• Published 10th Mar 2014
  • 49,444 Views, 3,789 Comments

The Monster of Canterlot - drnkntst

When a human child appears in Equestria, somepony will have to take him in.

  • ...

Chapter 42

Chapter 42

That night, I was still visited by the queen, but thanks to Luna’s instructions, I was able to banish her fairly quickly. That just left me with my ‘dream girl’. I had spent all night trying to get dream human Fluttershy to speak with me, but all I got was blushing cheeks and a sweet little smile.

Though this time, she had even fewer human features. It wasn’t just her legs now, she also had pony ears and a tail sticking through her dress. I wanted to touch the tail a lot. And by that I mean I really wanted to touch and I wanted to touch a lot of it. Sadly, or maybe luckily, my mother had taught me to respect mares and never to overstep my limits or rush them. It had become something so engrained, that I couldn’t override it even in a dream.

Either way, she was just as beautiful as the night before. Fresh dew on a rose at dawn wouldn’t even compare to just her flowing mane, let alone the rest of her. Her shimmering eyes, her hourglass figure, her smile on those lips, and that sweet, tight… uh, tummy. I wouldn’t be upset if she invaded my dreams every night.

Still, her looks and pleasant presence didn’t explain why she was there. Why was Fluttershy invading my dreams? Why was she a human? And why was she so beautiful?

Though that’s not to say she isn’t beautiful in the real world too. In fact, she is one of the most attractive mares I’ve ever met. Her fur was soft, softer even than Rarity’s or Celestia’s. Her legs were long and slender, which had caused her issues as a filly. She was also very toned and all the work she did for her critters kept her body fat down in the single digits.

All that was just her outer appearance. When you considered her personality, she was gorgeous all the way down. Not many ponies had an exterior that matched their interior, she just happened to be as attractive as she was sweet. Any stallion would be lucky to have her.


“Huh, wha? What happened?”

“You spaced out,” Twilight informed me. I looked down at the fork that had only made it half way to my mouth. I had apparently stopped long enough for everything to fall off the end. “So what were you thinking about?”

“Fluttershy,” I responded without thinking. The moment my words hit my ears, I froze again.

“Really~?” She asked with a sly smile. “And just what were you doing to her in your little fantasy?”

That hurt.

“Princess Twilight,” Bunny interjected with a stern, motherly voice, “you know as well as I that Chris would never be able to do anything untoward to a mare, even in his dreams.”

“Yea!” the cute little filly yelled from her seat right next to mine.

“It’s alright, Bunny, Twi was just teasing, and I didn’t do anything to her. I was just trying to figure out why she’s been in my dreams so much lately, and why she’s always some weird human/pony hybrid.”

“Isn’t it obvious?” Bunny asked. I looked at her with an expression that screamed ‘apparently not’. “Think about it, Chris, who was the last pony you dreamed about like this?”

I carefully considered her words. “That would have to be Rose. Before she showed her true colors that is.”

“And how did you feel about her at that time?”

“Well, when I was dreaming about Rose, I was in lo…”

“He’s figured it out,” Bunny said to Twilight who nodded in agreement.

“First comes love, then…” Cotton was singing happily.

“Are seriously saying that I’m in love with Fluttershy, simply because I’ve been dreaming about her?”

“No, I’m saying that because you’ve been dreaming and daydreaming about her. That means she’s on your mind day and night.”

“Whatever, I’m leaving.” I stood from the table and headed for the door.

“Oh, it’s Fluttershy and Rarity’s spa day. You’ll have to go there if you want to find her,” Twilight said in a legitimately helpful tone.

“Thanks, Twi. I’ll see you girls later.” And with that, I walked out the door.


I was not present for this next part, but I was told this is what happened.

“So… how are things with Chris and your lessons going?” Rarity asked from her mud bath.

“Oh, things have gone very well. In fact, I think I’ve taught him all that I can. He will simply need more practice to get better.”


“But, if I’m done teaching him, he will go back to Canterlot, and I’ll still be here.” Fluttershy looked downtrodden, but she was still trying to remain upbeat for her friend. “Still, I’m happy that I was able to help a good friend.” She climbed out of the mud bath, “if you’ll excuse me, I need to go freshen up.”

“Alright, Dear, I’ll be here waiting.”

This was about the time I came into the room.

“Hey, Rarity. How are you?”

“Hello, Darling, and since you’ve asked, I’m doing very well, thank you. How about yourself?”

“I’m okay, I guess. I was actually looking for Fluttershy and Lotus said she was in here with you.”

“Well, she was. Perhaps I could help you.”

“You are probably the best one for this kind of thing.” I removed my shoes, rolled up my pants and sat on the edge of her mud bath with my feet inside. “Besides, it’s not as if you won’t hear about it from Rainbow Dash before the end of the week. At least I know you won’t go spreading rumors.”

“Of course not, Dear. I may love gossip, but I would never spread rumors that would hurt anypony. Now please, continue.”

“So, you know my nightmares?” Rarity nodded. “Well, after Aunt Luna helped me get over them, I would find myself in a field with a humanized version of Fluttershy. Each night, I would see her standing there looking more beautiful than anypony I’ve ever seen before. Each night, I would see her and each time she looked a little less human. Now, I can’t seem to get her off my mind. Twilight thinks it means I’m in love with her.”

“I see. And what do you think it means? More importantly, do you think it means you love her?”

“No! Maybe. I don’t know.” If I weren’t already seated, I might have collapsed in frustration.

“Alright, if you’re not certain about love, what do you feel for her? About her? How do you feel around her? Can you see yourself with her or are these dreams simply dreams that mean nothing?” Rarity placed a hoof on my knee, then she realized it was still covered in mud and removed it with an apologetic look on her face.

I didn’t even notice the mud. “When I’m around her… I feel… warm? I guess that’s the right word. I mean, she’s beautiful, one of the most beautiful ponies I’ve ever met. Of course, you ate too, Rarity, don’t get me wrong or take offense, she just seems to have a more natural beauty.”

“*Sigh* She does doesn’t she. It’s no wonder all of Equestria fell in love with her after Photo Finish found her. Please, continue, Darling, and tell me how you feel about her. Do you love her or not?”

“Love…?” I sighed and dropped my shoulders. I raised my ringed hand and lifted a glob of mud with my blue/gold magic. The glob molded into a butterfly and flittered around in the air. Eventually, it landed in my open hand and changed into a heart. “I suppose, it’s possible. But, then again, I’ve thought that before.”

“Yes, Rose did a horrible, unforgivable thing to you, and I know how much that hurts.” I had not expected that. I jolted at the new information and looked at her in honest shock. “It’s true. Although I was just a school filly then and it wasn’t quite the same as what you had with Rose, but I still understand the pain.” Rarity seemed lost in her memories for a moment. She stomped a hoof in the mud, causing a small splash, “but Fluttershy is different. She would never, ever, do anything to hurt anypony, especially one of her friends.”

“I know, and I need to get over that if I’m ever going to move on.”

“Yes, absolutely. Now, you have to decide who will help you move on. Is it Fluttershy, or is it somepony else?”

Before I could say anything further on the matter, I was interrupted by a quiet mumbling from behind me. I looked back and was shocked to see the mare in question. I stood up to talk to her but she spun on her hooves and galloped out of the room before I could reach her.

I froze, uncertain what to do next. “Why are you still standing there?” Rarity questioned. I looked at her, “go after her!” I nodded and took off after her.

I ran out of the room in my bare feet, the mud still on them making it difficult for them to find purchase. As soon as I exited the building, I spread my wings and climbed into the sky. I wasn’t a fast flier, but it was still faster than dodging and weaving through the marketplace. Besides, she wasn’t very fast either.

Frantically, I scanned the horizon and searched between every building. I may not have known Fluttershy as long as her other friends, but I knew her well enough to know she must be freaking out right about now. If I don’t find her soon, she’ll wind up locked away inside her cottage and nopony will be able to coax her out from under her bed. It’ll be just like that incident with the Pony Tones a few days ago that Twilight told me about. I needed to find her, and soon.

I finally spotted a cloud that seemed to be trembling, despite the fact that there was no wind to cause it. Carefully, so as not to scare it off, I closed the distance between me and the shaking cloud. Slowly, I peaked over the edge of the fluffy shade-giver and found my target, Fluttershy.

She was sitting on her haunches, biting her hooftip and mumbling to herself. I could only just make out some of the words. Some of the words that reoccurred were ‘true’, ‘can’, ‘be’ and ‘it’. Could she actually want me to have feelings for her? Could it be that Fluttershy has… feelings… for me?

I flew up and came to rest on her cloud. Her muttering came to a sudden end when I spoke, “Fluttershy.” I reached out and placed my hand on her withers, I could feel her trembling under my palm. “Are you okay?”

She didn’t answer for a long moment, but her trembling slowly stopped. I was just about to leave her when I heard the faintest of whispers. “Is… is it true? Is what you told Rarity the truth?”

“Well, yes, but how much did you hear?”

“A-all of it. You actually walked past me when you went into the mud bath. I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have eavesdropped.”

“You’re, um, you’re forgiven?” I sat down next to Fluttershy and dangled my legs over the side of the cloud. “So, uh, what now?” She looked up at me with her big cyan eyes that normally spoke of kindness and love for all things, but at that moment, I saw… uncertainty. “I mean, you heard me in there, so you know how I feel, but what about you? What do you want to do?”

There was another weighted pause. She began to lean, paused for a second, then pressed her full weight against my body and nuzzled my chest as I wrapped an arm and a wing around her. “I feel the same way and I think I would like to know what there really is between us.”

I smiled and wrapped my other arm around her. “That’s probably a good idea. So, when do we start?”

“Oh, um, it will have to be after the breezies migrate through Ponyville in a couple days.”

“Also a good idea. I could only imagine the damage that could be caused by those little guys not making it to their destination. Actually, I probably shouldn’t be here for that. The ponies around here have gotten used to me, but something my size that they haven’t seen before could traumatize them.”

“Hmm, as much as I hate to say it, you may be right about that.”

“Alright then, I head back home tonight and we pick this up when the breezies are gone. And, as a bonus, I can cheer you on while you’re training for the Games.”

“Ooh, I have some very good pointers for the perfect cheer.”


I left Twilight’s treehouse that afternoon with the promise that I would return to continue my training in magic. I also promised to send for the rest of my wardrobe from Rarity, once it was finished. I grabbed my small, over-night bag and scooped up Rocky, I waved farewell to Twilight and Spike, and took off for home. Literally took off too, with my own wings and everything.

It took a lot of effort and a few curses, but I made it. I landed on my balcony and took my time to catch my breath. I was about to go inside and greet Celestia, when my newly amazing ears picked up a unique sound. The private royal bathhouse has architecture that can’t be found anywhere else in Equestria. Therefore, the echo of the splashes and sloshes are easily identified by anypony who’s heard them before.

After placing Rocky inside my quarters, I flew over to the open window and slipped inside. Sure enough, there was Celestia, neck-deep in the warm waters with her mane and tail were their more natural pink that she gets when she blocks her own magic. She normally only does that when she wants to wash it or appear less intimidating. The section she was laying in was only a meter or so deep, but there were other areas that were only deep enough to get your hooves wet, while there was a deep pool that ran through the middle.

Silently, I snuck in through the open window and grabbed ahold of the nearest arch. Once I had it, I climbed on top, hiding myself from any ground–level views. From here, I could have some fun.

I yanked out one of my greater under wing coverts and then wiped away a tear or two. (For all you reading who have not been gifted with wings, pulling a single feather that isn’t ready to fall out, is like pulling a single nose hair, only much more painful.) As soon as my vision returned, I focused my magic and grasp the feather with my telekinesis. I checked to make sure Celestia still had her eyes closed, they were. My feather drifted down and found its way to her snout. Using the lessons Rarity taught me, I very gently… tickled her nose.

Have you ever pranked somepony and had all the elements line up to make it better than you could have ever hoped? For example, making somepony sneeze while they are up to their barrel in water and their head pitching forward causes the expulsion of air to occur under the surface of the water, therefore making it explode outward like a stone dropped in a pond from Cloudsdale? No? I have. And it’s glorious.

Celestia blushed a little and looked around to see that nopony had seen her. Casually, she floated a bite-size cupcake over and made it disappear in a single nibble. Once the sugary treat had met its fate, she returned to her relaxation. Now where’s the fun in that.

Once more, I lowered the feather back down to her nose and renewed my attack. This time, however, she was more dignified about her sneeze. It was still funny, but not as entertaining.

Having tired of the small stuff, I decided to up my teasing a little. I formed a force field just under the water, in essence, creating a large water balloon. I raised it high above her head, and… was pushed off my perch. I only had enough time to rotate myself into a belly flop before I hit the deep pool. Just before I hit the water, I managed to see a small force field umbrella form over Celestia’s head as my own bubble popped.

“You’ll have to live a few more centuries before you’re able to pull one over on your dear old mother,” Celestia said as she magically pulled me toward her.

“I get there eventually, Mom, but for now…” I wrapped my arms around her neck and tackled her into the water. We both popped up, laughing jovially and loudly. We continued to horse play, as my father always called it. I felt like a foal again and I was loving it.

“Sister! Can you not bathe quietly? Some of us are trying to sleep. Oh, Christopher, you’re home.” Luna said as she entered the bathhouse.

“Aunt Luna!” I cheered and waded over to the side, fully intending to hug her and get her fur all wet.

“No! You must stay away! You are soaked!” Luna trotted away from me, making sure not to gallop as that would make her far too fast for me and therefore no fun for anypony. Instead, she took flight. “Ha! Catch me if you… oh.”

I flew after her and looped my arms around her and both of us tumbled into the pool below. We both surfaced in time to be taken under again by Celestia. Sadly, all good things must come to an end.

“Willow! Could you please bring us some towels?” Celestia called out.

“Willow? Desert Willow? You’ve got her working here?” I asked

“Well, my son insisted that I give her a chance. I decided he had a point.”

“Indeed, and thus far she has proven to be very helpful,” Luna contributed.

“That’s great.”

“Yes, but we have more important things to discuss now that you’re home.”

And that’s when my life changed forever.

Author's Note:

Sorry about the delay. The holidays can be hectic, especially when writing a oneshot.