• Published 26th Mar 2014
  • 910 Views, 8 Comments

An Equestrian Freedom - FullMetalFurbee

When the king of a faraway nation invades Equestria, Twilight must rethink everything she knows about trust and freedom.

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Chapter 9: Day 9

Distinguishing reality from the blackness was impossible. Twilight's mind lethargically pieced itself back together. Before any other sense, her pain returned. Her back felt like someone had jammed an ice pick into it. The second sense she recovered her was audition -murkily- in the form of Princess Luna furiously shouting.

“What do you mean he 'defected?' How could you do that to him? How could you not consider what might happen? You choose now to tell me this? Five days later? This is all on your head, Celestia! I'm dumbfounded that you would act so foolishly! Y-you're like a child! What would you have done if she'd died? Huh? What would you have done, sister!?”

Celestia's voice sounded a few seconds later. “Luna, please. Please calm down. I fully accept all responsibility for this. I can't explain why it happened, but I'm sorry. I was under immense pressure. Maybe my stress caused it. Believe me, I'm sorry! It was a stupid mistake!”

“This is too far,” Luna barked sternly. “Look, we're coming home as soon as Twilight can walk. Then you're going to explain to her exactly why she almost died. Do you understand me?”

“Of course, Luna! Twilight is more than precious to me! I only wanted to protect her! Why don't you believe me?”

Luna's tone softened. “I do believe you, but you've shaken my trust. Right down to the foundation. Did you not think I could keep us safe? Am I too weak to guard us? I'm beginning to question your reasoning, Celestia. I just don't know sometimes...”

“Luna, I need you with me. I'm not perfect. I can't do this by myself. We both know why Gaius is back on Equestrian soil. There won't be peace in this land until one of us stops breathing. Forgive me, my sister. I need you...”

Luna paused. “Just give me time to think about all of this. We'll be home soon.”

Celestia's concern was obvious in her voice. “Of course. As you wish. Please let me know how I may recover your trust, should you think of anything. Be strong, Luna. I look forward to your return.”

With that, their communication ceased.

Twilight didn't have the capacity to discern the quarrel she'd secretly witnessed. Instead she collected the feeble amount of strength she had and tried to wiggle out of her blanket cocoon. As soon as her purple eyes opened, Luna's attention snapped straight to her.

“Twilight! Thank the heavens! Oh this is glorious! Careful now, try not to move too much. You're in the hospital. You've lost a critical amount of blood and your back is broken in a dozen places. Right now I have intense regenerative magic working inside you alongside the medicines. That's the only thing allowing you to move. I'd prefer you to remain in bed until you can function on your own. Please don't try to be up and about. Here, drink some water. It will help.” She handed Twilight a cup from a nearby table, which she gladly accepted. “Is there anything I can do for you? Don't hesitate to express your needs.”

Twilight grimaced. “Hurts – back hurts,” she moaned.

“Yes, of course. Lie down and I'll numb it for you,” Luna responded. She lit her horn and leaned forward in her chair, directing a blue aura into Twilight. “Give it a minute - your pain should lessen significantly. Listen, once you come around a bit more, there are several urgent matters we need to discuss back in Canterlot. I'm sure that by now you know who Salvator is and why he's here. However, there's an extremely critical piece missing from this puzzle. My sister wishes to tell you in person.”

Twilight nodded although her mind was elsewhere. “Did you find the books?”

The question caught Luna off guard. “Hm? Books?”

“In the shed where you found me. Please tell me you found the books. There was a journal and a spellbook.”

“A spellbook and a journal? Oh my. We had to take precautions when we found you. We burned the shed to keep you from freezing to death.”

“Oh no...” groaned Twilight. “It wasn't an ordinary spellbook, and that journal might have been important. I think it belonged to King Sombra.”

Luna's eyes widened. “What? A-are you sure?”

“I'm almost positive. His name is right there inside the front page.”

“Most perplexing. Wait, there might be hope. Cian said he salvaged some useful items he didn't want to burn. It's possible that he brought one or both books with him.”

The news lifted Twilight's mood. “I sure hope so. Where is he, anyway? Our last conversation turned into an argument. That's more or less why I ended up in the blizzard. Cian ran off into the storm and I figured I should try and find him. I was attacked and Cian tried to protect me.”

“He's asleep,” responded Luna. “It's quite late. In fact, I believe it's almost midnight.”

Twilight awkwardly reached behind her and rubbed her back. “I'm almost afraid to ask but, how long was I out? Has anything significant happened? I can gather that Salvator hasn't been found yet, or things wouldn't be so urgent.”

“Well, the situation is tricky. My sister has reason to believe that Salvator and his troops are staking out at Sweet Apple Acres. The problem is, there isn't any solid evidence. A pair of royal guards on reconnaissance reported nothing suspicious, but were acting strangely. They seemed confused - like they were under hypnosis. We're currently investigating the matter further. Celestia runs the risk of impeachment if she acts preemptively and turns out to be wrong.”

“Wait,” said Twilight. “First of all, there's no way the Apple's would willingly harbor international criminals. That's ridiculous. Secondly, who holds the power to impeach Princess Celestia? Only you, right? Would you have to be the one to carry out the law in such a case?”

Luna stretched and yawned lightly. “If such a situation ever arose, then yes. I would take over full responsibility of ruling Equestria. It appears that Celestia has been making some rather... rash decisions lately. I doubt she'll do anything brazen enough to jeopardize her position of power, though.”

“I have full faith in Princess Celestia,” Twilight asserted. “She'll set things right. I know it.”

“Oh yes, I'm sure she will,” Luna agreed. “So, how about I see what Cian brought back from the shed? We may just find a little nugget of information.”

“Yes, I'd quite like that.”

Luna stood and exited the room. Moments later, she returned carrying a burlap sack. She opened it up with her magic, and slowly extracted two extremely old texts. “Well,” she said. “Looks like we found them.”