• Published 23rd Oct 2011
  • 4,008 Views, 180 Comments

Behind the Gypsy's Veil - Gypsy

  • ...

Out From the Abyss Came A Man and A Pony

"TWILIGHT!" said Spike as he quickly ran down the stairs of the Library treehouse, where Twilight Sparkle and he live.

"What is it Spike, I’m busy reading 'Chaos Theories and You' at the moment, what’s so important?" Twilight said in a gentle but annoyed tone.

As Spike reached her he said. "I got a letter from the Princess saying she wants to meet you right now!"

"Wait, right now!?" she said in a shocked and confused tone.

"Yes, right now right now!"

"Did she say anything else in the letter?"

"No, just that she wanted to see you."

"There must be trouble at the castle Spike, the princesses might be in danger!"

"If that’s true Twilight shouldn’t we go get the others?"

"We can’t Spike she needs me now!"
"Wait, what about me!?"

"Sorry Spike but you’re not going if there’s something going on at the castle, that and I need you to gather up the others to meet here in the library ‘til i get back."

"But Twilight!"

"No buts just go Spike I promise I won’t be gone for long"

"Well okay I guess I’ll go get the others, be safe Twilight"

"Don’t worry Spike" she said right before she teleported to the castle throne room.

As Twilight appeared in the throne room she expected one of three things, first she expected the castle to be set ablaze by a malevolent evil figure, second she expected Nightmare Moon to be attacking the princess, and thirdly she expected another false alarm caused by her mentor which she just loves to do to her, which happened four times already. Some of her guards even nicknamed her Trollestia because of her prankful attitude and guess which of three was correct?

It was number three, which to Twilight was the worst scenario for her nerves.

Twilight was trying hard not to combust into fire towards her mentor. She bit her lip as she saw a white Alicorn with a pink, blue, green, and sky blue coloured mane and tail flowing in the air as she sat upon her throne, in an almost sexy way with her flank raised slightly high in the air which was adorned with the cutie mark of a sun sipping tea out of a tea cup.

"Uhm what seems to be the problem Princess?" Twilight said as she bowed, showing respect to the person that keeps the sun turning.

"Oh Twilight you made it! I was getting worried you might take a little bit longer, I was getting sooooo lonely!"


"Yes, lonely, my dearest Twilight...I want you"

"Wha-!" Twilight was interrupted by the princess jumping on top of her pinning her to ground.

"Take me Twilight!"

"P-P-PRINCESS PLEASE!" Twilight stuttered and yelled as she blushed furiously red and unable to think about what just happened.

"Aw you’re no fun Twilight. I’m sorry, I’m just so bored because of all these documents I’ve been reading concerning Manehattan's alligators in the sewers and all the new laws being formed." Celestia said with a serene smile plastered on her face.

Twilight trotted towards her and nuzzled her. "It’s alright princess I’m sorry I yelled at you it’s just that uh...I thought something bad happened, my mind was going a hundred miles per hour and I just couldn’t bear the thought of all the possibilities."

"Oh no, I’m sorry Twilight for putting you in that position I promise not to that again after all, I don’t want my pupil going bald from all the stress." Celestia said giving a small laugh.

"Hehehe I wouldn’t want that either, so anyways do you want to do anything before your next appointment?"


"OTHER THAN THAT." Twilight quickly said while blushing.

"Ah Phooey, actually Twilight I’m just about to go to sleep since I don’t have any more appointments I’ve had a busy day, and some rest will do me good right after I set the sun for Luna to set the moon in the sky, I’ll send you back to the treehouse after I’m done setting the sun."

"Thank you princess."

"Now Twilight I’ve said before you don’t have to keep the formalities with me just call me Celestia, I think I may be burnt out on the whole princess title after hearing it for so many years."

“Oh I’m sorry prin- I mean, Celestia."

Just as Celestia set the sun, the moon rose in the opposite side of the sky, Celestia floating down from the air after exerting so much magic but for an Alicorn that was but a fraction of her magic being used, but to a normal unicorn (Twilight being an example, being the third most powerful unicorn in Equestria) that would be their magic usage being quintupled even with the know-how on how to set the sun, just to tell you how powerful these princesses are.

The princess trotted over to Twilight. "Are you ready to head back home?"

"Yes, thank you, I promise to spend the day with you tomorrow so you won’t be as lonely and bored" She said with a reassuring smile.

"Alright then, here I go." Celestia closed her eyes in concentration as her horn was glowing, so was the whole body of Twilight, meaning she was about to be teleported.

Twilight braced for the nauseating experience. Suddenly the throne room door bursted, open out coming the princess of the night. "HEY CELLY GUESS WHAT!" Celestia opened her eyes wide open in shock, almost having a heart attack, and just as quickly did she open her eyes she closed them again, for then a bright white light flash coverered the whole room in blinding light.

As it faded away, both princesses opened their eyes they stood in awe as a portal had appeared where Twilight was standing before.
Princess Luna sat next to a still standing Celestia and asked. "What in Equestria is that?"

"THAT... Is where Twilight Sparkle used to be."

"That’s not what I meant, where do you think it leads?"

"I don’t know, I feel as if I put fifty times the amount of magic needed for a teleport spell, for all I know she could be on the moon, or worse....The sun."

"Should we go inside?"

When I saw Twilight I didn’t specifically say she walked out of it, no, she shot out of the portal like a raging bullet and right towards me screaming like a little filly and when I saw her coming straight at me, screaming, I screamed as well...like a filly too (a manly filly! Cause I’m a man and what not or so denies everyone I tell that I watch My Little Pony Friendship is Magic, unlike most Bronies I tell everyone, and I mean everyone, it’s hard being THE ONLY GYPSY BRONY).

She slammed against my chest and the rope couldn’t take the force and my attempted suicide failed thankfully or horribly cause I didn’t know whether I saw that because of my brain deprived of oxygen, but then again what hell ran into me that hard? A neighbor? A cop?

As I got up from the floor breathing heavily and throwing the rope off my neck, I looked around to find what hit me and when I saw it...I shat bricks, like no man has ever shat bricks before (I wonder what happened to that man from that 1 guy 1 jar video?). There on the floor was Twilight-Freaking-Sparkle (how badass would it be if that was her middle name? No? Okay). I walked over to her to check if she was conscious or worse...dead.

Thankfully she was alive and conscious, she saw me looming over her and shot back from the ground and into the table that was tipped over, and fell back down tripping over the leg of the table and looked around to check her surroundings she then became more terrified when she realized she wasn’t in her treehouse with her friends and Spike.

"WHO, WHAT ARE YOU?! WHERE AM I?!" I thought very fast and carefully and decided to play dumb about not knowing who she was, I would have told her but in this situation if I did she'd be even more scared and probably blast me with magic killing me or worse...setting me on fire (or worse or worse or worse) slowly and very painfully killing me.

"Uh hi my name is Kriese, I’m human and you’re in my house (I looked quickly at the clock), actually scratch that, was my house which is on a planet called Earth, your turn!" But before she could say anything a huge gust of wind came from beside us looking to where it came from, all we saw was my wall only to realize that the portal was actually sucking everything in, and suddenly we were swept off our feet and properly dragged to the portal and went right through it.

"Should we go inside?"

"I think we sh-" Celestia suddenly interrupted by the portal blowing out a pony and a human straight into both Luna & Celestia, I landed on Luna and Twilight landed on Celestia.

I opened my eyes to quickly realize where I was and who I was on top of (I wish it was in the "other" way, can you blame a Brony for saying that? Yes? Okay…) and immediately got up and helped Princess Luna up. As soon as I did Twilight to Celestia, next thing I knew I, was being hugged by Luna.

Celestia and Twilight looked at me with a question glare as if she was studying me or deciding to banish me to the moon.

"Why hello there Mr...?" Celestia said in a soothing voice and a gentle smile on her face

"Kriece, call me Kriece."

"Ah I see you also speak equestrian, Ooo how intriguing."

"Back from my world we call it English."

"Your world? You mean you’re not from Equestria?" Luna asking as if I said I was an astronaut monkey competing for a one hundred meter dash with a cheetah.

"Yes, I’m from a place called earth, and judging by the looks of things I’m not there anymore." suddenly I looked back to the portal was and to my disappointment (I don’t know why I was actually) it wasn’t there anymore.

Celestia looked at me with a sad face and said in an equally sad tone. "The portal must have dissipated when you came through, I’m sorry Kriece but I think I just permanently took you away from your family and friends." she finished saying with a tear running down her cheek.

Luna trotted over to her nuzzling her neck. "It wasn’t your fault Celly it was mine if I wasn’t so childish and burst through the doors, this never would have happened to Kriesce!" I then began to laugh, this place was already getting too emotional for my taste. Twilight, Luna and Celestia looking at me confused.

"Hahaha, don’t worry none bout it girls I didn’t have any family left alive nor did I have any friends, if anything I should be thanking you for saving me cause I was-" I then threw my hand into mouth to stop the words 'committing suicide' to come out but oh did that attempt fail horribly.

"Was what?" Luna and Celestia asking at the same time.

Twilight intervened. "I… He was...Committing suicide... I saw him hanging himself as I came out the portal" she said looking at the floor. Luna used her magic to grab me, and pull me over to her.


"I was thinking of ending my existence because I didn’t feel like going through physical and mental hell, I lost my parents in an accident, my wife left me, I was broke and lost my house. I didn’t feel like being on the streets, homeless slowly rotting from the inside out, waiting to die under a bridge only to be found and thrown into a cremator and have my ashes thrown into the trash."
They all looked at me with mouths agape Luna bringing me in for another hug.

"I’m sorry...I didn’t know" Tears running down her face, my shoulder and back getting wet from all the tears and then I did something I never thought I’d do in a million years, I cried. Not because of what I said, it was because she was crying and the emotions just overcame me.

As I stood there in the embrace, overtaken by Luna's emotional crying and by getting hugged by her (ahem thank goodness I didn’t die, otherwise I would not be hugging the best pony ever) Celestia and Twilight yawned out of nowhere causing the mood to die a horrible death.

"I think we should continue this tomorrow Kriese and Luna, Twilight and I are incredibly tired and I’m going to need all the energy for tomorrow, to which I expect you Kriece to be alive and well, I will call the guard captain to escort you to your room where you will sleep for tonight, and as for you Twilight I’ll be sending a carrige and pegasi to escort you back to Ponyville, I think I won’t be teleporting for a really long time."

After an hour or so Luna went off to do stuff (I wonder what she does at night?), Twilight left to Ponyville, where she lives, telling me she'd like to introduce me to her friends, Celestia went to sleep and I was being escorted by the curious and freaking huge(he was about an inch or two shorter than Celestia and Celestia was like 6 feet tall, you could say she was more a horse than a pony) captain Knight Fall.

"Soooo, what’s up" I asked and was met with a "Don’t talk to me, thing." I tilted my head in utter confusement and decided not to say anything, I was then led to a door, he opened it and left.

bI walked inside to see it was my bed chambers, to which I will scare the living crap out of passing ponies and gain status as the thing from room 23. I lay down on my bed and quickly fell asleep.

When I woke up it was morning, I got up and out of bed, to which I then fell off as I saw i couldn’t stand on my feet or should I say hooves, I’m a fucking pony now. "OH GAWD IM NAKED! WHERE ARE MY CLOTHES?!"


So far so good.