• Published 10th Mar 2014
  • 49,444 Views, 3,789 Comments

The Monster of Canterlot - drnkntst

When a human child appears in Equestria, somepony will have to take him in.

  • ...

Chapter 37

Author's Note:

Edited by Dream Seeker

Chapter 37

I led Willow to her new room. It wasn’t an impressive chamber like those of the royal family or Twilight’s dorm, but it was big enough for somepony to be comfortable in. There were two guards, that I hoof-picked, posted outside the door and the room was far enough away from the other high-traffic areas of the palace that the only ponies who were likely to walk by, were supposed to do so. It was a room Celestia used for dignitaries she didn’t like.

After Willow looked around her temporary living quarters and thanked me a half-dozen times, I laid out a few guidelines for her. First, she should only be in either her natural form, or her familiar ‘Dessert Willow’ form. The idea was that she would draw less negative attention. Second, she should try to be helpful. That’s just good advice for anypony. Third, and probably most important, avoid contact with anypony who owns a crown.

I left Willow to get comfortable and informed the guards that nopony who could not normally give them orders was allowed to enter. I also told them that even though she was my guest, she was also a prisoner. They weren’t to be rude, but she wasn’t allowed to leave the palace either. From there, I went to my own room. I had packing to do.

“I still don’t trust her,” Bunny said as she stuffed some of my shirts into a trunk.

“Yeah,” Cotton agreed, though I don’t think she knew what her mom was so upset about. It made it all that much cuter as she slammed a jerkin down.

“I know. Nopony trusts her. But I’m telling you, she didn’t have a choice. None of them did. The queen controls them through a hive mind and they disobey, like Willow did, they get ‘re-educated’. So maybe cut her a little slack.” Even though it seemed like I was scolding Bunny, I was speaking in a calm and even tone. “Although, she is a changeling, so not too much slack.”

“Fine, but only because it’s you asking.”

“Thank you, Bunny. You know, since I’m going to be in Ponyville, there’s no need for you to be spending your time here. Why don’t you take a week off and spend some time with Fluffy and Iron? It’ll be paid leave, of course.”

“I think I’ll take you up on that. Also, I think this is the last of your shirts, so you should be ready to go.”

“Thanks, Bunny.” I hefted the large chest in one hand and plopped it on my shoulder. I couldn’t believe how easy my new strength made this action. Though, with fall approaching, I should really have something to wear over my expanded chest and arms. I’m just happy my pants still fit, barely. “We better hurry if we’re going to catch the train with everypony else.”

“NO!...” Cotton cried out. She leapt at me and, without a shirt to hold onto, slid down my back.

Bunny picked her up with her magic and held her up so I could hold her with my free hand. I held the little filly close and nuzzled her. “You never play fair, do you?” She giggled and shook her head. “Listen, little Fluffy Butt, if I’m gonna take you on a flight around the city, I need to learn how to fly. Right?”

“I guess so,” she pouted. “Promise you’re coming back soon.”

I kissed her forehead. “I promise.” I then placed her on Bunny’s back and booped her nose with a finger. “I’ll be back before you know it.”


After a nice carriage ride with Twilight, we boarded the express train to Ponyville. We were having a pleasant conversation about controlling the weather and manipulating your environment with magic along the way. There was even some talk about magic. What she probably thought I didn’t notice, was the fact that she was avoiding any topic that she thought might upset me. I appreciated her efforts, but I never really liked being treated with kid gloves.

Since it was already late when we left Canterlot, it wasn’t too long before Twilight fell asleep across my lap. I, on the other hoof, couldn’t. I simply sat there looking out the window and absentmindedly stroking Twilight’s mane. All I could think about was what awaited me when I closed my eyes. I dreaded it every moment I was awake.

It wasn’t long after sunrise that we pulled into the station outside Ponyville. The other five Element Bearers were all waiting there for us, despite it being so early. I stretched when I stepped out of our car.

“*Fwomph* darn it.” My wings had popped open again and folding two and a half meter wings are a pain to fold back up without training. “I cannot wait to get our training started, Fluttershy. …Fluttershy?”

“Hmm? Oh, oh yeah. Me too.”

“Maybe you should go home and get some rest beforehand. You look tired. In the meantime, I would like to get this trunk over to Rarity’s.” I once again hefted the trunk onto my shoulder. “After that, I would like to get something to eat.”

“Excellent, Darling. I will simply need to take some measurements and you should be on your way.”

“Thanks, Rarity. Just send the bill to the palace.”

“Hmm… I suppose I could use a new addition to the boutique. Maybe a private spa.”

“As long as you invite me, I’ll happily give you the bits.” The girls giggled at that and we all made our way over to Rarity’s boutique to get my measurements taken.


The whole time I was being measured, I was feeling like some kind of pig at a fair. Rainbow Dash was the only one not to have some sort of comment, she was, in fact, napping on one of Rarity’s couches the whole time. Applejack kept saying I looked like I ‘could buck thu whole east orchard in under uh day’. Pinkie kept trying to ride on my back or get me to rub behind her ears, I didn’t mind doing either. Twilight was sticking close to my side, still being protective even though everypony here was our best friends. Fluttershy had, for some reason, posted herself in the corner. She also seemed to be getting ready for my first lessons, because she kept flexing her wings.

After the measuring was done, I sat myself down on the floor and waited for the first altered shirt. Rarity had actually requested I wait so she could make sure it fit properly. I was on the floor because I was exhausted and fainting couches aren’t the most comfortable. Of course, Pinkie being Pinkie, she climbed up in my lap and made herself comfortable. Unfortunately, it wasn’t long before I fell asleep.

My fears came to pass. Once again, I saw the queen stabbing me with her spear over and over, laughing the whole time. No matter what I did, I couldn’t stop her from her goal.

I was woken up by Twilight. She was holding onto me and begging me to wake up. She was crying. When I came to my senses, I realized I was inside one of her force field bubbles.

Twilight realized I was awake when I ran a hand through her mane. She looked into my eyes and we hugged even tighter. It wasn’t until the bubble lowered that I saw why it was necessary in the first place.

There was a pair of scissors buried into a wall, cracks in the floor, and, worst of all, Pinkie was nursing a swelling cheek. “Pinkie… did I…? I’m sorry. I’m so very sorry.” My eyes began to water.

She forced herself to smile, but I could see the tears she was fighting. “It’s okay. It wasn’t your fault.”

“What was all that, anyway?” Rainbow Dash asked from somewhere near the ceiling. Fluttershy was floating behind her.

“Nothing. Don’t worry about it.” I was hoping they would accept it and just let it go.

“That wasn’t nothin’, Sugarcube. Ya’ll looked like you were fightin’ fer yur life.”

“Chris, you can tell us,” Twilight told me in a soothing voice. “Everypony here is your friend. We all just want to help.”

I looked into her violet eyes and eventually gave in with a nod. “This is only the second time, but it’s also only the second time I’ve fallen asleep since waking up. Both times, I had to go through my… I had to go through it again.”

“Go through what, Darling?” Rarity asked as she got closer. Fluttershy and Rainbow had landed and Fluttershy was tending to Pinkie Pie’s cheek. The mere thought that it was I who took the smile from her face made feel like I was less than dirt.

Again, I looked to Twilight who gave me a reassuring smile and nod. I lifted my left arm high and revealed the scar under my pectoral muscle. That was all that was needed for them to understand. I knew from the collected gasps.

“I find myself in total darkness, no idea where I am or how I got there. Then, all I hear is laughter. Her laughter.” I shuddered at the memory. Then I see her. She’s towering over me and in her half-human form with the spear in her hand. She raises it and down it comes. Then she does it again and again and again. The whole time, she’s just standing there, laughing her head off.” I squeezed Twilight tighter against me.

“That’s… awful,” Fluttershy said through both her hooves.

“The worst part, the thing that really scares me, is that I can’t help but wonder if that’s how ponies see me. A towering, lumbering, death-dealing, heartless monster. A nightmare on two legs.” I shuddered again. “I don’t want to be a monster.”

“You’re not a monster!” We all turned to see Sweetie Belle standing in the doorway of the shop. Apple Bloom and Scootaloo flanked her.

“Yeah. You’re different from us ponies…” Scootaloo said.

“…But you ain’t a monster,” Apple Bloom finished.

The three of them galloped over and slammed into me. I released Twilight and scooped the three of them up. “Thank you, girls. That makes me feel a lot better.” It did too.

“They’re right, you know.” Pinkie walked over to me and plopped down on her haunches next to me. Her red cheek was like another spear through my heart. “We may not have been able to see it when we first met, but we know now that you’re a good stallion.”

I reached out to rub behind her ear. Pinkie shied away from my hand at first but allowed me to reach my goal. “Thank you, Pinkie, and I’m sorry about your cheek. I never wanted to hurt you.”

She took my hand in her hooves. “I know that, Silly. It just caught me by surprise is all. We’re still friends.”

“You have no idea how much that means to me.”


After leaving the Carousel Boutique, Twilight and I went to the Golden Oaks Library. I had a bed to get set up and she wanted to do some examinations on me.

“…but you throw those scissors across the room with magic! In you sleep! That’s not something we can ignore. You have to let me do some tests on you.”

“I don’t know why you’re yelling at me, I never said no. I know better than to come between you and a test.” I chuckled at my own joke, but I wasn’t feeling very jolly. “I’m scared, Twilight. Even Aunt Luna said she couldn’t help me in my dreams. She said something was fighting against her. Do whatever you need to do.”

“Alright. I promise to do whatever I can to help and I’ll be careful. We don’t need another mistake ruining your life.”

“It wasn’t a mistake, Twilight, it was an accident. There is a difference. You know I trust you with my life. Besides, I’ve had a pretty good one so far.”

“Maybe, but that doesn’t mean we should cut it short. Now c’mon, I have everything we need downstairs. Spike! We’re gonna need some assistance.”

“On my way, Twilight!”


“Alright, I think that’s all the more data we can get without cutting you open.”

“Geez, Twilight. I didn’t know you could be so morbid.” I stood up from the examination table and put my newly altered shirt back on. After an hour and a half on the table, I needed to stretch. Unfortunately, that meant my wings popped out to full extension again. “*Sigh* I’m really starting to get sick of this.”

“Woah. Those are awesome wings, Chris.”

“Thanks, Spike, but they’re a huge pain in the flank. Maybe once Fluttershy teaches me how to use them, they’ll be less of a burden. For now, though, could you help me fold them back up?”

“Sure. I got enough practice doing that for Twilight when she first got her wings.”

“Oh ha-ha. Let’s just see how quickly you adapt to wings when yours grow in.”

“As long as Rarity likes them, I don’t care how much of a pain they are.”

“Speaking of your marefriend, I’ll have to thank her for the work she did on this shirt. Wings at full spread and not even a strain in the fabric. She does good work.”

“Hey she’s not my… I mean uh, yeah, yeah she does.” You just gotta love the little guy.

“Chris,” Twilight called out, “why don’t you and Spike go on upstairs and get a snack? I need to compile this data.”

“Alright, Twilight.” We both replied as we happily ran up the stairs.

Meanwhile, Twilight was growing nervous over her findings. Twilight was checking and re-checking her figures. Flipping from one page to the next. She was begging them to be wrong, but the numbers never lie.

“Fluttershy?” I said as I reached the top of the stairs. I was surprised to find the buttery pegasus in the library’s main room. “What brings you here?”

“I came to see how you were doing. I know how upset you were over what happened at Rarity’s.”

“Yeah, I was. Still am. I never wanted to hurt anypony, especially not one of my best friends.”

“Well, I just came from Pinkie’s and she told me she forgives you. She even made you these cupcakes as a way of proving that. She even made a special one for Spike.”

“Sapphire! Alright!” Spike took his treat and scuttled away.

“That’s great news. After seeing her flinch like that, I thought for sure it was back to square one with her.”

“Oh, but Pinkie never stays angry with anypony for long.” She turned and started toward the door. “If you feel like you’re ready to start our lessons, then meet me at my cottage tomorrow morning.”

I watched her leave. I may have been paying a little more attention than usual, I’m not going to admit to anything. “*Fwomph* dang it.”

Meanwhile, back in the basement laboratory.

“I have to let the princesses know. Oh, poor Chris.”

And things kept getting worse.