• Published 9th Mar 2014
  • 343 Views, 2 Comments

The Great Pony Adventure - Peaceheart

Peace and Pinks with their dog, Marshdog, go on a journey they would never forget.

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The Camp and Tears

CHAPTER 22: The Camp And Tears

While the campfire was still bright, Fluttershy and Peace shared a tent while Pinkie and Pinks shared a tent. Pinks told Fluttershy about Peace’s sleeping problem and Fluttershy went into the tent she and Peace were sharing. “W-why, I-I just wanted a b-big family, I mean P-Pinks and Marshdog are g-great, b-but I just wanted s-some parents,” Peace said while sobbing. Fluttershy then walked up to Peace and gave her a huge hug, Peace was shocked at Fluttershy’s action.

“It’s okay,” Fluttershy said still hugging Peace.

“I-I wasn’t crying, i-it’s okay,” Peace said as she wiped a tear away.

“Peace don’t lie to me, if you like you can cry on me,” Fluttershy said as she gave Peace a huge smile.

“I hate myself,” Peace said angrily.

“Why?” Fluttershy asked worriedly.

“I hate myself because I let you see me like this, and I d-don’t know w-where Mr. Snuggles went,” Peace said and started to cry on Fluttershy.

“Please, don’t hate yourself, I walked in after Pinks told me that you sometimes cry to sleep, and I have Mr. Snuggles, I found him in Pinkie’s room, so here you go,” Fluttershy said as she gave Mr. Snuggles to Peace.

“Thank you, Fluttershy, wait did you say Pinks told you I cry to sleep?” Peace asked angrily.

“Yes,” Fluttershy said.

Just then, Pinks walked into the blue-green tent. “You sister promise!” Peace yelled as she pointed a hoof at Pinks.

“I’m sorry they needed to know,” Pinks said.

“You know you’re not suppose to break a sister promise!” Peace yelled once again.

“I’m sorry, Peace,” Pinks said.

“You know what happens when I get mad,” Peace said.

“No, Peace calm down, please,” Fluttershy said trying to grab Peace, but couldn't.

“You know what happened last time,” Peace said as she approached Pinks.

“Please, don’t,” Pinks said as she backed away from Peace.

“Peace, stop!” Fluttershy demanded, but Peace ignored her.

“Sorry,” Peace said as she jumped on top of Pinks and started to tickle her.

“Ha, ha, ha, stop, ha, ha, ha, p-lease, ha, ha, ha, blue, ha, ha, ha, butter, ha, ha, ha, fly, ha, ha,” Pinks laughed.

“Okay,” Peace said with a huge smile and got off of her.

“So, you tickle Pinks when you’re mad at her?” Fluttershy asked.

“Yes, what did you think I’d do?” Peace asked.

“Um… never mind that” was all Fluttershy could say.

“Pinks, you have to double sister promise, right now that you will not ever tell anyone or anypony about my secret,” Peace said.

“Okay, I sister, no double sister promise to never tell anyone or anypony about your secret ‘Sister, sister, Shine up and promise, to the sun and moon, For I promise to your heart, To never break this promise anytime soon, double, double, yes a re do,’ okay?” Pinks asked.

“Okay,” Peace said.