• Published 26th Mar 2014
  • 910 Views, 8 Comments

An Equestrian Freedom - FullMetalFurbee

When the king of a faraway nation invades Equestria, Twilight must rethink everything she knows about trust and freedom.

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Chapter 14

Salvator set the journal down. “That's pretty much it. Couldn't have said it better myself.”

“I can't believe it,” Luna said. “I can't believe you'd mutilate your own body in the name of vengeance. Hate for hatred's sake isn't going to change what Celestia did to you. I don't agree with her but-”

“Luna,” Salvator interrupted. “Ya don't know the whole story.”

“What? Something else happened?”

“Aye, before the exile. I didn't just chop my wings off because I hated Celestia. I did it to finish what she started.”

“Hold on, I need some answers,” demanded Twilight. “After hearing that, I understand even less than I did before.”

Cian and Neeson whispered in wonder amongst themselves. “Wow... our King cut his own wings off!”

“Perfectly reasonable. Ask away,” Salvator said to Twilight.

“Firstly, why did you pick now to invade our land and try to assassinate one of our leaders? If you were so high and mighty back when you were first exiled, why not then?”

“Ah, I explained this to your friends a few days ago, but you were absent from the meeting. I'd always planned on comin' back to Equestria to make Celestia pay. About twenty years ago, two of my very close friends moved up here from Halcyon. I cared about them equally as much as Sombra. They were there for me every time I needed them. When my son was born, when my wife died, when I was forced to give my baby boy away out of fear for his life, they were there. Their names were Sweet Apple and Golden Delicious. Ring any bells, smartass?”

The gears in Twilight's mind spun. “Sweet Apple as in -wait, you couldn't possibly mean... Applejack's parents!?”

“Aye. The very same. After Applebloom was born, I called on them to come back to Halcyon so they could relay information about the Equestrian economy, and any news they had on Celestia and Luna.”

Twilight couldn't believe the words she was hearing. Albeit she'd never asked AJ about what happened to her parents, this seemed utterly fictitious. She failed to accept the possibility that one of her very best friend's parents were in a sense, guilty of treason.

“You're telling me that Applejack's parents were... spies?

“Depends on which side you're comin' from,” Salvator pointed out. “All I did was ask two of my friends to help me gather information. Unfortunately, I believe somepony ratted them out. To this day, any association with Halcyon is considered high treason. It's one of the few crimes under your laws that is punishable by death.”

“Oh no,” whispered Twilight with a breaking voice. “Poor Applejack... poor Big Mac and Applebloom... They never knew until now... Why didn't Granny Smith tell them the truth?”

“She couldn't,” was his answer. “How could she bring herself to? Whatever fabrication she came up with was a lot easier to swallow.”

“That's just appalling!” said Twilight indignantly. “I feel so sorry for them.”

“I did too. After I'd learned of their death, I made my decision. I started war preparations that very day,” Salvator explained.

Luna spoke up. “I didn't know you had a wife and child, Gaius. Er, Salvator. What happened to them? Why would you even take a wife if you knew you would outlive her?”

Salvator turned angry. “Save your condescension, Luna! I don't need your judgment!” He softened up quickly. “We were trying to find out how to expand a normal pony's lifespan. We were researching immortality. Alas, my wife passed away during childbirth before we ever came close. The doctors didn't find anything out of the ordinary, but I know there's more to it. See, it must have been Celestia. I know she must have poisoned my wife.”

Luna frowned. “You can't claim that conclusively. It sounds to me like there isn't any proof for that theory. Are you sure you aren't just being paranoid?”

“Of course I'm paranoid!” Salvator suddenly screamed. “You don't know what happened, Luna! It was her! I know it! She didn't want me to have a family because she wants to cut me down any way she can!”

“Please, try and relax,” Luna said. “We're all just trying to piece this puzzle together. That's all.”

“Yeah, whatever,” the Salvator said with a huff. “Anyway, she died. I feared enormously for my young son's life because Celestia certainly wouldn't be above killing a child to make an example of me.”

“She'd never do that!” barked Twilight. “You're just crazy!”

“Twilight. Let him finish.” Luna told her.

“I might be crazy. I ain't denyin' it,” Salvator went on. “However I couldn't help but act out of fear for my boy. I had to give him away. The Apple's helped me find a good home for him. That was among the last requests I had for them before they died too. I gave them a basket with my son dreaming soundly inside. He looked so angelic, just laying there completely at peace. I remember when he first looked at me with those innocent golden eyes. Tore my heart in half to know I'd never get to see him grow up. The Apple's took him away and gave him to somepony they saw fit to raise him. That's the last I ever saw my boy. I never even had a chance to name him.”

“Oh Salvator...” consoled Luna. “That story is truly heart-wrenching. What color was he? Do you think you ever saw him on the streets without realizing it?”

“It's not likely. He had a beautiful alabaster coat and a mane of pure gold, same as his eyes. I left him with a serum that would permanently alter his genetic makeup. In short, it was an irreversible way to change his colors. So I suppose that maybe I've seen him once or twice before, but I'll never be able to know it. I wonder all the time what he's named, who he's become, what he's done with his life.”

Twilight marveled at the story. “So, that means he's just about Cian and I's age, right? Wow.”

“Aye. Maybe he's back in Halcyon. Maybe he's here in the army. Maybe he's dead. No way to know for sure.”

“Your Majesty, couldn't you have protected him?” asked Cian with conviction in his voice. “He was your son! How could ya have just given him away like that?”

“Hopefully you'll never have to understand, Cian,” he responded. “My choices won't make any sense until you've been in the exact same spot I was. I hope ya never will be.”

“That clears a lot up,” said Twilight, even though she hated Salvator. “There's still one enormous question I have, though.”

“Go ahead.”

“When you were reading Sombra's journal, he hinted that you were of royal descent before you ever settled Halcyon. I don't understand. How can that be?”

“I was,” he said. “I still am. Honestly, I'm surprised ya haven't figured this out yet. Aren't ya supposed to be smart or somethin'?”

Luna couldn't help but smile. “I thought you would have caught on by now too, Twilight.”

“What? What am I missing?” she shouted in annoyance. “This isn't funny!”

“I told ya! I am royal! I was royal here long before I was King of Halcyon!” Salvator explained again.

“How? Did you move to Equestria or something? Do you have any royal siblings?” grilled Twilight.

At this point, Salvator was laughing at her inherent naivete. “Yes, two!”

“Why weren't they exiled with you? Where are they now? What are their names?”

The gray king leaned in close to Twilight's face. “Oh my dear, they should be real familiar to ya. One of 'em is standin' right beside ya.”

Instantly the pieces fell into place. Sun, moon, and earth. Luna put her hoof on Salvator's shoulder. “Brother, you said that I don't know the whole story. What else did Celestia do? Please enlighten us.”