbow asked in confusion.

“Wait, you have your own island!?” Pinkie asked happily.

“Did ya’ll build Marshdog?” Applejack asked in shock.

“Do your parents know that you’re here?” Fluttershy asked.

“To answer all those questions, the answer is yes and no, we actually don’t have parents,” Peace said with tears.

“Please don’t cry,” Fluttershy said. Peace and Pinks were crying together to the thought that they had no parents. Fluttershy hugged both of them and soon after that Pinkie, Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow, Twilight and even Princess Celestia joined in the hug, while Spike and Marshdog cried together.