• Published 10th Mar 2014
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The Monster of Canterlot - drnkntst

When a human child appears in Equestria, somepony will have to take him in.

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Chapter 25

Chapter 25

I still couldn’t believe it. Celestia had met my girlfriend and nothing exploded, imploded or ignited. True, Celestia felt a little wounded that I didn’t tell her about Rose, but she didn’t stay that way. In fact, the only thing that could have gone better was if Rose hadn’t tried to call Cotton ‘Fluffy Butt’. At least they made up.

Even better, I was able to help a family in turmoil. Better still, it wasn’t some hoof-out or charity. I got Auburn a job and home in a nicer town, but he has to do the work himself. And as an added bonus, I got some help for my friend and her family during a tough time of the year. As soon as I got Sandy and Jasmine and escorted them to Ponyville, they could begin their life anew. It didn’t have to be me, of course, I just wanted to be the one to do it. Besides, it gave me an excuse to make another trip to to see Rose.

I decided to go right after breakfast. Said breakfast was standard; Bunny woke me and teased me, Celestia and Luna greeted me, Blueblood tried to upset me, but I was in too good a mood for it to bother me, and the food was delicious, though I was missing Applejack’s cooking. I just had to hope the rest of the day would go as well.

I had an overnight bag packed and a bag of bits in my pocket, and I was ready to go. I said my farewells and headed out. Sadly, Celestia had insisted on a couple guards going along with me. Oh well, one can’t have everything.

I had decided to take the royal carriage instead of walking all the way from the palace to Auburn’s apartment. It was a long walk and I was feeling lazy. Before long, we arrived at the tenement building. It hadn’t changed much in the one day since I saw it last.

I climbed down from the coach and made my way up to the apartment. Again, it was answered by Sandy. “Oh, your highness,” Sandy greeted with a bow.

“Good morning, Miss Sandy. Please, rise. I never cared for all that bowing stuff anyway.” I spotted a filly peeking out from behind a chair. She had pure white fur and a rich yellow mane that matched her eyes. “And who do we have here?”

“Huh?” Sandy looked back into the room just in time to see the filly duck back behind the chair. “Ah, that would be my daughter, Jasmine. Sweetie, come over here and meet the prince.”

The little filly slowly walked up to us. When she reached her mother, she bowed then immediately hid behind Sandy’s legs. It was a reaction I was starting to think I should get used to.

“Hello there, Jasmine. It’s nice to meet you,” I said as I knelt down to reduce my size.

Jasmine only mumbled a response. “Jasmine, come out from there and greet him properly. He deserves it. He’s been very nice to us and he is our prince. Now come on.”

“No, that’s okay, I’m used to it by now and I take no offense.” Sandy seemed to let out a held breath. “Now, if you ladies would care to join me, I will escort you to your new home.”

The three of us climbed back into the royal carriage and headed out for the train station. I had arranged for a private car on the express to Ponyville. I didn’t mind riding with my citizens, but I thought it would be a treat for Sandy and Jasmine to have a whole train car to themselves, plus one. Turns out, I was right.

The whole time we were traveling, Jasmine was bouncing from seat to seat, pointing out things that whizzed by the windows. Sandy seemed to have relaxed considerably and we were enjoying a friendly conversation. She told me all about how she loved working with her hooves in the dirt, and so did Auburn. She said that they came to Canterlot to try to find their fortune like so many had before them. It didn’t happen, obviously. A city full of unicorns prefers unicorns for its workforce. Finding a job as an earth pony in a city that had no farms and only private gardens was difficult to say the least, and even harder to keep it. So when Auburn lost his minimum wage job, they were all but lost.

“…and then you knocked on our door and turned everything around. I can’t thank you enough for what you’ve done.”

“Sandy, Celestia always told me that our first duty was to the ponies that allow us to rule and guide them. When your husband came and asked for our help,” I may have fibbed a little on that point, but it was with good intentions, “I knew I had to do something.”

“Well, obligation or otherwise, know that we will never forget this opportunity you’ve given us.”

“Not to sound too high and mighty, but good. One should never forget what has been given to them. Though I don’t want any or need any thanks, that doesn’t mean that somepony down the road won’t need your help.”

“That is an excellent point. You hear that, Jasmine?”

“Yes, Mommy.”

I couldn’t help but smile at the scene of a loving mother passing knowledge on to her clearly much loved daughter. It reminded me of both my mothers, my human mom and my pony mom.


“Sandy! Jasmine!” Auburn galloped down the dirt toward the three of us. I could see from a distance that Applejack and Big Mac had been making him earn his pay. Of course, I had made sure his time and effort would be properly rewarded.



I watched in joy as the family reunited in a big group hug. A hug that if I tried to replicate with my alicorn family, would result in several broken ribs and misaligned disks. It was very touching.

“Chris, Ah didn’t expect ta see ya again so soon,” Applejack told me as she trotted up to our little group.

“Yeah well, I just couldn’t stay away from your excellent apples.” Applejack laughed at my obvious falsehood. “No, I was simply bringing Auburn’s family here to Ponyville to show them their new home.”

“Well that certainly is excitin’. In thu meantime, Ah’m gonna get a couple more hours uh work outta Auburn here ‘n’ then he can join ‘em.”

“Sounds good to me.” I turned to face Auburn and his family. “Now, ladies, I hate to interrupt, but we should be going. Auburn has work to do.”

We were about to leave when I spotted Apple Bloom bouncing up the road. “Chris!”

“Apple Bloom. How are you doing?” I asked as I knelt down to tussle her mane.

“Ah’m great. What’re you doin’ here?”

“I was just showing Auburn’s family where he works before bringing them to their home.” Then a thought occurred. “Hey, Bloom, can I ask you for a favor?”

“Uh course ya can. What do ya need?”

“This scared little filly here is going to be starting in your school real soon and is going to need help making some new friends. Can you and the other crusaders help her out?”


Apple Bloom trotted over to Jasmine and introduced herself. From what I could tell, once Jasmine calmed down (Apples tend to be a bit friendlier than ponies are used to), she and Apple Bloom became good friends. I hoped that was a good sign of things to come for the newcomers.

Unfortunately, I had to separate Jasmine and Apple Bloom. It really was time to take Sandy and Jasmine to their new home. At least it was a good reason.


“Dear Celestia… sorry,” Sandy said in mild shock and then embarrassment when she realized who she was talking to.

“It’s fine. Common expression. You should hear some of the expressions Luna uses.” I laughed. “Now, let’s see the rest of your new home.”

We hadn’t even entered the building yet and she was already impressed. I had arranged for a variety of hearty plants ready for planting via Roseluck and made certain the yard was clean. There was also a medium-sized back yard with a picket fence surrounding it and even a small patio. That, coupled with this town, would be a great place to raise a foal.

I took the key out of my pocket and held it out for Sandy. “It’s your home, your honors.”

Sandy was in tears as she gingerly took the key from my hand. She missed the lock a couple times before she managed to unlock the front door. Once she walked inside, I heard her gasp loudly enough that I was worried she had actually swallowed the key. Good thing Auburn had the second one.

Inside was a family room, a moderately-sized kitchen a bathroom and was already fully furnished, and that was just the first floor. The second had two bedrooms, a linen closet, and another bathroom. Also fully furnished.

“I… I don’t…” Sandy started to say.

“Is this our new home, Mommy?”

“Yes it is, Jasmine,” I answered. “That is, if your Mommy wants it to be.” I was tackled around the waist by Sandy and hugged tightly. “I guess that’s a yes.”

Jasmine was giggling loudly and Sandy was blushing more and more. “I’m… sorry,… your highness. I got carried away. Please, forgive me.”

I laughed again. “It’s fine, Sandy. Also, you can just call me Chris. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ll be on my way and allow you ladies to settle in.” I was about to step out the door and stopped. “Oh, and if a pink earth pony stops by, she may be loud but she’s harmless. Goodbye for now.”

I was feeling pretty good about the way things went. Provided Auburn didn’t screw up at Sweet Apple Acres, he and his family would never have to eat from a dumpster or steal fruit again. Also, the marketplace in Canterlot would have one less thief. The only way I could feel better was a very friendly visit with Rose.

I was brought out of my inner thought by the sight of one Miss Pinkie Pie being held aloft by a bundle of helium balloons. She was also wearing a party hat and an overstuffed saddlebag, which just made it all the more odd that she was floating.

“Hey, Pinkie, fourth house on the left.”

Her response was a broad smile and a blow on her noisemaker. Man, she was fun. Oh, speaking of fun, I should drop by and see Rarity. I needed some more clothes.

After a brief walk, I reached the Carousel Boutique. The bell jingled as I entered. “Welcome to the Carousal Boutique, where everything is chic, unique and oh, Chris, hello.”

“Hey there, Rarity, how’s business?”

“Business is excellent, thank you for asking. How’s… the nation?” Sometimes, there just isn’t enough common ground between two ponies businesses.

“Running as smoothly as the last fifteen-hundred years.” I laughed.

“Well, that’s great to hear. So what brings you here?”

“Well, I wanted to place an order for some more of your excellent clothing.” I took a look around the shop. There were the usual dresses and saddles, but there was something different about the ones toward the back. “Hey, Rarity, I know I’ve never been really clear on saddle fashion, but why do these ones have stirrups?”

“Uh, how old did you say you were?” she asked with a growing blush.

I suddenly realized how close it was to estrus. “Umm… never mind. So, about those clothes.”


After Rarity’s, I went over to Twilight’s in time to be invited to Pinkie’s welcoming party for Auburn and his family. Once said invitation was received, I hopped on over to Rose’s place to extend my own invitation. She happily accepted and we prepared for another night on the town.

An hour later, we were walking down the street to the town hall. Pinkie had arranged for the party to be held there so the new family didn’t have to worry about cleaning afterward, not that Pinkie ever left a mess for anypony after one of her parties, or having a bunch of strange ponies in their house.

I had picked up Rose at her house. As we walked, we talked about our days while I rubbed her ears. The rubbing was also encouraging her to press against my hips. That was making it hard to walk, but also hard to care about anything else. And I thought my day was good before.

The party was a blast. First off, a lot more ponies had showed up than had for my party. Secondly, Applejack brought out some of her ‘special’ cider. Thirdly, and probably the most important thing, it was a Pinkie Party. Jasmine had even managed to befriend Apple Bloom’s two friends, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, which spoke well for her chances in her new school. Though for me, the best part for me was having Rose there.

After all the games, treats and presents, it was time to call it a night. A lot of ponies had to get to work in the morning, including Auburn. Everypony left for the long trot home. Well, almost everypony. A certain blue pegasus had indulged a little too much in the cider and could not fly herself home. In fact, she couldn’t even walk.

“Alright. Chris, you carry her to the library while I go ahead and prepare the spare bed for her,” Twilight ordered. “Oh wait. What about you? If Rainbow is using the spare bed, where will you sleep?”

“You know I’m not picky. I’ll be fine with a couple blankets and a pillow,” I offered. “That is, unless somepony else is willing to share,” I rubbed Rose behind her ear.

“Nice try there, smooth talker.”

“What? Too early in the relationship?”

“Just a bit.” Rose bumped me with her hips. Awesome. “Patience, Dear, patience.”

I hefted Rainbow Dash onto my shoulders, a pair of legs on each side of my neck, and stood to my full height. “That’s me, Mister Patience. Now, let’s get this lush to bed.”

Rainbow drowsily laughed at that. “Hey, I’m noT a LUshhh. I just cann resistsh AJ’sh cIDerr ishall. Now… Get ME home, ShlowPOke!”

“Yes, Mistress. Please pardon my insolence.”

“You are furrrgiven, pE-shun. Now march!”

Onward we marched. The brisk night air was refreshing, Rose was with me, and Rainbow Dash weighed less than my armor, which was very light weight as it was. It all made for a nice walk through the quiet little town.

Sadly, we reached Rose’s place and had to part ways. “Well, I guess this is good night, my fair prince.” She stood on her hindlegs and placed her forehooves on my chest.

“Until the morrow, my sweet flower.”

“Ugh, you guysh’Re makin’ me Shick,” Rainbow complained.

“Sorry, Rainbow, but I’m getting my goodnight kiss,” Rose chided.


I leaned down and my lips met Rose’s. I was enjoying the feel of her soft lips when I felt something else. It was flat and a little slimy, but I let it in my mouth anyway. After all, it’s not every night a man gets his first Prench kiss.

After a few moments of our tongues fighting for dominance, the mare on my shoulders reminded me of her presence. “Hey! Unlesh ya got a stalyun fer me shumwhere, I wud really like ta get ta bed.”

Rose giggled after we separated. “Sorry ‘bout that. I guess I’ll just have to make due ‘til I see you tomorrow.”

“Of course, Rose. I promise not to leave before seeing you.”

“You better not,” Rose warned as she sashayed inside her house. I couldn’t help but watch those swaying hips and that swishing tail.

After the door closed, Rainbow made her presence known again. “Man, you gots it baa~aad.”

“You say it like it’s a bad thing.” We both laughed as I began to head on to the library.

“Ya know what, you’re alRIght. I think I cen shee what she likes ‘bOUt you.”

“Oh? Does that mean you’re getting sweet on me too, Rainbow?”

“Ya cen jusht call me Dash or R.D. if ya want. ‘N’, no offensh, dude, but I need somepony on four legsh. Plusss, they need ta be cOOler. Not uh lot though. Maybe like, one fith cooler.” Her slurring and intermittent loss of volume control was funny, but it was also a clear indication that she needed to get to sleep, soon.

“Aw… too bad. And here I was thinking I had a fan club already. I guess I’ll just have to settle for Rose being the only one who finds me attractive.”

“Yeah, HEr ‘n’… ulp, almost let the cat outa the bag. Can’t break uh Pinkie promish. Nopony breaksh a Pinkie promish.” I actually felt her shudder.

“Well, your secret’s safe with me,” I told her as we reached the library. “For now though, let’s just get you to bed.”

And that was how my first official act was concluded.