• Published 23rd Oct 2011
  • 4,008 Views, 180 Comments

Behind the Gypsy's Veil - Gypsy

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Chapter 21: Preparations

As the hours past in Ponyville it quickly started to become a fort and home-base for the three different guards that have arrived from Canterlot under direct orders from both the rulers. Barricades ran along near the edges of the Everfree forest with guard towers built into them to keep watch.

The residents were told not to leave under any circumstances and those who lived within the forest were to evacuate and reside within the town.

"But all my animals! Oh what are they going to do without me?! They might starve or predators might attack them!" Fluttershy was in complete disarray ever since some guards had told her to move out of her home.

"Fluttershy don't worry, I'm sure they can handle themselves, it's in their nature." Twilight tried to convince.

"I know but still, I already miss them." Fluttershy sat on her haunches defeated by the fact that she couldn't do anything.

"Now girls, Princess Celestia and the captains should arrive momentarily and as we wait I'd like to take note of everything we packed just in case we forgot anything." A large, very noticeable, groan was heard in the room. Twilight sighed. "Or not."

"I still can't wait to meet Vale! Oooo! This is going to be so rad! I can see it now, after she sees me in action kicking all sorts of flank she'll have no choice but to let me join the Wonderbolts!" Dash couldn't contain herself as she rapidly flew around the room knocking books off the shelves with the gusts of wind she created.

"Rainbow! How many times do I have to tell you to stop flying indoors? You're ruining my hair." Rarity fussed.

"Fine, whatever Rarity." Rainbow rolled her eyes as she slowly descended to the floor.

"Thank you, I must look most presentable in front of the princesses and captains." Rarity raised one of her hooves to fix her hair back to its immaculate state.

Suddenly a loud pop was heard followed by a knocking at the door.

"I wonder who that might be?" Wondered Twilight as she walked towards her front door.

When she opened there stood a middle aged stallion in dark blue robes. His coat was icy blue, his mane was slicked back and it's color dark lavender.

"Ah. Ms.Sparkle, how are you?" Everypony excluding Twilight watched his mouth as white smoke flowed out.

Twilight bowed towards the icy stallion creating a snicker from the stallion. "You know we are on equal terms. No need to now to me, only to the princesses." He said plainly as Twilight stood back up.

"Uh hehe, sorry Glacier, but respect needs to be given'." Twilight said to Glacier as she smiled.

"True Ms.Sparkle so I too bow to you. A job well done freeing the Princess of the Night." Twilight blushed at the compliment given to her by her most recent accomplishment.

"Oh thank you Glacier but it just wasn't me that freed our princess but my friends helped more than you can imagine." Twilight led Glacier to her five friends.

"So you all are the new Elements of Harmony. Pleased to meet you all, I am Glacier, captain of the unicorn guard." He bowed to each mare.

Applejack was the first to introduce herself. "Why hiya there Glacier, names Applejack, element of honesty." She bowed to Glacier with her hat to her chest and allowed the next to introduce them self.

Up next was Rarity. "Why such a handsome stallion and of such high status, I am honored. My name is Rarity, element of generosity." She bowed to him and let the next introduce herself.


Yeah, I was thinking...A lot of time to think, I believe too much time to think.


Everything and nothing. Like where's the other voice and how I feel like my memories are being picked at.


Well whatever, shut up. I really don't want to talk right now.

Knightmare stood from her bed in the room at a hotel down the street they had traveled on to get to the castle given by Astataroth to sleep infor the night. "Hm I should tell him now since he is going to die...No. Until the end."

As the rest of the mares finally finished their introductions to the captain he looked astounding wondering about something.

"Wha-what is it Glacier is something wrong?" Twilight asked.

"I overheard the Princess of the Night talk about seven but I've only met you six, where is the last?" The mares all looked down onto the floor, sadness taking their facial expression.

"What is the matter? Did the seventh parish?"

"No it's not that, at least I hope he hasn't. You see Glacier after we rescued Princess Luna the entity who possessed her had taken over Kriece, the seventh pony who helped us, and they both disappeared after the entity used our friends body to fight the princesses." Glacier lowered his head upon hearing the sad news.

"I'm dreadfully sorry, I did not know." Twilight walked over to Glacier and put a hoof on his shoulder.

"Don't worry Glacier, with the power of friendship and all three captains and their entire guard theres no way we can lose." Twilight and her friends were still ever-hopeful knowing with their newly acquired strength they can do it.

"Hey if all the captains including all your guys's armies, who's going to be protecting Canterlot?" Dash asked in worry over the capital.

"Do not worry about Canterlot, the Princess of the Night and her private guard are securing it stay safe from any surprise attack." Luna's guard sort of worried the three captains. They were incredibly mysterious and odd in terms of looks and personality. They were pitched black with glowing yellow eyes and they all had bat/draconic-like wings. Their personality or lack-of is quite disturbing and a nuisance when you need something from them. And the captain, looks like he or she can take on all three captains at once. Decked out in full ebon armor etched on with markings and sayings of the moon. The captain even sported even more sinister looking wings than the standard guards and if his memory serves right he also saw a horn as well.

"Hm though I do find it odd Princess Celestia called all here to give us captains a report. Ah, it seems the princess and the other captains have arrived, shall we?" They all walked outside the treehouse to be confronted with Princess Celestia and two other ponies with, one which was on a blue bubble slowly descending with the other two.

Glacier walked towards the trio and bowed to his ruler. "My princess."

"Rise captain, we have much to discuss, follow me inside Twilight's house." Celestia walked inside followed by the elements of harmony, the three captains lagging behind for a quick chat.

"Vale, Knight Fall. What news?" Glacier acknowledged the two captains.

"Well it seems we're in for a ponyhunt or humanhunt I should say." Knight Fall said with a hint of malice.

Vale only rolled her eyes at Knight Fall. "I still don't understand your anger towards him."

"First off, I don't trust him and secondly, he's rude and obnoxious beyond measure." Vale still didn't get it.

"I trust him and he certainly wasn't obnoxious with me. Well anyways let's get inside I'm sure this is going to be important." Vale, Knight Fall, and Glacier all steeped into the treehouse.

Knightmare finished taking a shower and dressing up in the washed red MK2 Express shirt and Guess trench coat.


They're also stylish and make you look awesome, comfortability and warmth are just rare bonuses. Freaking seriously, Louis Vuitton gets me pissed. Yeah sure I can kinda see loafers having the comfort of walking on concrete bare footed but whenever they make sneakers do they have to put that shit concrete-padding in there as well?! Uhg some companies just take the "suffer for fashion" saying a bit serious if you ask me.


I wasn't talking to you.


Who do you think.

Knightmare stopped as she was walking down the narrow hotel corridor. "Who do I think? He's talking to himself. Just great."

Knightmare trying to ignore Kriece's rambling about things she doesn't know about she stand in front of a another room. "Rave, are you ready to go?"

"One minute, come in the doors open, I'm in the bathroom." Knightmare walked in the room and headed towards the bathroom.

"Rave?" Knightmare slowly moved into the bathroom.

"GET OUT, GET OUT, GET OUT!!! IM NAKED YOU PERVERT!" Rave then began throwing mane brushes and other things at Knightmare.

"WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM YOU WERE ALWAYS NAKED TO BEGIN WITH!" As soon as Knightmare finished the sentence objects suddenly stopped being thrown.


Mare logic at its finest.

"Hurry up, we must leave to the castle." Knightmare was anticipating news from Astataroth on the preparations for the ritual.

"Uhg, but I wanna see the town!"

"No we can't right now, tell you what, if you hurry up, we'll get something to eat and after we hear about the news for the preparation we can see the town." Knightmare didn't really care for her wants and needs but Knightmare has also been wanting to see the town and how's its grown ever since.

"Yay! Now get out of the room, if you already forgot I'm naked! Pervert."

Rave began pushing Knightmare out of the room. "Wait-buh-what?!"

Once Knightmare was out the room Rave closed and locked the door. "Just wait outside."

Lolwut. Yeah so, I just said lolwut, whatcha gonna do about huh?



And here we are at 21.

What a long freaking wait you guys have been going through just for little ol me, I'm sorry. And for the new readers, PFFT NO ONE CARES ABOUT YOU....except me.

Also I'd like to give much love to all the Brony's for the 20,000+ views on this story. How I got this many views compared to other fics I'll never know.

Well wedding is this month, my family and I are almost done with our own preparations for the wedding. Shit, the thing I'm nervous about the wedding is having to dance. I don't know how!!1

Cheers, next update will be...mmm...Pony Never Cry.

Anyways Comment & Rate.

Comments ( 6 )

Hay man, where were you this whole time? Thought that you have given up on this story or that you have died, but then I remembered that you were having that wedding, though should be over by now? Well let's not dwell on that, all that matters is that you are back. :scootangel::scootangel::scootangel::scootangel:


whole time? I have written 6 other stories and been reading + wedding, check my profile bro, weddin is end if the month.


Wut :rainbowhuh:

Look-y 'ere brah, I'm so god damned busy with work that I haven't had the time to write in almost a year plus I sold my iPhone which I used to write all my stories so after I finish working, I'm going to buy an iPod and continue my god damn stories whilst proof reading and heavy editing so whatever your complaint is, it'll be fixed.....eventually

The female mind is a mystery.


ahbed refrence is ahbed

this story is good

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