• Published 9th Mar 2014
  • 343 Views, 2 Comments

The Great Pony Adventure - Peaceheart

Peace and Pinks with their dog, Marshdog, go on a journey they would never forget.

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Party Crashers

CHAPTER 28: Party Crushers

As the group walked to Sugarcube Corner, Fluttershy and Peace decided to see the animal at her cottage, Twilight went back to the library to do some reading, Applejack went to Sweet Apple Acres to get some apples and Rarity went to Carousel Boutique to design a nice outfit for the party. Rainbow, Pinks and Pinkie went to Sugarcube Corner to get the party food ready to go to City Hall. “Rainbow can you go get Twilight, Rarity, Marshdog, Applejack, Fluttershy, Peace and the town to come to City Hall?” Pinkie asked.

“Sure,” Rainbow said as she left Sugarcube Corner.

“This is going to be great,” Pinks said.

“Yup, I got the cupcakes,” Pinkie said.

“Good thing Rainbow was here, to help,” Pinks said.

“City Hall looks great,” Pinkie said.

“Everypony’s here except Rainbow, Peace and Fluttershy,” Twilight said worriedly to Pinks.

“I bet that they’re just a little bit late,” Pinks said.

“Em hope so,” Applejack said.

At Fluttershy’s cottage Peace and Rainbow were talking to two griffins. “Leave Fluttershy alone, Gilda!” Rainbow yelled to a griffin.

“Dash you have to be kidding me, Fluttershy is about the lamest pegasus ever she doesn’t even live in the sky,” Gilda said laughing.

“So what, she doesn’t have to live in the sky and for your information Fluttershy is a great pegasus and friend,” Peace said angrily.

“Well, she’s a weak, dumb and lame pony, why would a pegasus even want to help animals I mean that’s so dumb,” the other griffin said.

“You remember what happened in Fight Camp, I beat you in that fight and you promised to never bug her again and if we have to we will fight you for Fluttershy,” Rainbow said.

“Okay, Harry you can get Peace, I’ll get Dash” Gilda said.

“Okay,” Harry said.

Peace used her Electric Vines to fight Harry and he was defeated by Peace. “Hey, Rainbow do you need a hoof?” Peace asked.

“Sure,” Rainbow said dodging Gilda’s punches.

“Okay,” Peace said as she stomped her hooves on the ground which caused lightning bolts to hit Gilda. Rainbow punched and kicked Gilda as she fell.

“You won this battle, but I will be back,” Gilda said as she fled with Harry following.

“I’m going to go check on Fluttershy,” Peace said.

“Okay, I’ll tell Pinkie to end the party,” Rainbow said.

“Okay,” Peace said as she went inside the cottage.

“Fluttershy can you open the door?” Peace asked as knocked on Fluttershy’s bedroom door.

“N-no,” Fluttershy said sobbing.

“Please, if you like you can cry on me,” Peace said.

“N-no t-thank y-you,” Fluttershy said still sobbing.

“Okay, I’m so sorry Fluttershy, I should stopped that punch, I'll just leave now,” Peace said as she walked into the hallway. A ‘click’ was heard from Fluttershy door.

“Peace don’t leave,” Fluttershy said with a tear.

“Okay,” Peace said as she hugged Fluttershy.

At City Hall, Pinkie ended the party and the group was talking.

“Let’s go the Fluttershy’s,” Twilight said.

“Okay,” Rarity said. “I’ll bring cake,” Pinkie said.

“Okay let’s go then,” Pinks said happily.