• Published 23rd Oct 2011
  • 4,008 Views, 180 Comments

Behind the Gypsy's Veil - Gypsy

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Chapter 6: Mooning

​ I cant sleep, trying to figure out if everything is real or not but so far pinching myself hasn't worked (or trying to pinch myself) and I don't know if I should try to kill myself to see if anything would happen, what if I was saved and I'm in a coma waiting to wake up but then again do I really want to go back there even if this isn't real? Staying in bed isn't going to help so I might as well take a late night stroll.

I get out from bed slowly making my way out the door without sound from years of practice when I was a kid (I was like a freaking ninja). I grabbed my ipod from my jackets pocket in my mouth, throwing the headphones over my neck to anchor the ipod so it won't fall off. As I was making my way to door I heard flapping wings and vegan to look around in a panicked frenzy. "The fuuuu~" I whispered then I heard a voice saying who. I face palmed how could I have forgotten about that stupid owl. I saw it perched atop books and slowly made my way towards him.
"Hoo." I've seen and read what this owl does so I tried to see if I could irritate it.
"Who." I said in a sarcastic tone.
"Hoo?" (It sounded like a question oh Kay)
"HOO!" Mission accomplished? I tilted my head and gave one final who and then I was suddenly being attack. I was trying my best not to get killed by the bird as quietly as possible and at the same time trying not to die of laughing. I ran to the door and closed it while pushing the retarded owl away, hopefully Twilight didn't wake up from the commontion.

It was incredible seeing all the stars and the moon. I've never seen them this clear before because of the earths pollution and city lights. I forcibly straightened my head and began to wander round town thinking. It was cold and a little windy but that didn't stop me from reaching the edge of Ponyville leading to the Everfree Forest. I always heard this place was dangerous and full of animals waiting for prey but tonight I wasn't in the mood for treading in there so I found a nice open meadow along the borderline of the Everfree Forest and sat there in the one foot tall grass, I felt at peace and to top it all off I shook off my ipod and tried to use it. Took me awhile to get the hang of it but eventually I got my hooves to work the touch screen and I put my song list and put 'Rist - Light' to play and I gradually started to lay down and stare into the night sky.

A minute or so pasted and since I was all alone I decided to make up some poetic junk for old times sake (I used to write poetry stories and the like when I was young but eventually grew out of it). "Ah yes I got just the title! Ramblings of the intrepid man and the open world. Yeah that's good." I said to myself outloud cause hell no one was around to hear me. I put on my traditional Canterlot royal voice and thought of a few lines.

"IGNORED BY ALL BUT KNOWN THROUGHOUT, LIFE HAS MEANING TO THOSE WHO MAKE IT SO. Oh I can do better than that." Took me 5 whole seconds and I already had something else.
"Ask God why there is so much pain in the world, he will not speak for the question is not to be directed to him but those who ask. We sow the seeds of our own sorrow, free will is the name of the game, many choose to be purposely ignorant and not to blame and blame he who they believe not to exist. Such hypocrisy is to be repayed in full no matter the cost. Now that's something." I already had a few more but I got that feeling where someone is watching you, I quickly spun around and saw Princess Luna standing there surprised by my sudden movement.
"What is wrong with you sneaking up on me?"
"Sorry I came to check up on you is all and found you walking around town. You seemed to be thinking so I decided to follow you untill you stopped here and started playing music on that curious thing and reciting odd poems."
"Why would you check up on me?"
"Well I noticed you weren't asleep."
"How could you have noticed that?"
"Not only is the night my dominion but dreams as well, when I couldn't find you at this hour I flew over here to check on you."
"Oh." Was all I could say to that.
"Your world isn't very uhm...Fine is it?"
"No, it's not."
"To me there is no why, it just is. Humans are overly complicated and I'm not very good at reading them nor explaining them. We could be angry and happy at the same time, we could find meaning in nothing, we are slaves and leaders, we create anarchy to prove a point. There's so much good and so much bad that we have...I don't know, I'm not a misanthrope though I'm not happy with who we are and how our life is. Luna tell me about this world."

Hours pass as I listen intently to Luna explain history and how these ponies are her and her sister's entire life, I could see how she would explain them with such adoration and respect, these ponies were her reason for living I can understand why she became Nightmare Moon. She asked me if I knew how to use my magic and told her no.
"Kriece would you like to learn magic? I can make you my own personal protégé! Like how Twilight is to Celestia."
"Well sure why not, if I'm going to learn might as well learn from a princess who controls the moon and dreams. Why don't we start now?"
"Now? Oh no it's almost morning! I have to go back to Canterlot Kriece, tell you what I'll come back here tomorrow night."
"Sure I'll be here now shoo go do princess stuff!" she laughed, said her goodbye and flew off. My attitude seems to be changing maybe these ponies can change me for the better then again when it comes to me I can be stubborn especially when I know what's happening.

I walked back to Ponyville in hopes I can get some sleep before the busy day I have starts but when I got to the front door of the library the sun was already rising. I looked at the door for awhile and decided not to sleep. I opened the door and grabbed my clothes and went back outside thinking I might have Rarity completely redesign them to fit me in my pony form. I'll only regret throwing them away.

I stood outside Rarity's boutique for a couple hours waiting for her to open, watching all the early ponies starting to come out of their houses when I noticed Twilight walking towards me.
"I never took you for a morning person, what time did you get up?"
"I'm not a morning person, I couldn't sleep so I took off in the night to get some thinking done."
"You were out all night?! Are you crazy?!"
"I've been called that a few times."
"What were you thinking about?"
"Personal matters." Twilight just gave me an irked stare.
"Fine and Rarity shouldn't open until around ten."
"What time is it now?"
"Damn. I guess I can get a few hours of sleep until then. Hey Twilight you think you can wake me up at nine?"
"Sure let's go back to my house." The thing is she said it in this certain voice, I coughed/laughed and saw her blush.
"Twilight we barely even know each other!"
"I did..I didn't mean it THAT way I swear!"
"Why I never!" I busted out laughing.
"Oh shut up and let's go I got books to read."
"I bet you do just don't stare at me while I'm sleeping."

I laid down on my bed and instantly fell asleep. "Sonofabitch!" I sat up straight to see Twilight's assistant running away. "Uh SORRY I DIDN'T MEAN TO SCARE YOU!" I yelled. Spike crept around the corner where he was hiding. "Pssh I wasn't scared you just just surprised me is all."
"Yeah alright I believe you no worries."
"So...did you have a nightmare?"
"Yeah, I rarely get them though but I tell ya when I do it's the most exhilarating thing ever."
"Why's that?"
"My nightmares are a no holds bar, over the top, through the roof, adrenaline inducing thrill ride through my fear and mind!"
"Woah doesn't that scare you?"
"Of course it does, if it didn't where would the fun be in that?"
"Whatcha dream about if you don't mind me asking?"
"Honestly I can't remember, only parts of it. It involved staked fetuses everywhere."
"What's a staked fetus?"
"Uh....I'll tell you when your older kay? Kay!"
"Yeah whatever anyways I came here to wake you up it's nine."
"Oh cool, hey you guys have a shower I could use?"
"Yeah up stairs through the door on the left, I'll tell Twilight your bathing."
"Shweet thanks bro I'll be down in a few." After a quick shower and a long freaking time trying to get dry I went downstairs and saw a note written by Spike.

Went to go get supplies

Well alright then, I didn't need to stay here, I grabbed my clothes and ran out the door to Rarity's place.

"Why yes she is here to cater to your needs, what is it that this mastercrafts mare can help you with?"
"Sup sup Rarity, came here to ask if you can get these clothes to fit a more...Equine figure, mine specifically."
"Well of course darling, just hand them over and stand over there while I take your measurements."

I stood there as she measured making small chat til she went over to my clothes. "Are still not going to tell me what these shoes are made of?"
"Why not?"
"Cause I don't know how you ponies would react if I told you."
"Why it's not as if it's made of ponies....Is it?"
"Then what's with the secrecy Kriece? You can trust me."
"Fine, I'm not in the mood to argue anyways just don't say anything to the girls."
"You have my word."
"How much would you say a nice elegant shoe for a stallion would cost here, brand name?"
"Well roughly two hundred to five hundred."
"My shoes cost, let's say my world currency is the same as yours, seven hundred fifty."
"Oh my."
"Yeah aha, these shoes are made from extremely high quality calfskin."
"Uhm *cough* yes...Calfskin."
"Do you mean calf as in baby calfs?"
"I'll just leave these here and now if you'll excuse me."
"Take your time Rarity." Right, now I don't know what she'll think of me, probably some accessory to murder (pun intended) enthusiast. After bout 4 minutes she walked back.
"Sorry Kriece that was a little too much for me you were right. Oh dear I can't imagine what would happen if poor little Fluttershy were to hear this she'd probably...I don't even want to think of it."
"She won't Rarity, this stays between you and me."
"Yes of course, now where were we? Ah yes you can move about if you like I already have everything I needed."
"Great, I'm not very good at standing up for so long."
"There's a chair right over there if you want to sit."
"Don't mind if I do." I pulled off a Lyra and sat down like a human. So uncomfortable but I was never limber so kneeling was out of the question cause all I would get out of it would be four simultaneous cramps in all four of my legs. (that sounds so horrible, like placing a toothpick under your big toenail and then kicking a wall)
"What are you doing Kriece?"
"I'm trying to sit down but my body won't let!"
"Well that's because that's how we aren't suppose to sit."
"E-X-Cuse me if I wasn't a pony my whole life."
"There's no excuse Kriece just, you know lay down or something your clothes won't be ready for awhile, your coat is very heavy and full of so many different material I don't recognize."
"That just goes to show you how much fashion is important back in my world. We've created so many different types of material I'd go as far as to say the number of types exceed five hundred and when it comes to styling the stuff, dayum, there's no limit to our imagination."
"Oh your world sounds so wonderful!"
"It isn't. Don't ask cause I won't talk about it but I will like to show you some styles for stallion clothing if you like, hopefully the guys here have the same taste as me ahaha."
"I would love for you to show me right after I finish my work which should be done around the same time I close."
"Cool-cool-cool-cool I'll make sure to stop by when it's closing time."
"Good now you can go off to Sweet Apple Acres I'm sure Applejack is waiting for you by now."
"Oh damn I almost forgot, thanks Rarity I'll seeya later." I waved and ran off to the farm.

It was taking me awhile to find the farm I'd ask ponies but they looked so busy and since I'm such an awkward penguin I couldn't ask. As I walked around I didn't see where I was going as bumped into someone. "Hey watch it look where your going!"
"Oh leave him alone Lyra." I stood there as I recognized the infamous couple before me.
"Huh sorry I wasn't watching where I was going."
"You better apologize."
"Lyra! Stop being so rude!"
"I'm not being rude I'm just speaking honestly."
"You wouldn't understand Bon-Bon."
"How Do you know that?"
"Cause I've known you for 3 years since we started dating." They were seriously arguing in front of me, I didn't even know why it happened I just stood there and suddenly remembered where I have to be and decided to break up the fighting in my own special way.
"DICK SNORTING!" (yeah that's right, I was going to say pot stickers but these two werent really high on my favorite pony list) They both stopped arguing and stared at me.
"It's rude to stare."
"Do you even realize what you just said?"
"You mean dick snorting? Yes I do but that's not important right now I need to know where sweet apple acres is?" Lyra looked was opening her mouth to object or something but Bon-Bon stuck her hoof in her mouth.
"It's just over there, head straight and you'll get to a dirt road, follow it and it'll lead you to the entrance and sorry for her behavior, she's a real loud mouth."
"No worries and thanks!"

"Hey AppleJack am I late?" I got to farm to see her and her brother Big Mac already working in the fields. "Howdy there Kriece! No you ain't late if anything your just in time!"
"Awesome what do I do?"
"Well first off you can go help mah brother ovah there pulling the applecarts."
"Alright I'll go introduce myself seeya roun'!"
I walked over to Big Mac. "Hey how you doing there my names Kriece Please to meet you."
"Hello Kriece mah names Big Macintosh but everypony just calls me Big Mac for short."
"Alright Big Mac. I'm sure your sister told you I was going to be working with you today?"
"She right plum did and seeing as your already here why don't you help me out with these apples."
"Yeah sure here let me get that." About two hours of work later I heard a ringing chime (it was a cowbell though it sounded like...IT NEEDED MOAR!) apparently it was meal time. Me and Big Mac walked over to Applejack. "What's up Applejack?"
"Foods ready Kriece come hunker down over here and take a seat while I'll go get the food."
Food wow I haven't had food since the party but pastries aren't really considered food plus I don't really have a sweet tooth so I wasn't really eating many. While me and Big Mac were waiting off in the distance I spotted a yellow-ish pony coming up. "Hey Big Mac who's that coming over here?"
"That'll be Caramel, one of our hired workers, he a good guy." Now I remember Caramel, fanfics always depicted him as a screw up and socially awkward.
"Hey Big Mac I'm here to take my shift, oh uh h-hey there I uh didn't see you..." Two awkward people talking would work wonders on his and my nerves.
"Yo How you doing? Name is Kriece what's yours?"
"I'm C-Caramel nice to meet you Kriece." im just gunna blunt and say it.
"Why acting so awkward bro?"
"Stop being awkward."
"W-what do you mean?" I could see him already sweating bullets believing he just blew up meeting a new pony.
"Aha I'm playing with you man sit down we were just about to eat and speaking of eating here comes the food!"
"Hey there Fellas hope you didn't wait to long?"
"Not at all Applejack, me and Caramel over here were just talking bout how much he likes you." (I thought about the joke I just said for half a mila-second and thought oh crap and then oh well) Suddenly silence. Applejack and Big Mac Looked at me thankfully Caramel was there to break their concentration on me.
"NO WAIT THAT CAME OUT WRONG I THINK YOUR PRETTY APPLEJACK!" Now everyone was staring at him, I guess Applejack just found herself a coltfriend! Caramel got up and ran to Ponyville. I was going to congratulate Applejack on her new lover but I got interrupted. "What's all this here commotion?" it was Applejack's Grandmother. (old people are pretty much the perfect mood murderers)
"Oh nothing Granny, Hey Granny I'd like you to meet the new pony in town his name is Kriece, This here is my granny, Granny Smith Apple."
"Hello ma'am."
"Oh my he sure is handsome, a bit skinny but I'm sure we can get some meat on those bones ay Applejack?" Apple was blushing and Bic Mac was bust eating.
"Uh Thank you Granny."

My time at the farm went by fast, seeing as how I had to work Caramel's shift, she told me that I would be getting his pay but I objected and told her that she should just give it to him and pay me for the work I did earlier (she eventually agreed seeing as I told her he would be needing the money to take her out if he decides to ever ask her out). After all was said and done I left the farm and on to my way to Twilight to tell her that Princess Luna has taken it upon herself to teach me magic instead of her and after that to pick up my refitted clothes and finally to meet up with Luna back at the meadow.


Uhg this took me longer than expected, i got stuck bout half way in the chapter and took me a day to get something going in my mind fingers crossed that it doesn't happen again when I start chapter 7.

One more thing...I put adventure and alternate universe for my story and I don't know whether or not I should go with it? I believe I should for adventures sake because I don't see myself writing nonsense chapters all the time...well I decided I should introduce the plot but my mind is telling me that won't happen to atleast the 8th or 9th chapter and then I hope this story will get started.

as always comment and rate, I REALLY LIKE COMMENTS....ALOT, I'll answer any question you got

A Hint for the future plot if you are wondering : Luna didn't become Nightmare Moon....YET